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26516795 No.26516795 [Reply] [Original]

Welcome to the Monero General, dedicated to the discussion of the world's leading decentralized p2p privacy cryptocurrency!

Monero is secure, low-fee, and borderless, meaning users can send XMR around the globe despite corrupt governments or broken financial systems. Innovative privacy features such as Ring Signatures, Stealth Addresses, and Ring CT (hidden tx amounts) ensure that Monero's blockchain is obfuscated -- the financial history of all Monero users is encrypted from the prying eyes of adversaries on a public blockchain, with transactions being visible only by a Monero user willingly providing a view key for a specific transaction.

Monero has also improved upon the scaling downsides of current popular cryptos. To avoid high fees, dynamic block size ensures that the size of the blocks will increase as the amount of txs increases. Further, the mining network algorithm RandomX establishes that anybody with a CPU can participate in mining, preventing the ASIC miner domination that creates a high barrier of entry. Lastly, the mining network will be preserved by Tail Emission -- instead of the block reward falling to zero like with Bitcoin, the block reward will gradually approach 0.6 XMR in May 2022, where it will forever stay. This constant linear inflation means the inflation rate will asymptotically go to zero while continuing to provide an incentive to miners to maintain the network.

If you still have questions, feel free to ask and a MoneroChad will be with you shortly.

OFFICIAL WEBSITE - https://web.getmonero.org



>Non KYC:
Local Monero
Crypto ATMs
see: kycnot.me



Gui/Cli (recommended)

IOS: Cakewallet
Android: Monerujo

>Cold Storage

>> No.26517631
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>> No.26517993

Upgrade your Monero to 0xMonero

>> No.26518130

this is why monero is so enticing
we're literally in the cyberpunk future where hackers siphon computing power off the elite mega-conglomerates for the needs of the common internet rabble

>> No.26518181
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Could explain the Massive bounces in hashrate we had
Minexmr now holds 40% so if any anons mine there please switch to smaller pool

>> No.26519000

Upgrade your rope to around your neck

>> No.26519123
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>> No.26519757

Question from monero noob.
If i buy lets say btc or eth from binance with credit card / bank, then swap the btc or eth to monero on no kyc site will the monero be anonymous?

>> No.26519911

Is anything you buy with your cc or direct from your bank anonymous?

>> No.26520006

Idk how monero network works thats why i am asking. I know that if i buy "normal" crypto with my credit card its under my name.

>> No.26520473

hey monerochads... is this a good buy to mine monero?

>> No.26520498


>> No.26520665

Once in xmr it's untracable
Mining on a laptop is a very bad idea and Will ruin your hardware

>> No.26520722

You can buy btc/eth and move it offline, then BTC>XMR via bisq. Cash to BTC at an atm, and then btc>xmr over bisq on TAILS with a cash-bought laptop is best opsec. In addition to a VPN that takes cash/xmr like iVPN or mulvad. Depends on how discreet you want to be.

>> No.26520794

>Mining on a laptop is a very bad idea and Will ruin your hardware

Why ? Just started mining (desktop pc tho)

>> No.26520831

ty. Why though?

>> No.26520834

If you buy xmr directly on an exchange they will know you purchased it though. If you go this way, one off the exchange it's effectively gone. You can move it pass thru 2-3 wallets if you're concerned.

>> No.26520980

Laptops Cant even handle gaming properly, and they certainly don't have the cooling capacity to be at full load constantly
Desktop is fine, i set a -10% power target on gpu to keep it comfy. Ive been mining for months on my desktop

>> No.26521104

XMR will move back to top 10 coins this year.

>> No.26521320
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how much Monero does he own?

>> No.26521384
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How I feel every day checking cake

>> No.26521450

Dale is a conspiracy guy so at least triple digits, no way he’s letting the Chinese track his spending

>> No.26522043
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Monero's true position should be somewhere in the top 5, as it's actually used. Or do people think Polkadot and XRP are changing anything kek

>> No.26522647

Dale is smart so he wouldn't use a fed honeypot like XMR. He would use a coin with actual privacy like 0xMonero.

>> No.26522735

Market has decided Monero is a shit coin

Has done nothing but go backwards when other alts have gone 100-200% last few months

>> No.26522791

Who’s got the “nope, 0xmonero is still bullshit” pasta?

>> No.26523787

Polka and XRP appear cheap. People think it will make them rich. They also promise to do everything, monero promises only privacy, so BOOOORRRIIIIING NEEERD.

>> No.26523915


>> No.26523996

True I feel your pain. But I would give it another your to measure the impact of WhiteHouse adoption. If they decide to keep their money in XMR it should have a significant impact.

Also XMR is being used as an utility which might mean price might just barely keep up with inflation.

>> No.26524837

for every 10°C more, electronics age twice as fast (rule of thumb). Running a CPU at 100°C instead of 60°C will reduce it's lifetime by 16x or by 93%. Laptopy typically have higher temps, but if it has a dedicated GPU and you don't use it at the same time it might be fine.

>> No.26524927
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what people think doesnt really matter, or else Bitcoin and Etherium wouldn't keep their top 1 and 2 positions since ever. so yeah the actually useful coins tend to go to the top anyway despite being "expensive". No one thinks people will start buying XMR, it's more like they will be forced to it if nothing better comes up

>> No.26524956

nope. 0xmonero is still vaporware bullshit
just like the last hundred times you spammed it
stop trying to steal from people by lying to them about the capabilities of the project

>> No.26525057

which one of you Chad's are posting Monero stickers all over Berlin Mitte?

>> No.26525619

fucking based
I'll print some and post them after lockdown but jannies won't even let me post any pics
comfy thread
running a full node here been syncing for a week and I'm almost done
sustain the network brothers!

>> No.26525736

A cpu doesnt burn out in my experience, gpu's on the other hand can die randomly at any time

>> No.26525823

this account https://twitter.com/SovereignStArt documents all of Moneros sighting in the wild, see if you can find it lol

>> No.26525877
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Hi anon. I'd like to start a shitcoin too, to try to make some money by scamming people. Since you have experience in that domain, can I ask you what you think of the name "MoneroCore" for my project? I was also thinking of "TrueMonero", but it may be too obvious it's a scam coin then, what do you think? Thanks in advance!

>> No.26525906

It's a general rule of thumb only. It may very well be that currenct CPUs live longer than GPUs when operated at the same temperature.

>> No.26525943

I'm syncing on my laptop
on CPU and I have a make do cooling system
I don't mine, just run a full node