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26590910 No.26590910 [Reply] [Original]

Considering that Intel can't keep up with AMD and the architecture of Apple's M1 chipset is superior (ARM vs x86). Investing in AMD would be - in the long term - the best decision that you could make.

Intel is regarded as the best because of their legacy system and thats it. Only old companies buy them.
>Intel is stuck innovating
>stuck with 14nm
>whats nm? https://www.techcenturion.com/7nm-10nm-14nm-fabrication#nbspnbspnbspnbspReferences

AMD innovates and are not stuck with 14nm, currently 7nm which means.
>Transistors switch faster
>Higher performance
>Less current required = lower power consumption
>Processor are smaller = lower cost of materal

The competition is Apple and they can't keep up with AMD's pace.

>> No.26591297

Intel has announced to switch to TSMC foundry for production of high end chips. Expect a comeback. If you want to be sure go for TSMC stock.
Also Intel gets a new CEO (probably competent) and at the same time want more tits in important positions because tits (negative).
AMD is currently overvalued, but if they keep up their current pace and Intel doesn't come up with something worthwhile AMD's gonna be a great investment still.

Expect huge product shortages and price increases for everything from AMD/Intel (Nvidia is already overpriced but they manufacture at Samsung).

Maybe ASML is also a good investment, haven't looked into it yet.

>> No.26592019

Apple will not try to compete with Intel and AMD at the chip level. The PC market and the PC processor market has several things going on.

1. Apple has innovated and PC laptop makers like Dell, Lenovo, HP, and Acer will want some way to compete with Apple MacBooks. We have not yet seen the software that will soon come using the M1’s neural engine.
2. Windows is a huge market and Microsoft has to decide how to proceed. Do they make a real serious attempt to create an ARM version? There are huge legacy issues, so they probably would have to make a second version of Windows to run on ARM. I think the laptop world is getting decided right now, but the desktop world may take a while.
3. Intel and AMD have built serious x86 processors for a long time. They’d love it if Microsoft stuck to x86 for Windows, but probably they will have to create ARM based processors. That’s not a huge problem as ARM will license cores to anybody, but it’ll open a new area of competition and a new area where things might go in different directions.

There is even room for some other company to jump into the processor market based on ARM and really stir the pot. But it won’t be Apple and doubt Intel can catch up.

They are by the same logic, overvalued as of now. While many investors like to look for momentum in stocks (such as ASML), this can be very tough to define. There is a lot of debate surrounding which metrics are the best to focus on and which are poor quality indicators of future performance.

>> No.26592758

If I were to invest in stocks I would definetly go for Apple and AMD. If Nvidia can acquire ARM I'd buy them too. TSMC is a pretty safe bet (unless some natural disaster happens in Taiwan or China invades).
If the Windows market would change to ARM all bets are off. So many potential competitors on that architecture it's impossible to predict who would be winners.

>> No.26593081

AMD is expected to see a 30% rise yet in price per share for FY21.
There will eventually be a reckoning as AMD's market share hasn't caught up, but they're riding on hype, and so far all of their tech porfolio appears to be strong.
Everything from discrete graphics, mobil, mainstream, high performance desktop, prosumer, and enterprise will likely be incredibly competitive for years to come.

>Intel has announced to switch to TSMC foundry for production of high end chips.
This isn't even remotely correct. Intel will be producing some small die low power i3 at TSMC. Everything from their future HPC GPU to Alder Lake are made on intel's own 10nm Tirgate.

>> No.26593119

I read about a deal between Nvidia and SoftBank, think they have reached an agreement on the acquisition of ARM by Nvidia for $40 billion-ish? Nvidia wants to use ARM's technology to improve its position in the market for systems around artificial intelligence. Maybe they would be the gap-closer like mentioned before. There are indeed so many potential competitors, its a rats race.

>> No.26593277

The deal with Nvidia acquiring ARM is being held up by the Chinese branch of ARM over regulatory concerns.

>> No.26593403

go with TSM as well, they make the chips for AAPL, MSFT (now), and others
the road to tech's future goes through the gates of TSM

>> No.26593540

>Everything from their future HPC GPU to Alder Lake are made on intel's own 10nm Tirgate.
Yeah, by 2050 if they keep up their current bullshit which seems likely. Their nodes are a clusterfuck and I would absolutely not be surprised if they sell some off and switch to a foundry for high end products long term.

>> No.26593575

Thats interesting, with big players like them this shouldn't too long for completion.

Not familiar with TSM, will check it out

>> No.26593788

been shilled since like $30 on /smg/. it's a bluechip, pays a good dividend, makes all the chips, and has only a 500b market cap compared to 1.4 or 2.2 trillion like MSFT/AAPL. cant go wrong

>> No.26593890

10nm Tiger Lake has been on the market for a while now. Alder Lake launches in the second half of this year. Don't post utterly tech illiterate reuters shit about the tech industry.

