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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 22 KB, 383x197, Screenshot 2021-01-26 143431.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26571543 No.26571543 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.26571576

Cup and handle r-right?

>> No.26571599

Listen you stupid fuck. GRT isn't supposed to go up a lot in price. If you have a shitload of it, you can stake it and never work a day again in your life. If you don't, there's exactly zero point in holding it.

>> No.26571631

ok, is it supposed to down a lot then?

>> No.26571703
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>muh ponzi scheme

>> No.26571778

Please keep these fud threads going so I can hit this weeks buy in target.

>> No.26571981
File: 912 KB, 1054x924, The graph space 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buying back in at $.0.35 ish

>> No.26572027

Yes it's supposed to make us lose money, that's why I keep buying more
It's called Stockholm Syndrome hun
You should stay away from this token, do not buy

>> No.26572303

Isnt this because everything is going down? I mean except for UNI there is not much going up, FTM is stable for now.

>> No.26572412

>f you don't, there's exactly zero point in holding it.

>> No.26573210
File: 571 KB, 806x455, 28f4018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its ARK all over again.

>> No.26573519


ITT newfags discover why meme lines are called meme lines
Yes, cup and handle is a meme

>> No.26573603

10 billion supply. You'll be lucky if this goes above .75

>> No.26573909

A tenth of that is circulating. Lazy fud

>> No.26573958

so we can expect 0.075?

>> No.26574028

I hope so.
I'd love to pick up a make it stack of this shit for dirt cheap and forget it exists for a few years.

>> No.26574113
File: 65 KB, 348x1854, maybe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i want dirt cheap grt too anon
keep up the fud

>> No.26574767
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my lil graph stock d-doin some..thin

>> No.26574876

he dead bro
he dead
sob emoji

>> No.26575010
File: 401 KB, 945x745, EADBA8C0-ED51-4665-8AD6-8098EDE79EC9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Retard strength hands here praying to sirgay it’ll go to .20c so I can double my bag.

>> No.26575071

>Tfw everyone has been freaking out
>I'm just waiting for a better buy in price

>> No.26575816

Plz fudders, keep fudding so I can a c c u m u l a t e

>> No.26576124
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>> No.26576425

If it gets around .35 again, I'd seriously consider finishing out what I need for a suicide stack in one fell swoop. Only need 6200 and at that price it'd only be about $2.2k

>> No.26576457

gay tranny titties (GRT) do not invest

>> No.26576469

nice 4d chess reverse reverse psychology

>> No.26576591

Do you, like, not know your alphabet yet?

>> No.26576889


>> No.26576933

This is perfect. I get paid in a few days. The longer and lower the accumulation phase, the more I can make it and take pleasure in your suicide.

>> No.26577081

You're not going to make it anyway, wagie.

>> No.26577163

i hope it will stay low for a couple months so i can buy. i get paid on monday and if im late i just kys myself

>> No.26577316

Nice to stay ambiguous, nobody will know your true intention

>> No.26577737

I have 16k+ GRT at 0.55.
Will buy more if it dips below 35.

>> No.26577821

Can you explain the circulating supply fud to me? Generally interested in dumping some shitcoins I have for this but I keep seeing the issue of supply pop up.

>> No.26578078

theres lots of coins so we will never reach $1000 each
at least not this year

>> No.26578154

Isn't the point to stake, though?

>> No.26578223

yeah, but people are retarded and think 10 billion tokens will circulate at all times while the reality is that 90% of those tokens will be staked forever
they'll stay poor

>> No.26578399


90% seems like a high estimate but people are retarded for thinking a bunch of investors who believe in the platform will dump their bags in 5 months

>> No.26578492

I certainly see no point in holding, especially when you can stake with compounding rewards.

Everyone seems to be new, which is overall great for the crypto community, but it's probably going to take these morons a while to realize it's a lot more complicated than just "Buy Bitcoin, sell Bitcoin."

Are you staking anything right now, anon?

>> No.26578763

I'm staking 50k with 2k to spare
Every 10k gets delegated
ok maybe some of the delegation rewards in 5 years BUT NOT SELLING

>> No.26578811
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>> No.26579148

I wish I hadn't delegated.
feels bad man

>> No.26579233

and why is that? small stack?

