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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 101 KB, 586x832, screenshot-twitter.com-2021.01.26-21_18_10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26617936 No.26617936 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.26618038

(((Jeremiah C. Owenstein)))

>> No.26618128

(((Wall Street types)))

>> No.26618228

>banks crash the housing market and the economy right in front of us
>lol no one went to jail who cares free government money boyz XD
>public pumps a single stock

>> No.26618291
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>crashes economy causing everyone to lose except the "jews" who always win even when they lose

>> No.26618293

It's not though, they are going to get government bailouts from Biden's Capital Gains jewery.

>> No.26618320
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Too big to fail.

>> No.26618327
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he thinks we care about the money
...it's always been about the games
power to the players

>> No.26618340

>funds illegally naked short
>poor plebs take advantage of it
>they're the bad guy

>> No.26618342

I seriously don’t get what the SEC would do? Can someone explain? People are just buying stock in an undervalued company. I bought because sentiment around it seems to be good and I think the price is going to go up. I also genuinely had no idea they brought in new board members like Fils Aime and Cohen until yesterday. These dudes really just don’t like getting got.

>> No.26618357
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Elon musk enters the battle

>> No.26618378

He seems somewhat nervous, why?

>> No.26618405


>> No.26618413

leddit did something good for once!

>> No.26618433

they all need to suffer

>> No.26618480

Anyone remember Herbalife? Icahn vs Ackman?
This is the exact same thing, except you all are Icahn.
>This is like when hackers deface goverments
>>You are the hackers
>>We are the government
Don't let this fool gaslight you.
HODL and make them pay you what you want.
Same thing they would do to you.

>> No.26618488


>> No.26618494

when the wagies and uber drivers and mcdonald workers come for YOUR multi-billion dollar parasitic hedge fund next you wont like it very much methinks

>> No.26618498
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>C. Owens

>> No.26618527


>> No.26618528

Yes everyone listen to the faggots with the spiderman profile pic

>> No.26618580

Isreal - all of it

>> No.26618614

Checkmarks can suck the poo poo out me asshole

>> No.26618670

i bought stock my robinhood app said is a good one to buy
wtf is he hoping the SEC does?

>> No.26618699


>> No.26618746

spiderman towels for everyone

>> No.26618779

These kikes will never ever admit they were in the wrong and made a bad call. Never.

This will keep happening over, and over again. We just need to take them out one by one.

>> No.26618829
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>neets are the new elites
>we exchange goods and services using exclusively LINK and Gamestop stock

>> No.26618846

What does he actually think the SEC is gonna do?
"A bunch of people bought a stock that a small number of similarly surnamed hedge fund managers were shorting! Oh no!"

>> No.26618910

wow I wonder if he has a short position on GME

>> No.26618963

SEC can’t do shit. It’s media kikes kvetching to try to bail out finance kikes. If people sell and bail the shorts close at a lower price.

>> No.26619047
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What do you guys think about $DDS and $BBBY? They look extremely shorted as well. Potential for squeeze?

>> No.26619095

lmao, hacking a fucking government website?

bro all I did was press a buy button on charles schwab and use my own money

>> No.26619105

The guy that screwed Ackman was one of the biggest shorts of Gamestop

>> No.26619220

More like
"The masses are gaining wealth at the expense of the elite!"
Which is enough to shut it all down. Retail trading is about to be illegal.

>> No.26619249

the irony

>> No.26619352

>before the SEC steps in

What can they do lel?
This has only been possible because hedge funds are both immoral and stupid. Excessive short selling beyond all reason has made them vulnerable to a situation like this.

>> No.26619373

Sure I'll sell. As soon as you hit my limit price. Which, if today's price action is any indication, should be right about.... Monday.

>> No.26619420
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>> No.26619612

fuck up faggot

>> No.26619618
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>> No.26619650

Make me pussy :^)

>> No.26619654

Someone elaborate this to me please, what the fuck is going on and where should I buy gme to cross the nose guys?

>> No.26619775


>> No.26619955 [DELETED] 
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You fucking idiots really don’t understand how serious this is do you? You’re causing major institutions to lose billions of dollars and might even cause the grandparent loaning bank to go under. People will lose their homes, people’s mortgages and investments will be impacted as a result. There is a loser on every trade and mark our words at the end of the day it WILL be you

Enjoy retaining a lawyer and fighting off discovery for the next five years. Was it worth ruining your life for a 10x? Good luck explaining why you’re using words like “Jew” and “nigger” to a federal judge. Enough is enough and it’s about time someone took you man children down a notch.

