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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26550674 No.26550674 [Reply] [Original]

/biz/ im a fucking brainlet
I bought link in 2017 for 40c and now im in mid 6 digits hell and im still a yuropoor blue collar wagie and I still never had a gf at 30yo (almost 31)
also I often risk my life drifting on mountain roads I crashed multiple cars already (I cant help myself) and my little sister tryed to kill herself last month and I have no friends at all
Im very muscular and I dont understand anything in life at all help me you are my only friends you and bladee
I grew up in early 2000 internet 3d universes (activeworld and such) and autistically playing gta vice city and I dont feel this world at all I dont understand shit, like how to bond with peoples
my little sister says im a psychopath but she is crazy (jumped off a building) and im in love with her but she got raped as a teen so i can't try to fuck her or else she will be traumatized
am I gonna make it (no)

>> No.26551340
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all I know is that you should keep holding link
friends and your little sister’s love will come as link appreciates

>> No.26551559
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thankls fren, kek's digits be upon you, I hope you makke it

>> No.26551656

send me your link for safe keeping before you paul walker yourself fren

>> No.26551760

post booba of sister
also just talk to your coworkers more to get better socially. go to parties and shit that your coworkers hold. it's scary but you'll get over it eventually

>> No.26551893
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I’m only 19 so I don’t have much in the way of knowledge but I think you are a person with a lot of love and passion
Good luck and get out there!

>> No.26552111
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Why didn't you just hold? It's going to $1,000.

Sell now. Get into a low-cap and pray it gains you as much some day.

DMG is probably the best bet.

>> No.26552258

I do and im not scared, but I just can't relate, they only talk about normie stuff, travel, girls, soccer (im european) parties etc
only when they talk about cars I can follow
I can actually hold a conversation with them, but when I watch them they seem to bond with ease, even when they've known each other for only a few hours, I dont understand their jokes, I dont get how they bond, sometimes girls like me but I dont know how to communicate and they give up
my sister got small boobe, she is blonde with peach fuzz on her belly, she used to be pretty like a barbie but know she looks like a freak cause she jumped off of 4th story and landed on her (former) pretty face, I still love her even tho she can't blend in (i can)

>> No.26552805

2/10 +1 for mentioning link

>> No.26552931

Please share your wins

When lockdown finishes, make a point to go out and actually enjoy your earnings. Meet some people, have some fun, otherwise it's for nothing

>> No.26553062

None of what you listed is the issue. Nothing you think is a problem is actually THE problem
THE problem is that you are extremely low IQ. There is nothing you can do about that. Just live a simple life as risk free as possible because you are not adaptable. Keep it simple.

>> No.26553328

I went all in on DNA in late 2017 cause some anon on biz posted about it and it was a low marketcap token in the middle of a crazy bullrun,then I rode some shitcoins iota, ICX, CVC REQ etc then when the early 2018 crash happened I went all in on LINK cause I needed a blue chip (already had 5k in 2017) I remember buying 10k at $1, then I just held for a year and bought more link in late 2018 when it crashed and /biz/ was almost dead and never buyed or sold anything since then
I was never on lockdown cause im a blue collar so I can' t work from home and I already had no social life before the corona thing so it changed nothing for me, my goal is to get a farm, grow my food and build car and have a pool, id like to have a gf but im too autistic im afraid, also im perverted from watching porn since im 12 years old, I used to get my porn from kazaa/emule/limewire in the early 2000's, if you're from that era you know what I've seen

>> No.26553660
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sometimes I think im extremely low IQ too, but it was true then how come I can see how dumb normies are, they fall for the most blatant scams, I know a middle class normie who spent $20k on btcasias.com cause some roastie on tinder catfished him (lmao their site has a fake tradingview chart) , I know plenty of morons who lose their money on blatant MLM scams yet they blend in perfectly in society and they have pretty girlfriends even tho they are skinnyfat
but I agree with you on the fact that im not adaptable, I just wish I make enough money to buy a farm and escape wageslaverery

>> No.26553712

Life’s strange, isn’t it?

>> No.26553916

ikr sometimes it gets so strange you lose grip on reality and just slide into the void

>> No.26553958

You like drifting your car? Sign up for defensive driving classes, and drifting classes. It'll be fun. Find something else you like doing. Something fulfilling?

>> No.26554122

stop watching porn and your brain will unpervert
I stopped a couple years ago and now my brain goes crazy just from seeing a girl in a bikini

>> No.26555173
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a few years ago I stopped watching porn for 9 month after I destroyed my PC after I lost a pvp fight in an MMO
It gave me some benefits for sure and it was a good experience but I eventually sinned again, not saying its not my fault,,,,, It didnt help me get a gf tho and it didnt make me a god like some pretend (not only I stopped watching porn but also I stopped touching my dick at all but yeah)
look I was a virgin until 26 then I found my little sister thant I hadn' t seen in years and I fell in love with her so I had to fuck litteraly hundreds of prostitutes to numb the love feeling towards my sister and it did nothing but give me STDs and make me lose money and now im still a fucked up perv