>> No.26579261
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My understanding is that it has to remain cheap to ever get adopted in any widespread capacity.

>The Google of Crypto
Can you imagine if Google charged $20 per query? Not happening.

>> No.26579334

got any indexers you're happy with and would recommend? Also, curious how much your gas fees have been

>> No.26579393

As token prices go up, they can always adjust their pricing structure. Many businesses do this as they economize on scale

>> No.26579404
File: 204 KB, 1440x2167, Screenshot_20210125-094638_Robinhood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch your tone, boy. $100k stocks, 40k GRT just for fun (trying to buy 100k), $20k in the bank for safety, 200k annual.

>> No.26579431

This FUD is hilarious

>> No.26579546
File: 10 KB, 347x444, 1306973561950.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It gets worse with the exorbitant gas fees, indexers who pull the plug on your rewards, and the god-awful 1 month hold on your funds.

>> No.26579733

Really as long as you don't delegate with an indexer promising 300% apy you should be pretty consistent. At the 20% I'm getting that's the as good as a stock with annual 10% growth plus a crazy high dividend. And that's assuming the price never goes up which is the opposite of what will happen when you all fomo in once fees start being charge.

>> No.26579736

Well delgate all your grt in one go and dont choose a shit indexer

>> No.26579789

One indexer pays 12% APY which is meh in the age of three digit liquidity farming. My other indexer pays under 5% APY. If I undelegate not only it will take a month to get my tokens back but I have to pay insane gas fees TWICE, once to undelegate and once to withdraw.

>> No.26579793


>> No.26579877

How did you fuck up this badly? Let me guess. You saw some indexer that promised 1000% APY when nobody was delegated to them and you got diluted? Sorry about your brain damage.

>> No.26579891

>dont choose a shit indexer
I didn't chose a "shit indexer" it just became one weeks after I delegated my tokens. Now I have to pay insane gas prices TWICE (once to undelegate, once to withdraw) and get them locked for a month. Not worth it IMO.

>> No.26580032

Nope. I actually split with two different knwon indexers that paid a middling APY of around 20%. P2P and Oracelminer. The latter was experienced in running Graph nodes from the beta period and recommended on several threads on this board, now it has dumped to 5% for the past few weeks.

But keep blaming careful users that follow the guides and read carefully for your shitty delegation system. That's really pumping the coin, or maybe that's why it has been underperforming ETH since release. The only one of my shitcoins that has underperformed vs ETH.

>> No.26580041

just use discord and go to the Indexer-Delegator channel and talk to the actual indexer to make sure they're real people that are accountable for their own actions rather than faceless addresses that promise the world but pull the rug on you

>> No.26580200

I'm literally in p2p right now still getting 10GRT per day on a 20k stack. That's 3700 GRT per year or 18% apy. Why lie on the internet?

>> No.26580429

I was clearly talking about Oracleminer you mouth breathing mongoloid. If this is the quality shills GRT can afford then no wonder this shit lost 50% of its value vs ETH. Also a 18% APY on a highly speculative token that locks your token for a month and charges insane gas prices twice to undelegate is fucking pathethic.

>> No.26580464

Gas fees are the noob trap of all noob traps. People see > $30 of gas fees but the reality is that it's a tenth of that, $30 is the maximum but it should never reach that.
As for the indexer, just choose anything whose APY is in the 20%~30% or you risk whales to squat on your 60% APY indexer and drop it to 10%

>> No.26580545

Anyone care to elaborate on their experienced gas prices? does it vary based on how much you move?

>> No.26580573

no, if you move 1 GRT or 100k it makes no difference

>> No.26580588

Fair enough but you still got memed on by something that was too good to be true. P2P is good because they have low rates AND they've paid out over 8M GRT. No other indexer is even close to that. So it's still your fault for seeing high numbers with no results and thinking it was a good idea.

>> No.26580676

thanks for the replies. looking forward to getting my first stack delegated EOW, I haven't felt so optimistic about anything in a while

>> No.26580701

It says
> Unbonding period lasts 28 days.

Does that mean I can "unstake" every 28 days? I feel like a brainlet, but I don't understand how I can get them out after staking?

>> No.26580722

I think it's based on network traffic. It was like 13 dollars in gas the first time I moved 20k. The second time I moved 20k it was about 2 dollars in gas.

