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26572727 No.26572727 [Reply] [Original]

>Europe invested billions to help develop the world‘s 1st COVID vaccines & create a global common good.

>Now the companies must deliver & honour their obligations. We will set up a vaccine export transparency mechanism.

>We will set up a vaccine export transparency mechanism.



How can I profit from this?

>> No.26572926

This is a nothingburger. Sell everything.

>> No.26572988
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>> No.26573383

any non-jewish take?

>> No.26573395

Fuck the vaxx with a 99.7 survival rate. U don't know anyone that actually died from it.

>> No.26573456

>germany developed first vaccine
>we have the a lower vaccination rate than like 30 other countries
Yeah, stop those exports. Let the mutts die.

>> No.26573565

of course I don't, but that's not the point here..
>Blockchain and distributed ledger technology will be essential for an equitable COVID-19 vaccine distribution.

>> No.26573581
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99.7 survival rate, ur not good at math are u anon?

>yep much death.

>> No.26573635
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O wow... u just learned what btc does!

>> No.26573711

most likely it'll be done on private chains, buuuuuut
stuff like link, quant, ocean, maybe iota at a push, all can assist in the infrastructure for doing this

>> No.26573722

btc isn't an adecuate public ledger for this, they want to track production, transportation, storage, temps, etc..

>> No.26573925

Bullish if true.

>> No.26574487

Yeah I think i'll grab some quant / iota just in case
>Oracle: 98 matches

>> No.26574680

lower death rate than the fucking common cold
%99.9998 survival rate

>> No.26574745

are you retarded or just can't read? this has nothing to do with the fucking vaccine you imbecile

>> No.26575167

like, anything that is to do with data and shit is good probably

>> No.26575550
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this is absolute yurotard peak idiocy right here
>be germany
>fund biontech with shitloads of tax money to develop a covid vaccine
>biontech first to bring vaccine to market
>germany doesnt order vaccine because that would be "vaccine nationalism"
>instead gives EU the job to order vaccines or all member states because muh solidarity
>EE countries want the cheapest shit possible
>WE countries just want the stuff as fast as possible
>EU drags their feet, does nothing
>woops, now all the vaccines are sold out
>citizens get angry because theyve been in lockdown for 9 months and were told the vaccine is their golden ticket for freedom again
>German politicians deny for weeks on end that there is no enough vaccine
>Merkel promises "every German citizen will get the vaxx before end of summer"
>FIVE DAYS LATER government basically admits its not gonna work out
>EU wants to order more but the US is buying up all the vaccine
>hurr durr what can we do?
>instead of just offering more money, EU has brilliant plan of isntalling a vaccine export transparency mechanism
you literally cant make this shit up. I cant believe Im fudning this clownshow. and yet all our retarded boomers wil keep voting CDU by end of the year anyway.

>> No.26576474

why even vaccinate third worlders anyway? just let nature take its course and clean up the vermin