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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26528769 No.26528769 [Reply] [Original]

How will you ever be able to look at yourself in the mirror again?

... when RADIX has overtaken your coin on coingecko.

>> No.26528904

.10 to .12 stable coin.

>> No.26529043

is AVAX living in your head ... rent free?

do you have boners you are ashamed of while thinking of Emin the Turk?

>> No.26529081

>8 years development
>no mainnet
>still a worthless ERC20 token

why the fuck should anyone buy radix?

>> No.26529189

I can't look myself in mirror for not loading my bags harder while the price was at 0.06

>> No.26529337

Lambo, Synth... Get better memes made you street shitting retards

>> No.26529551

these memes are so low quality it actually hurts, like zero effort

>> No.26529685

8 years of development is good
mainnet q2
erc20 is just for distribution.
Radix is the only platform that solves the trilemma and has atomic composability.

>> No.26529829

in truth smart avacuks (oxymoron?) are starting to hedge with Radix, so at least it won't all end in tears for them

>> No.26530461

Got a serious question for you is there gonna be a big dump with the unlock because all crpyto is talking about the big Avalanc dump please tell me i am scared to be dumped

>> No.26530643

It's still cheap mate!

>> No.26531304
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>> No.26531366

I don't even shill AVAX I just think these radix chad memes are absolute trash. best of luck to you but seriously make better memes

>> No.26531423
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>> No.26531662

AVAxers should stick doing what they do best shilling and making memes
Leave consensus design to real men

>> No.26531803

What do you mean with real man

>> No.26531927

How does radix compare with cardano?

>> No.26532104

bruh, cardano, really? That shit is so behind everything

>> No.26532200

>Rank #2410 on Coin Market cap

Lmao, what is it with you brown people

>> No.26532296

the left can't meme lmao

>> No.26532328

spoon feed me bro

>> No.26532513

Having such a shit coin that you have to pay people to spread interest


>> No.26532532

Its not even close. Cardano can't scale their base layer so they going the Layer2 route, which means they will break their dapp atomic composability = meaning use cases like DeFi will be a poor experience on Cardano as dapps won't be able to easily communicate with one another.

This is why atomic composability is vital to DeFi. Radix has it, just about everything else doesn't. And Radix is the only one that has it at scale.

>> No.26532749

How is this so under the radar? Because it hasn't launched?

>> No.26532773

smart contracts can communicate with each other on AVAX at unparalleled scale, speed and finality

>> No.26532778

Ok i admit Radix is the best !!

>> No.26532940

I don't buy into any crypto that sounds like it belongs on /vgm/

>> No.26533142

Dude not even just this its even worse than that. They have a private chat... Dan the main dev is directly involved in these threads.

>> No.26533238
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>Dad I just shat myself

>> No.26533382

Both Radix and AVAX are piss shitcoins

>> No.26533385

blahblahlbah. Technology this, atomic composability that. 2^256 node-shard-things this, blahblah transactions per second that.

BORING! Only one question matters:

What's the make it stack?

>> No.26533745

We can all together pitch in 10 dollars and make Dan finally make it

>> No.26534023

At what age did you decide to become a clown?

>> No.26534087

For the sake of Dan's health and wellbeing, I hope he's got it right this time and that Radix is a dazzling success.

>> No.26534300

It’s sooo flattering that this is the FUD level. It’s a confirmation there’s nothing bad to say about Radix.


>> No.26534381

What was Ben's goal again? To always be in the top 20 on merv.tech?

>> No.26534387

Idk man, paying people to shill and posting it on normie reddit is a pretty bad move in public relations

>> No.26534410

Avax kinda a weird one to single out considering its success and loads of longterm potential

>> No.26534507

Yup. These guys take absolutely no care at all in protecting themselves either. It'll all come out

>> No.26534891

Ah weird, the shill has been vanquished. Stay the fuck out, we don't want you here on biz

>> No.26535077

I’ll stick to the point that it’s lovely that’s the only criticism. The product will speak for itself and we’ll talk again then. Just make sure you filled your bag enough to enjoy the ride.

>> No.26535164

Great. Now tell Dan to get back to work, mate. Tired of flexathon deadlines being pushed back because he spends all his time on /biz

>> No.26535188

Haha you are really worried about Radix. And that’s smart cuz you should be

>> No.26535243

why are meme advertisements so fucking bad?

>> No.26535332

I think Radix is the new normal !!

>> No.26535378

You might get a pump and dump out of at best, keep shilling my man and you'll make it , if you sell before people work out what's going on.