>> No.26580809

>Fair enough but you still got memed on by something that was too good to be true.
Too good to be true? It was less than 20% and it was an experienced indexer recommended in several GRT threads. Blaming users that did everything correctly as instructed in the guides posted by the developers won't change the fact that the delegation system is broken.

>> No.26580813

kek look at this nig under a mil thinking he's hot shit

>> No.26580855


thats how long your grt is frozen after you unstake it

if you stake and keep the same indexer you just set it and forget it

>> No.26580872

>Send some amount of GRT to an indexer
>Pay gas and .5% fee of token total
>Start gaining token reward
>Decide you don't like the indexer anymore
>Pay gas fee
>You'll get your tokens in 28 days
>During that 28 day period you receive no reward

>> No.26580908

When an Indexer tanks or rugpulls you (they can do that by deciding unilaterally to keep 100% of the rewards) the you need to initate "undelegation" they will charge you a high gas fee for that, after that the tokens remain "locked", you cannot access them and you earn no interest, for 28 days. Then once the time is past you have to pay gas up the ass again to withdraw them.

>> No.26580971

greentext explanation for dummies. thanks, appreciate it!

>> No.26581045



1 eth = .000000001 gwei

>> No.26581084

i see, so _probably_ larger indexer is better. but still could happen. so in anyway, whatever happens, if I initiate the undelegation, i need to wait 28 days until I receive the tokens to sell or delegate to another indexer.

>> No.26581141

Only go with established groups like p2p. Anything else is a minefield.

>> No.26581181


>> No.26581211


they would cuck themselves and get much fewer queries if they just decided out of the blue to keep 100% of rewards

>> No.26581236

yup, that's where I'm at. thanks! will read some more into p2p, but sounds interesting.

>> No.26581241

Is this a blockchain project? Bond is a defi project

>> No.26581259

Nigga this is fucking 4chan. You're taking advice here and getting upset when some of it comes from literal retards?
Look, 20% on p2p is also too good to be true. Especially considering that they're not even earning query fees yet. That said, I chose then because they were the only indexer that had an actual track record of paying out rewards proportional to how many people were delegated to them. Oracle miner has 3 million tokens between delegators with room for 31 million. Literally 90% vacancy. Not to mention they have only paid out 150k tokens.
You didn't do your own research and now you're mad at a Ugandan breast reduction forum? Get fucked idiot.

>> No.26581317

Also, very important! Check here:

and make sure the "Remains for delegation" is green (and has enough space for your tokens) before you pick an indexer. You can see the estimated APY and other useful information there too.

>> No.26581485

20% was the middle-bottom APY at the time. This was back in December. Every indexer had high vacancy. I specifically went out of my way to pick indexers from the middle-down that didn't do shady shit like take ridiculous a small cut like 1%. You can keep blaming the user, but that doesn't make the system less broken. You can keep blaming the user, but that doesn't change the fact that if you held ETH instead of buying this you'd have 200% more money. Denying problems won't solve them. How can you expect this to moon if the act of staking, which for every other coin is easy and worry free, functions like a fucking minefield?

>> No.26581513
File: 219 KB, 639x814, uniswap subgraph.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once more subgraphs start being imported to mainnet not only is price going to pump, but the rewards are going to get juicier and juicier.
Imagine how fat the rewards are going to be once all 3500 subgraphs are transferred over.
Shit just the uniswap subgraph alone is going to rain tendies down upon us like a damn bursting.
Stay comfy, frens.

>> No.26581524
File: 11 KB, 613x321, graphies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

will it dump again? I don't think we're done dumping

>> No.26581555

great info, ty again

>> No.26581608

the google of blockchain doin some

>> No.26581811

Ok, so even worst case, if you delegate 5k/10k at a time, you're 'making it back' in a couple days to a week. Anons who fud the gas are fucking dumb or shit broke or both

>> No.26581837

Is this true?

My MetaMask says its more, but I'm a fucking noob.

How can I make it so I only pay max $5? I'm reading everywhere else it's a $20-25 gas fee

>> No.26581892

This. Also, in the span of just 2 weeks /biz/ was shilling some pretty good moon missions. Imagine having a fair portion of your portfolio still being locked up by the IDF jew if more of those happened in the future.