China doesn't want any US pushback in regards to accessing and selling ARM IP as ARM is huge in the Chinese market. If the US decided that American companies can no longer licensed bleeding edge tech to Chinese firms then half a dozen major SoC vendors would be cut out of the market.
There are also some antitrust issues being raised over it. The deal may be stalled for a while yet.

>> No.26593965
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> only 500B mkt cap

>> No.26594065

AMD will be $200 in the near future. 3 years ago I was shilling it at $15 and saying how it'll be $100 one day. AMD destroyed Intel, it's time to destroy Nvidia. Apple is trash and I don't see it doing anything interesting anymore. Their brand is losing power.

>> No.26594231

for a bluechip company that is a hefty amount of room to justifiably, slowly grow for years to come if youre the company that makes the best chips in the world in an era when these chips are going to go into everything
the same cant be said for AAPL at 2.2T, that just makes shitty phones and watches

>> No.26594295

You clearly fail to see that intel has been shipping 10 nm for a long time now. But the numbers are abysmally small. They went from #1 manufacturer (nodewise) to now what, #3, #4 ? And if you actually keep track it won't get better until 2022/2023. Remember, their competitors are not asleep. Also Intel needs a much largier DIE than AMD for the same IPC and have seriously fucked up with their core bugs. Just sell your Intel stock and stop being a fanboy.

>> No.26594453


>> No.26594554

To add to this, Intel has yet to deliver a single HPC chip in 10 nm.

>> No.26594571

>probably they will have to create ARM based processors
Lmao, no. ARM is fucking garbo. Why the fuck would they dump x86? Microcuck might develop W10 for ARM which would be good for some smaller laptops and penetrating that hardware market, but you will never see that high end even laptops you won't see much of it.
>Apple's M1 chipset is superior
No, it's not.
This, I have a large chunk in AMD, I think they will keep climbing and make some digs in Nvidia. Intel is maybe 5yrs out from being good again. Apple is apple, they can't do shit. They are a meme brand, if they weren't they would offer lower priced laptops and comps

>> No.26594791

The Firestorm cores used in the M1 have the widest decode module of any CPU on the market. X86 cores from AMD and intel are 4 or 4+1. the Firestorm can decode 8 instructions, and has an absolutely enormous OOO window. Its one of the most impressive CPU architectures on the market, and they're going to be using internally designed ARM chips in upcoming Mac Pros as well. They're going to entirely ditch intel as a vendor.

Intel hasn't been shipping 10nm for a "long time now." The original 10nm node was canceled, only a single test chip was ever produced on it, the Canon Lake i3 8121u. It was a dual core i3 that didn't even have its IGP active due to defect binning. They tried to push xtor desnsity higher than they could realistically, so BEOL pitches were relaxed, some of their metat stack changed. We now have 10nm++ or 10nm SuperFIN. It is a different process and has been at volume production for a short while as I mentioned with Tiger Lake.
You're completely deflecting away from the point at hand here. Intel is not producing any large die high perf parts at TSMC. You literally cannot just willynilly switch foundries. ICs are designed with a set of rules from a PDK that take transistor definitions and libraries into account. Poring a large IC to another process can take over a year.

>> No.26595192

Get woke go broke. EVERY SINGLE TIME. Lol hope the diversity virtue signalling was worth it.

>> No.26595486

I never said that they'll ship TSMC chips whithin a short period of time. No matter how and how quickly Intel delivers, their manufacturing situation won't get much better before 2022/2023 as I said. Long term I don't see Intel in the gutter but for probably another 4-5 years they will have to do some changes and catch up to get back where they were.

>> No.26595738

Intel's foundry business was in trouble long before they started doing diversity shit for PR, and they're literally nowhere near going broke. They're managing in excess of $70B in revenue a year. For comparison AMD didn't pull in even $10B Redditor memes don't reflect reality.
What matters here is how much market pull intel has via OEM relationships, rebate programs, subsidies. Intel has reals with the company who manufactures the best laptop screens on the market, they have these laptop panel that only pull 1w of power while in use. Intel can subsidize the cost of those premium panels to a system builder if they use an intel CPU. They have done that for near every component at one time or another and that allows them to have the greatest market presence.
Even though AMD has been offering CPUs/APUs that are objectively the better choice in many segments intel still has the absolute lion's share of the market in every segment.

10nm SugerFIn is HVM right now. It isn't going to get worse, they'll milk it for a couple years exactly like they did with 14nm++++++
There will be no high perf parts made outside of intel's own fabs.