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26577060 No.26577060 [Reply] [Original]

This is your average plebbit investor.

They don’t invest to grow their money but rather to “take a stand” against the establishment.

Anyone else seen these kinds of idiots investing lately?

>> No.26577105

Do you like the kikes or something?

>> No.26577116

>not wanting to btfo jews
somehow you are even worse than reddit

>> No.26577135

have you not seen the way bitcoin maxis talk? also fuck banks

>> No.26577179


As opposed the average crypto gambler on this board?

>> No.26577252
File: 127 KB, 1024x1024, rubic_sun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I invest in Rubic, because it has all-white team and it will destroy Uniswap that recently got a growth lead that wants redistribution of profit to women.
And yeah, BTFOing Jews is always based.

>> No.26577580


Buying an over priced share from them to immediately lose value so you can “take a stand against them” is about as stupid as you can get. Money is power and over paying for a stock is a terrible idea unless you just hate your own money.

>> No.26578188

the idea is to make the institutions pay for said overpriced share, and for we to dump on them

>> No.26579297

you are a faggot OP

>> No.26579623

Thinking institutions will actually follow the plebs from plebbit.

The guy in the pic is the one buying over priced stocks. Institutions already have investments in hundreds if no thousands of stocks. They will dump it or rebalance out as the price increases.

I thought biz had smarter people here.

>> No.26580304

seethe more, kike

>> No.26580614

If they actually thought that, they wouldn’t be bailing these people out with $2B.

I buy GME, bankers get mad, simple as.

>> No.26581680

Number one rule of investing/trading is remain objective and don't get emotional

mean while, on reddit


ew, cringe. Reddit is fucking cringe. Fucking retarded zoomers jesus christ. I hope they all move to cryptocurrency exchanges so I can farm their life savings off of them

>> No.26581819

>i am very badass (you)

>> No.26581830

>reddit spacing

>> No.26581856

They don’t give a fuck about making a stand, it’s bagholder cope/shilling

>> No.26581910

>hedgie shill trying to get me to sell
Fuck you hedgie I hope you die

>> No.26581996

They CANT DUMP IT YOU RETARD. They don’t actually OWN any of the stock. That’s the ENTIRE POINT.

>> No.26582015

You're not fooling anyone.

>> No.26582056

It's because they have shorted 140% of the shares that exist on the market. They are obligated to buy those shares back at some point. They created an artificial demand.

> There are 100 bananas on the tree
> Banana costs $5
> They borrow banana from monkey and sell it to a 3rd one for $5 hoping it will go down in value.
> They do this so much that they have done it 150 times.
Other monkeys see that and all start buying bananas and hold them.
> They have to eventually give the bananas back to the first monkey.
> The longer they wait and the more valuable bananas become, the more they increase the risk that the first monkey will beat their ass.

Nobody is buying gamestop because they like it, they are buying because they created an artificial demand that HAS to be fulfilled at some point which means we can charge them whatever we want for the shares.

This happened back in 2008 to volkswagen where it briefly traded at $1k a share.

>> No.26582139

they’re just trying to justify making money while still being able to retain their “woke” status and be “one of the good ones” when commies begin seizing more wealth and/ or coming to ask questions

>> No.26582187

This was before meme magic was widespread too. This really does have potential to Moon

>> No.26582247

>falling for the most obvious bait
U nufag niggers need to lurk moar

>> No.26582282

This guy reddits

>> No.26582395

>they think their $50 robinhood investment will move markets

>> No.26582418


yep :) we gonna moon

>> No.26582461

do those retarded normies not realize the higher it pumps the harder it will dump? You can’t beat the (((system)))

>> No.26582524

>tfw you reinvest your earnings from GameStop at GameStop on rare Funkos

>> No.26582582

it already has you dumbfuck

>> No.26582594

It hurts itself in confusion

>> No.26582633

Thats based as fuck

>> No.26582703

Honestly all the hedgies need to do is start their own reddit accounts and start posting about how buying GME is owning the jews
Everyone on reddit will start calling wsb toxic and the reddit cucks will sell like good little boys

>> No.26582741

You know when shit is fucked when fucking GME caused more butthurt to institutions than crypto has done in an entire year.