>> No.26619986

100% retarded noob to stocks, but have some money I dont mind losing if this doesnt work out. I dont mind putting 3-5k into GME and watching it disappear, but on the upside what could I expect if I held for 30-60 days

>> No.26619988


>> No.26620075
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>> No.26620113

Okay it is getting cool af where can i buy?

>> No.26620112

reddit did this
credit where credit is due

>> No.26620117

Holy fuck if the sec come down hard all these gains will go elsewhere like crypto lmao dude lmao
Crypto will literally rival the total market cap of gold by the end of this year

>> No.26620195

t. Melvin

>> No.26620203

go back and then kill yourself so that your liquidation gets me more bags.

>> No.26620228

GameStop has literally been shilled here in dedicated threads for months

>> No.26620245
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the retards on /biz/ will never admit they are shit at being ahead on money making moves

>> No.26620281

No. accept the truth
wsb orchestrated this beautiful event

>> No.26620299

This. Fuck banks, fuck hedges, fuck short-lets, Gamestop supremacy.

>> No.26620358

yeah it has been shilled here but biz would never ever be able to do with that what wsb has done
simple as, biz is irrelevant in this one

>> No.26620384

I'm a poor fag. Retired military. I was fucked up for a while and lost everything I had. Foreclosure/Bankruptcy everything. Slowly but surely I got better. I'm well enough to work again so I work two jobs as a janitor to support my wife and two sons. This year, we were even able to put some savings away. I started with $720 and I'm at $1350 currently. This is what I've been able to do as I dumb veteran on Robinhood. How would I go about buying Gamestop on Robinhood to try and get it in the morning before (and if) it goes way up. How safe of a bet is this? Is this just another "pump Doge" meme? Thanks for any advice or input for a rookie.

>> No.26620451

>my wife's sons

>> No.26620454

Quality post

>> No.26620461

(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Wall Street types)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

>> No.26620477

The elite can and do whatever they want. The media will make sure anyone who disagrees is an outcast. Those who dont understand stocks will turn to Colbert to see what their opinion should be.

>> No.26620497
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>> No.26620500

reason why /biz/ can't do this
only 1/3rd of us can go all in on something
once it reaches that capacity 2/3rd of /biz/ will see them as Shillers and Pajeets causing it to crash
it is impossible for us as a whole to go all in on something together
and whats worse is the /biz/ anon that gets in early rug pulls us all

>> No.26620527

Lol, our sons. Not hers with anyone else. Went for the Trad wife.

>> No.26620563
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>> No.26620621

Huge buy signal for GME. Honestly I've never read a stronger buy signal in my entire life.

>> No.26620626

fuck off le edgelord

>> No.26620757


>> No.26620762
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>hackers are hacking the stock market

>> No.26620779
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>> No.26620810

checked. /biz/ shouldn't be like this frens it hurts

>> No.26620814

start saying "hoes mad" but we really know that "hoes" is code for "jews" and it will be our little secret joke

>> No.26620823

Where can i by this shit niggers?

>> No.26620894

Good. One more twig on the fire about to make this mess of shit boil over.

>> No.26620903

Tha was no hacking or backdoor. It was a full frontal assault and 100% legal. Fuck them!

>> No.26620916

I fuck hoes every night so where can i buy this stonk tingy?

>> No.26620935

SPCE is being shorted more than AMC and BBBY and arguably is the biggest chance for a new short squeeze.

>> No.26620934


>> No.26620948

jokes on him, im fully prepared and was willing to take the risk with the amount of money I invested. if it doesn't hit a thousand, oh well. won't be the worst thing they've ever done to me.

>> No.26620960

It was reddit and ebaumsworld.

>> No.26620964
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Holy shit, Winklevoss chads are on the side of gamers. I'm glad I am living in this timeline.

>> No.26620965
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>they sold shares they didn't own.
>They sold more shares than the amount that actually exists, something like 138%.
>they have to cover their shorts, effectively buying the shares they don't own multiple times from multiple people.
>They were expecting to buy them at a later date but cheaper.
>retail investors, and most likely large firms quietly bought it all up, knowing melvin would have to buy it from them.
>Media shits on reddit and 4chan over kike greed biting kikes in the ass.
>Kike fund manages to get funding and actually doubles down on a shitty position, thinking it can't go on forever.
>actually jump from 40USD to 140USD. Friday they were 50billion in the hole at 40USD. at 140USD, lord knows.
>trading halted several times to try and keep from going too high.
>kevaching all day over "economic terrorism" because mr. smallhat can't stand being a bottom for once after making his living fucking everyone else.
You hate to see it.

