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26554674 No.26554674 [Reply] [Original]

how do you stake this shit

>> No.26554720

have you tried reading?

>> No.26554737

Also lost on this, the liquidity pool shit confuses me. What is happening when I pool the BAO with ETH???

>> No.26554766

read what
nothing on their site

>> No.26554809

dont wanna waste my ETH if this doesnt work

>> No.26554822

search chainwave bao stake or some shit
search impermanent loss so you know the risks of staking

>> No.26554827

yes anon

>> No.26554923

you are providing liquidity to bao, simple as, staking equal amounts (in fiat) of bao and eth means when someone swaps eth for bao some bao is taken from the pool and eth is deposited and viceversa and you earn rewards for providing liquidity

>> No.26554967



>> No.26555524

From what I understand you add liquidity to the uniswap BAO/ETH pool (or whatever pairing you want) and receive that UNIV2 token, which you then use to stake on the bao site to earn bao.

>> No.26555706

You can literally just type this question into Google now.

>> No.26556812

At this point you're going to need a couple grand into this to even make staking worthwhile, plus about $80 for gas tx and stake fees.

>> No.26556961

Staking this is for the mentally ill. 95% is locked for 3 years. You only get 5% of the rewards can you not read the docs you absolute retards just buy bao and flip it

>> No.26557206

5% can be a lot with 1000% any. Also this isn't going anywhere so long as the market doesn't implode. So why not wait a year or 2. Very few people are going to be able to make it in that time frame with such a low risk factor - only if you get really lucky with something like the next aave, yfi, sushi, etc

Oh wait thats bao. Everyone with 5mm+ bao has already made it, we just gotta wait a while.

I'm going to leave this board for a while.
See you on the moon bao bros

>> No.26557261

Bro you just dont

>> No.26557487

Can you fuckers get out of my pnk-eth pool? I was here first.