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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2654571 No.2654571 [Reply] [Original]

I actually managed to get a tiny amount of SNT off the ICO (thanks to some random dude on reddit who makes a contract to collect a large amount from many small buyers in order to secure a purchase).

I also managed to buy some 10k on bittrex right as it got out at 168 (eth exchange). its now around 1800 so Im comfortable.

But what i the future for this? What are people going to think?

Are they going to double back on ICOs - thinking bancor was scam - but SNT is the real deal?

Or are they going to realize that a messaging system has so many competitors that it will be useless- regardless blockchain technology?

What do you think will happen to SNTs price in the short-mid-long term?

>> No.2654580

Short term up mid term up.

>> No.2654597

I think blockchain messenger is bad idea. Blockchain idea is to store all the data, while people want to be able to delete their messages, not store them for infinite amount of time.
There is zero meaning in using blockchain in such a way.

>> No.2654638


Yeah that is my instinct too... just not sure what "short" and "mid" term really is. Things are moving quite fast.

>> No.2654673

Being able to store messages is very important for companies. Not sure if this is a sector they are trying to target as well but I have worked in companies (billion dollar not small businesses) where they haven't invested in MS options but need cross-region messaging with the ability to historically check chats.

>> No.2654757

It will fail. I was very hyped about it until I realized that realistically this has little value.

>> No.2654807

You know its a good investment when /biz says it will fail.

>> No.2654816


>> No.2654834

always do the opposite (((/biz/))) says

>> No.2654844

>ignoring (((Bancor))) awareness

>> No.2654862

My hands are shaking.

>> No.2654922

It's holding relatively steady when whales are trying to tank the price, so I'm feeling good

>> No.2654946
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buy my status Bahgs

>> No.2654966

Fuck this its almost 3am and have to sleep. EU, Russia, China, don't fuck this up

>> No.2655098

Shit keeps dropping

>> No.2655101

Dude you're clueless
The messenger is P2P
The currency is on the blockchain

Short term expect at least a pop to a 300m cap

Long term who knows... ETH is worth 28 billion with room to grow and having a messenger act like a dapps hub could be worth billions in the future or it could flop because it got 0 community support/eth crashes

>> No.2655279

bye bye snt

>> No.2655788


>> No.2655825

got in at like 2300 got out at like 2500 yesterday, bought some beers. Not going in again on this one.

>> No.2655877

that was a nice head and shoulders
expect this to go to 2500 today

>> No.2655912

It will be 3k-5k sats by the end of today IMO.

>> No.2655976

WHy do you think this? No news, no nothing, I trust this less than reddcoin right now.

>> No.2655992
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Does this mean somebody bought Status for 1.00000004 BTC? The seller is lucky af then.

>> No.2656000

Seeing that the price states at 1 BTC exact.

>> No.2656006

No, Bittrex sells it to themselves for 1 BTC to list it for some reason.

>> No.2656008

You're an idiot if you trust RDD over an ICO in the present climate with a real development team. Your faith in the project as a long term isn't needed, it's going to go up because it's a pattern that's been well-established.

>> No.2656019

It's pretty shocking that the price has basically flatlined for the past 12 hours since it hit exchanges. Is it being artificially kept low?

>> No.2656026

Yes, most likely, same as BAT and look what that did in the first 48 hours. I doubt it gets that high here though.

>> No.2656051

its 2x ico price and 15000 people bought into the ICO. A lot of them are selling for profit. Wait for the flippers to die out and the whales will start to initiate their pump. THAT is when you exit, because after the whales take their profits its going to be dead in the water until it has organic growth.

>> No.2656060


That's my plan, yes. What's the timeframe for this? By tomorrow? And what'll the high be? I was planning to exit at 4x ICO price at least.

>> No.2656062


>> No.2656075

I have no clue. BAT was on exchanges for two days before it had its pump. Unless you think this thing will never go above 5 cents you might as well be patient.

>> No.2656123

I'm a day trader dude, I make gains on patterns and money flow, I don't give a fuck for the project.

>> No.2656650

looks like the biggest shitcoin ever
literally 0 hype
nothing new

>> No.2656675

>t. bought at 2500, sold at 1800

>> No.2656754

Yet the volume keeps increasing and the order book is a lot more green then red.

>> No.2657347

>looks like the biggest shitcoin ever


>> No.2657391

You do realise messenging apps have existed for decades right? This is probably the most retarded blockchain use case yet.

>> No.2657402

this piece of shit is turning into another bancor right before our eyes....bittrex fucked me over with their bulllshit yesterday or i would've cut my losses early but now im down 20%...

>> No.2657466


>> No.2657504

what the hell going on

>> No.2657508

whales will pump before exiting their position. be patient.

>> No.2657547

How can you tell if there are whales in this?

>> No.2657548


Three dubs now show me some respect and HODL you fucking niggers

>> No.2657555

Turning into another Bancor? It's double the ICO price already and the pump hasn't started.

>> No.2657577

Status is for dapps... think about events like "the fappening"... a decentralized snapchat would be one helluva call that would the messaging app of choice.


>> No.2657604

Fuck you autocorrect.