Good luck.

>> No.26535429

He’s working on it mate trust me. Very very soon you’ll see what radix is capable off

>> No.26535480

An ERC20 token? Cool, got it

>> No.26535687

That’s just for distribution. Is this really all you have?

>> No.26535730
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Congrats to all those who bought Radix, we are all gonna make it bros

>> No.26535847


>> No.26535936

its literally a platform MADE FOR DEFI
how can you expect normies to use defi when it costs 100$ in gas to interact with ethereums defi smart contracts
im so damn bullish on radix

>> No.26536028

The difference between me and you is that I spot the potential and you obviously don’t.

>> No.26536131

Nice to see another vaporwave fan, this is my favourite song

>> No.26536245

enjoy your empty promises

>> No.26536728

What's the suicide stack? Just picked up 20k.

>> No.26537154
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Algorand takes a piss on both these wannabe trilemma solvers

>> No.26537258

love radix, the tokenomics kind of suck though. 5% of supply is released whenever a certain moving average is reached for 7 days (each tier is 2 cents, current one is 15c). long story short it will eventually have a fully diluted mcap of almost 1.9b once the last tier is reached at 43c. so until then if you buy now even though the mcap will jump, the inflation will only allow you to profit about 4x (since current price is a little over 10c). after that it all matters how much higher than 2b it can go (i believe it's possible since it solves the trilemma - having scalability, security, and dectralization all in one - as well as having atomic composibility which is essential for defi to take off, and no other project can do this). but in other words for a 10x, it'll have to go to like $5b mcap. for 100x, about $50b mcap. not that out of the realm of possibility considering what it can do.

>> No.26537423

and to expand a bit, atomic composability basically means there's no bottlenecking when different defi platforms are used simultaneously. it allows for unprecedented parallelism. it accomplishes this with a new consensus algorithm they call cerberus.

you can track its current mcap and token release schedule at https://getradix.com/live-stats

>> No.26537510

imagine knowing about Radix this early on and dismissing it.. y'all thick as pig shit!

>> No.26537566


>> No.26537847

For what Radix can do 5b mcap is a joke. Put 100b there and we have a conversation

>> No.26537851

Its okay little toddler you can learn how to say big words when you grow up

>> No.26537941

Now explain Cerberus to a 5 year old

If you cant, it means you dont understand it and just want to make x4 to increase your ETH or BTC holdings, that is you participate in a scam.

>> No.26538119

I don’t learn irrelevant words

>> No.26538178

Can this realistically go to 1$ this year?

>> No.26538255

The answer is a resounding yes, between 0.50$ and 2$ is a conservative estimate

>> No.26538374

>8 years of development is good
actually no, everyone who invested at the beginning lost millions of dollars because they gave their BTC away for this trash.
>mainnet q2
will only be limited to 100 nodes so not decentralized.
>erc20 is just for distribution.
you mean dumping on retards
>Radix is the only platform that solves the trilemma
since there is no mainnet they didnt solve anything.

Avalanche already solved the Blockchain Trilemma.

>> No.26538489

$100 5 years from now.

No not Radix. The Avalunch mcap

>> No.26538508

also radix isnt finished and their whitepaper literally admits it:

>"An in-depth description of the application of PoS to Cerberus within the Radix public network is left for future work."

>"With our proposed leader election mechanism, future leaders are known well in advance and thus particularly
vulnerable to denial-of-service (DOS) attacks...A deeper analysis of possible applications of these strategies within Cerberus for Radix public or private network deployments is left for future work."

>"A more specific description of the precise query layer mechanism to be used in Radix is left for future work"

>> No.26538617

>300 million radix inflation every year
this is never going to pump or go anywhere.
radix is a typical classical protocol like we have seen hundreds of times before, its based on facebooks "hotstuff" which was made as a intern project by Ted Yin that works for Avalanche now.

>> No.26538707

i don't have a tech background but have a general macro level understanding. if i'm explaining to a 5 year old, it predetermines which nodes will be associated with each other on their own separate chains (has like quintillions of shards) in a way that doesn't bottleneck when you then have to connect these things together like others do (atomic composibility, such as when connecting defi platforms together). it allows a decentralized use of connected defi platforms that can achieve a transaction per second level that is unprecedented and necessary for the real world, with not only fast confirmation times but fast finality as well (they've previously achieved 1.4m tps in a test and reproduced the entire bitcoin blockchain in 10 minutes).