>> No.26620973

you're absolutely right

>> No.26620997

Brainlet here, I don't get how banks and richfags are getting fucked by this, someone explain please.

>> No.26621036

"Yes, it was all reddit"

>> No.26621050


its not that simple, you also have to consider how many new shares can be created

i guess SPCE can create more new shares than AMC but im not sure

>> No.26621062


>> No.26621093

This. If you make money, you pay. If the banks lose money, you pay.

>> No.26621108

Short sellers massively overshorted Gamestop shares. To a genuinely insane degree. Reddit of all places found out, and started pumping the stock to the moon.

>> No.26621115

Can you explain? I thought it was just a matter of getting over 100% on short interest

>> No.26621153

>at 140USD, lord knows.

91 Billion.

>> No.26621170

>inb4 eveybosy sells tomorrow
I want to see doomsday

>> No.26621174


>> No.26621177

funniest thing to me is that these kikes cannot prove that even a single person on that entire subreddit bought anything, unless they go about it on illegal ways.
for all we know its just a bunch of noatalgic boomers trying to save their beloved game store from going bankrupt since their market value (((tanked))) these past months

>> No.26621197

Where to buy? Ausfag here

>> No.26621240

This. They were caught sticky their dick in the cookie jar and now we are simply closing the lid.

>> No.26621242
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>> No.26621244

the old system needs to die, in a violent fit if it needs be

>> No.26621247
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>bandwidth limit exceeded on highshortinterest

>> No.26621270

At GameStop, ask them at the counter for one stock

>> No.26621341

What is the SEC and what could they do? Is it a boogeyman or an actual risk?

>> No.26621421

5x by Monday but you probably shouldn't hold it that long.

>> No.26621526

boogeyman unless you're a mutt and even then they couldnt do shit
they are desperate

>> No.26621604

Honest advice: STAY THE FUCK AWAY
If you want to just throw your money away for the lulz, buy. This shit is going to result in a lot of investigations, and when one whale who started early gets out, this shit is going to crater.

>> No.26621622


>> No.26621641


>mfw the SEC halts trading after we show the Chairman the pictures we have

>> No.26621653

Yeah, fuck em hard

>> No.26621677

hes not wrong


>> No.26621687

Dude, shit the fuck up and stop trying to lead people away from GME. We know what your up to kike.

>> No.26621699

>couldn't do shit
Securities Exchange Act of 1934, Section 9. Although they wont go for all the little guys, there will be handcuffs for some. Also, they can freeze your US holdings, confiscate them, and ban you from the markets.

>> No.26621839


>> No.26621948
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hmmm yes, being investigated for the crimes of buying a stock

>> No.26621982

well the difference is they will unironically sue people who were into this while those in 2008 got off scott free.

but probably only the guys who started shilling this back then as first posts. so normies who flood it now should be fine.

>> No.26622013

One of the best things that the Q larp has done is instill distrust of the media to millions of boomers. Just wait until the Uncle Buck types start using Robinhood, who knows maybe they'll start cashing out equity in their homes to start trading in options/crypto.

GME is only the beginning, financial memes will be weaponized and it'll eventually reach the boomers. 2021 Q4 or 2022 Q1 is my prediction.

>> No.26622016


So now you're not allowed to post truthful information on the internet because the jewling might lose money?

>> No.26622053
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Nothing Illegal taking place on our end kike. Seethe

>> No.26622082

They borrowed more shares of GME than actually exist in the world, spending a small amount of money to do so, with the expectation that the price of each share would fall dramatically.

Austists bought, and are still buying, more physical shares than anyone would have expected. The price goes up because of demand. Now, the hedgies are desperate buy physical stock to cover the bets (gambling) they made using stock that didn't even exist. They aren't trying to profit, they are trying to limit their losses.

But they need buyers for their fake bags. If you hold your actual bags, the price will go up astronomically because they won't be able buy your bags at a lower demand (price)

Tldr: the kikes fucked up.

>> No.26622122


Don't let him scare you. We outnumber them by 99 percent :D.

>> No.26622208

Unironically this i think this degenerates should be criminally liable for this.
Hedge funds are fucking hedges they should invest in safe assets, not shorting a memestock.

How the fuck do hedge funds stock a low cap memestock?
Did this retards tough it was safe to gamble against a quantitative easing pumped market with other people money probably at that.

