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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2658718 No.2658718 [Reply] [Original]

Listen up. I'm an ENFP. I'm a natural campaigner. I convince my friends to do all kinds of things everytime. If I had a lot of 4CHN I would naturally start campaigning for it everywhere I present myself where appropriate. I want to.

Unfortunately I have principles and not enough money to just throw around at 'tradesatoshi'. Out of principle I only trade on kraken, poloniex, bittrex, etherdelta and liqui.io after yobit and posw fucked me over.

By needing at least x bitcoins to sell and their free coins trap yobit made me feel stupid. After buying some shitcoins I had to try and gamble (and sometimes fail to) my way back up to the minimum sell limit to be able to transfer my money the fuck out of that shitsite. My natural instinct to see money glean in a sea of shit, I lost a few hours farming free coins on the website. Hours I will never get back and money I will never see because of the minimum sell thingy.

I tried poswallet and then they fucked me over by deleting their wallets for coins I had bought.

In short, if I had a lot of 4CHN, my campaigning would benefit the coin and thus would benefit us. It's a win-win situation. If any of you looks thinks I am for real (and I am), then you should invest in me and yourself. See this as an interview for a job where you only have to pay me once (the more the better though). Please invest in logic if you think this was a good sales talk:


Thanks :smiley:

>> No.2658770

>I'm an ENFP.
and stopped reading. Go the fuck back

>> No.2658811

Back to what? I'm not a part of your shitty community, newfriend.

>> No.2658886
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>> No.2658947

It's a meme started on 4chan

>> No.2658951

LOL. wtf are you? A scammer? jeez

>> No.2658960

kill yourself queer

>> No.2658973


ENFP are emotional idiots guided by irrationality and a belief in magic Meyers-Briggs nonsense

>> No.2658974

go post this on the chancoin subreddit

>> No.2658983

>Listen up. I'm an ENFP
take your reddit pseudoscience elsewhere faglord


>> No.2658999

Why would chancoin have a subreddit? It's illogical.

>> No.2659018

go ask the people that made it

>> No.2659023
File: 77 KB, 150x190, 1333999505973.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Kek has spoken.

Now give me some:
