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26604866 No.26604866 [Reply] [Original]

Someone explain why exactly this is going to go to $1000 before it pops

>> No.26605022

(((Melvin capital))) MUST buy shares by the end of the week to cover

>> No.26605173

this. Set your limit order high, they have to buy

>> No.26605194

It is going to be bitcoin 2017 if it hits 1000 before monday.

>> No.26605338

why does it not get simply liq'd?

>> No.26605348

apparently they took out 140% of floating shares and they're getting margin called friday. That means they have to buy every stock sold on the market at whatever sellers want to charge, and then they have to buy 40% more. The hedgefund that exposed themselves to this doesn't have the money to cover this, so that will activate the assurances that their parent banks provided to bail them out, cascading into a massive loss for wallstreet. This is a fucking historic event.

>> No.26605563

Brokers are on the hook if melvin folds

We will get our pound of Jewish flesh

>> No.26605571

So this is basically a 0% risk bet because they broke the law and illegally shorted more stock than existed in the market? They basically have to pay every investor and on top of that convince 38% to sell again. Can anything save them, since their FUD has failed. It's not like SEC can reset the stock to $48, right?

>> No.26605692

I’m wondering this too

>> No.26605777

so basically their shorts (!) are different than what we have on bitmex?

>> No.26606012


They will have to liquidate whatever assets they have. They are eternally fucked. Imagine being so arrogant that you short over 100% of the stocks lol.

>> No.26606053

How does a stock market newb retard like myself get in on this?

>> No.26606326

just buy and hold

>> No.26606366

Buy and create a sell order for $1000+

>> No.26606420

I know absolutely zero about how to buy. Do I need to have a broker? I'm totally game for what's going on here and would love to help and profit.

>> No.26606445

Wait until people sell then hold bags while we cash out

>> No.26606551

I just set 100 limit orders of GME to buy for $2000 each
Am I doing it right fellow fraud marines?

>> No.26606558

Is there a sticky or QRD I can read to get caught up to speed? I have zero knowledge of investment. But I do have some pocket change.

>> No.26606575

they keep funding their account

>> No.26606672


>> No.26606717

alright im gonna throw all the cash in the world i have at this bros. we're all gonna make it

>> No.26606846

Why does everyone keep recommending buying shares instead of call options? (((they))) are 100% guaranteed to have to buy all the stock back and your buy options are gonna be a lot cheaper way for them to do that.

>> No.26606909

they shorted GME 169% of float. The beauty of it was that after the shorts got squeezed out they went back for more and loaded up again. Remember to cover their shorts, at some point they HAVE to buy shares (at a massive loss) which only sends the price higher

>> No.26606946

It's too late to get in on this tomorrow morning right?

>> No.26606997

Or they buy nothing and default on their short. They are broke and that's it.

>> No.26607023

I hope not, robinhood wont let me deposit until then. If it really goes to 1000 buying in at any price isn't too late

>> No.26607057

i think the idea is to lower the amount of available shares that can be borrowed and shorted

>> No.26607434

So what's stopping me from selling my shares for 1 Million a piece on Friday, if they "have" to buy every available share?

>> No.26607462


So could we not just sell our stocks at 1 million a pop then? I mean if they HAVE to buy 140% of them, and I own 30, I can put mine at 1 mil each right?

I know that sounds retarded but can that happen?

>> No.26607521


>> No.26607599


>> No.26607633
File: 52 KB, 112x112, feelsohwait.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw missed YET ANOTHER once-in-a-lifetime stonks opportunity
>tfw someone multiple once-in-a-lifetime stonks opportunities have occurred in the past 12 month period
>tfw didn't capitalize on any
I deserve to be a slave to my job for the rest of my life

>> No.26607706

you wont be able to find an exchange that lets you list a price more than 150 percent of the currently value, thats basically the limiting factor

>> No.26607740

it's not a one-time opportunity
war with kikes has been waged
it's only the beginning

>> No.26607746
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You need to open an account with a broker. depending where u live your choice might be somewhat restricted.


Don't do something stupid and put everything you own. Just the bit you feel ok parting forever with.

>> No.26607772

Is the brokerage firm that allowed for the lending to happen going to be liable? I mean imagine I lend you a million shares at 4 dollars and they’re now worth 200 million and you say “lol oops I’m bankrupt sorry” wtf this is gonna hurt the people who’s brokerage firm lent the shares out the most

>> No.26607787
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I probably just bought the top.

>> No.26607840

this stonk will skyrocket to 10k soon. kek.

get and "etrade" account. It's pretty simple.

>> No.26607851

This. Ya'll know fuck all about how this stuff works. Stop reading reddit.

>> No.26607914

>implying the jews will every pay for their crimes
>implying they won't get the biden administration to say this is domestic/russian economic terrorism
>implying the taxpayer wont eat the debt

>> No.26607937


>> No.26608034

keep shares scarce

>> No.26608087

Compelling reddit tier argument.