>> No.26622239


>> No.26622536
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>> No.26622587

wsb has literally 4chan on its description

>> No.26622628


>> No.26622662

nothing being done is illegal

>> No.26622695

>bunch of nobodies invest in gme

>> No.26622767

No, you're allowed to post truthful information. Its a felony to conspire to manipulate the market. Melvin Capital may be guilty of this, but so too would be anyone organizing the massive pump.

>> No.26622901

Oh fuck. Heard it here first

>> No.26622908

>Retail trading is about to be illegal.
Can you imagine the literal, actual, bloody class-war that would follow if such a thing were to ever happen?

>> No.26622923
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I just spent all day just trying to get money into my account, every online app is fucking up, every bank I went too was giving me errors, had to fucking get a goddamn check out and use that shit.
Something is going on.

>> No.26623034
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>> No.26623058

They are trying to save Gamestop by buying it. They want to own the company, and this hedge fund jerk is trying to stop them.

>> No.26623077

>Good luck explaining why you’re using words like “Jew” and “nigger” to a federal judge.

Reminder to address the judge and jury in your shitposts and bring them in as evidence.

Hey Judge, you're a fucking boomer and you are scum. You're sitting there in your little wig, as your saggy balls/beefcurtains are caught in your pants zipper while you pretend you don't know how pathetic you are. Come fight me one-on-one in the maccas carpark. You can even bring your gay little wooden hammer if you like.

Attention white members of the jury, you're likely a minority in the jury just like our own once-white country. You know the judge is a faggot and you can't help but notice the diverse and vibrant smell from the non-whites on the jury. They're also guaranteed sucking the commonwealth dry with welfare fraud. Let me off the hook and I'll shake your hand and call you a sick cunt legend. Then we'll lynch the niggers and take back our beautiful country.

>> No.26623106

Of course a board full of LARPing brokeass NEETs would pretend their lunch money had any effect on whats going on

>> No.26623135

Based and redpilled

>> No.26623148

There is no centralized coordination happening here. SEC can't do shit.

>> No.26623162

Extremely based

>> No.26623189

>but so too would be anyone organizing the massive pump
How is telling literal strangers to by X stock or Y stock illegal, exactly? Isn't that what "consultants" do for a living?

>> No.26623198


Found the Anglo. Yes, Canucks and Convicts and Kiwis count as Anglos. As do Irish.

>> No.26623217


Nobody is "organizing" a massive pump. People are just sharing information and doing their own conclusions based on that.

>> No.26623252

he's got nothing

>> No.26623304
File: 77 KB, 628x629, C524717A-E87B-4BF6-AAEF-E4F748D5446D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sir I will have you know that I have fond memories of GameStop as a child and I think it is a quite fine establishment. I truly think the stock is undervalued and I intend to purchase some more tomorrow

>> No.26623308

The most based post ive seen.

>> No.26623310


>> No.26623378

Then may have a totally communist world then. But at least they will suffer to have it this whole year.

>> No.26623395

quit making us americans look bad

>> No.26623442

Wow thanks I hadn’t considered that before. Still not selling. In fact I just bought 500 more shares.

>> No.26623451

>your website
Yah, I'm not out naked shorting distressed companies. Hobbling them and making sure any organic share recovery is impossible. So I guess I'll never know what it feels like unless I hop on and help rape this distressed hedge fund. I'll let him know if I can sleep at night.

>> No.26623468

I will trade you a Jewish roastie for fresh batch of stinky linkies my good sir

>> No.26623505

fuck em

>> No.26623571
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this I fucking hate banks and jews and the government so much it's unreal

>> No.26623586

Your broker of preference.

>> No.26623604
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>J owen

>> No.26623624

Checked just bought 100k PODALT

But seriously why did melvin have this short position then if it was so dangerous for everyone?

>> No.26623629

why are you so stupid

>> No.26623699 [DELETED] 



>> No.26623720

because gamestop is L I T E R A L L Y going bankrupt and has been operating at a loss for years

>> No.26623728


>> No.26623757
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hola? el departamento a basado?

>> No.26623758

Life goes. Everyone was thinking this would be flat dead now than Trumpetinos are out of the global scene... And now we are near a big breakout. And it came mostly from no other place but reddit.

>> No.26623819


>> No.26623844

Nah I got it off WSB. Its 135 billion at the price it is after market, unless there's a massive selloff in the morning at open.

