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File: 45 KB, 619x440, poker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26540357 No.26540357 [Reply] [Original]

why aren't you playing online poker with your crypto gains? sites are soft af and filled with sports bettors. last night i made almost 30,000 dollars in a tournament risking only 150 dollars. everyone wins but retards.

>> No.26540385

i already do

>> No.26540440

I'm only interested in playing live poker

>> No.26540442

Where can I play?

>> No.26540447

Good luck cashing out off those sites

>> No.26540476

how the fuck is that not cheating?

>> No.26540477

go all in on bucs over chiefs

>> No.26540482

I'd rather play Magic the gathering ™, I don't understand poker

>> No.26540535

Edges in poker are prety miserable these days

>last night i made almost 30,000 dollars in a tournament risking only 150 dollars

your edge was 150 dollars if you're good, the fact that you made this post makes me think you're probably a losing player in the long run

>> No.26540537
File: 290 KB, 1024x898, 1549947592825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw spent 1k on poker instead of link 2 years ago
>now worth 50k

>> No.26540543

Where do you play OP?

>> No.26540549

nigga got a ballsack for an armpit

>> No.26540602

you cash out super fast with bitcoin or bitcoin cash now. it's decent now
so many elite online players came from mtg you got what it takes

>> No.26540616
File: 96 KB, 1280x720, iu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit's not fun compared to live and like a completely different game. Have fun play against hud users

>> No.26540857

poker was profitable when it was hype and all the retards played it and you could make easy money off of people who had no idea wtf they were doing

now only the pros remain no amateurs play anymore it's hard as fuck to win everyone is tight

t. poker player since 2008

>> No.26540913

50/50 dice rolls are the best odds you can get to accumulate wealth quickly

>> No.26540920

she has a boob in her armpit too

>> No.26540924

buy pokertracker it costs like 60 dollars if you want to play cash games. you don't need that shit if you play tournaments you just have to study icm and understand fold equity

>> No.26540950

Because I'm a crypto trader, not some degenerate gambler.

>> No.26540974

I thought the good sites were all taken down ... are there actual money games online?

>> No.26541005


>> No.26541012

If I wanted to work I'd work nig

>> No.26541029

post graph or didnt happen

>> No.26541034

yeah you have to be good to beat 1/2 nl now but tournaments are soft as hell and i play on ignition which is full of sports betting degens not 3rd world pajeets playing gto perfect poker on 16 tables of .05/.10

>> No.26541075

>all that btc I wasted on sealswithclubs
nope, not falling for that again

>> No.26541095

I play in a PokerBros club in the diamond union there are some extremely bad players but also many competent/better than me players

>> No.26541115

Takes too long to sign up

>> No.26541209

True. Poker is a fuck ton of work and not actually fun at all when you win at it.

>> No.26541227
File: 60 KB, 600x580, 1608753612911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fuk this killed me

>> No.26541336

How do I get good at Texas hold ‘em? I started playing with friends recently but almost always lose. Any good guides I can look at?

>> No.26541366

poker is insanely hard. you're almost certainly a losing player if you're not playing 8 hours a day and studying at least a few hours a week

also it takes something like 20000 tournaments before luck(variance) stops being a huge factor. you can literally run hot for years as a losing player(this is why you cant be results oriented like saying "i just won 30k for $150)

>> No.26541412

Watch players better than you. KDJ is based.
The run it once course by peter clarke is probably worth looking into.

>> No.26541488

you HAVE to read at least a half a dozen to a dozen books minimum. just google what people recommend as good poker books, the more recent the discussion the better because poker is constantly evolving. once you've read at least a few books and have at least some understanding of winning poker looks like, read "modern poker theory"

>> No.26541600

play wsop for free online practice. play conservative till you understand the flow of the game then learn to bluff when they least expect it. in person poker also depends on whether or not you can hide emotions well which is a whole other matter.

>> No.26541725

No thanks, I gamble with shitcoins enough

>> No.26541809

You will never be black.

