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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26602910 No.26602910 [Reply] [Original]

I think Reddit is extremely based this time.


>> No.26603286

why do all reddit users say 'crap' so much and why does it make me cringe so hard

>> No.26603402

wait until reddit finds out bitcoin is a market where the short sellers can't kill it's growth.

>> No.26603544
File: 11 KB, 263x191, 43333.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because you can't swear on reddit and you can't call other people retard, nigger or faggot.

>> No.26603548

redditers have always been based. More so than /biz/ and I say that as someone who is 100% a bizer

>> No.26603665

Retard is okay actually, at least on wsb.
They are extremely based for reddit

>> No.26603884

I went to their sub-reddit and I see real men talking about taking down the system while enjoying their gains. I look at my home village called /biz and I see pajeets selling flavors of the week and dumping on each other. Sad!

>> No.26604027

only WSB is based, the rest of reddit is full of leftards