>> No.26623854

Fucking based

>> No.26623859

>You’re causing major institutions to lose billions of dollars and might even cause the grandparent loaning bank to go under. People will lose their homes, people’s mortgages and investments will be impacted as a result
Ah. So what the banks did in 2008 then?

>> No.26623998

This will pop, do you like, or not. Brace yourself and redefine your strategy before is too late.

But until that happens, I've put my humble cent for the GMC cause.

>> No.26624015

That's the beauty of all of this. The SEC can't do shit without rugpulling the entire concept of a stock exchange, as free individuals deciding for themselves to buy and hold a stock is the fundamental basis of how a market works. You can't stop this without tossing away the entire concept of it being a market completely.

>> No.26624047
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The more they threaten and kvetch the more I hodl

>> No.26624055
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>> No.26624088


>> No.26624140

In 60 days it will be back to a realistic price like $25 or something. It is incredibly inflated now because it is viral and people know there are shorts that are getting squeezed. If you buy now you need to time your short term exit correctly and not think long term.

>> No.26624186

>Ah. So what the banks did in 2008 then?
Difference is this time the "plan" didn't came from them, but to bite them, in their flab arse.

>> No.26624248

This. I’m recouping my initial at $500 and then letting the rest ride into uncharted waters.

>> No.26624252

>Retail trading is about to be illegal.
Kek that would destroy the market even faster

>> No.26624288
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> communist
Ahem, I believe the term is "stakeholder capitalism", you fucking bigot!

>> No.26624310


>> No.26624444

SEC can do a 10 day halt on trading. It is extreme but they would probably wield that if this shit became ridiculous enough. It is getting very viral at this point. Wallstreetbets is growing rapidly on Reddit and it is now spreading like wildfire in Twitter. Retards that haven't ever owned stock before are buying in at this already ridiculous price and who knows when it will stop.

>> No.26624504

Why imagine when you can wait a few more days and see it?

>> No.26624592

also, thanks to fractional shares on apps like robinhood, the price of one share might as well be imaginary. it really is a perfect shitstorm and i'm loving the chaos.

>> No.26624623

I will be laughing all the way to the bank.

>> No.26624820
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Because you ignore us good jews since you're a bitter brainlet, goy. Hope you bought GME, AMC, & NOK :^)

>> No.26624892

>bidens america
nigger this economy has been running like this for YEARS now you are just some qanon spewing retard if you think that just because the person in office changes that magically the economy does as well

>> No.26624979


Decades. Longer even.

>> No.26624984


The Fed printers can't do much more printing. They might give them a loan, though.


>> No.26625127

ok nigger

>> No.26625173
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>> No.26625209

Get a load of this CLOWN that doesn't realize this is Biden's America

>> No.26625294

sure thing retard

>> No.26625320

I call you a nigger!
I call you a jew!
I post as I snigger
while I'm taking a poo!

>> No.26625334

>Tldr: the kikes fucked up.

>> No.26625360

Dont post reddit memes bro, reddit is the one who orchestrated this.

>> No.26625365

"wallstreet types" will scream in pain as they strike you.

>> No.26625402

I call you a nigger!
I call you a jew!
I post as I snigger
while I'm taking a poo!

>> No.26625466

So this is a honey pot right?

>> No.26625511
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>Reminder to address the judge and jury in your shitposts and bring them in as evidence.

Hey Judge, you're a fucking boomer and you are scum. You're sitting there in your little wig, as your saggy balls/beefcurtains are caught in your pants zipper while you pretend you don't know how pathetic you are. Come fight me one-on-one in the maccas carpark. You can even bring your gay little wooden hammer if you like.

Attention white members of the jury, you're likely a minority in the jury just like our own once-white country. You know the judge is a faggot and you can't help but notice the diverse and vibrant smell from the non-whites on the jury. They're also guaranteed sucking the commonwealth dry with welfare fraud. Let me off the hook and I'll shake your hand and call you a sick cunt legend. Then we'll lynch the niggers and take back our beautiful country.

>> No.26625594

ngl i love mumbai street shitting songs

>> No.26625600

They don't need to print that much if they take half your gains.

>> No.26625645

The jury has reached a verdict Your Honour. Not guilty and based as fuck!

>> No.26625701
File: 177 KB, 888x535, melvin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26625733

not the heckin pumparino

>> No.26625990

I'm going to unironically do this from now on

>> No.26626074

hoes mad

>> No.26626098


70% of the fund was shorting GameStop, they deserved to get fucked

>> No.26626118

Most based post

>> No.26626199

They can always go back to Israel, then they'll come back and milk us later

>> No.26626275

Brought GME at 17$ and sold at 140$
I dont like you, but thanks Reddit!

