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File: 668 KB, 702x702, real_rubic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26585830 No.26585830 [Reply] [Original]

Rubic is better than Uniswap.

- Level 2: No more $30 gas fees
- Cross-chain: Trade ETH for XMR and others
- Anonymous: No more frontrunning
- Tiny market cap: Even overtaking Pancake's market cap puts us over $1

- Staking rewards just announced (now)
- Cross-chain implementation in 2 days

The bottom is in. If you haven't at least looked into this coin you are seriously doing yourself a disservice by being willfully ignorant. Yes, we know we shilled too hard. No, none of us were paid to shill. This is actually the real deal and now is a great time to buy.

>> No.26585884

Based. Im hodling both for maximum gains :)

>> No.26585924

WAGMI bros

>> No.26585970

next month is going to be an exciting one frens :)

>> No.26586204
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>> No.26586392
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>> No.26586685

Where to buy?

>> No.26586759
File: 121 KB, 640x480, A0F44D47-BFC5-4652-B52B-E62BC46C32B6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone actually faked a picture of a discord server to fud this. Salt will be mined when people realize they missed out on rbc.

>> No.26586762

Rubic is a great project but wouldn't consider it to be better. It will have it's place next to Uniswap.

>> No.26586770

Source on trading ETH for XMR?

>> No.26586802

...on their exchange? rubic.exchange

>> No.26586809
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We also help Africa

>> No.26586834

its WXMR not XMR. XMR will never be tradeable on erc20

>> No.26586852

its just wrapped XMR, but it will still be necessary since gov dont like privacy coins. Its more or less trading for the value, but I guess you can unwrap it.

>> No.26586885

Even if rbc gets a fourth of uniswap market... That's over $2. Hoping for the best here. Small gamble with a huge payout so it makes sense to at least hold a small bag.

>> No.26587095


>> No.26587137

true. even if you only put 100usd in it's gonna be worth it.

>> No.26587214


>> No.26587384

>Cross-chain: Trade ETH for XMR and others
OP is a fucking imbecile.
Wrapped XMR is too centralized for XMR investors to actually want to use.
Is level 2 the new word for 'fake Layer 2'? Rollups are not L2, as they are onchain.
On paper this is one of the most unremarkable DEXs coming out at the moment, and not ahead of the game. XSN springs to mind, Exchange Union, Sifchain, etc.

>> No.26587483

Damn I was holding because I really believe in it, but with this info I immediately solded

>> No.26587576

Baed, 42k holder here

>> No.26587655

not with these gas fees

>> No.26587815

Will 20k stack make it? Paycheck won't arrive before the 28th to accumulate more.

>> No.26587822

Unbelievably based anon

>> No.26588078

>XSN pajeet
Like I said, its more for trading for the value, and you can just unwrap it. Either way this is just one use... its not the only thing it does.

>> No.26588247

hows 2mil sound. 100$ here we go.

>> No.26588295

Are we pumping ?

>Yes, we are

>> No.26588307

its not possible

>> No.26588348

even if you don't have any belief in that aspect of their platform, the fact that binance smart chain assets are now going to be available to countries like the U.S. is very significant. Also rubic will be the cheapest dex to do trading on.

>> No.26588584

Hypothetically, if rubic became the top dex, it'd surpass have uniswap which has a marketcap of $3.8b. Note that rubic with a marketcap of $3.8b would be worth nearly $40. I firmly believe that rubic can easily be a top dex however.

>> No.26588706

Shit man I would have $3 million if that happened

>> No.26588708

it would have to achieve quite a lot to knock uni off though right?

>> No.26589065


>> No.26589256

yes, but if Rubic actually does become the dex with the lowest fees for trading why wouldn't you use it? Why pay something like $50 for a trade on uniswap or 1inch if you can do it on rubic.exchange. This is just one of the advantages that this exchange will have over other ones.

The advantage that uniswap currently has over all the other exchanges is that it's the most well known dex, because of its airdrop. Remember, uniswap was literally started by one guy. Things change in the crypto space very quickly and things move even faster in defi. Anyone that sells rubic for less than a dollar is a fool.

>> No.26589695

I feel like wrapped assets are a huge compromise from the idea of a decentralized exchange, as it is in essence a 3rd party holding your crypto, like a CEX.
Significant is arguable but suppose it is:
Rubic is currently not and will not be the cheapest DEX to trade on.

>> No.26590495

nice, how exactly will they avoid high fees?

>> No.26590586

It is a compromise/work around, but I dont know what solutions there are for it. How else will you be able to buy monero and shit like that? You're focusing on just a few small cons here.

>> No.26590723


True, things change quickly. Still remember when Binance was a small shady exchange.

Bullish here, got myself a big bag. Undervalued good potential, delivering team, what's else you guys want?

>> No.26591515

they want everything, but at a low mcap which is impossible.

>> No.26591544

Wow you guys were serious. This thing is legit mooning

>> No.26591589
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Buy $build this is new rubic

>> No.26591610

Rubic is not a project you should be investing in long term. Reasons:

1. Market cap: $16M !!! For a swap exchange that has a really shitty UX and product, cannot be even compared with 1inch (used by Rubic primarily and has stellar product with $172m market cap and 8b monthly volume). With 98.4m circulating supply, reaching $10 is not possible in a gazillion years looking at this shitty product.

2. Usecase: Who the fuck wants to swap on Binance chain outside of Binance!? Also why the fuck would I use Rubic when I can easily get the best prices on 1inch, Uni or Metamask swap?!

3. Contant shilling: Pajeets scamming this board just waiting for you poorfags to pump the price so that they can dump on you!

4. Inexperienced tech: Their dev team/tech is really inexperienced compared with dev teams of the defi world. Check the dev teams at Sushi, Aave, 1inch, YFI, CRV, Uni, SNX. These guys dont even stand a chance.

Worst part: The website was down for almost 2 hours which has happened 2-3 times so far (server load is a shitty excuse)! Imagine website going down during a swap.

That being said, yes the constant shilling on biz might pump the price a bit maybe but this is never a safe long term hold, because either you might get rugpulled or whales might dump hard and the price would never recover and you would be holding these coins forever.

So DYOR. There is no reason for you to use Rubic when there are literally 100x better products in the market. Oh and yes binance smart chain recently tweeted but that doesnt mean this coin is going to be listed on Binance, not atleast with this shitty product and dev team.

>> No.26591720

We fuckin around here lad