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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 177 KB, 1376x621, wef1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26509820 No.26509820 [Reply] [Original]

So with the advent of "Stakeholder Capitalism" it seems that the WEF's proposal is supported by many leading CEO's.

In Monty's article, he suggests that STO's will be a significant tool in appropriating such an initiative.

What is the likleyhood that the exchange will develop into the practical infrastructure to facilitate the rolling out of this initiative?

Basically this is the fundamental question that determines if LCX is a proper moonshot or not. I have already invested a good amount, but i am basically banking on this proposition being true, or at least to some degree.

What are your thoughts?

1. https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2021/01/klaus-schwab-on-what-is-stakeholder-capitalism-history-relevance/

2. https://www.lcx.com/stakeholder-capitalism-the-next-growth-wave-of-the-token-economy/

>> No.26509974

The site will needs a HUGE revamp, it looks so gross and you can't buy anything on it. But I guess that's what happens when you hire pajeets to code for you

>> No.26510040
File: 666 KB, 803x1134, DigitalLeaders-MontyMetzger-NY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is what you need?

>> No.26510117

>that's what happens when you hire pajeets to code for you

>> No.26510212

honestly stop coping. I know a lot of biztards failed for this pajeet scams but look, everything else is mooning, just sell your bags for whatever it is and move on, worst case youve lost 2/3 of your investment most likely just 50%. This is nothing. You can find a 5x every week.

LCX is one of the worst pajeet scams seen here, the exchange is a joke, the fake prince is a joke, theres 100k daily volume on their fkn exchange lol. Even if they leverage whatever licenses they have and miraculously make a 5x EOY, the cost of opportunity it is simply massive, unironically picking some DeFi options will make you 50x easily without the risk of a pajeet rugpull

>> No.26510231

just look at the non-existent volumes on the exchange.

no option to buy BTC or ETH on the site.

UI shit.

Im holding a bag and ive already written it off as a loss.

>> No.26510238

great fud lads!

>> No.26510306

It's not fud have you seen the exchange? It's finally being like that for the first week but it's been over a month now and no updates?

>> No.26510369

BTC is currently trading at 41k$ because there hasnt been a single trade there in 2 weeks

keep coping m8

>> No.26510406

the exchange is not even an alpha lol. its so buggy and amateurish it hurts. and they say theyve been working on this for 2 years, best case they are lying and it was just 2 weeks.

>> No.26510436

I agree, the exchange isn't the best, but the pajeets they hired are all from Guragon which is in the tech hub of india. Im not sure weather to hold my bags or not.

>> No.26510471

this feels like eRSDL fud, they had the same shitty site for weeks lol, still a good investment. Only time will tell.

>> No.26511017

I did the needful , why is it dumping REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.26511052

>sustainable capitalism by klaus schwab
>"oy vey we destroyed your economy but if you give us even more power we'll fix it we promise"


>> No.26511061
File: 3.47 MB, 3052x2440, lcx info.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am 95% sure everyone itt is just larping and no one actually bought this

>> No.26511506

I bought it at 0.015 and sold at 0.04 and 0.06