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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 12 KB, 512x512, blockfolio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2658681 No.2658681 [Reply] [Original]





>> No.2658711

I am the great blockfolio, I need ether for my bunghole

>> No.2658726

Absolute bullshit.

>> No.2658734


>> No.2658745

kek. I don't use blockfolio but...

You're fucking retarded.

>> No.2658746

*blocks app permissions*
nothing personnel jidf

>> No.2658748

It does have ads you idiot.

>> No.2658757

This thread is proof that /pol/ has to the fullest extent taken over this board.

>> No.2658797


>> No.2658812
File: 43 KB, 480x451, proprietary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Told ya.

>> No.2658822

But how would this data be useful for them? Wouldn't it all get destroyed by a large amount of users putting in 20million dollar portfolios?

None of the data people put into it can be verifiable

>> No.2658828

/pol/ avoided BNT and PTOY, does that make you angry?

>> No.2658829

I don't even use it, ever.

One time I made a screenshot saying I had like 200 million dollars in some shitcoin and posted it here as a LARP but that's it.

>> No.2658840

I bet 1 btc that they are getting your 2FA as well.

>> No.2658843

wow, a blog with two pages of articles surely is a credible source

even if it 'snoops' on you, it only sees whatever you're willing it to show, that being your ballances
it has no permission to access any of your data
>It is recommended that all users discontinue usage immediately. Both Android and iOS versions are intentionally phoning home to Blockfolio and reporting all user positions, unique to each device.
literally not possible as both iOS and Android have system-wide permission settings which aren't enabled by default

>> No.2658844

I came from /pol/ too retard, but in January, so I'm not as poor as the rest of you fucks.

Also BNT is tied to ETH, which means when ETH is $600 next month, BNT will be in comfy profit as well.

>> No.2658851
File: 17 KB, 450x370, 1498525095398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They can see when I buy high and sell low? oh boy, that's embarrasing.

>> No.2658852

just seen this shit on twitter, uninstalled immediately.

whats a good alternative?

>> No.2658855

The OP quite literally says it's spying on your trades you fucking moron. Stop being in denial that Blockfolio is creating trends and profiting off us.

>> No.2658860

Spying on what, exactly?
Manual entries that dont mean jack shit that anyone can fake?

>> No.2658869

i don't even use it fuckwad, i'm just saying it only has access to public data you put in yourself

>> No.2658879
File: 34 KB, 433x480, 1494747607388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, kind of brilliant if they are. If you're monitoring a large chunk of the people actively trading in crypto, you can probably use the data to give you an advantage on the market.

>> No.2658885

>implying people spend all day faking trades and that they wouldn't be negligible among the various real trades that they use to create trends and profit off of

You just went on a tangent about how they can't access your data when that was not the point of the post. Learn to fucking read your moron.

>> No.2658888

Any alternatives? I will just use an excell sheet then...

>> No.2658904

>implying people spend all day faking trades and that they wouldn't be negligible among the various real trades that they use to create trends and profit off of

>implying everyone that uses Blockfolio knows what they are doing better than the developers of Blockfolio

>> No.2658906

I figured but it's so comfy

>> No.2658928


Explain what could they do with the data that they couldn't do in the first place through a few API calls....

>> No.2658931 [DELETED] 

They need to connect the app to the exchanges so it automatically syncs your trades.

>> No.2658994

While snooping on you, they have a big big advantage when they mine that data....

>> No.2659043




>> No.2659185




>> No.2659205

>want to spy on public ledgers
>build an app to do it
>capture only a small percentage of the total data
Makes sense.

>> No.2659772

/pol/ is always right

>> No.2660029

Why should I care if they are saying on me making shitty trades?

>> No.2660072

Lmao so hard rn OP...

>let's get manually entered data points from our consumers
>everyone is totally legit about their entries

You're a fucking idiot ... kys

Also, they did advert SNT, which would have made them a fucking killing selling at ATH

/biz/ is being overrun by you fucking idiot niggers

>> No.2660090

So what? I don't need to hide my shitcoin investments

>> No.2660102

This is the most probable cause for their snooping.

>> No.2660129

Really, explain how.
This is about targeted advertising, who cares

>> No.2660221


I'm not an expert on statistical analysis, but even I can imagine some obvious scenarios. You can detect large amounts of a certain currency consolidating into the portfolios of a handful of users over a period of weeks, it could indicate an incoming pump and dump - especially if you've been tracking said users for a while and can correlate their behaviors with previous trends.

