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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26558426 No.26558426 [Reply] [Original]

When does it start? Is it just a meme?

>> No.26558580

It's been going on for years. If you mean when will you notice? Probably never because you're a retard. Come 2035 you'll be enjoying your UBI in your pod.

>> No.26558595

When crypto is adopted. The book of revelations says that you Wont be able to participate in the markets, buy or sell goods without the mark of the beast. Crypto will auto scan from your wrist, phone whatever device they scheme up and that is the mark, no cash everything will be digital

>> No.26558700


>raise the min to $15
>robots now take your order

jobs WILL be replaced, what happens, who knows

>> No.26558776

Kinda like REQ is going to put mad accountants on suicide watch

>> No.26559343

And we'll have flying, self driving cars and go to Mars on holiday, stopping off at the moon for Big Macs and it'll all be free as there's no such thing as money now and these meds are ace can i have more please

>> No.26559407

>mfw when I'm a 3D artist who designs levels for games
Literally impossible to completely automate.

>> No.26559516
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Writes Algo that learns Level design based on Level Interaction of players. Yfw.

>Your company only buys tools, rarely creates them.

>> No.26559540

Amazing id
>When does the great reset start?
About 5 or 6 years. Be prepared.

>> No.26559564

Is it just me or does the world economic forum's description of it just seem like vague bullshit? Like, its all just 'world governments should band together and do these things,' with no actual plan on how to get them to cooperate on anything, and what exactly they should do in detail.

>> No.26559606

Limited time window means has to start this year with drastic messuages. Have till 2022 to drag out lockdowns. They are running out of time. Tech is too fast. Only thing the globalhomos can change is how financing works. So, expect some ground rules to change with this year.

>> No.26559665

this, with the pandemic its now or never; they know they wont get an opportunity like this again

>> No.26559754

How much do you charge? My game has been cubes shooting eachother for too long

>> No.26560055

WSB against Jews will be spinned, shit will be dragged through the media. Story presents itself. 4chan inspired board plays market, Normies will come, attracted by the ash of Autists flying too close to the sun, we never learn. The US already giving their reasoning. China being all: "You want a Cold War faggot?". Digital Currency being an easy escape for them to leave their value rotting physical FIAT behind. It is the perfect storm and the fictions human world is only made of money as measure of validation.

>> No.26560327

Yeah, that's pretty much it. Only conspiracy there is, is to make money while pretending to do something about these issues. Big governments are not that much different from /biz/ or wallstreetBets

>> No.26560357

it's already started. you didn't hear the starting gun?

>> No.26560512

the detailed plans are not for the goyim to see, it wouldn't work if they just told you everything they have planned and this early too that's stupid. what is going on has potential trillions on the line