>> No.26581902

Seconded, thank you for the explanation to my smol brain.

>> No.26581907


My lil GRT doing som...

>> No.26581980

I actually like the 28 period because it solves a lot problems. Namely the high volume of the coin. It also prevents the coin from being an immediate pump and dump because you always stand to make more money staking than you do making a quick flip in the long run. Indexers are going to eventually conform to what makes the market happy. With everyone flocking to p2p, indexers will eventually need to follow their lead or get no delegation. This process will take a while though. You can't expect that you come in day one and everything is in perfect equilibrium. I think you've got the wrong idea of what this coin is. If you want a quick flip go to bao or whatever pump and dump is being pushed.

>> No.26581991

if it dies to 35c imma buy more

>> No.26582017


I'm a noob but you probably don't want to go lower than the cheapest tier on ethgasstation which is 83 gwei


>> No.26582084


me too fren but I'm worried it won't go that low, .40c even seems like a longshot

>> No.26582107

I'll bring the feels, anon. I would be salty if I was an early adopter who got jerked around. Like you said, getting called a retard for doing everything 'the right way' at the time is kinda bogus.

>> No.26582207

Snatched up another $1.5k at .49 today. Honestly as long as you just DCA over your accumulation window, you'll prob be fine. Difference of a couple percent

>> No.26582305

thanks for playing

>> No.26582600

Just depends on what kind of 'investor' you are. I'm getting older and love the opportunity to come early into something that could be a foundational technology. Grew up wondering so many investing 'what ifs' and now i have a solid chance to look back in 10-20 years and say, "that's what."

>> No.26583363

Also And I’m trying not to shitpost here. I see you being able to stake while still on Coinbase. Since Coinbase is invested in it. Mass adaption need it to be easier than what is currently being done, even though it’s for the best it isn’t easy.

>> No.26583432

Give it a year but that’s just my reasoning there’s no talk behind it. It just makes sense.

>> No.26583699

This. I was too young to buy into Google when they first went public but I like to think I would have been around a place like this buying as much of their stock as I possibly could back then.
But I also would have lost money on pets.com so you know...

>> No.26584241

Sorry anon, I'm not quite picking up what you're putting down.

Currently waiting on Coinbase to settle some funds, not staked anywhere.

Are you saying you CAN stake while on Coinbase? I'm a bit confused. Please be patient I have no brain.

ty fren

>> No.26584520

And even with that, Google has never paid a dividend

>> No.26585118

Are we seriously at the point people dont understand how gas works on eth?? Its a TX fee. It varies based on traffic, the higher fees get priority by miners because it gives them more profit. When Eth 2.0 switches to staking though gas fees will all drop considerably. Gas should only be a concern if its less than $100 you are moving or if you dont believe your investment will make $50+ in a week of profit.

>> No.26585207

I get how it works. I just think it's pretty gay the fees are so damn high.

>> No.26585350

Because demand is so high right now. Wait until an off hour or something and try. You can lower the gas manually on metamask and wait to see if its eventually picked up. Might be but probably have to wait a while.

>> No.26585767

Dogshit coin

>> No.26586201
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Never been this comfy in my life.

>> No.26586276

No It’s not available now I just think it will be a year or so down the road .

>> No.26586308

What’s a lot ?

>> No.26586551

Once CB settles my bank funds I'm going to stake a few thousand worth.

But if CB adds native staking to their site, that sounds pretty dang comfy.

>> No.26586648

Honestly, before this, it was more a conceptual knowledge that gas fees existed, but zero knowledge on how they play out in real scenarios. Ask and learn.

>> No.26586866

They always skim a lil off the top though, which irks me when manually delegating is so simple. Additionally, having custody of your own crypto is nice, if you're into that sort of thing

>> No.26586966

what site is this from?

>> No.26587357

You're completely right. It would depend entirely on the cut they'd want when I'd stake.

Like I said, I'm getting off of CB and into my MetaMask jazz once my funds settle.

>> No.26587454

So is holding 2k grt even worth it? Was thinking of just throwing it back into comfy ole link

>> No.26587469

probably $50-100k worth

>> No.26587748

This is a long haul play. Google of Blockchain.

Link might be better short term.

>> No.26587775

There's literally billions of these things floating around. What is market cap? If you think this is a good thing for price action, I have a bridge to sell you!!

