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File: 7 KB, 64x64, kleros.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26532711 No.26532711 [Reply] [Original]

Come on guys, you don't really think this decentralized conflict solving bullshit can work, right? There's no way regular people with no law training whatsoever can appropriately judge controversies, even the simplest ones. Not to mention the most complex ones (a company couldn't deliver its promise but it's because of factors outside of its control or because a supplier didn't do its job, so it's actually unfair to punish the company, you need to go after a third party, which will have another excuse, etc.)

And no company would accept to submit to their judgement, because common people would obviously be biased against le ebil capitalistic companies and be in favor of the poor common man.

And the sentences would have no legal value whatsoever: if you don't like them, you can present the controversy to a regular court. Nothing is stopping you. Kleros' sentences have NO LEGAL VALUE.

At first I too liked the concept (solve controversies in hours instead of months or years! Be paid to be a judge!) but if you reflect on it for a second you realize what an utterly retarded concept it is.

Please explain why you think this idea has potential for real world application.

>> No.26532793

You mean like juries?

>> No.26532811

Thanks but didn't read and bought 100k more

>> No.26532844
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>> No.26532871

>Purple ID, dubs, sorry ass FUD w/ reddit spacing

Yeah, I'm thinking WAGMI

>> No.26532890

You realize that random people are selected to be jurors in real courts right?

>> No.26533163

You realize that Kleros is going to be a GLOBAL system, and here in Europe YOU CAN'T JUDGE ON CASES UNLESS YOU'RE A PROFESSIONAL LAWYER/JUDGE, right?

You realize the world is NOT the US, right? You realize we don't really use juries and we would never accept to put our controversies in the hands of untrained morons who maybe don't even understand our laws (because they're foreigners selected at random), right?

>> No.26533228

I'm not fudding, I have genuine problems with the Kleros concept and I'd like answers. I wanted to invest at first, but now I really can't.

>> No.26533279

Seethe more europoor

>> No.26533289

Kleros has already solved multiple rape cases, a little late with the fud there ranjesh.

>> No.26533322

I will add: here the right to resort to the justice system (the official one) is an INALIENABLE RIGHT, so Kleros' decisions would have zero value. If you don't like the sentence, just ignore it and present your case to a traditional court.

>> No.26533397

Not an argument. mongoloid.

Answer my objections instead of saying "but it already works", mongoloid.

>> No.26533521

Kleros courts do not have any legal status in any jurisdiction in the world. It's for arbitration in private contracts. You don't need to be a professional lawyer or judge to weigh in on cases ffs. Plus it's founded by a Frenchie so don't give me this US-centric bullshit.

>> No.26533566

Dr;ns kike

>> No.26533685

Please do not talk about those rape cases. I was a juror on one of them and have had to go to therapy for PTSD for a year now. That security camera footage was so high definition...

>> No.26533744

>It's for arbitration in private contracts
The white paper discusses cases against companies (like that couple that sued the company that offered them a cruise with insufficient level of service).

And this obsession with the pseudo-argument "but we use juries" is US-centric. Here in Europe we almost never use them.

>> No.26533841
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OP, just admit you're a bainlet and fall in the category of pic related.

no one here is gonna spoonfeed you

do the needful.

>> No.26533916

ok OP, educate yourself on game theory and why it's important, that's how you will understand.

>> No.26533993

Reply to my fucking objections or admit you have no arguments because you're a mongoloid who buys everything /biz/ shills.

>> No.26534094

Mon ami, je pense que c'est toi qui est le mongoloid. SVP suce ma bite.


>> No.26534146

reply to these dubs, faglord.

>> No.26534169

>read up on a field of study that will take you years to properly examine and that is tangentially related to our discussion, because I'm too lazy to write an answer but I still want to pretend I'm right.

>> No.26534206
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you lack the knowledge around the key areas of the system, which makes you not see the "main" objective nor understands why secondary markets of pic related could be of.

>> No.26534219

Fucking trisomic idiots who don't even understand what they're throwing money into. Imbeciles. Mongoloids. You're everything shit with crypto.

>> No.26534287
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Sir you realise we need subjective arbitration for smartcontracts on subjective basis (like biden vs trump bet case) that just works from economic standpoint we jsut need contract provider and users to agree on using our oracle and thats it theres usecase, we are not solving murders?
Do you sir?

>> No.26534289

>There's no way regular people with no law training whatsoever can appropriately judge controversies, even the simplest ones.
What do you think a “jury of your peers” is?