>> No.26608203

Thank you.
I've always been kind of curious about it but now seems like a good time to delve in. Thanks for the starting point. I'm researching online now

>> No.26608351

> no experience with investing
> “my first investment should be buying a literal pump and dump that is up 1000%+ over the last few weeks”
Never change /biz/

>> No.26608359
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We are at almost peak of bubble now stock market wise. Honestly bro, be very carefull. Won't say to wait for dip but play it safe.

>> No.26608471


>> No.26608609

I just set a sell limit for 10,000. What?

>> No.26608903

>too retarded to know the difference between a poomp and a short squeeze
off yourself

>> No.26608949

The whole idea is to buy and HOLD to take them off the market so that they can't be lent out.

>> No.26609035

It doesn't stop at the top

>> No.26609105
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идeт бык пo лecy, видит гeймcтoп гopит
ceл в нeгo и cгopeл

>> No.26609199

I wonder how likely $10,000 is. There's a huge sell wall at $1000 but during a squeeze will that even matter? $10k/share would make me a millionaire even though most of my investment is in a taxable account

>> No.26609490

The brokers will have covered their positions by then, it will probably crash after 1000 with a dead cat bounce

>> No.26609588

it's not gonna happen, get out at $1488 at the latest. there comes a point where they would rather just have Melvin and co get liquified or go insolvency path.

>> No.26609981

how do I buy some now that the market has closed on eToro?

>> No.26610242

Бecкoнeчнoe чиcлo мaтeмaтикoв зaхoдит в
бap. Пepвый зaкaзывaeт oднo пивo. Bтopoй - пoлoвинy кpyжки, тpeтий -
Бapмeн oтвeчaeт:
- Boт дypaчьё!
...и нaливaeт двe
кpyжки жидoвcких cлёз

>> No.26610260

Not much different, but they keep adding to their short position
Right now if it's over $115 by Friday then BTFO
But they're buying put options, which means they must buy when the puts expire, which would caused the price to surge even higher

>> No.26610756

dumb fuck Hedge funds shorted 145% of all shares available. People buy and hold = nothing for them to buy = huge losses. It's not only going to 1000, its going to ~2700 if you fags don't get greedy and sell.

TLDR: billionaires have to give GME 2.5X their company in the next 2 months.

>> No.26610894 [DELETED] 

How do you come up with that number?

>> No.26610937

You guys thinks its happening to amc too? I was debating picking gme and amc and chose amc thinking the same thing was happening and it went up 40 %. Ive been buying stock for a couple months am i a god?

>> No.26610955

In a 2015 book, “Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future,” Musk said that Salzman “balked” at providing more funding to the fledgling car company. Salzman made Musk come meet him the next morning to pitch him again.
Despite his efforts, Musk said he was still denied.
“The only reason he wanted the meeting at his office was for me to come on bended knee begging for money so he could say, ‘No,’” Musk said in the book. “What a f**khead.”

Precisely the moment Musk turned /pol/
Precisely why he tweeted "Gamestonk" today.

>> No.26611167

our buddies melvin and citron have to buy

>> No.26611292

there's talks of it going to the price of gold. Thoughts?

>> No.26611388

The fundamental problem with that is that they've already accepted the deal. Like, they took the stock and short sold it. So, if they fail to return to that stock, the institution they borrowed from gets fucked. Thus, it's really everyone trying to avoid losing their own interest in the entire thing.

>> No.26611658

What if they run out of money? Then what?

>> No.26611679

people who are short stock will be FORCED to buy by lenders. the price will jump like nothing we've seen before. when the actual squeeze happens it could go from like 800-3000 no one fucking knows. the squeeze hasn't really happened yet, it's still shorted over 100% of float, some of this upward pressure has been from short sellers exiting positions but more are picking up shorts as it raises and peope are holding existing short positions.

>> No.26611831

im thinking it's too good (bad for wall street) to be true, i feel like they will somehow get bailed out of this one, im going to sell Thursday afternoon. ill probably miss the actual squeeze

>> No.26611912

it's not , squeeze is friday

>> No.26611959

Honestly? The best indicators we have is something like this
>Brrrr goes to parent bank
>Parent bank gives hedge fund loans to remain stable and fulfill obligations
>GME is bought under the agreement and returned to broker
>Stock price fucking collapses and dead cat bounces a bit because of lack of interest and over reaction (i.e., GME still has SOME value as a company)

But really, this entire situation is bizarre.

>> No.26612010

Do I need to wait untill my eToro account is verified or something? Got 1000 dollars ready but for some reason I cant buy shares

>> No.26612011

dont amc is defo being shilled

>> No.26612061

He's cheap

He could ruin that guy's life with his billions, but chose to do it with a single tweet instead

>> No.26612199

Checked just sold all my amc after a 40 percent boost to my nest egg.

>> No.26612215

AMC will be like a 1/5 of what GME is doing, my calls already up 400% and im not fucking selling

>> No.26612331

At what price do I buy guys? How can I know what it goes for when the market opens? Do I just have to be present and quick when the market opens? Please help a poorfag.

