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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 23 KB, 654x254, amc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26608718 No.26608718 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.26608915

$50 next week

>> No.26608913

Dumb money think it's the same thing as GME or BBBY. Problem is AMC has been a shit company for a decade plus and their industry is shrinking and AMC has tons of run down theaters.

>> No.26608991

That's why it's gonna go up to hundred dollars GET IN GET IN GET IN


>> No.26609086

This. Will most likely go into mid double digits soon. AMC was around $30 a couple years ago. They just raised a billion cash and no bankruptcy risk

>> No.26609158


> All kikes screaming trying to get you to buy their bags.
> GME up 140 since 9 am.

>> No.26609255

AMC is pumping hard and will moon. No one at AMC is holding bags you fucking shill. GME is nearing the top

>> No.26609324
File: 13 KB, 263x250, rare_king_wart_by_mast3r_rainb0w_dczo8xa-250t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we will beat reddit this time

>> No.26609390

Do you really think any of this is attached to the real economy?

>> No.26609406

just some false flag to try to distract and divide the crowd into GME by putting honey on other stocks
They did it with PLTR, BB, BBBY too, yesterday i fell for one of those and put some of my money on that.
Of course it's doing shit

>> No.26609439

AMC is a Jewish distraction away from GME

>> No.26609512

The hedgies must be really fucking scared.

>> No.26609547

Why not buy both, retard?

>> No.26609614

I'm buying both. I'm a new comer who's late to the party anyway so it doesn't even hurt

>> No.26609652

Come on pump bitch I bought yesterday

>> No.26609761

PLTR is a long running meme. It's a good investment period. If you think this is the first time it's been shilled you haven't been following anything. Even mainstream financial news projects it to be $300+ in the next 5 years.

>> No.26610346


GME is literally controlled by a jew Ryan Cohen

>> No.26610544

everything you said about AMC apart from rundown theaters applies to GME too, no?
none of these moves have any basis in reality and it's been like that for months. nikola, that car rental company, GME, now AMC
get in now or stay poor

>> No.26610791


maybe they can repurpose their theater into futuristic fast food restaurant+ theater combo

>> No.26610822

If you weren't a numbskull you would know the bear case for GME had been massively overblown.

>> No.26610961

>AMC has been a shit company for a decade
What do you think GameStop has been doing?? the point is it makes MONEY retard, who gives a fuck about fundamentals

>> No.26611008
File: 100 KB, 584x471, fae20f3e2374952904e83f4456157207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinks GME is a well run organization

>> No.26611228

You retards will be crying.

>> No.26611330

AMC eliminated downside risk by raising capital. Vaccine out which will bring back new normal. Surge in movie goers due to being pent up at home seeking experiences. It was the second most shorted stock on the market after GME. It’s going to get squeezed as well.

>> No.26611392
File: 162 KB, 640x725, 1611579938684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A massive distraction to prevent more FOMOs from buying more GME.

AMC is shorted... but NOWHERE near the degree of GME. Melvin shills are desperately trying to meme the memesters into looking at other stocks.

>> No.26611750

Shit company or no, they have a massive amount of real estate and i've seen a few things mentioning them being interested in opening theaters in China. That, coupled with no bankruptcy, and a CEO who is super confident makes it a stock i want to get behind. There's something going on here. Fuck the fundamentals

>> No.26611815
File: 90 KB, 600x402, 1611668398938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

M8... GME is about the shorts. That's it. Period.

AMC is shorted but NOWHERE near the degree of GME. They're literally shorted over 140%!!! Whats happening with GME is a once in a lifetime opprutunity. Has NOTHING to do with the company or management whatsoever. It's all hedgies.

>> No.26611886


>> No.26611990

>GME literally owned by a Cohen
Come home to AMC white man...

>> No.26612064

You guys are fucking idiots for not buying AMC. We've been in corona for the past how many years and this movie theater company easily got 100 million in funding? They got something serious cooking you're gonna miss out. Who the fuck funds a movie theater lmao

>> No.26612140

AMC short interest is like 60%

its not going to happen, but who can blame the retards for trying.

>> No.26612249

>GME is nearing the top
literally still 130% short interest on TOTAL OUTSTANDING SHARES - 260% ON FLOAT
lmao it hasnt even started

>> No.26612267

>crap video game store everyone hates
>chinese movie theater locked down for months
>phone company that was big 30 years ago
yes it is the pulse of the real economy

>> No.26612370

lol these crypto idiots suddenly think they understand meme magick in the stock market. we've been memeing money into existence in /smg/ for a long time mate.

>> No.26612386

this is the start of the blowoff top of the stock market. it begins with useless crap stocks>>26612267
and ends with apple going 100% in a week

>> No.26612626
File: 208 KB, 847x288, 2021-01-26_17-10-18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when does Wall St start jumping out of skyscrapers?

>> No.26612943

>Even mainstream financial news projects it to be $300+ in the next 5 years.
Glad I got in at IPO
Maybe I'll grab more next time I have money to invest.

>> No.26613033

You have still time to get in man

>> No.26613466

So if I have a 1/29 call for AmC at 4.5 what happens to me on Friday? Do I have to buy or can I sell the call?

>> No.26613693

redpill me on RYCEY