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2652494 No.2652494 [Reply] [Original]

So wtf reversed the dip

>> No.2652503

wiki dead cat bounce

>> No.2652505

fiat hitting exchanges, there's usually a dip on weekends, this one was just a bit bigger than most, still not as big as people acted though, there was a larger one a few weeks ago

>> No.2652511

its a dead cat bounce. we are heading into a bear market

>> No.2652519


My sides!

>> No.2652526
File: 63 KB, 621x640, Ddw2mKFl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

poloniex got hacked and all the dippers got btfo :)
ami rite or what discord friends?

>> No.2652531

What started the dip

>> No.2652532


nothing, it's a dead cat bounce

>> No.2652538

>dead cat bounce
god i with you people actually knew what the fuck you were talking about

>> No.2652562

the dumbfuck newfags learned a couple new terms and now use them all the fucking time

>> No.2652595


>> No.2652648

BTC started recovering. Why it's recovering though, I dunno.

kek filling us in on your hobbies, anon?

>> No.2652654
File: 90 KB, 1445x943, Fib Fans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are still under water. If you look at this chart you can see that we still have't broke the initial down trend. When the down trend and the uptrend cross the price will have to make a decision to go up or down. If it goes down it will go all the way to thebottom of the next channel, if it goes up it will ride the upward trend line. Fibinaci fans are really usefull, been making great trades and minimizing losses.

>> No.2652745

bought at 17
sold at 215
bought later that day at 180
sold at 320
bought at 280
sold at 367
bought at 303
sold at 350
just bought back in at 265 and just sold at 315
$1000 into $32000

>> No.2652752

Wow bro how many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop?

>> No.2652762

Please post bank account

>> No.2652780

your luck will run out, believe me
t. 2k into 50k thought he was invincible

>> No.2652807

Under water meaning we haven't resumed an up trend for opening a long position. Best bet right now is to keep shorting BTC and ETH.

>> No.2653786
File: 4 KB, 132x199, newfags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"It's a dead cat bounce"

>> No.2653846

>there's usually a dip on weekends, this one was just a bit bigger than most,
is that really a proveable phenomenon? I always read this, but I can't really see it in the charts. Also, whose weekend counts? US time? Chinatime? Eurotime?
But if it where, seems like an easy (and "wow, that's easy!" is almost always too good to be true) way to make money.
>Buy on Sunday night
>Sell on Friday
All of the up of crypto, without the downs

>> No.2653854

Do you just spend all day staring at charts with your finger on the trigger?
You must literally have no life.

>> No.2653868

Most people do that for 20 bucks an hour.

>> No.2653872

Eth is too big to fail now.

>> No.2653879

>It's a more retarded kind of feel

>> No.2653884

>Dead cat bounce

Look guys, I'm saying words! What a crazy concept I am verbalizing.

I dont know if it will occur or not and have no reason to believe exactly why/why not it could happen but HURRRRRDUUUURRRURURRRH

>> No.2653887

Where do you think you are, retard?

>> No.2653915


>> No.2653928

Brainy: Looking for some change and price action on a fundamental level, but accepting there are many unknowns
Brainlet: Looking at charts acting as if past action predicts future movement in a massively complex environment with countless people trading massively different amounts of money at every given second.

>> No.2653940


it's a trap. You have to understand that there are lots of factors at play, a big one being there are people/groups out there who either want your money and coins, or want this whole thing to fail in the eyes of the masses who will be scared away, or both. Think about the flash crash, that was the first attempt. We are in the middle of the second. People were crying "blood in the streets" a couple of days ago, watching all their money disappear. Some sold, some stayed. Now there's a false sense of an uptrend to bring some of those same people back to doubly fuck them over when it crashes again. If you sold at a profit, just sit and wait. When it comes, you'll know, and you can buy up all the red and profit. Think this last dip, x2

>> No.2653961
File: 33 KB, 1040x585, tips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Psychology predicts price movements. That's what TA is based on. Stay poor.

>> No.2653963

Legit: You have to understand that there are lots of factors at play, a big one being there are people/groups out there who either want your money and coins, or want this whole thing to fail in the eyes of the masses who will be scared away, or both. Think about the flash crash, that was the first attempt. We are in the middle of the second. People were crying "blood in the streets" a couple of days ago, watching all their money disappear. Some sold, some stayed.

Retarded conjecture that may or may not happen, or be true: It's a trap. Now there's a false sense of an uptrend to bring some of those same people back to doubly fuck them over when it crashes again. If you sold at a profit, just sit and wait. When it comes, you'll know, and you can buy up all the red and profit. Think this last dip, x2

Well, you're getting there at least.

>> No.2653997

You couldn't be further from the truth. Many people are acting on completely different metrics, and people have entirely different reasons for executing their trades.

TA is just based on what other TA faggots would do.

I would respect a daytrader who just looked at the chart and just traded on total gut feeling, because at least they would admit to the chaos of the market and be filling their head with less shit. The charts and terminology are pure embarassing faggotry.

>> No.2654000

So I guess we're playing dead cat basketball then huh

>> No.2654041
File: 359 KB, 474x528, mretard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lets be real for minute, you are just a nigger tier iq individual who cant grasp simple concepts of behavioural psychology that are represented in the form of various meme indicators for simple use.