>> No.26534346
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lol I definitely don't have $500,000 invested in Kleros at all. No sir.

>> No.26534352

>let me post a picture that has NOTHING to do with his objection and write a sentence where I repeat that I'm correct in my unreachable wisdom, but without explaining why or answering any of his objections.
>That will make me look smart.

>> No.26534442

>what is dispute resolution

Literal brainlet tier fud day after day. Fuck courts and fuck niggers playing Matlock. It's for when Karen orders a black dildo and receives a pink one then Kleros gets to decide whether to refund Karen or not if the seller doesn't want to.

>> No.26534449

>we jsut need contract provider and users to agree on using our oracle
They have NO REASON to agree on using your fucking service, and if they disagree with the result they can simply ask an actual court to overthrow it. It's like Kleros doesn't even exist. It's irrelevant.

>> No.26534501

What do you think "the rest of the world which doesn't use this retarded jury system" is?
Here in Europe the idea of letting random strangers judge our controversies is laughable or alarming.

>> No.26534584

And then the seller refuses to accept your retarded make believe judgement and goes to an actual court and the entire system collapses.

You fucking imbecile. You retarded donkey. How can you not see this "brilliant" idea can't fuckin work?

>> No.26534618
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>he doesnt understand smart contracts

>> No.26534623

You've already exposed that you don't understand the fundamental difference between private arbitration and litigation in a court of law. Besides, arbitration is only one project Kleros is involved with. PoH has arguably greater value potential than crowdsourced dispute resolution. Trying to reason with you any further would be like administering medicine to a corpse.

>> No.26534624

Anon, I'm sorry to say it but you really are the only brainlet here. When you send eth for an erc20 token on uniswap how do you know they will send the token? Because it's built into the smart contract of the platform. The verdict of a kleros court dicision will executed in the exact same way. ALL kleros cases will be the result of disputes in smart contracts you see? You really need to learn more about how crypto and smart contracts work I think. Happy to answer any other questions you may have.

>> No.26534686
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>literally 1 semester class where 90% of shit revolves around prisoners dilemma and schelling points to you know shit normal human being especially one that's involved in crypto shoudl allready know, but hey im to lazy will call it unrelated to discusion throw random insults and call it a day if you wont spoon feeed me

T. retard

>> No.26534726

Oooh, your little smart contract awarded $40 to the winner of your little make believe "trial". Well then, I sure hope an actual court with an actual judge and actual lawyers will respect that decision and not immediately overthrow it, forcing you to pay up legal fees and the $40 you got.

>> No.26534823

im baffled by how retarded you look at the world.

>> No.26534906
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Yet polichan used it in 5 mil case, users placing bet on polichain agree to use kleros subjective oracle, many where not happy with resault and that was it case closed, you know as if when you agree on arbiters i shitcoin cassino in case of subjective dispute you really have no grounds to ask cour anything lol
Sir pls keep insulting im 100%going to waste my time to spoonfeed you more

>> No.26534918

>The verdict of a kleros court dicision will executed in the exact same way.
God fucking dammit you people are fucking retarded imbeciles. Look, I'll make it simple enough for you to understand: if I lose a controversy on Kleros and have, let's say, 500 euros taken from me, WHAT THE FUCK IS STOPPING ME FROM DECIDING THIS ENTIRE PROCESS WAS UNLAWFUL, UNFAIR BULLSHIT AND RESORTING TO AN ACTUAL COURT, which may reverse that decision and force you to pay me back my 500 euros plus additional expenses?

Your little smart contracts have NO LEGAL VALUE. When a sentence is issued by an actual court of law you're screwed (unless you can appeal) because the sentence is executive and impossible to ignore or reverse. That is NOT the case with Kleros. Do you get it, mongoloid?

>> No.26534926

OP u are a dumb, hollow nut
maybe try making music with the bong on your neck instead of failing at fudding?

>> No.26534990

These are the sort of responses I would expect to receive if I was explaining kleros to my grandma. kek

>> No.26535033

I read the whitepaper and the yellow paper, mongoloid, which means I probably know this so called "project" better than you.
I also know the fundamentals of game theory and I'm clearly MUCH smarter than you. Still doesn't answer a single one of my doubts. Know why? Cause you're full of retarded shit.

>> No.26535061

$5,000,000 have passed through the courts. 500 cases. 5,000,000/500= 10,000.