>> No.26582799

Don't forget that the VW infinity squeeze was only ended because Porsche owned a ton of VW stock and offered to sell their shares to bail out the shorters. Imagine that situation but the main holders are a decentralized group of anti-kike autists willing to lose everything if it means fucking over wallstreet.

>> No.26582819

It's always fascinating how toxic the mere mention of white supremacy is to value. I'm just gonna hold GME and avoid your deadend scam, if you don't mind.

>> No.26582830

They are fucked either way. Reddit is absolutely banning that sub for what theyve done and somebody is going to jail over all this. You cant fuck with the shekels of a jew without paying the consequences

>> No.26582839

Someone is gonna blame GamerGate for this.

>> No.26582852
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Fuck you faggot when someone shorts for more than the number of shares of a corporation that's kikery personified.
Not making these fucks pay for robbing the American people blind is the real idiocy.

>> No.26582854

i agree, uniswap is cucked with sjw politics now

>> No.26582883

Based reddit

>> No.26582988

in this instance reddit is the based retard and you are the tranny midwit

>> No.26583059

I still don't even know what's going on

>> No.26583314

ethereum based, fee hunting defi's days are numbered fren. much like yours

>> No.26584218

>investing because of solidarity
the absolute onions

>> No.26584841

>this is a HUGE moment in history
>the people vs the institutions
That was called the Bitcoin white paper and it happened over 10 years ago

>> No.26584990


>> No.26585569

I agree but I wouldn't buy chinese government sponsored stocks. I have no problem at buying gun stocks etc

>> No.26585698

Give me a quick rundown on this shit

>> No.26585780

I do both. I get to make money while telling the banks and the tax man to go eat fucking shit.

>> No.26586040
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>> No.26586515

You're a complete imbecile talking about something you clearly are unable to understand. Read more and stop being ignorant.

>> No.26587534

Then why don’t you explain?

>> No.26587914

No, pretty sure its called XSN

>> No.26588511

google short squeeze and gamma squeeze, you can find out alot of things on google

>> No.26588557


This will spark the move to take away options from people.

The current administration has the power to regulate and take your ability to invest away under the guise of protecting the market from domestic terrorists.

You will only be able to invest if you’re accredited or putting into a fund. I swear to God, that’s the move.

>> No.26588884

yep. otherwise a lot of us would be millionaires in a few years. can't have that.

>> No.26589115

but that's literally what crypto has been about since the very beginning you faggot

>> No.26589411

>reddit spacing
>didn't greentext
t. redditard

>> No.26589480

Yeah. And now look who owns all the bitcoin. The institutions.

>> No.26589605


>> No.26589798

Only because of weak handed faggots and short sellers. People looking for the next 100x is what caused that shift in coins to institutions. Same will happen with GME eventually. People will get paper hands eventually.

>> No.26589818

why there is so much reddit spacing and reddit screenshots here lately?
just stay on your own gay website

>> No.26589843

The fact that people are defending buying into a coordinated Pump'n'Dump as some sort of "anti-establishment" movement is laughable. Ohhhhh what out guys you did a mass coordinated short-squeeze! Cant wait for the crash that leaves hundreds, if not thousands poorer than when they started.

>> No.26589999
File: 40 KB, 442x442, 45EBE85E-DE29-4EBE-B102-1CB6AA5B0448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>take a stand against the establishment.

If they wanted to do that they’d go long SLV and collapse JPmorgans shorting position.

>> No.26590115

checked and based

>> No.26590494
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>> No.26592081

it's hilarious because gamestop is an institution basically that has preyed on us since its inception. Remember giving them your ps2 and like 100 games and they give you $5? If you don't hate both, or you're literally in it to "take a stand" and not to make money, you are a faggot.