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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 157 KB, 335x540, A Clockwork Orange.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2657343 No.2657343[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm 26. Amazing to see how the other sides living.

>> No.2657373
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>> No.2657433


Post sharpie in pooper

>> No.2657448
File: 413 KB, 978x1276, Screenshot_20170629-120639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a photo of my incredible physique for proof.

>> No.2657482
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Ask me questions feggots. It's not everyday you get this opportunity.

>> No.2657484
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wrong board faggot the only we care about is sick gainz brah


>> No.2657511

Sorry mate, I don't abide by social structures. Wherever I post is the correct board.

>> No.2657522


Here you go buddy, enjoy

>> No.2657531


>> No.2657536
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try me white boy

>> No.2657542
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>dads tremendously rich
>born handsome

These are things that can hold you back bro
Its good to be born in hardship, it creates hard man who strive to leave there situation and achieve greatship.

Most guys who's fathers are rich get lazy and always depend on daddy's spoonfeeding.

There are exceptions of course, like alexander the great. I believe he was motivated by exceeding his fathers greatness

>> No.2657552

would it be possible for you to livestream your suicide thnks :)

>> No.2657567

I've always said that if I was to be go completely broke I'd just end it. If that day comes, yes I'll live stream it.

>> No.2657568

...bro lemme teach you how to bench press

>> No.2657574

which altcoin should i invest my lifesavings in?

>> No.2657590

It's by design my friend. I like the square look. They age better than the lower pec dominant look most guys go for.

>> No.2657609
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>> No.2657639


>> No.2657656

> slept with over 25 girls

You're still counting, which is pleb tier. And the 25 milestone is just barely escaping virgin territory.

>> No.2657663

Please stop bumping this thread, thanks.

Larping or not, you're a faggot.

>> No.2657702

I believe the inventor has something up his sleeve to keep it side by side with bitcoin in the coming years.

Why not invest in bitcoin? Because litecoin is cheaper now so you'll be able to buy up a larger volume.

>> No.2657708

because he wants you to miss out on ChanCoin

>> No.2657728

kek I slept with 13 women by the time I was 19.

I then got married at age 20 and am now 21.

If you're already 26, you don't impress me in the slightlest.

>> No.2657751

>married at 20
What's it like to grow up in a trailer?

>> No.2657779


Let's not count blowjobs

>> No.2657780
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>makes larp thread
>explicitly admits to larping

>> No.2657801

I put all muh money into litecoin. I'm biased.

>> No.2657818

I'm going for an afternoon swim, boys. When I come back I expect more questions.

>> No.2657827

biased to larping

2 types of people make these threads

- pathetic people
- lying people

you're both

>> No.2657845
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>incredible shape

>> No.2657864

That is not incredible at all. Maybe to normies. Nice genetics though.

>> No.2657886

That much was obvious. Just remember no amount of larping on a weaboo board can make up for idiot investments.

>> No.2657893
File: 55 KB, 450x600, tumblr_nqqe14Faqg1tjj06so1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not the 80s anymore, faggots.

>> No.2657899

Weak jaw

>> No.2657937

0 assets
0 debts

>> No.2657955

>0 assets
>0 debts
You must live a boring and safe life

>> No.2657980

Nobody's counting blowjobs.

I grew up in California and met my wife while studying at an Ivy League school (Wharton). Now I work as an actuary making 85k a year.

Cope harder though.

>> No.2658014

> 85k
> Wharton
Bro... If you only make 85k coming out of Wharton, you are either...
A) The bottom of your class
B) A woman

My signing bonus was more than your salary when I finished at Sloan a couple years back.

>> No.2658016

siesta my man, siesta all the way

>> No.2658030


I believe this is the correct containment board you are looking for

>> No.2658033

Well congrats to you. I'm just being honest. I just finished up my undergrad and I'm living a happy, modest life.

>> No.2658056

>making 85k graduating from Wharton

jesus man that is pathetic i make way more that that being a clown ass public school grad

>> No.2658092

The average starting salary for undegraduates from Wharton is $67,986 a year. I'm doing fine.

