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26612248 No.26612248 [Reply] [Original]

a precedent has been established, the economic downfall has started.

>> No.26613085

Why? Crypto?

>> No.26613133

Are you talking about GME shenanigan's.

>> No.26613637

Let's not get ahead of ourselves, this is an amazing fuck you to jew street and I really look forward to hearing about a bunch of hedgies roping in the news, but this is ultimately just a bloody nose for the big boys
One they won't allow to happen again

>> No.26613736

>the economic downfall has started.
No, everyone must put all their money in first. Then it can crash. Right now people are scrambling to throw money at the stock market.

>> No.26613784

Isn't it just 1 or 2 firms that get fucked? Some explain please.

>> No.26613789

April, you have been warned

>> No.26613799

nah, a total market crash is incoming, you guys don't really understand the consequences of your actions huh?

>> No.26613893

are they going to ban individuals from buying stock? lol

>> No.26613972

>not a single financial article mention this
>not a single fin news network mention this
>no financial analyst mentions this
>everyone applauds them on outsmarting the system

So what are the sings? Why is nobody talking about it? How can it possibly crash?

>> No.26614047

I don't even think that's possible, there'd be riots. Rights don't want authoritarian govt and lefts do not want authoritarian closed market capitalist.

>> No.26614074

>This is ultimately just a bloody nose for the big boys
>One they won't allow to happen again
Everyone knows how to fight/punch/defend, until they get HIT; see McNuggets for a recent example.

>> No.26614081

Def, might make it a lot harder, introduce rules that don’t allow even yolo pumping, allow companies to exist ridiculed short positions

>> No.26614104

You know, the Jews are petty enough that I believe they’ll do it just to fuck everyone. They can always print more money for themselves. Now that the goyim have made off with some of their wealth, they must punish everyone until they learn their lesson to keep their hands out of the kikejar

>> No.26614134

Where were they in 07-08?

>> No.26614280

that would be a pretty hard sell, bro

>> No.26614291

This is just the beginning

>> No.26614324


Do you actually understand what happened here? What a short squeeze is?

They won't make the mistake they made that allowed this meme crusade to happen in the first place again

This is based, but stop being newfags please and give yourself a basic financial education

>> No.26614333

Holy shit how do you know my name

>> No.26614405

The short squeeze hasn't happened yet.

>> No.26614460

All they need to do is force the hedgies to take the loss. If they shut it down people will riot, if they force the hedgies into the loss, we become richer, old money loses out, it's win-win for everyone except from a handful of hedges

>> No.26614512

There wont be riots. There wont be protests. The media will have society demanding further control and they will call those that played "white suppremisists". Rappers and actors will tweet support for wallstreet. And anyone who questions the narrative will be shunned and will feat losing their jobs.

>> No.26614546

hedge funds not doing naked shorting anymore would be pretty epic too. that's how they make a lot of their money.

>> No.26614601

Some of them did warn about bubble, some of them did say it was dangerous, people didn’t listen, prob just like now

>> No.26614613

It'll just limit yoloing to accredited investors. This will ensure that it goes in slow enough motion that they can't get trapped, or that the yoloers are big enough to fine.

>> No.26614614
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Deal with it

>> No.26614699

Nothing is going to happen
They will just get bailouts

>> No.26614702

Yeah, it would be rather amusing if the long term result of this is wall street being forced into a (slightly) more ethical mode

>> No.26614728

Are you retarded? Preventing people from buying stocks will benefit no one, the market would collapse from the outrage alone, never mind the riots.

>> No.26614737

Ofc I do, this is why it is one in a lifetime opportunity

>> No.26614747

>There wont be riots.
Of course not. If people haven't fought back by now, they never will.

>> No.26614769

It's funny that they don't get this. Billions in cash is being spent to try and escape it. In cash. Not equities or assets or IOUs. Cash. When the actual squeeze happens there may just be a liquidity crisis in the parent banks of the parent hedge funds that have to bail out their children.

>> No.26614814

So stupid though, fking ell, I can see it happening

>> No.26614888
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You will be banned from buying stock and you will be happy.
Leave trading to the experts.

>> No.26614957
File: 132 KB, 1544x910, Screenshot from 2021-01-27 00-36-13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at the market action yesterday.
When GME pops, which it inevitably will it might draw the market with it.
Because while GME is being heavily shorted, the Russell 3000 is heavily longed.

>> No.26614975

You really think govt shutting down investing outside of firms won't stir up shit? That'd mean there's literally no route to make money other than waging it, since the property market is fucked too. Everyone below 30 will be fuming

>> No.26614988

Yeah basically, I'm more talking to the excited teens who think this is somehow going to crash the US economy or something

I still think anons should buy some GME stonk before tomorrow morning

>> No.26615078

Yeah it's not surprising that calling for keeping a potential source of destabilization of the financial system unchecked is not going to be supported by those dependent on the system.

>> No.26615176

We just wanted to play video games

>> No.26615179

Reminder collapsing the U.S. economy is what the Russians and Chinese want. The only people this shit will harm are the common folk.

>> No.26615212

I don't. If governments can shut down businesses for months with minimal resistance, what can't they do?

>> No.26615240

Melvin? Is that you?

>> No.26615485

The masses will do and think exactly what their football players and singers tell them to.