>> No.26626365

>vidya faggots moved on from bashing journalists (Gamergate) to hedge funds
wew, what's gonna be the next step?

>> No.26626433

>I'm glad I am living in this timeline.
This timeline was great until the electoral fraud

>> No.26626434
File: 71 KB, 986x797, kekekeke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26626550

>because gamestop is L I T E R A L L Y going bankrupt
Not anymore lmfao

>> No.26626636
File: 102 KB, 1124x642, EssRJL6U4AAYxIS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even Burry seem to be afraid of what might be coming for him for starting this whole thing

>> No.26626638
File: 374 KB, 709x649, 1611286724685.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Holy fuck they can eat a bag of shit. The people running that clown show should be mocked for eternity.

>> No.26626719
File: 146 KB, 917x871, 15812251774091.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have we been wrong about reddit?

>> No.26626799

No. They will never make anything of value.

>> No.26626868

>melvin has kidnapped me and are forcing me tweet this at gunpoint

>> No.26626973

Digits confirm. Reddit did one good thing at least.

>> No.26626977

>Even Burry seem to be afraid of what might be coming for him for starting this whole thing
Imagine being presented the infinitely rare opportunity in life where your very own creation looks back at YOU, and asks YOU, "WHO ARE YOU?" and "WHAT ARE YOU MADE OF?", and instead of actually engaging in growth and evolution, you react in a knee-jerk fashion, screaming and smashing everything around you next you cannot deal with ACTUAL CHANGE and the opportunity for LIBERATION.

>> No.26627040

This is the most based post i have ever seen on the internet.

>> No.26627054

Reddit possessed a hive mind that cause popular opinions to grow and dissenting opinions to be silence with their upvotes. This is incredibly more powerful for pumping a stock than a structure like 4channel.org. It could only ever happen on Reddit.

>> No.26627077

truly the greatest timeline

>> No.26627098

This. We're crashing their plane with no survivors.

>> No.26627167

Crossboarder here. I don't know jackshit about /biz/ or stocks, but as I understand you fucked up Gamestop and (((Wall Street))). I want to thank you. Salute the mar- /biz/anons!

>> No.26627287

Dangerously based

>> No.26627374
File: 597 KB, 1600x1200, 1611604913857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry michael coom cat and cat food man are on their way to save you

>> No.26627510

Thank you for bringing down the kikes - friendly /pol/non

>> No.26627568

yeah it doesnt seem like you can afford it buddy. The risk aint worth it at those small fry numbers, and odds are you're jeopardising your family throwing that money away into a retard meme.

>> No.26627634

kek same
/pol/a/ck/ here to say fuck jews

>> No.26628103
File: 208 KB, 960x960, 1611273906007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me: "Your honor, I confess I bought GME stock because of hilarious fish eyed lens pictures of a cat that made his nose big."

Prosecutor: " Youre shitting me right?"
Defense Attorney: " You're shitting me right?"

100% honest truth. I bought $5k back in the summer for this reason.

>> No.26628122

imagine working for your journalist degree in 2013 and here in 2020 your reporting on fucking memes

>> No.26628180

I sold everything and moved to crypto, I'm not dealing with the SEC

>> No.26628181

Just bought in for $5, lads. Can't wait to make it.

>> No.26628216


Fucking stop it! Jeremy Owens has a solid Fucking reputation!

He is a great Fucking financial reporter!

>> No.26628386

Eh. I'm not that torn up about it anymore. Biden and co will bring so much more insanity tearing this country apart it'll have been worth it for everyone who loves watching a good shitshow

>> No.26628629

Would that actually do anything? Would they hope people just forget? Wouldn't it just give normies more time to transfer so now everyone is buying at once?

>> No.26628852

Open vid, see the nose...AHAHAHAHAHAHAAH!!!!!!!

>> No.26628941

"nose mad"

>> No.26628975
File: 100 KB, 386x491, s-shut it down.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh no no, cant let the goyim are participate in our games!

>> No.26629097

but I do cheer on the hackers when they do these things. Anon idk why I'm this way, why am i so sick?

>> No.26629159

based and burn checked

>> No.26629302

You guys realise some people like Melvin are unironically going to end themselves when friday comes around, right?

>> No.26629341
File: 1.83 MB, 333x358, 886.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That aside, I have no intention to buy gme because it's clearly a pump and dump. But fuck wallstreet. I hope they all get liquidated.

