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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2651773 No.2651773 [Reply] [Original]

Noob here,

Wanted to know what your setup for trading crypto.

Do you use VM?VPN?

Do you use bots?

How many monitors do you have set up, and for what purpose?

Consider me a long term investment for the knowledge you trade me. Looking to get into crypto trading - wanted to hear from pros.


>> No.2651815


>> No.2651825


>> No.2651828

buy the tip - sell the dip

>> No.2651866

Virtual machine. I read some traders separate their trading life from personal, thus trade on a virtual machine. The VPN is a proxy.

>> No.2651899

Bump hurry this shit up

>> No.2651964

i use a vpn 1.6 megashift gigabyte 33.2

it stands for very polluted nigger

>> No.2651985

a fucking computer, calculator and notebook jesus christ what do you think we need man, a fucking labratory?

>> No.2652004

jeez brobeans u need a girlfriend

>> No.2652055

If I am going to the moon, I need a god damn rocket ship.

>> No.2652088

A laptop, the money you spend on any garbage could have mooned on a shitcoin

>> No.2652114

Bullshit you want to merely play the part, take off your fucking suit and use whatever machine you are using now and research where the money is, this isn't fucking wagecucking there's no need to front like a retarded normie

>> No.2652124

Literally just use my cellphone.

>> No.2652141

>wanted to hear from pros.

Then why the fuck did you come to /biz/?

>> No.2652145

i have 5 monitors set up, main screen where i do shit is a bigass tv, others are for monitoring (heh)

also got a coingiy subscription for better ui during trading

screens mostly have whatever i need currently and usually thats biz, tweetdeck, the non-pump telegram group shilled here sometimes and charts of the big 2 + whatever smaller ones i'm looking at

>> No.2652164

(also porn on all 5 screens is pretty dope)

>> No.2652180

T. Poorfag

>> No.2652209

How fast is your internet?

>> No.2652231

Wew this is one hell of a LARPing thread.

>> No.2652265
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>can't use google
>can't think for himself
>expects money

>> No.2652268

U suck king kongs dong.

Either contribute or gtfo

>> No.2652271

>One 1280x760 monitor
>One ipad
Basically I put btc/usd in a tab and whatever shit I'm trading in a tab.
The ipad is for watching the chart when I have something else on the comp (order book and recent trades). It also rings when target prices are reached.

>> No.2652283

Nice appreciate the minimalism

>> No.2652297

Have fun burning your money on cock coin

>> No.2652306

I have a projector that I display 3 charts; BTC in korea (coinone), BTC on Polo, BTC in china (yunbi). And a laptop. The laptop has Excel and Chrome.

>> No.2652307

6 monitor setup.

>> No.2652316

Classic /biz/© Buy high sell low™, always works.

>> No.2652318

I bet you see a lot of market errors comparing china and korea

>> No.2652330

Suck martin skrellis purple albanian dick

>> No.2652348

Can someone direct me to a board with real players?

>> No.2652356
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This dirt cheap tablet. Loaded with windows xp, easy to just carry around, and gets the job done.

>> No.2652376
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>> No.2652391

Do all my trading from my samshit edge

>> No.2652423

It works well my strategy. I hold most positions for a week or so. The goal is to cut out the noise i.e. the minutia of the trend that doesn't matter to better identify genuine, strong trends. All the monitoring is automated by setting up staggered alerts on coins I think are promising. If it starts running or dumping, I'm notified, no need to be glued to a screen all day.

>> No.2653565

I was trying to do something similar yesterday.

>> No.2653571

that's fucking retarded to use a VM or a VPN if you're not hacking or coding and just trading.

>> No.2653609

Aw, this is cute, you read my story of me stealing litecoins.

Okay, so:
A VM is a virtual machine. Parallels/VMware. It is a sandbox environment that you use that you are assured is protected from malware because you used a known good image to create it.

A VPN is a virtual private network, tunneling, kinda like proxy, but better. You use this to not leak internet shit to people around you.

I really hope you hop onto a wifi network around me. :)

>> No.2653618

uhhh.. na bro just windows 95 and buying eth when it was $4 per

>> No.2654068

Just my laptop with team viewer installed so I can trade quickly on my phone or iPad

>> No.2654074

sorry but you need a car to trade eth

>> No.2654088

I use a bot on a VPS that runs 24/7 and i check once a day. makes bout 1-3% a day. pretty comfy senpai.

>> No.2654096

you mean bot does crypto trades?

>> No.2654118
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>> No.2654147

you made the bot yourself?

