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26511027 No.26511027 [Reply] [Original]

I don’t feel so good...

>> No.26511092


>> No.26511127

Pink ids

>> No.26511142


>> No.26511151

It’s over again

>> No.26511164

RIP was a nice coin while it lasted. GL recovering from this delusional linkie cunts

>> No.26511215

i'm buying the dip lads, it's happening next stop 25 dollars

>> No.26511247

priced in, your rebuttal please

>> No.26511259


>> No.26511284
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yeah it is quite depressing

>> No.26511353

I really wish mods would just make robinhood screenshots a bannable offense.

>> No.26511437

>Priced in
You are giving normies way too much credit

>> No.26511458


>> No.26511486

It unironically feels like it's over this time. Time to pack bags, linkbros

>> No.26511503

Only the crypto sphere knows about Link, there are more than enough normies for grayscale to shill to to buy their own "Link stock"

>> No.26511542

Welcome back to 4chinz Ben

>> No.26511585

That's clearly coinbase you dumb nigger
Now go back to plebbit

>> No.26511657


>> No.26511707
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>bought in at the top
i got bogged

>> No.26511741

zoom out

>> No.26511743
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I feel amazing

>> No.26511749

zoom out

>> No.26512127

The greyscale teeet was nothing as expected.

>> No.26512181

same thing

>> No.26512184


>> No.26512267

i didnt see any announcement this morning

>> No.26512293
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>BTC pumps, link dumps
>BTC then dumps, link dumps harder

You asked for this, stinky.

>> No.26512351


>> No.26512434

I feel very good, I hope it dumps some more, my hands are already trembling to buy more of my weekly linkies

>> No.26512734

>still not 89$
>still not 5m net worth
>still can't retire

>> No.26513882


Dumb niggerbrained tier plan.

Why wait until 5m when at 1M you could go buy a nice house somewhere outright in an all white part of the country with 25+ acres of land for like 350k, and have basically zero bills except for food/prop tax/water/heat.

At that point drawing interest off the remaining 500k at 5% would be enough to live essentially for free.

If you are at a milly not making an exit strategy rn you’re dumb af.

>> No.26514014

it’s over, sell sell sell!

>> No.26514118

>go to chainlink etherscan
>click on holders
>look for a top 0.5% wallet
>claim it’s yours
how about you stop larping for a second?

>> No.26514157

You need to go to his twitter. It was some BS. Dude should be strung up for that shit. That’s why it’s dumping

>> No.26514168

my linkies are stinky again...

>> No.26514225

They literally said this to us at every major price milestone. I’ll take my chances.

>> No.26514233

>just live in a rural shithole where i'd have to worry about my kid being run over by feral hogs

5% of 500k is 25k aka walmart tier salary. i dont have an exit strategy at 56k linkies atm because its unironically not enough to make it

>> No.26514262

Link holders are absolutely delusional.

Link is the perfect normie coin. It's got a cool logo, it's $20/coin, and "muh oracles" is just technically sophisticated enough for normies to understand but too sophisticated for normies to dive deep enough to realize Link just isn't needed.

If smart contracts actually start being used in the real world (no, making ERC-20 scamcoins doesn't count) then some will require Oracles. But an Oracle is just a JSON parser with some voting mechanisms baked in. It's not something you need BILLIONS of dollars and YEARS to develop. It's not something you need "partnerships" for. You sit down, write the code, and you're done. Chainlink isn't in the Oracle business. They're a branding machine. Their sole objective is pumping the price of their asset, Link. An asset, by the way, they own 60% of. Yes, 60%.

When the time comes Oracles will be written on the native platform (probably Ethereum) and they'll use the native token (Ether). No one is going to need Link, no one is going to buy Link. Nobody will care. This project, along with all the other fad-projects will fade into obscurity. I won't speculate on price, this entire market is an irrational frenzy. Perhaps there is still room to grow, more money to be made. Just know you stand on 0 fundamentals and in the end fundamentals will prevail.

>> No.26514287

>That’s why it’s dumping
But Link didn't even pump after his announcement of the announcement.

>> No.26514385

15k links is not really that much

>> No.26514673

Its going down because of btc pumping. People on here are just retarded.

>> No.26514827

woah, u mad bro? u deserve to stay poor my guy

>> No.26515133

I enjoy this pasta.

>> No.26515663
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Oh wow, it's almost 25 bucks already
(feels good holding a small amount since ICO but not paying attention to the price)

>> No.26515773


There are plenty of “suburban” rural all white places where you could live very comfortably in a paid off house at 25k salary, while still retaining a large pool of wealth to borrow against to trade ( if you honestly believe you’re such a good trader it shouldn’t be that hard to make that happen).

I don’t have even half your stack but if I could take out 500k for half my stack you can bet your ass I will.

Avoiding urban centers in the near future is going to be worth more than gold. If you don’t already know that intrinsically money won’t help you.

>> No.26516135

Fuck off newfag. Dozens of us have 20k+ stacks. Half of biz bought at least 10k link in 2018/19

>> No.26516318


>> No.26517025

crazy how in 2018 i was laughed at for having an acb of 0.40 cuz i didnt make my 20c dcas yet

>> No.26518551

the absolute state of biz nufags. Plenty of biz had 5 figure stacks prior to summer of 2020.

>> No.26519200
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stop buying coins that have already made it anon

>> No.26519228

$30 by Sunday
Cap this

>> No.26519269

Then sell

>> No.26519724


>> No.26519947


>> No.26520581

If any anon groyper here literally goes and buys a single family home on a large lot in an "all white paradise", they're going to neck soon after when they realize no hard working WASP will allow them to come within 10ft of them.

You guys are seriously delusional if you think a windfall of cash is going to attract anyone but people who will use you, which will probably be quite easy since you have 0 social acumen. As for getting a "based" wife and having a family? Maybe if you bring over some butterface from Indonesia, but the idea that a young white christian girl is going to go for a 4chan hobbyist is a gross miscalculation of reality.

>> No.26521296

>be alone and detested while wagecucking until the day I die and living in a shithole apartment
>be alone an detested while being free from wageslavery and living in a nice house wherever I want
Hmm I wonder which sounds better

>> No.26521327

It’s a pasta newfag. Also, stop typing like a fag

>> No.26521434

Show nose

>> No.26521544

>You guys are seriously delusional if you think a windfall of cash is going to attract anyone but people who will use you
Cuck mentality.
Everyone wants to use you, the trick is to always be the one using. Money lets you use.