>> No.26612390

i think this too, the hedgies are shilling it and will dump eet soon

>> No.26612459

I've been waiting for 3 weeks for Qtrade to approve my application apparenty they are the busiest they've ever been.

Started an interactive brokers application - anyone know how long it could take to be approved? Ridiculous that I'm allowed to put all of my money into crypto (or gambling) without approval, but to put just $500 into stocks I need to answer 500 questions

>> No.26612516


>> No.26612538

they're shorting 130% of the entire stocks supply

>> No.26612578

Don't fucking sell your bitcoin retard.

>> No.26612750

Buy AMC stocks retard

>> No.26612899
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im a lifetime poorfag without a dog in the fight here but i want to thank you all for the laughs

>> No.26612936

Buy BB stocks and tesla.

>> No.26613166
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>> No.26613871

puts are for selling and are, you know, optional to exercise. are you sure you know how this works better than paid professionals?

>> No.26614063

>t. nervous melvin capital intern
Yes but they have to cover it some more otherwise
The market can remain autistic longer than jews can remain solvent

>> No.26614146

it doesnt take a genius to realize what happens to GME stock next

all you literally need to do is short it now and maintain that short position through monday or whatever when all these retarded fags sell

>> No.26614843

This is a high risk play. DO NOT put in more than you can lose without losing sleep.

>> No.26615096
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>bought $500
>change my mind a few minutes later and sell
>it's only been 15 minutes since I started trading and Im already down 8 dollars

Fuck it, I'm not cut out for this. Everyone can just get rich without me.

>> No.26615205

Not him but I need to go all in on this.

>> No.26615220

I'm buying 1 or 2 shares tomorrow just for the meme magic. Bless this shit

>> No.26615386
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>> No.26615402

You get used to it. Eventually you don't think of it as money, and it's just a number on a screen.

>> No.26615981

Shares? Buy deep otm weekly calls with your whole stack, pussy

>> No.26616484
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Louis Rossman based take on the HEDGIE FAGGOTS.

>> No.26616529


>> No.26616766

i hope to make enough money to start my dream spider silk bisnesd

>> No.26617213

>You guys thinks its happening to amc too?
No, AMC will not short squeeze. The Cramer is shilling AMC and BBBY hoping to sucker you in to FOMOing. Instead, while watching AMC rise, buy puts in anticipation of an AMC selloff.
Haven't you learned anything from trading shitcoins? AMC is being shilled, and the suckers will run up the price. Then the dump. Nice thing with options is you can make money in either direction.


>> No.26617524

140% is aggregate short position. Its not all on Melvin alone. There are other shorts.
Its prisoners dilemma, the short who covers first actually wins by taking a loss but then having their shares be bought by other shorts.
Maybe this is what happened today. Smart money shorts took the L to live to fight another day.

>> No.26617592

market closed

>> No.26617729

>have to wait 2 days for funds to be processed
kill me now

>> No.26617993

I agree. There's NO WAY they let the jews get fucked here. They just never do.

>> No.26618817

What do you mean won't be able to list it? My bank allowed me to list them at whatever price I want. I can list one for 50k tomorrow if you want, for the lulz.

>> No.26619195
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>> No.26619415

Or they just roll it over and you all rush for the tiny exit on Friday afternoon.
1. It is not illegal.
2. The risk is not 0%, oh my fucking lord anon.
3. When the current swath of panic buyers get palm sweaty again and start dumping there will be no need to convince anyone to sell.

>> No.26619478

You have until Thursday's close to get in on the cheap. You have until Monday's opening to get in at a price but still making it from the moon mission.

>> No.26619501

Where is proof of this 140% short

>> No.26619521

What should my theoretical stop loss be at?

>> No.26619548


>> No.26619611

>We've investigated ourselves and found we did nothing wrong. Try and get a class-action together if you can, but you'll be facing the biggest legal team designed just to stamp you out of existence,

>> No.26619995


Here's the basic min/max of it
>Gamestop fucked by pandemic, stores close, shares tank
>Huge investment entities like Melvin Capital, smell blood in the water. They can artificially drive down Gamestop's market value by shorting it's stocks (learn about shorts: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4EUbJcGoYQ4&feature=emb_logo)) [Embed]
>Melvin Capital and others are SO confident in Gamestop's demise, they short the stocks over 100%
>Things going according to plan to artificially devalue Gamestop until
>Unemployed NEETs with nothing better to do during covid find out about this >100% short
>Promising news of new CEO, with proven track-record of ecommerce business, all signs indicate Gamestop will not be going bankrupt
>Realize if companies shorting Gamestop can't buy all stocks they shorted, the interest on their borrowed money will increase
>Nerds straight YOLO'ing hundreds of thousands into Gamestop stock
>Hedge markets flipping the fuck out everybody found their gamble, and can bleed them for money by just not selling stock
>Just within this week Melvin Capital got injected with 2.7BIL by Citadel Capital to keep them afloat, and there's no telling how wide and deep this short goes

>> No.26620447
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