>> No.2654162

what kind of algo?

>> No.2654168

I wish to be like you some day

>> No.2654200
File: 10 KB, 1321x92, bot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah i bought it for 0.1 BTC from a dude. I've long made that amount back though. If you're interested i can refer you for 25% off.

>> No.2654220

basically buy near lower bollinger band, sell after a rise of a certain percentage. You could do this strategy yourself but it's very boring. It's much more chill to have a bot perform this strategy on 20+ pairs 24/7.

>> No.2654228

I use my VPN for downloading TV shows, I trust my ISP more than the VPN provider when it comes to trading.

I use software that I've written myself based on my own strategies, I wouldn't trust someone else's code with my money.

I have one monitor set up, I use it to see what's happening on my computer.

>> No.2654250

>nah i bought it for 0.1 BTC from a dude. I've long made that amount back though. If you're interested i can refer you for 25% off.
I'm interested

>> No.2654257

I've been running an algo in simulation which seems to do extremely well. I'm not sure how its going to fair in the market but I think it'll do pretty well. I'm using neural networks so it just encodes the patterns automagically.

>> No.2654260

I use an offline tails sd for my electrum btc wallet to securely store the most of my btc. I also use keepassX synced via Dropbox on my online laptop and PC for crypto related passwords (mostly exchanges).

>> No.2654265

just out of curiosity, because i subscribed for haasbot.

how long did it take for you to find a suitable strategy?
what timeframe?
do you trade one currency or multiple?

thx if u get time to answer these.

>> No.2654287

That's neat. I've thought about trying to implement something like that but it seems overkill for now. A simple regression to the mean strategy seems to work very very well right now.

>> No.2654288

Are you predicting prices or direction? I've played with both - I got better results than random but not by much. What kinda accuracy are you seeing on test data?

>> No.2654295

>how long did it take for you to find a suitable strategy?
this is a no brainer strategy his bot is using. the most basic way of putting it is that it'll looking for market movements where it appears someone is "dumping" a lot of coin back on the market, there by pushing the price below is movement average which it should quickly rebound to.

pretty simple obvious way to auto trade.

>> No.2654296

about a day
every BTC/X pair that isn't downtrending i trade, so 20+ pairs usually

>> No.2654300

Why do kraken & coinbase all need ID verification? Any platforms out there without ID verification?

>> No.2654311

when fiat crumbles the jews know who to go after

>> No.2654340

yea, logical. easy to do this in bull-markets. i've been testing a little too "complex" strategies. will do some more testing tonight with no-brainers lol

okay, so how do you act when the market is bearish? just close the bots? or does the bot recognize itself?

>> No.2654359

>Are you predicting prices or direction? I've played with both - I got better results than random but not by much. What kinda accuracy are you seeing on test data?

sequence data is difficult to pin down accuracy, given 0% spread and infinite sell/buy orders at last close price (obviously not going to happen) I'm seeing anything on the order of 2x to 5x in a day in simulations. I'd expect much less than that due to the realities of entering an exiting an asset but I'm excited to see what happens.

I'm predicting sequences which is useful for getting a lay of the land beyond "buy" or "sell", but instead you can build a graph that describes where you should be allocating money over time.

>> No.2654381

I just close it. There is some trend watch system built in but obviously when we're in a downtrend the bot is gonna mistake falling price for dips, which leads to bag holding.

>> No.2654430
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That sounds like a very novel approach, if I were you I'd keep my fucking mouth shut. Good luck!

>> No.2654485

youre probably right! but given its machine learning as opposed to programing a specific strategy and it continuously learns patterns I'm not super worried about it being stolen, that said I gave my good friend some basic ideas and he was very quickly able to predict BTC movement pretty accurately with some toy programs.

>> No.2654515

Want to try and play around with a bot idea myself, as access time is crucial is there a fast library for accessing all the trading platforms or should i just parse the api myself for best performance?

>> No.2654517
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ok, so I have not gotten into bots yet, but I sinulated some strategies and have one general remark or question: If bots only work well in non-crash and non-bear markets, wouldnt it be wiser to just buy and hodl? Can bots really outperform a bullish market trend?

>> No.2654536
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>access time is crucial
It's clear you've never used Polo's API.

>> No.2654679

Just because a api responses slow doesnt mean you shouldnt care about access time faggot

>> No.2654740
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I'm writing my shit to perform well in bear markets and hoping that it can run with the bulls. I've been outperforming most of /biz/ lately based on the blockfolio threads, no idea what happens if shit stops hitting the fan.