Your numbers are a little off. It’s not $40 per case. Around $10,000 are paid out per case

>> No.26535065

why not watch the dozens of lawyers talk about kleros on youtube if that is your concern? there's a whole 3 conference where they share their take on the project from a "real world" view

you're probably too lazy to do that so I'll summarize it for your antbrain in a single word: "positive"

>> No.26535084

If resort to the justice system is inalienable, why can corporations enforce binding arbitration clauses?

>> No.26535099

>do you get it, mongoloid
>... , mongoloid, ...
Sire, please stop the projection in the name of ganeesh

>> No.26535140

The entire point of dispute resolution is to avoid going to court and paying out the ass for lawyers and lost time. Adding a dispute resolution layer to the smart contract incentivizes people not to cheat on their contract in the first place. Nothing is stopping people from bringing a lawsuit to a court...but by encouraging the counterparties not to defect on their agreement, both sides lower their risk due to uncertainty and low levels of trust.

>> No.26535151

>when you agree on arbiters i shitcoin cassino in case of subjective dispute you really have no grounds to ask cour anything lol
Lol that's not fucking true at all lol because as I've said HERE IN EUROPE YOU HAVE THE INALIENABLE RIGHT TO RESORT TO A PROPER COURT OF LAW.

This right is inalienable. You can't give it up. It doesn't matter what terms of service you agree to, if you don't like Kleros' response, you can definitely tell it to suck it.

>> No.26535167

You remind me of myself when I FUDed link threads because I missed for over 2 years
It hurts, I know.

>> No.26535236

I've already talked with a lawyer (one that doesn't start from a US-centric perspective) and the response was that here Kleros would be worthless, laughable.

>> No.26535251

Ok thats it
How does cour FORE uniswap or any fucking smart contract to reverse anything you sub 80 iq fag?
There is no counterparty to sue if you are unhappy white smart contract execution in way it did you fucking newfag

>> No.26535268

You agreed to use kleros for dispute resolution when you initiated the smart contract. Which means you agreed to accept the ruling of the kleros court if a dispute was to occur. What legal standing do you have? Smart contracts are like terms and conditions, when you sign up to Facebook you agree to them before use so have no legal standing if things don't go your way.

>> No.26535283

Yeah you're just fudding now
Apply yourself next time

>> No.26535323

>Here in Europe we almost never use them
I'm sorry, but I can't hear you from fucking ENGLAND, mate.

>> No.26535383

>I don't understand
>read 30 mins
>rewatch conference?
>my lawyer said it was a bad idea when i tried to explain it to him with my ant brain and severe lack of understanding of the tech

>> No.26535462

>Lol that's not fucking true at all lol because as I've said HERE IN EUROPE YOU HAVE THE INALIENABLE RIGHT TO RESORT TO A PROPER COURT OF LAW.
>This right is inalienable. You can't give it up. It doesn't matter what terms of service you agree to, if you don't like Kleros' response, you can definitely tell it to suck it.
And judge orders to smarcontract to pay you up?
Are you acually this slow kek
Do you know how any of this shit works?

>> No.26535484

This isn't entirely accurate. In reality of course someone could have legal standing to sue even after third-party mediation such as Kleros. It happens all the time when mediation breaks down.

>> No.26535500

>Nothing is stopping people from bringing a lawsuit to a court...
And that's the death of Kleros. If people can simply ignore its sentences and overthrow them through official channels, the system loses its potency and is reduced to a joke, a waste of time.

No company would ever accept to submit itself to the judgement of a system like this, which would obviously favor the customers because the judges would also be customers. And even among private individuals, if one is forced to pay by the smart contract, it can easily reverse that by asking an actual court.

How can't you see how weak and pointless this entire idea becomes?

>> No.26535599


>> No.26535628

>What legal standing do you have?
God you people are STUPID and IGNORANT as fuck. You really don't know anything about the law in most of the civilized world, do you? You always have the right to resort to an official court of law. Always. Doesn't matter if you clicked on "I accept the terms and conditions" when you opened the smart contract. NOBODY CAN TAKE THAT RIGHT AWAY FROM YOU. It's one of the basis of our law system.

Fuck you're ignorant children.

>> No.26535670
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thanks OP, you were a good jester.

>> No.26535742

>he thinks legal redress is a part of the globohomo plan
you're not going to make it, fren
the EU won't save you, they're already onboard with PNK

>> No.26535835

No. The objective of Kleros is not to supplant the legal system. Its value lies in eliminating potential litigation costs for two sides of a contract by building in an arbitration clause.

Also, you should get a new lawyer.