>> No.26629425

Checked for ebin rollercoaster

>> No.26629572
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>> No.26629677

>being white and successful: why this is a problem for Jewish kikes

>> No.26630023

>Jews don't control the stock market
>Don't fuck with the stock market, that's antisemitic

>> No.26630127


>> No.26630143

these fags literally cannot write an article without callings someone a racist or a white supremecist whether it be sports or politics or fucking finance

>> No.26630156

based, and same, this shitshow is only about to get started

>> No.26630165

this can't be real

>> No.26630215

Destroy them. Reddit made me smile for once. This will be the first time I buy anything because of ducking Reddit.
Maybe we’re not so different.

>> No.26630293


>> No.26630298

wish it was real, would be hilarious

>> No.26630319


>> No.26630364

>reddit does something cool
>4chan is now trying to claim it as theirs
probably the most cringe shit i've ever seen.

>> No.26630425

must be new, HAS to be new

>> No.26630457

this place has been literally red for almost 10 years

>> No.26630516


Fake and Gay

>> No.26630538
File: 31 KB, 720x361, 2ohgg5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be laid off
> be low middle class
>buy one share at 210

Im doing my part bros

>> No.26630540

Go see the wsb description right now

>> No.26630586
File: 144 KB, 220x262, hg5ytrd.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26630664

the pinacle of based and truth

>> No.26630705


>> No.26630714


>> No.26630728

>getting a shoutout from OP
Pretty happy tbqh, as someone who's currently rangebanned; here's another of my posts from another thread you might like, it's in relation to Michael "vagina-like" Burry:

>Even Burry seem to be afraid of what might be coming for him for starting this whole thing
Imagine being presented the infinitely rare opportunity in life where your very own creation looks back at YOU, and asks YOU, "WHO ARE YOU?" and "WHAT ARE YOU MADE OF?", and instead of actually engaging in growth and evolution, you react in a knee-jerk fashion, screaming and smashing everything around you next you cannot deal with ACTUAL CHANGE and the opportunity for LIBERATION.

>> No.26630853

Yes, deciding to trade because a public forum post said to do it is insider trading.

Crazy, do you realize how fucking beyond fucked we are if the SEC goes after you on that? At that point, why even would you want to live in this country?

>> No.26630981

ummm sorry sweaty we're going to be living in an ethnostate soon

>> No.26631109

i've been trying to tell them to change that shit for months but got downvoted instead

>> No.26631161

>But they need buyers for their fake bags. If you hold your actual bags, the price will go up astronomically because they won't be able buy your bags at a lower demand (price)

>> No.26631322

so, do we hold, or sell on the 29th?

>> No.26631369

>oh, you thing this thing is funny? Well, what if the situation was completely different in a way I made up in my head for this exact argument

>> No.26631379
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>> No.26631403

>Reminder to address the judge and jury in your shitposts and bring them in as evidence.

>> No.26631423

how much more money and funding can they pump into this>?

>> No.26631477

Dude, idk maybe GameStop comes back cuz of this. It looks lit

>> No.26631578

Half the posts here are telling jews to get into the oven

>> No.26631735

well maybe they should????

>> No.26631754
File: 1.79 MB, 1200x872, 1609887275220.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26631831

Cunt, what the fuck are you even trying to imply? I truly hope you aren't attempting to invalidate my experience as a free-thinking agent - my conscious experience is necessarily personal to myself and unavailable/unknowables to others.

>> No.26631840


>> No.26631948

4chan scorns Reddit. Instead, we should focus on figuring out how to hijack the Reddit hivemind.
The hivemind is our enemy, but it has the potential to become a useful tool, if we learn how to control it.

>> No.26631962

ignorant about stock markets here with some questions:
1-From who did the hdge fund got the stocks to begin with?
2-Who are the people with money in this hedge fund?
3- Did this hdge fund had other stocks and is there a possibility they will have to sell them and crash the price of those?

>> No.26632012
File: 67 KB, 600x480, 021DFB33-B8FF-4510-A3B6-9D8E70C8049A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My kike detector is measuring off the charts!