>> No.26587795

i have 120K stacked, will i make it anon ?

>> No.26587904

no clue fren i'm not a graphfag
but i hear from a friend who works in defi that its extremely legit and probably a good hold

>> No.26588046

Why is link short term? Link is the standard.

>> No.26588241

link already has mooned

>> No.26588303

10 billion supply?

>> No.26588397

Is 23 dollars too high for gas? I'm trying to undelegate but goddamn.

>> No.26588576

How much are you delegating?

>> No.26588681

Sold half my stack to go in on API3, hoping for a bounce though.

>> No.26589151

Replace the value in the top with your metamask address. It lets you see how much you've earned down to the 5 minute interval.

>> No.26589174

Not sure why you guys all panic. I have been comfy delegating and getting more GRT.

If you plan to comfy hold for 2-3 years it should easily go 10x and you are literally getting free fucking money.

Only thing I want them to change is that they have to make the indexers commit to certain fees. I think it is stupid that the potential to get fucked over is there.

>> No.26589251

There's a couple of giant dicks trying to buy 300k at $.52. Wonder what's going on there?

>> No.26589330

Agreed. that’s why I didn’t delegate for the longest time. Now I think I’ve got a decent indexer and I’m getting paid to sit on my butt. So I’m happy

>> No.26589333

Trash coin

>> No.26589525

Should we needful into your rubic rupee rocket sir?

>> No.26589600

Why are you all complaining? We all bought GRT sub 0.20, right? It's a slow growth, we're all 2x up at minimum.

>> No.26589624
File: 982 KB, 1149x935, andre cronje.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"The Graph Code Review: dApps Need Queries" - by Andre Cronje

"Great code, great idea, adds real value, has a real decentralized use case. I’ll be looking forward to using this. Will be my new decentralized etherscan API."


Imagine not accumulating as much of this as you possibly can while it's still under $1

>> No.26589689

People thought that too when eth went to 100

>> No.26589731

Everyone was over on /pol/ krakenposting when it was <$.20. We gotta catch up.

>> No.26589748

Have a nice comfy stack of 6.1k. Don't feel comfortable doing much more than that right now due to my financial situation.

Still, I think I will make it. Delegating + holding for years has the potential to get me halfway to making it depending on how this goes.

>> No.26589939

this is sick!
thanks, fren.

>> No.26590059

also, indexing rewards should be withdrawable to a different address

>> No.26590282

Pretty much this. I'd come off the cope long before but was still distracted by dumb shit over there. Really I would have been all over this. My birthday was pretty much ico day. I got in at .3 though so it's not so bad.

>> No.26590368

hey graph, bring me up pictures of fat sergey mcdonalds

>> No.26590567

I was just gonna use p2p. Who are you with?

That moon guy seemed good as well.

>> No.26590596


sure you did anon

>> No.26590637

I think we're gonna make it fren. dont worry. HODL! GRT MARINES

>> No.26590688

i bought this garbage at 66 cents. someone reassure me it'll go back up please!

>> No.26590791

I think it makes sense that they need to go back to the address that sent them. It's part of an immutable contract that says address x sent some amount of GRT to delegator y and when either party decides to end this agreement address X should get that token amount returned. Introduce other addresses and you open the whole system to exploits. Man in the middle attacks for instance.

>> No.26590850

See you at .37

>> No.26590900
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Wanna fight about it?

>> No.26591012

God I hope so. I want another 20k

>> No.26591107


Oops thought you said .03 which was the initial offering

>> No.26591249

Same. I want this shit to drop so I can buy back in after I dumped at .63

>> No.26591318

good point anon, hopefully eth 2.0 can roll out soon and help with the fees, im sure our gains will cover it anyway

>> No.26591345

Haha holy fuck. I wish. I'd have over half a million GRT staked making over 320 GRT a day delegating. I might actually quit my job if I ever got THAT comfy. One day...

>> No.26591402

I say buy it, stake it and come back in 5 years for a nice surprise
10 grt a week seems stupid now, but with compounding interest and increasing value it's a solid gamble

>> No.26591627

What people don't get is that even with sub 10k you can make it if it 10x (it will)
Imagine having a steady supply of money you can gamble on shitcoins
That's the graph staking rewards