>> No.26535862

>There is no counterparty to sue
Yes there is, you monumental menstrual tampon.

I lose a controversy on Kleros with Alice McCunty because she claims I didn't deliver a certain product, and the smart contract takes $500 from me. I decide I'm not happy with this result and sue Alice McCunty for the $500 and the legal fees. Don't know her name? Don't worry, the police can easily find it by examining the transaction we made when we agreed on the original contract.

>> No.26535911
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>> No.26535914

Reply to these objections then, fucking imbecile. Go on.

>> No.26535945
File: 68 KB, 960x462, A3D67242-F0C3-4777-AE0A-9DAED890998C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep breaking even you fkn jeets

>> No.26535956

It's amazing how many of these retards can't grasp the simple fact that Kleros acts as a third party and the terms would be implemented in the purchase/agreement which determines the outcome. I want to fucking bash their heads in when they use the "if I don't like the ruling I'll just ignore it" fud.

>> No.26535988

ill spoonfeed u kleros (maybe) if you tell me what coins you do hold

>> No.26535991

>Around $10,000 are paid out per case
Which makes it even more likely that the losing party will NOT accept Kleros' verdict, a verdict emanated by some ignorant and probably biased rando somewhere in the world, and will decide to resort to an actual court of law. Thereby making Kleros useless.

>> No.26536009

Also, I'll give you a consideration on the marketability of this to certain data companies: mapping human judgement within an arbitration setting. Imagine you could essentially... create a mass game of the judicial system and run it over and over and over, have every part of it imaged and mapped. What value would you think that would have to certain tech companies wanting to map human behaviour? What about these companies who want to map technology which can 'assist' legal professional in decision making?

>> No.26536057

Arbitration IS PART OF THE OFFICIAL JUSTICE SYSTEM. That's why its decisions are binding. Kleros is not part of it. That's why its decisions hold as much weight as a fart in the wind.

>> No.26536084

But what grounds do you have for your legal case to be successful? The judge will be more likely to agree with the kleros jurors than you (game theory), so in general, you would lose money if you took every kleros case you lost to a real court than if you just accepted the outcome.

>> No.26536134

Oh Anon, you keep saying those words like they matter anymore.

>> No.26536145

i think he's calling his lawyer

>> No.26536196

Still no argument. None whatsoever in the entire thread.

Please, do talk to a non-american lawyer. Explain Kleros to them. Listen to their objections demolishing it within 2 minutes. Like I did.

>> No.26536231

lmao how often do you think ebay disputes get taken to civil courts?

>> No.26536260

explained by you? for sure they'd say its retarded
explained by lawyers around the world, universities and bleeding edge tech people? they would rave.

>> No.26536268

I love Kleros fud. There isn’t a single piece of fud that isn’t easily dispelled by just reading the documents

>> No.26536327

this board needs flags, this guy is as retarded as an american

>> No.26536407

And that's an argument how?

>judge orders to smarcontract
Are you referring to so called "judges" who are actually random people with NO legal standing whatsoever?
A real judge doesn't give a shit about smart contracts or about the opinions of some random guys in Budapest that roleplayed as a judge for 10 minutes. Even you must understand this. Kleros has no legal value whatsoever. It's just a third party expressing an opinion that is not binding in any sense of the word.

It's like asking your neighbor who's right and then using that opinion as a legal sentence. You're either mentally ill or retarded. Or a shill.

>> No.26536459

You dont need smarcontract if you need to pay alice for job thats why 99% firrst cases are all smart contract related.
For fuck sake

>> No.26536503

judge judy coin

>> No.26536602

Someone not completely retarded.

Do you people really think that if a smart contract takes 10k dollars from me because some random moron has decided that I'm in the wrong (after examining my case for only a few hours or a few minutes) do you really think I'm just going to eat the loss? Do you really think I'm not going to immediately go to a civil court to demand a refund?

Come fucking on.

>> No.26536617
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This is a bullish thread now. What is the xDai bridge Clement was referring to?

>> No.26536661

What the fuck are you on about, you autist?

>> No.26536699

>A real judge doesn't give a shit about smart contract
Ok lol im done
Bullish if this is state of kleros fud theese days

>> No.26536715

Everyone else has already explained it to you
Youre just dense

>> No.26536753

>Its value lies in eliminating potential litigation costs for two sides of a contract by building in an arbitration clause.
It can't do that unless it's an alternative to the justice system with legally binding powers. Because if it's not an alternative, I can overthrow whatever decision I don't like. Kleros loses all its power. Its "sentences" are not binding, they don't mean anything.

