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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26536080 No.26536080 [Reply] [Original]

All in AMC; get in before $10

>> No.26536252

I'm in, how long we holding?

>> No.26536344

I bought the dip at open

>> No.26536345

Is this really a short squeeze or just a reaction on the 900 million loan or whatever

>> No.26536781

Im retarded, have a credit card and 0 economics skill what do i buy ? GME shares ? Is there anything more to it, like it fucking expires in a couple of hours or so ? I wanna help, but help me too

>> No.26536832

You missed the boat on GME. Buy AMC

>> No.26537017

Amc to the moon.

>> No.26537072


GME has way too much attention at the moment. Even that cuck Jim Cramer is creaming all over it and WSB on reddit. I'd jump in AMC since it's dirt cheap and they also just said they wouldn't file for bankruptcy which means they have a plan in the works.

They might have a lobbyist telling them that the shilling liberal media has been doing for Covid is going to end and they'll pretend like everything is fine which may boost the stock since more people will be going out.

I say that because Biden wouldn't STFU about how Bad Trump was handling things and said day 1 in office that he would do something to combat the pandemic and then on day 1 he said "Well, I can't do anything. It would take months to try and battle this pandemic." The democratic party and the media will do everything in their power to make America look amazing now that Biden is in office. This will boost the market and retail stores temporarily.

>> No.26537095

AMC, the boomer channel that hardly anyone watches? We all died in 2020 and went to hell didn’t we?

>> No.26537111

the next gme is probably gme puts

>> No.26537113

Why? Why is amc going up?

>> No.26537257

GME put orders cost like 2,000 lmao.

>> No.26537294

Pump tomorrow.

>> No.26537357


AMC also owns a big chain of movie theaters and has several large in-house media franchises

>> No.26537363

Its my first time buying shares and anything related to tradin, wanna put 2k (~25 shares) just for the memes, if it goes up to like ~200 ill sell if not its okay.
Ill put maybe 1k in AMC too.
Any suggestions what should i look for im just filling out my online accounts sucks that im not from US.

>> No.26537471
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1 month. It will 10x

>> No.26537652

AMC, BB, NOK, also you still have time to get in early on SING

>> No.26537686
File: 351 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20210125-162104_Robinhood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26537814

i bought 200 of this as my first trade on Robinhood thanks to your tranny shilling here.. Made 250 cents... since i cant shitpost on D live i will just shit trade on robinhood i guess

>> No.26537839

>posting screenshot in every stock thread for weeks to strangers on the internet
Are you really that desperate for validation? Werent you well over a mil a couple weeks ago? Go outside loser

>> No.26537891

>>>/smg/ glowing plebbit frog

>> No.26537939

Whatever nigger, you are probably holding heavy 4.88 bags.
Be poor.

>> No.26537995

You're right. But you gotta start somewhere.

>> No.26538161

Why buy this shit?
Movie theaters make zero profit.
Their channel sucks balls, all the boomers are dying from the couf couf so there goes their base.
Is there some big brain shit happening?

>> No.26538226
File: 24 KB, 874x579, yes I'm poor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26538302

No it’s the smoothbrains. They buy like a herd of lemmings when someone tells them to. They think they are sticking it to the man. GameStop was first now amc next probably

>> No.26538316

Just go with the flow or leave /biz/. Your choice kid

>> No.26538429

turbo poorfag here, threw in $100 today
10x possible or will these meme run get frontrun or cracked down on by le joos

>> No.26538563

GameStop was over 200 easy if (they) had not frozen the market multiple times and killed the momentum.