>> No.2654164
File: 57 KB, 1205x529, dog_leg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dead cat bounce
>dead cat bounce
>dead cat bounce
>dead cat bounce
>dead cat bounce
Do you fuckers even TA?
It's not a fucking dead cat bounce, it's a lively dog humping a leg!
Do you see this fuckers eyes?
Do you see what he is focusing on?
Yeah, he's a good boy, and he's going to get that pussy!
Buy now, or be a virgin forever.

>> No.2654522


>> No.2654526

280 by tomorrow morning

>> No.2654598

>/biz/ - Dead Cat Basketball

>> No.2654613

You might want to explain me how drawing fibb lines and spirals corelates to market or human psychology.

>> No.2655396

You have heard of Fibonacci yeah? that little pattern that plays out in almost every aspect of the planet

>> No.2655453

yea dude it's all about cosmic oneness, brb gonna meditate a bit before realigning my chakra's to the global consciousness quantum fractal

>> No.2655531

they dont dip every weekend, but saturday and sunday are always way slower and i have no idea why

>> No.2655545
File: 18 KB, 640x480, das it mayne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2655556


>> No.2655562

The problem with a coin dipping is that most people become reluctant to purchase it when it goes higher and many dip buyers cash out before the coin ever has a chance to take off.

Seriously.. these exchanges need better regulations...so whales and pumps and dumps can't happen.

Every HYIP i've been in has been more stable than crypto coins.

>> No.2655570

>TA is just based on what other TA faggots would do.
>the wyckoff cycle doesn't exist

>> No.2655598

that's not how you use it anon

>> No.2655605


you're not supposed to smarten up suckers

>> No.2655621

so you think that it's a total coincidence that previous price ceilings become support if we pass it, and previous floors become ceilings if we drop past it...?

are you actually fucking retarded?

>> No.2655636
File: 126 KB, 1211x612, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remember guys TA is a meme, just a coincidence is all

there's no way anyone who did this chart saw the bounce off the top coming or anything

total coincidence




>> No.2655794

>draw lines
>Something happens

>draw lines
>nothing happens
>...Let me try that again
Observation bias

>> No.2655812

literally have evidence in front of your face

I posted this same chart on the 26th in some ta is a meme thread, guess who bought the dip nearly perfectly while you niggers paniced? guess who sold yesterday when it neared the top of the triangle while you bagheld?

TA is totally a meme XDDD

>> No.2655828

bottom of that triangle for today is mid 2200's btw : )

>> No.2655829
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>> No.2655839
File: 107 KB, 400x417, 1474880446502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Green -> red

>Red -> Red

>Red -> Green

>Green -> Green

>> No.2655843
File: 64 KB, 692x545, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

current bounce is on the ichimoku cloud btw, also coincidence lol

>> No.2655856

I'm very skeptical about ETH right now desu.

>potential bulltrap
>reddit normies talking about $1000 per coin by the end of the year
>Pumping purely on speculation as there are no major ICO's upcoming

I see a red market tomorrow.

>> No.2655874

That looks like a map of the usa. Its a sign, USA just waking up BUY BUY BUY

>> No.2655875

Was gonna post something like this as a reply, anon, beat me to it.

Markets are not mystic astrology, retard.

>> No.2655918

made me think about
It's a dildo dodo, but whatever.
fuck, that game was awsome!

>> No.2656852

No, I believed in that shit when I was a beginner but I stopped after my first year of investing. Just search for metadata and large experiments, you will see TA is not a statistically significant method to win. The only idea you are actually playing off of is "it is more likely for a trend to.continue than it is to reverse." and the community took it too far. Remember all the factors you are not controlling for, such as how much wealth all the involved individuals are investing with.

You are calling me a nigger level IQ'er yet you massively oversimplify the same force that keeps Amazon within a 2% trading range all day, because you have some money from a bull run. Just fuck off, and I am not poor, the best way to win in this game is to be among the first investors in a project with fundamentally solid tech. I can literally buy and sell your your entire families, so take my advice you embarassing NEET playing with your small dick charts. Nobody takes your fucking TA seriously.

>> No.2656872

Okay then post what the price will be exactly three hours after this post, if you are not within +/-2% you have to kill yourself.

>> No.2656884

i just drew a trendline on your post

bearish on your life

>> No.2656917

Well, I fingerbanged your mom. Pure speculative play powered by her majorly wanting to be my little whore. I didn't use a chart, or a condom.

>> No.2656921

th-th-thanks u too?

>> No.2656944

I will be holding til ETH hits $1.

Fuck all the whales, I will not be giving them my ETH. Ever.

>> No.2657099

It was oversold. New money/profit takers saw the opportunity in the ta crystal ball and seized it

>> No.2657115

>he cracked the code

Good job, anon. Now watch absolutely NOBODY learn from it

>> No.2657133


>> No.2657396


>> No.2657541

>ywn empty your sacks all over Candy Suxx's milkbags

>> No.2657756

explain bear market, for a retard who throws his money at the top ten list on coin market cap and let's it do whatever