...Helluva app that would be the messaging app of choice...

>> No.2657614


>> No.2657627

they are in on every ICO. once you see buy orders start piling up to drive up the price you will know when the pump is coming.

>> No.2657666

Fucking HODL till its GODL and then SODL

then come on here and say TODL

>> No.2657672


holy fuck we're going to the moon

>> No.2657691

It's artificial imo. But this is my first ico, so I'm just kind of observing also

>> No.2657701

So which ICO looks promising now?

>> No.2657736


Holy shit what is this witchcraft?

>> No.2657744

>But what i the future for this? What are people going to think?

the average /biz/nesman has an attention span of roughly 12 hours. all they will know in the future is that snt used to be cheap and is now worth more and that the 24 hour percentage is green, that's enough for them to buy and then sell at a loss a few days later when the next shiny appears.

did you read the whitepaper? did you download the app? have you looked at the roadmap and seen what partners they have? you should be able to make your own decisions without using a patagonian cheese server as a crutch.

>> No.2657745

they put more money into marketing than development. and they're using the most cliche hooks for a mass market by saying it's essentially for communication/social networking.

they are literally saying it's great for mass market and then it's also great for developers. so they don't even know who they are trying to target. the people behind this scamcoin are a bunch of dudebros who understand that nerd stuff = easy money.

>> No.2657819

this thing is tanking to 1500 sats isn't it. fuck everything.

>> No.2657849

Dude either sell or shut the fuck up and HODL

>> No.2657851

sell then panic seller.

>> No.2657859

Dumped at 2700 lol enjoy the bags

>> No.2657903

bye bye weak hands

>> No.2657908


>> No.2658093

literal fucking garbage. yet another coin that released and didnt moon or gain for shit. this is the new norm

>> No.2658246

the pump already happened by the time 4chan got involved.

>> No.2658309

>4000 volume
>STILL going down
Are all ICO fags just dumping their bags?

>> No.2658348

There is a whale dumping their bags, anytime the bids book goes up, they immediately sell. Fuck them

>> No.2658359

So should i sell my bags or what. Im tired of this ICO faggotry. Just gona take a loss and go all in on ans after it dips because fuck it

>> No.2658387


>> No.2658432

Hold. Look at the order book on bittrex.

>> No.2658522

its not going to go up past 2400. so sell if you want.

>> No.2658539

>total nub here

What should i be looking for on the order book?

>> No.2658546

bittrex fucked you all over and killed the coins momentum. It was easily going to hit at least 8k before bittrex shat all over it.

>> No.2658584

I'm an ICO fag and won't be selling under 6 months

>> No.2658592

fuck your six months.

you dont have six months

you have six minutes. i want my money now

>> No.2658604

you can have these iron BAAWWSS in 6 minutes

>> No.2658628

It had so much momentum after i bought in around 2200. The volume was skyrocketing too and hasnt seemed to let up either.

>> No.2658659

Yea that was really annoying. And it didn't just go down once. It went down like three times.

It will still go up to at least 4k soon but it would have been quicker if it didn't go under maintenance.

>> No.2658666
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btc-snt pair on bittrex right now.
Still not gonna buy?

>> No.2658683

Shit is fake lad. The walls on trex are pure psyops

>> No.2658719

theyre all selling it. its not a good coin

>> No.2658720
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>> No.2658736
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>Red Wing shoes

>> No.2658749

why in the world are you still holding this? You were suppose to sell it yesterday.>>2654571

>> No.2658765

stop spreading your FUD in here

>> No.2658771

I bought it at 2500 nigger

>> No.2658786

lol messages aren't part of blockchain! blockchain is a decentralised authentication method with P2P connections. This can be used to verify users (like wallet addresses), but the message itself doesn't have to be part of the blockchain

>> No.2658814



>> No.2658905

you dun fucked up

>> No.2659122


>> No.2659170

Android demo Version of Status

>> No.2659204

checked, kekked, nostats rekt

>> No.2659214

dubs says no

>> No.2659220

Wow checked

>> No.2659296
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>> No.2659301
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Nice try Cecil. Your puny singles are no use against me, I'm growing more powerful every day

>> No.2659313

im starting to wonder if theres shady shit going with bittrex. i mean none of this is regulated, so who knows how much corruption there is on these exchanges. heres my conspiracy theory:

i think the people who run bittrex have special deals and arrangements with whales, and get a cut of the whales profits. look at snt yesterday. i think what happened is, when it hit bittrex, it started skyrocketing. so much so, that the whales didnt have enough time to get their walls and bots in place. so they asked bittrex to shut it down for "maintenance" so it would give whales time to get their bots ready so they could accumulate and suppress it. thats my theory

>> No.2659329

He's going to be the first seth rich of the cryptoworld

>> No.2659395

There is a bunch of twitter chatter about Status cashing out a bunch of ETH that is all based off of a reddit thread. Could be partially why Status isn't performing yet.

>> No.2659458

They already said they aren't cashing out the ETH all at once.

>> No.2659523
File: 525 KB, 1437x2671, Screenshot_20170629-105009-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck did I buy in at 2.4k..