>> No.26538827

>they've previously achieved 1.4m tps
because its centralized its not a big achievement.
also tps doesnt say anything about the latency.
also they only have around 100 nodes which is very centralized.

>> No.26538901


>> No.26538992

the test was not centralized. if you look into it they really replicated a decentralized environment with a bunch of nodes. also the 100 nodes thing has been debunked, it will be fully decentralized once full project is released. you can ask these things on the telegram and get them answered by the team itself. i'm one of the most skeptical people here but this really is a good project.

>> No.26539105

I literally just told you I have no feelings or holdings towards/of either AVAX or RADIX and you still post this garbage tier meme.

>block of text up top didn't read
>awful photoshop down below

Goes to show what kind of shills invest in this shitcoin. Whoever listens to this faggot ngmi

>> No.26539173
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>> No.26539183

>if you look into it they really replicated a decentralized environment with a bunch of nodes
on a local server, still not an achievement.
>also the 100 nodes thing has been debunked
how so? its literally in the whitepaper.
that its going to be more than 100 nodes is just hopium at this point.

>you can ask these things on the telegram
my time is too valuable to research this shitcoin further, I already saw everything I needed to see to know this is going nowhere.

>> No.26539233

radix memes are low IQ, what else do you expect?
smart people dont get tricked by obvious shit like this.

>> No.26539889

what does algorand do that radix doesnt?
nothing? okay cool

>> No.26540142

they even got the help of google to test it, it wasnt centralized

>> No.26540201
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Algorand exists and does what it says it wants to do
Radix doesnt even exist
>i don't have a tech background
Then STFU bitch and gtfo from tech discussions, you just throw a soup of words together which arent coherent just like the radix whitepaper
A fucking Markov Chain generator could have written a better whitepaper than Radix'

Radix is a dead Zombie
Can you imagine being Dan
Making Radix since 2014, then about to dish out Tempo New Novel Consensus Trilemma Solving protocol
Only to be BTFO by high-school level cryptodudes because Tempo doesnt have Sybil protection
Oops he forgot

MFW I just read the source code of avalanchego

>> No.26540612

it's been discussed on the telegram as well, 100 nodes is temporary. if you don't like it, that's your prerogative. but it's a solid ass project.

>> No.26540825

lol here's the whitepaper if anyone wants to see how non-"coherent" it is:


>> No.26540859

>all runs on the same server
thats centralization.

>100 nodes is temporary.
its not tho
there is a reason they had it limited, because they cant do more without it falling apart.
typical for classical consensus.

>> No.26541597

bullshit whitepaper, generated by buzzwords to appeal to low-iq cryptoniggers looking for pump n dumps
literally meaningless and devoid of actual content just like Tempo

>> No.26542279

>The Test Scenario - 1187 Nodes (VMs running the Radix ledger) are split up over 17 Google Cloud zones (data centers). During the test, each Node was configured to have a low amount of shard overlap with each other. We did this by cutting the available shards (2^64) into chunks of 2^44 shards. We then allocated Nodes evenly across these chunks. Shards serviced by a Node are called the Node’s “Shard Range.” During the test, each Node Shard Range had approximately 10% overlap with the Node Shard Range of its neighbouring Nodes. This test scenario was tailored to achieve maximum network throughput as cost-effectively as possible. In a production network, we would expect each shard to be covered by at least 100 different nodes. This would make little difference to the throughput, but would substantially increase testing costs.

>> No.26542392

>are split up over 17 Google Cloud zones
in other words, centralized.

>> No.26542589

Are you retarded? The zones are in different countries, it's not on the same computer, not in the same city, not in the same country, it's split up.

>> No.26542796
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>> No.26542937

Chainlink is partnered with Radix so this doesnt even make sense but ok

>> No.26543554

You don't think people running this on their own hardware with various type of internet connections will make a difference? Also, you don't think having multiple nodes in the same datacenter, even if some are in different zones isn't centralized?

>> No.26544402

>under 100 nodes on each of the 17 google clouds
>not centralized

>he doesnt know

>> No.26544515

Yes of course it changes it somewhat, but even with a 50% cut which wouldn't be likely it's still 500 000+ tps. They adress this issue in my last comment
>During the test, each Node Shard Range had approximately 10% overlap with the Node Shard Range of its neighbouring Nodes
>This would make little difference to the throughput

If you're interested you can read more here




>> No.26545028

try to deliver a mainnet first then you can talk with the grown ups

>> No.26546234

How about a preview of it next week?