>> No.2658098

>herp derp going for afternoon swim, boys
>20 minutes later still larping

>> No.2658107


Can't say if normies or LARPing.
Anyway, gtfo

>> No.2658129

Maybe I am a normie. But OP here is trying to swing his big dick around but I'm saying it's not all that impressive.

>> No.2658186
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Alright fellas, I swam my laps and now I'm working on my tan. I'm ready for more questions.

Let's try to ask something substantive this time. OK?

>> No.2658209


How do I shot web?

>> No.2658247
File: 1.33 MB, 500x407, P4U21bk.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2658250

>I been wif >25 wymyns cuz I'm handosme
>absolutely cound't be gold diggers
>i have it all

>posts on /biz/

Wrong board faggot.
>>>/soc/ is where you wanna go.

>> No.2658282

>if I go broke I will become an hero

Prove to us that a single girl fucked you, unaware of your bank status.
Can a person like you even be confident without money? What happens once your metabilism slows down and your kidneys give out from all the creatine you're guzzling? If you got fat, would you kill yourself then, or go broke from lipo-surgery?

>> No.2658308

1. What advice would you give your 23 y/o self?
2. What beliefs about life helped you get all those women?

>> No.2658313
File: 47 KB, 580x750, wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ahhahahahahahahahah

*breathes in*



>> No.2658320

KEK best post.
Also OP, I don't know if you're LARPING or not. If not, you are forcing your confidence too much. We can see it's not real. You have more money than most can wish for so shit, just do whatever you like and build up your self-esteem man.

>> No.2658377


They really didn't know. None of the girls I've been with, except for one, have been to my parents mansion. None have ever met my parents or seen any photos. My apartments have been humble and I drive but one car. I also don't pay for shit or go on real dates.

>> No.2658409

The only advice I'd give is to invest your tax return into crypto.

I've learned that once you bang a certain amount of girls you really don't feel the need to chase girls or expend any energy to get laid. You start to notice that, generally speaking, all girls are working from the same script.

>> No.2658437
File: 1.72 MB, 267x200, 200-3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I grew up watching professional wrestling and loved the heels. Half the reason I started this was to get heel heat. The other half is because I wanted to do an ama!

>> No.2658541

Who do you look up to?
Are there any books you would recommend reading? Any subject.

>> No.2658557

/fit/ is going to love this

>> No.2658597
File: 40 KB, 956x711, 1479661051135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you even bench lmao2pl8

>> No.2658619

Mostly playboys from the past. Carlos Monsone, James Hunt, Porfirio Rubirosa, dudes from the Rat Pack.

Surely You're Joking Mr.Feynman, Catch Me If You Can, 48 laws of power, The Power of Now, and The Zurich Axioms.

>> No.2658638

You are a tremendous faggot.

>> No.2658649


I actually don't know. I don't go to the gym. I use weight vests for all my workouts.

I've tried to calculate how much my bench would be.

So with pushups I can do 4 reps while wearing 175 lbs of weight vest. I weigh 180. So you add those two together, multiply it by 0.7 and you get 248lb bench.

I can do 45 handstand pushups without the vest. Can you handstand pushup?

>> No.2658698

>85K signing out of undergrad

Yeah, ok pal

>> No.2658775

ever done a single deadlift?
Don' worry I already know the answer.

"look ma I did situps and curls and didn't eat".

>> No.2658777

Interesting. What are your thoughts on Ted Bundy?

>> No.2658788

Now I'm confused. Other people saying 85k out of Wharton is garbage low and you're saying it's too high. I'm just being honest.

>> No.2658831


Low-key, one of the greatest seducers of our time. A real ladies man.

>> No.2658847

Sloan is a business school not undergrad you fucking faggot

>> No.2658858

-Reasonable bonus for MBAs going into banking
-Not a reasonable bonus for undergrads unless they're 10/10 autist genius coders hired by quant funds
-MBAs going into marketing, or women (but I repeat myself) tend to make substantially lower salaries eg <100k