>> No.26541918

Damn you won the Sunday main on betonline? Nice man.
What’s your ROI before this big cash?

>> No.26541943

Poker is a lot of luck, and when someone tells me they don’t believe that some people are just luckier in life than others I shake my head and grin. I know a guy who’s never worked hard a day in his life but he’s won a smaller lottery twice, good jobs handed to him since he was a teen and the shitty startup he used to work for somehow made him rich before going under. Not to mention he always wins every card game, board game and coin flip he’s ever tried.
Us real human beings should stick to crypto and stocks.

>> No.26541986

this is not true. ive been playing since 2008 and the online games got significantly harder by 2014, harder in 2017, and much more challenging now. There are always pros waiting at decent stakes cash tables, of course there will always be fish that will join and drop a few grand, but you have to know who they are by how they play. that isn't learned overnight or by reading a book. Tournaments are filled with pros but also fish. once again have to know how to play against pros and how to play against fish, plus ICM play and how to play different stages of the tournaments. Only the best players win longterm, op may have had a 1st place bink in a $150 tourney last night, but he is either down 80k lifetime or most likely larping

>> No.26542087

if you're not using a hud you should've even think about playing online

>> No.26542090

>either down 80k lifetime or most likely larping
I second this, he has yet to produce a graph.

>> No.26542124

1% of poker players make a profit

only 1% of those 1% make a living out of that profit

it's playing like a robot for 15 hours with 10 open tables for a couple of years to even begin to make some kind of decent money

unless you invent a time machine and go back to 2005

>> No.26542141

You have a 1/6 chance of winning poker lmao

>> No.26542143

cashing out on any reputable site, even for US players, is easier now with crypto than it has ever been. don't try to talk about what you don't know

>> No.26542227

There aren’t many transferable skills from MTG to poker, just a couple general concepts.
MTG didn’t make them good poker players, autism made them good at both.

>> No.26542261

I wanted to pick up online poker again at the beginning of the quarantine, but it's been fully normified now. Pokerstars allows a maximum of 4 tables to be opened at once. Fucking FOUR... It's pretty miserable. Not going to waste my time trying to make pennies that way and I'm not going to play SnGs either, as those are for faggots.

>> No.26542315

Because even if you're good at the game the rake kills any gains you might make unless you're in the top 1%

>> No.26542370
File: 110 KB, 1438x1175, MATTDAMON.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I check.

>> No.26542373

post gains or fuck off

>> No.26542420

Every white trash retard I know seems to think poker is their get-rich-quick ticket. They always end up losing. Same idiots that think they can win with the Martingale betting strategy.

>> No.26542448

I knew a guy who did this back in the day.
The last time I ever played poker was against him. Totally humiliating experience and I considered my self “pretty good” at poker (I didn’t even know how to play, in retrospect)

H-he never looked at his own cards... he just left them on the table and started betting.

>> No.26542463

because i play crypto with my poker gains.

>> No.26542491

This is true, online. I am currently ranked 50th out of like 20k people on the Chico network and I’ve made like 3.5k this month. If you exclude the big once/year tourneys the best players are netting like a couple hundred grand for grinding insane hours. Live poker on the other hand is insanely profitable. You could make the same couple hundred grand working 30 hours/week. The key for live games tho, is you have to be likable cuz all the best games are private.

>> No.26542503

only at micro or very low stakes. you can be a break even player at 100nl+ and still win decent hourly rate with rakeback winnings. as long as the site provides it

>> No.26542539

That’s black jack retard.

>> No.26542544

does plo 5/10 run on betonline?

>> No.26542546

no one literally thinks that. that would be the same as tilting and moving up in stakes to recover your loses

>> No.26542552

Jennifer Tilly.... I'd pok'er.

>> No.26542562

you're doing it backward retard. poker players use crypto to fund their gambling addiction.

>> No.26542663

Yes, but you are gunna need to play in high traffic hours. Tbh I stay away from cash games online bc HUD is a must and their are bots, though it’s gotten better

>> No.26542742

rake + bots
the age of playing poker for a living has been gone for about 15 years now