Even ignoring whale watching, you can probably statistically derive all kinds of stuff just from overall user trends. Every piece of information is beneficial when trading. If it even gives you a 1% advantage over people who don't have access to said information, that's fucking huge, you know?

>> No.2660264
File: 555 KB, 500x454, greatBlockfolio.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the great blockfolio, spying on your trades

>> No.2660331

I'm interested to learn this. Interested, not shocked or alarmed. Like others, I don't see what the big deal is.

Where's that "altfolio" one anon was developing? Probably too lazy to hand-reenter all my positions into it, but...

>> No.2660497

Lol this is BS. they'd be having an aneurysm every time some chucklefuck loads 1000 BTC onto their folio

Besides anyone can get the same info by trawling the exchanges

>> No.2660533

you look into how man big fat black cocks the users blow each day and then create a pornsite that features white guys sucking off big black cocks

>> No.2660577

I bilieve in this story but i'm hodling long so i dont care..

>> No.2660869

>what is android sandbox

>> No.2660897

Even if they are who gives a fuck. You already made your trade. Plus it has ads. They're a great fucking company. You schizophrenic gullible fucks. This is prob just shill for that other app that some 4chan user invented. That one prob spies on u. Projectinggggg

>> No.2660948

What about reading the code and see if it's true?

>> No.2661396

Actual /biz/ content that wasn't created for shilling purposes. Neat.

>> No.2661436

They are shooting themselves in the foot if they copy my trades

>> No.2661493

I only use blockfolio for alerts. I don't enter any data into it.

>> No.2662620

I thought everyone knew? Use xposed and it won't even let you see your portfolio value. Remove google services and it bugs you with "this doesn't work without google services!" pop-ups even though it works perfectly.

>> No.2662651

kek they know about all the times i larped that i had 1 million dollars worth of eth
OH NO!!!!!!11

>> No.2662750

>people actually use this garbage calculator app instead of something that auto-tracks like coinigy or a fucking excel spreadsheet.

ultra brainlettes. You larpers are a minority and they can easily sift through your trash portfolios with a computer program.

They already did an ETH ICO scam and they've been doing this to have insider knowledge of future trends. /biz/ is the only community I know that uses this app really so they're probably just shooting themselves in the foot though.

>> No.2662914

Doesn't work in excel tho?

>> No.2663481

ahahahha was that the SIA screenshot? that niggas been around for months

>> No.2663676

So... do I post a BTC address here and you pay up since you are saying something really stupid?

>> No.2663698

They can't profit on this anymore than anyone else looking at the REAL order book as opposed to cockfolio's self reported order book

>> No.2663707

You do realize that all your trades are public anyway, thats the nature of decentralization

>> No.2663728

The amount of shills in this thread is astonishing. Always remember: if this place was shill free, people would just be like "eh they might be spying but whatevs." Instead you've got people going full emotionally fuelled personal attack defending it.
I was inclined to not believe that blog post until I saw this thread, thanks IRShills

>> No.2663756

no shit it does, you stupid retard. it's free, so YOU are the product

who the fuck gives a shit?

stupid retards freaking out over literally nothing

>> No.2663767

False, because they can profile you, they are able to tailor ads suited to extract money from you (e.g. via ICO). It's also possible for them to fake data to try to get you to do bad trades, if you're dumb enough that you're likely to fall for it.

>> No.2663788

Because they're going to short you, and you'll loose even more.

>> No.2663818

What's a good alternative?

>> No.2663897

new update suggest they will add accounts that you will be able to sync across devices and also they will actually make it clear they are harvesting all the data they can, for then and research analisys. Check in Settings > Terms of Use & Privacy.

Still faggots like >>2658840 claiming it will still other shit from your phone, that probably use facebook and other social networks constantly, are delusional. Nothing is free but please stop with the stupid tin foil ass hattery.

>> No.2664027

what about the nsa program that's been collecting buttcoin wallet keys? alex jones was talking about it today.

>> No.2664036

That's honestly an EXTREME stretch.

I know a lot about ad targeting and they don't have nearly enough information to do this in any discernible way apart from what is plainly obvious already to anyone in crypto. This data gives them little to nothing really, and it's not even a big issue. Who clicks ads?