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26618512 No.26618512 [Reply] [Original]

How will this play out on Friday when shorters have to cover 100% of the market?
I know they are "legally obliged" to buy all stocks but does it mean that
>you can literally put a sell limit of 1M USD per share and it would get executed
Also how does it work if you are not fucking selling your share ? They can't force you at gunpoint to sell your share, and also not even contact every bagholder personally to tell them to sell
How does will this work in practice?
Was there ever a short squeeze of 100% of the market?

>> No.26618936


>> No.26618979

does it mean that you get 100% fucked if you didn't sell in that case?

>> No.26619564



>> No.26619664

If Melvin et al go bankrupt covering their shorts then the banks that made their investing possible will be on the hook to cover what they owe.
>What if they can't pay either?
Then we're probably looking at a federal bailout.

>> No.26620057

People will want to liquidate their shares at a decent price, you are seeing people selling their shares now at 100 to 140, there will 100% be people willing to sell their shares at 350 to 400 at EOW

>> No.26620182

I hope you bury those corrupt faggots
they deserve it

>> No.26620285

$3500 to 4000 EOY

>> No.26620341

What happens if enough people sell their shares? Is the party over?

>> No.26620375

Sure, but who gives a fuck?

>> No.26620421

The problem is that it's literally impossible for a few people cucking themselves to fuck everyone else, because GME is so overextended on shorts. So even the trannies that take $400/share or whatever won't stop the rest of us from getting $1000/share.

>> No.26620512

>redditors using options to manipulate a market forget than anyone else can use options
>I am very short
>I buy a bunch of calls to offset my short and limit my downside ahead of expiration

>> No.26620543

Is there any way of estimating what the high will be before all the shorts are bought, or do we have to use our gut?

>> No.26620572

The markets will crash because the government is going to have to step in, guarantee this was 100% engineered by China/Russia to hurt the U.S economy.

Redditor retards played right into their hands because they wanted to "stick it to the man".

>> No.26620579

If enough shares get dumped too soon the shorts will be able to cover at a lower price. I personally am hoping for ~350 - 400, though I have been aware of the Citadel dump, the best play, in my humble opinion, is to cover your initial and ride until 350. Don't set a sell order though, market makers will use that info to dump shares when it's convenient for them

>> No.26620611


>> No.26620648
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>federal bailout.
but how far would they go ?
Surely the US gov is not going to pay me a French guy to sell them back fucking GAMESTOP shares at 1M USD each

>> No.26620658

There must be, it's just that all the people that know the math are probably at work at Blackrock right now

>> No.26620706

>Dude infinite money lmao! Sell them for $1,000,000 per share!

I'm a retard when it comes to finance but there's no way this ends well. The fed will step in and unironically shut it down.

>> No.26620751

>>I buy a bunch of calls to offset my short
have you seen the price of calls?

>> No.26620772

So Waiting until Friday is gambling, and it’s not a near certainty?

>> No.26620790

if they do that then China wins. "haha aren't you guys suppose to be about FREE markets"

>> No.26620794

GameStop is a $6billion company. Can’t the banks cover that shit? That isn’t even that much

>> No.26620851

The banks get bailed out, the hedge goes bankrupt. GME corrects back to $20.

You get to sit on you dozen or so GameStocks and chuckle knowing the dollar is that much closer to Weimar level collapse

>> No.26620953

>You get to sit on you dozen or so GameStocks and chuckle knowing the dollar is that much closer to Weimar level collapse
How would that affect crypto?

>> No.26621051

>Redditor retards played right into their hands because they wanted to "stick it to the man".
Probably true, but why did the retard running the hedge fund double and possibly triple down on shorts after getting bail out money from other hedge funds? Is his penis that fucking small that he couldn't clear the books, take the L, and go get a job working for one of his friends?

>> No.26621090

They will certainly have to buy, which will certainly push up the price, what is uncertain is weather people will hold form now until then - or take their profits, which imo is unlikely. 90% sure the price will continue to rise

>> No.26621098

Where did you buy them?

>> No.26621100

I can literally sell my initial investment and leave 3k of shares hog tied. It's all covid shimmy money so the 6k stays.

>> No.26621116

Again, the problem is the average Anon does not have access to real time data. If we knew how high the SI% was, we could estimate when the high would be at. The best play in this situation for the average Anon is to be in a position where the initial is covered and then ride it out to where they are comfy; if it is not be ready to sell where your balls take you. I personally would aim at Thu./Fri.
Keep your eyes open and be quick on your feet, hope you are using a very liquid broker.

>> No.26621228


>> No.26621328

The more shenanigans and volatility that happens in the stock market the better it makes crypto look by comparison

>> No.26621359

You will see some kikery the likes of which we've never seen

>> No.26621375

ALSO, How reliably is ORTEX for real time SI% data? Yahoo Finance and the like are way too fucking outdated

>> No.26621424

If you slight a high functioning psychopaths they will not stop until you've been humiliated

>> No.26621511

prob some US broker that has contract with my French bank I assume

>> No.26621576

So joe Biden economy is gone feel the game stoped allready

>> No.26621600 [DELETED] 
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You fucking idiots really don’t understand how serious this is do you? You’re causing major institutions to lose billions of dollars and might even cause the grandparent loaning bank to go under. People will lose their homes, people’s mortgages and investments will be impacted as a result. There is a loser on every trade and mark our words at the end of the day it WILL be you

Enjoy retaining a lawyer and fighting off discovery for the next five years. Was it worth ruining your life for a 10x? Good luck explaining why you’re using words like “Jew” and “nigger” to a federal judge. Enough is enough and it’s about time someone took you man children down a notch.

>> No.26621610

yes OP it's your stock so you can set up the price no matter how crazy it is while shorters MUST buy

if they can't afford it the banks will cover it, if the banks can't afford it the government will

>> No.26621723
File: 294 KB, 1080x818, Screenshot_20210126-192556_Fidelity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats why I'm selling on Thursday after hours. Im not getting caught up in this bitch. Also how do I get around this rule on fidelity

>> No.26621772

Oh ok. My bank doesn't have trading, should I use etoro?

>> No.26621871

Calls drive up the stock price. They're also paying interest on the short at something ridiculous like 25-50 %. They also are forced to reduce or double down on their posiitionn as the price rises.. Time is on our side not theirs. The fire is encroaching on them in this game of chicken. Shareholders lose nothing by holding. Everything is against them, except for paperhands

>> No.26621878
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I want to believe but I really don't see how it's possible
what if I put 1M USD per share ? Surely they won't buy back at this level
so either
>due to some unknown mechanism, Melvin is suddently not obliged to buy back all shares
>due to some unknown mechanism, they force me to sell my share at a reasonable level
in all cases this seems to be unknown territory and not covered by regular finance
It's why I'm expecting that small investors like us will get fucked, because they will pull some emergency regulation out of their ass at the last minute

>> No.26621884

Nice. Maybe I should buy more tomorrow.

>> No.26621942

I've heard it's good
My bank asks me for 15% fees or some ridiculous shit to buy US stocks, I couldn't set up etoro in time

>> No.26622056

of course they will, but it's worth trying, companies are already going bankrupt because of this

>> No.26622071

Well, he's looking in the ugliest mirror ever created right now. Anons are calculating their minimum pull out amount in order to ruin him. The money almost seems secondary or irrelevant.

>> No.26622073

And also you really can't lose on this trade, unless you invest more than $3000
Even if it were to go to 0 (which is literally won't) you can write it off as a short term capital loss
The government is paying you to short the melvin jews!

>> No.26622088

Melvin is bankupt at $170 per gme so its literally dead tomorrow. It will be fucking domino and because of this a lot of wallstreet level scams will be exposed as it was in "08

>> No.26622157


>> No.26622161

Y'all are so fucking retarded. This baby is going 1,000 and there's nothing you can do about it

>> No.26622267
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>yfw they halt the stock tomorrow due to market manipulation done by foreign powers and/or antisemitism

>> No.26622270

When should I sell GME? Won't it crash after Friday when Melvin goes down?

>> No.26622276

>They can't force you at gunpoint to sell your share

>> No.26622299

The jews have infinite money and will always win in the end. Retarded redditors are not getting a bailout however

>> No.26622343


>> No.26622362


>> No.26622434

Man what a shame. If only the hedgefunder didn't shoot itself in the foot setting this up to be taken advantage of.

>> No.26622710

Who knows? Melvin has to keep putting up funds to last until Friday.

>> No.26622812

Alot of faggots flexing over $300 profit are gonna get waxed?

>> No.26623092
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Glow harder.

>> No.26623157

Robinhood let my post $1488 limit price

>> No.26623486
File: 29 KB, 624x491, images (9).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are they letting this happen? What's their plan? A bogdacrash?

>> No.26623697

They can't get waxed because they can write it all off on their taxes, unlike the faggot jewish shortsellers