>> No.26536912

Based OP. Dispute this klerosjeets:
>Get taken to Kleros Court
>Close the tab
>Walk away a free man

>> No.26536919
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i appreciate OP's constitution

>> No.26537112

>The judge will be more likely to agree with the kleros jurors than you (game theory)
Don't throw around buzzwords like game theory to sound smart, you still sound like an autistic mongoloid.

The (actual) judge is NOT more likely to agree with Kleros at all, because the (actual) judge is a professional who understands the nuances of the law, nuances you dipshits can't even begin to understand because you're laypeople and therefore ignorant. Kleros' fake judges will think like laypeople, and if you knew ANYTHING about law you'd know that laypeople almost always misunderstand the law and think they have some rights that they don't have, or that the other party has some obligations they don't have.
Plenty of examples of that in this thread. Look at all the mongoloids who didn't even know that you can ALWAYS resort to a court of law, even after accepting to be judged by a smart contract.

Seriously, ask a lawyer about this shit. Ask him what he thinks of a system that wants to judge cases in the entire world, invading countless different legal systems while not even having local professionals who KNOW the local laws.

Fucking hell, it's incredible you don't see the problem.

>> No.26537213

Yes, but if you've lost in arbitration already, your case is going to be weaker. Why bring expensive and slow litigation to the courts when you've already been dealt a blow? Also, Kleros jurors have an incentive to vote with the majority, otherwise they lose their staked PNK (this is where game theory applies). That dissuades them from making shitty judgements.

>> No.26537279

>the terms would be implemented in the purchase/agreement which determines the outcome.
You're a fucking idiot. Anyone can resort to an ACTUAL court of law at any time, regardless of how many agreements they sign on the internet. It doesn't matter if the company or the person you sign the agreement with says "but if we have some controversy, we can only resort to Kleros". IT DOESN'T MATTER. You can still go to official courts of law. You still have that right. You can absolutely ignore Kleros' "sentence" and revert it.


>> No.26537398

If an agreement has the clause "We can only use Kleros to sort conflicts", that clause is NOT VALID.

It's like signing a contract that says "You have to give me the virginity of your first daughter". Even if you sign it, it has no value. It goes against the national law. You always have the right to use official courts of law.

Fucking idiots.

>> No.26537517

sirs surely fud of this caliber is deserving of a swift death penalty in kleros court?

>> No.26537541

>create a mass game of the judicial system
It wouldn't be a simulation of the judicial system, because in Kleros the ones who judge are NOT legal professionals. They don't know what professionals know, they don't think like professionals think. The results would be worthless.

Also, now you're suggesting that Kleros' worth wouldn't come from its ability to quickly and easily sort controversies, but from this mass simulation bullshit. Which is it? I mean, you're wrong in either case, but just to clarify the discussion.

>> No.26537588

You can pretend to live in a different world, but here the OFFICIAL justice system still exist and still has absolute power. Your little make believe utopian systems are pointless and powerless.

>> No.26537735

on a side note, can someone redpill me on UNN? Kleros team partnered with them, and i know they don't partner with jsut anyone

>> No.26537750

I haven't heard a single valid argument in this entire thread. NOT ONE.

Quite often, when the pot comprises thousands of dollars and the outcome is considered unfair by one of the parties.

>they would rave
Lol you mongoloids are pathetic. THEY WOULD RAVE, sure. That's why when I explained to them while pointing at sections of the whitepaper and the yellowpaper they were unsure whether to laugh or scream in frustration.

If it's that easy to explain it in a convincing manner, how come NONE OF YOU managed to answer a single one of my objections in a satisfactory manner (meaning, without ignoring laws or logic)?

>> No.26537889

And yet, none of you can reply to a single objection.

Wait, come back, you still have not provided a single argument or counterpoint. Not even one. Not even half. People might think youre a fucking idiot full of shit.

>> No.26538048

I sold my Kleros after arriving at similar conclusions. Blockchain has seen some adoption yeah, but a decentralized court is far too fringe for anyone ever to take seriously. The developers and their investors are naive idealists. No business is ever going to implement this. Kleros has done 500 cases in 2 years and most of them are absolute memes, all of them are just other crypto projects jerking each other off.

>> No.26538087

You will never be a Hero of Athens.