>> No.26615580

>"Your actions"

>> No.26615636

Pandemic is one thing, they're doing it for our health. Even if you don't agree with that, or you're so schizo you think it doesn't exist, you still need to accept they claim it's for our health

If they put laws to close the market to individuals, therea no reasonable excuse for that other than protecting the rich. Everyone below 30 will be angry left or right, anyone above not in the top 10% will be too. Anyone above it will realise it means it sucks for their shares too, especially people like musk. Anyone with a sense of freedom will be pissed. The only people this protects are hedgies. And they'd exploit it to piss otf everyone else who wasnt already pissed off

>> No.26615739
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>this happening
>I'm buying into a guaranteed 5-10x coin with 50% of my portfolio


>> No.26615799

Not only that but open market is a fundamental thing. Countries would be forced to abandon America

>> No.26615814

im not american i dont care homo

>> No.26616153

See, the key word is might. The other guy was talking with certainty before

>> No.26616216

They have complete control of society. They can make up whatever excuse they want and the people will not only believe it but will outcast anyone who doesnt. What fucking world do you live in? You still believe the shutdowns were for OUR benefit? You still believe the media and politiicans?

>> No.26616237

If that was really the case you wouldn’t allow blm riots for months, close down economy due to meme virus and orchestrate a sketchy election

>> No.26616376

You're essentially asking an arsonist if they don't understand the consequences of lighting buildings on fire.

>> No.26616477

Retard they need support from the masses, if you tell everyone coming up they can't make money without gettinf fucked then they will 100% riots. No country will back america in a closed market, companies will flee for china and the EU.

>> No.26616517

Thats the fucking point. This is all manipulated and on purpose. Do you think a website that is almost all shills and bots - a site whose sole purpose is to control the opinions of the masses, would allow something like this to happen? Do you think our leaders are just joking when they blatantly tell you the Great Reset is coming? Jesus, people like you piss me the fuck off.

>> No.26616543

>Countries would be forced to abandon America
good? name one thing wrong with this

>> No.26616672

The economy will crash there for one.

>> No.26616690

This. GME is a good sucker punch in the middle of their jew noses. But it will never happen again. They will never allow themselves to be so exposed or they will just ban retailers from buying from the stock market.

>> No.26616714

>economy crashes
>i short
alright next

>> No.26616717

Why does china want their economy to collapse?

>> No.26616788

They will get support from the masses. They were able to get support from the masses for children taking puberty blockers without parental consent. They can manipulate the people to believe anything.

>> No.26616792

more theatre
the real puppeteers are well prepared
just throwing a few fellow kike competitors under the bus

>> No.26616820

Good luck in the NA wastelands

>> No.26616868

thanks, im looking forward to manufacturing and selling bulk LSD out of my compound in [REDACTED] while i stockpile water and supplies. should be fun

>> No.26616879
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You fucking idiots really don’t understand how serious this is do you? You’re causing major institutions to lose billions of dollars and might even cause the grandparent loaning bank to go under. People will lose their homes, people’s mortgages and investments will be impacted as a result. There is a loser on every trade and mark our words at the end of the day it WILL be you

Enjoy retaining a lawyer and fighting off discovery for the next five years. Was it worth ruining your life for a 10x? Good luck explaining why you’re using words like “Jew” and “nigger” to a federal judge. Enough is enough and it’s about time someone took you man children down a notch.

>> No.26616886

>The Russell
Who fucking cares? Bunch of small stocks that only retards own.

>> No.26616950

China is heavily benefited if the comparative power of the American economy is damaged. They'll still sell us products, just at higher profit margins while the burger economy loses it's leverage and buying power

>> No.26617014

boring bait, keep it for pol

>> No.26617017

agreed, this is going to unfortunately result in a massive crash
not to mention now they will probably implement some restrictions on retail accounts trading options

to all you WSB faggots here, literally go fuck yourselves. Hope you burn in hell.
t. an actual options trader

>> No.26617241

>agreed, this is going to unfortunately result in a massive crash
Lmao stay poor

>> No.26617274

short it then faggot

>> No.26617342

mad because you're not in on it, lol

>> No.26617585

I'm richer than you faggot
It is impossible to short using options because they are expensive as fuck
nope, I never touch some small cap shit like this. I only trade index options or big companies. I am also never buying OTM options like wsb retards.

>> No.26617692

Hope it does crash so fags like you eat shit.

>> No.26617740

>everyone listened to Michael Burry pre-2008

>> No.26617765

it's too late to play nice
burn it all

>> No.26617928
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>he didn't get that joke

>> No.26617985

>When the actual squeeze happens
GME >$3000

>> No.26618057
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>> No.26618075

are you retarded? A crash does not hurt me at all, in fact, if the market crashed 99% tomorrow I would make an insane amount of money.
keep gambling with the rest of the retards faggot, you will be broke before EOY

>> No.26618214

If the entire global financial system depends on gay bear Melvin, then I don’t give a shit about the global financial system.

>> No.26618259

your P&L glows red

>> No.26618308

The world needs another 1929.

>> No.26618467

>good citizens starve
>jews buy dip
>survivor citizens recover through time
>jews gain now have more power than ever before
yeah, no

>> No.26618737

>doing it for our health
You'll believe whatever you're told as evidenced by the above.
They'll tell you that retail investing needs temporary restrictions to fight white supremacy or for our collective economic heath or whatever and you'll comply and change your facebook picture filter to "SAVE WALL ST" and do a tiktok dance.

>> No.26618843

Exactly, only babies are scared of market crashes. They are literally a tool to buy low on a coin with guaranteed success

>> No.26619404

I think those people you are referring to have white privelege, and everyone should be on an even playing field! Racial equity :)

>> No.26619828

If it leads to banning naked short selling, and another OWS , but this time, openly anti-pc, i'm game.

>> No.26619991

im enjoying your tears you kike nigger

>> No.26620459

Don't care, still buying GME.

>> No.26621132

>I only trade index options or big companies.
who the hell cares? I hope you watch Boomer pensions evaporate and neck