>> No.26632035
File: 535 KB, 4200x1860, 1611713154525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26632168

It was ebaumsworld lurk moar

>> No.26632185

Journalism (at least for burgers) died on 9/11

>> No.26632204

explain this

>> No.26632231

Fuckin dabbed on nibba
B&R bro

>> No.26632309

the things reddit do are decent and good things sometimes come out of it, but reddit itself is disgusting, every time i tried using it i found myself getting bored because all of it just seemed fake
then you compare it to other websites and things just seem to get worse and worse, but now even this site is getting worse, but somehow no matter how bad this gets its still better than even the best of the worst of other sites
reddit is better than most sites but its still well off from being good

>> No.26632335

Hold. 400 was the original valuation but with the absurd momentum who knows where it'll go. The funds make the worse by doubling down on their shorts too.

>> No.26632376
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>> No.26632381

Wait, I don’t get it. How is buying GameStop anti Semitic?

>> No.26632408

it was YTMND you fuckin newfags

>> No.26632437

What's that? You missed out on the gamestop short squeeze?


>> No.26632447

I'd just like to point out that half the sentences in this faggot's series of tweets are directly derived from 4chan memes or old /b/ shenanigans. Cultural victory is complete.

>> No.26632469

>"oh shit, as a big name I might get reamed by the SEC over the Frankenstein's monster I've created, better damage control"

>> No.26632556

/wsb/ did. They’re just much bigger than us and no pajeet scams. Plus /wsb/ says retard a lot.

>> No.26632558

Damn this hit deep, nigger

>> No.26632574

I would take $1000 dollars and set it on fire if it meant putting a hurt on these demons like they've never been hurt before.

>> No.26632605

death to israel

>> No.26632671

Nah we had the capitol siege and boomers mass redpilled about muh republicans. We’re on the best course.

>> No.26632711
File: 28 KB, 553x569, 1611100149868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you for real?
Sheeeeit another housing collapse?

>> No.26632737

The market is literally being propped up by stimulus gibs dat and Robinhood and friends, that would just signal it's demise.

>> No.26632786

You need to be a Power Up Rewards (tm) member

>> No.26632874

Holy fucking shit, nice post lad

>> No.26632880
File: 54 KB, 482x369, no fucks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly. They're being reminded that they're not above us plebs. Fuck them.

>> No.26632888

(((They))) wouldn't dare.

>> No.26632935

they had to sell tons of alibaba stock to cover their ass, causing a crash on the price just that alibaba is a safe company so the price went right back up

>> No.26632939

someone dumping a massive amount of stock at once will lower its value, buying a huge amount will do the opposite

>> No.26632942

i think you mean nigger, newfriend

>> No.26632957

Well put, anon.

>> No.26632989

Zoomers are honestly the greatest generation since the Great one. We have a chance to continue these moonshots but all of us are just teaming up to fuck the jew no matter what. They must be really really afraid.

>> No.26633004


>> No.26633068

9gag army did this, faggot

>> No.26633152

9gag couldnt buy snow from a Inuit

>> No.26633216

badass and brave

>> No.26633332

are those retards buying to fuck over wall street or are they buying to make profit? I have never owned stock before and I'm going to stay out of it because I know I would bitch out and sell

>> No.26633371
File: 58 KB, 500x280, 1DDE431E-9866-4BD1-AFE9-D5B54A03B37D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually I love to see it

>> No.26633401

50% on GME and 50% on Chainlink

>> No.26633493
File: 438 KB, 1130x900, 1611709447860.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh, you wanna see Brave?

>> No.26633505

no, the only reason reddit hasn't banned WSB is because they're commies who love that they're sticking it to the man

>> No.26633519

The zog machine will bleed profits are just a bonus at this point

>> No.26633598
File: 115 KB, 1024x458, 1611518885773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based. Also never forget pic related.

>> No.26633641

its fake you mong

>> No.26633671

chicken and egg you dense faggot

>> No.26633769

Any Canada bros here? I have a TSFA with RBC with 0.00 in it, can I use this for buying stocks etc or do I need to make another regular direct investing account?

>> No.26633792

Please do not put your small amount of savings into this. This stock has no logic or reason behind it right now. It’s only for people with money to burn.

If you really really want to get in on it put like $20 in fractional shares. Don’t blow your savings on it at this point.

>> No.26633856

Trump lost. This is Biden's America now. Enjoy your vote.

>> No.26633887

Apparently a lot of commies on Twitter are getting in on it to stick it to the hedge funds.

>> No.26633900

Biden won. Get over it.

>> No.26633970


>> No.26634016

Journalists started it. Hedge funds started it. Gamers play to win. Not our fault that they both are DSP-tier losers.

>> No.26634151

Post a pic of the cat fren

>> No.26634191

yeah tbqh im still not over it, but this week has definitely helped me COPE