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26616988 No.26616988 [Reply] [Original]

Aren't just a handful of firms getting fucked if everything goes as planned? Or will more organisations be affected by it? Explain please.

>> No.26617374

I just wanted to say I always thought that stocks were for gambling addicts and Jews.
Just bought my first share, barely more than a single share of GME at 200$.
Not expecting it to proliferate but I feel like I’m making a donation to stick it to the yids.
Also bout 40 AMC.

>> No.26617590

its a chain reaction, a domino effect

>> No.26617656

Only Americans will get fucked by market crashes like this. The Chinese and Russians are laughing at you Redditor retards.

>> No.26617790

>SH0a ID
KEK kill yourself jew

>> No.26617989

bump for answer

>> No.26618522
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outside of the hedge fund and co possibly being liquidated, there will not be any additional 'market movement'. we will probably see this war on hedgefunds continue for the next few months/year until they maybe outright ban short selling.
all the fud you see going around now is mostly larpers and paid shills ( you think someone with 3B invested is going to not try everything to get people to sell or not buy).