>> No.26538258

>if you've lost in arbitration already, your case is going to be weaker.
Kleros is NOT an arbitrator. It's a little toy with no legal standing or dignity. Losing a controversy there because some idiot decided to use his "common sense" instead of the law (which he doesn't understand) is not going to make you less likely to win an ACTUAL arbitration.

>Why bring expensive and slow litigation to the courts when you've already been dealt a blow?
Hmm... I don't know, maybe because Kleros has just stolen THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS from me for reasons that I think are too weak to hold up in an actual court of law?

>Kleros jurors have an incentive to vote with the majority
Yes, with the majority OF RANDOS WHO DON'T UNDERSTAND THE LAW and therefore vote according to their feelings. This system is NOT designed to produce fairness, only conformity to a very low standard, the one of the common layperson who decides to roleplay as a lawyer.

>That dissuades them from making shitty judgements.
What? No. You don't understand the Kleros system. It dissuades them from diverging from the majority (or rather, from what they think the majority will think). It's completely different.

>> No.26538474

>a decentralized court is far too fringe for anyone ever to take seriously. The developers and their investors are naive idealists.
Which doesn't mean that the coin can't pump and give profit, if you time your exit right. Crypto is absurd and unpredictable.
It just means that the concept behind the token is laughably idiotic and will never come true, so it's not a long term solid investment.

>> No.26538697

I'm now convinced this is the most elaborate FUD ever concocted on biz.

1. Most contracts adjudicated via Kleros will not get close to the cost of going to court.

2. No understanding of the law is necessary in arbitration because it's about interpreting whether a contract has been fulfilled NOT whether a law has been violated. That can only be determined in a court of law.

If you don't like the project, don't buy it.

>> No.26538736

I don't think it will pump either. The team refuses to pay for exchange listings, again they are idealists. The staking rewards are dogshit. There is no hype. No real integrations will ever happen. This is a research project. Proof of humanity is the only potentially useful thing Kleros can do, but it will be cost prohibitive and subject to flaws.

The other thing is that the game theory does even work as described. 50% of the vote share is owned by three whales who have financial stakes in the projects which send cases to kleros for arbitration. The team only just seems to have realized how problematic this is, and they are modifying the protocol. It's a disaster

>> No.26539138

stopped reading after that word
you're either a brainlet or deliberately playing dumb

>> No.26539379

yeah and link is just a json parser

>> No.26539423

good luck trying to sue a protocol retard

>> No.26539440

Jesus you boomers just don't get it, kleros is just mutual insurance for a contract for if someone fucks up. The court system just decides who fucked up if something goes wrong.

>> No.26539450

12 cents too expensive for you bro? Kleros works because meme funny.

>> No.26539571

We live in clown world and Kleros is a way to step out of that back into a comfy reality.

We gonna make it whether you like it or not.

>> No.26539969

>And the sentences would have no legal value whatsoever: if you don't like them, you can present the controversy to a regular court. Nothing is stopping you. Kleros' sentences have NO LEGAL VALUE

That doesn't really matter. It's just mediation service. If they are unhappy they can still take it to court and if that decides against them they can take it to higher instances too. But a lot of issues can probably be resolved with Kleros, depending on the ratio how courts rule vs Kleros rules. If Kleros is wrong too often, then obviously it's worthless, but if Kleros has like a 99% accuracy for rulings, then going to court after losing the kleros case would just be wasting money. Will it work? Will it not work? Who knows. But I like the concept

>> No.26540085

what you fagolas dont realize is that it is no longer a question of "if" with Kleros
its not like they're trying to find a market fit still. The system is being used today and has had millions of dollars pass through it. It just works.
Now it is a matter of waiting for the decentralized marketplace ecosystem to start up, which by the way waiting on a technology like Kleros for a while now.
Just relax, sit back, and enjoy your pump to $1 in a month when they finally release and announce the stealth projects.

>> No.26540132

>There's no way regular people with no law training whatsoever can appropriately judge controversies, even the simplest ones.
Except they already do and its called jury
Weak fud faggot

>> No.26540258

>what you fagolas dont realize is that it is no longer a question of "if" with Kleros
>its not like they're trying to find a market fit still. The system is being used today and has had millions of dollars pass through it.
Also this ^
And op replied 38 times, seems like you have our best interests at heart op

>> No.26540259

Actually now I have respect for OPs blindness and ensuing negative iq. Amazing to see truly stupid specimens

>> No.26541049


>Kleros' sentences have NO LEGAL VALUE.

If the two parties stipulate to obey a Kleros court for a particular issue then it does have a legal value.