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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26503624 No.26503624[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Like 4chan found a Bloomberg Terminal
Imagine if you have a Bloomberg Terminal...you can just be like them

>> No.26503662

honestly, in my expirience they are funnier than 4chan and have at least a few people who know what they are talking about unlike us who have none.

>> No.26503709

WSB bullish, biz is a shitcoin, but you're all fomoing at ATH as usual

>> No.26503712

At least they're white you filthy street shitters

>> No.26503762

The fact we have none is what makes /biz/ so funny. Someday retards will look back on the 20s and realize the only reason 1 platform or another won out was because of retard autistic memes on a frog milking board

>> No.26503784
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>he bought shitcoins instead of a dead brick and mortar business that buys used video games

>> No.26503788

Even though I despise leddit, WSB is unironically just a better version of /biz/. After that GME shit they pulled and after seeing tons of absolute madmen actually make bank, I just respect them way more than the shitcoin-shilling retards over here.

>> No.26503791

I'm taking this to Kleros™

>> No.26503800

I unironically made 10k more listening to biz than those low IQ posers.

>> No.26503802

The last time I got good investment advice on a *chan was in 2012 from 420chan, when Kirtaner told me to buy Bitcoin at $30 and hold on for dear life. I sold at like $150 after buying 3 lol.

>> No.26503807

theyre cringe, and im not saying that to be contrarian.

>> No.26503818

Go back faggot nobody is falling for it and nobody is buying your bags. Kill yourself. We've made far more with BTC, LINK, and ETH.

>> No.26503829

there's so much shilling and fudding here I can't tell who's a shill and who's a fudster and who's telling it like it is. On top of that people are larping as shills and fudders and in-the-knows so it's just a mess of info really. Despite that though the news kind of shows up here pretty early sometimes so I like to just see what's going on and the memes are kinda funny, even though a bunch of them are getting a bit tired

>> No.26503863

What is /biz/ even good for anymore

>> No.26503911

BB and GME all day long

>> No.26503947

> funnier
clearly you’re a redditor, I bet you belly laugh everytime they say “tendies!!!”

>> No.26503967

we get in earlier you just need to learn the culture and how to spot shills

>> No.26503985
File: 11 KB, 255x246, Kermit NIgger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a troll thread retards of tranny raiders. Ignore it newfags

>> No.26504041


You probably haven't made shit, fuck outta here with that WE shit

>> No.26504051

>reddit is now cooler than 4chin

>> No.26504105

>we get in earlier
we're not even trading the same vehicles, you retard.

>> No.26504169

I like to spit on biz, fuck you

>> No.26504176

Yeah you're right. I have a 15k link stack bought at .30, and 40 eth bought ~100. YOU don't have shit. But we, the rest of the board that's been here for years before you newfag fucks started shitting it up have made more.

>> No.26504183

>Market Cap 758.494M

I think AMChads picked the wrong horse here. This one is too fat for jumping

>> No.26504252

Nope. /smg/ shilled GME even in September, whole wsb jumped only recently on it. /smg/ is where the /biz/ chads are.

>> No.26504265

thank you oldfag

>> No.26504295

Nigger, GME was shilled in September on /smg/, way earlier than on WSB.

>> No.26504362

mass repliers get the rope first

>> No.26504395

Such a fucking LARP lmao you wouldn't post stack

>> No.26504421

/smg/ isn't /biz/ tho, and WSB were the ones that made the play. Face it, your board's lost its edge.

>> No.26504457

>/smg/ isn't /biz/ tho
It's literally on /biz/
>and WSB were the ones that made the play
The GME coomers were holding since before September

>> No.26504467

Like, one general shilling something doesn't count as an entire board making a huge play

>> No.26504502


>> No.26504531


>> No.26504573
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4chan: bunch of rowdy fellow niggers and pajeet shills that know they're niggers and or pajeet shills whom meme about it together

reddit: dumb fucks that believe they are the guys from wolf of wall street but really dumb fucks larping with stale memes and trying to be taken seriously

>> No.26504649
File: 67 KB, 626x245, Screenshot 2021-01-25 at 11.34.45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't show you a proper screenshot since I have blocked reddit on my machine, but the Link marked in pic related leads to WSB. So fuck /smg/.

>> No.26504735

>WMSB making the play
You think a bunch of Redditors have enough money to move the market? Fuck no, it was "Big Money" which made the play and now they just use Reddit as a scapegoat kek

>> No.26504833

You're fucking retarded, wall street is fuming and FUDing right now

>> No.26504888

I gotta be honest, while I despise the unfunny incel retards on here, every single reddit """culture""" reeks. It's all forced and fake, how they try and shove their "memes" down everyone's throat and how they have to absolutely ride every single "joke" to death. 4chan might be filled with retards but at least there is some genuinely intelligent life here, even if it is just 1 in 100 posters. Reddit only has pretentious douchebags that sniff their own farts. "Tendies" is so fucking gay.
Nobody on reddit would say "fuck mods", everything is neutered and lifeless. On 4chan we have racist/sexist retards but at least we have free speech and none of this reddit fagginess.

>> No.26504950

Yeah, while /smg/ slips under the radar. WSB fucked themselves and will be heavily watched while /smg/ will continue to make money with meme stocks. It just summs it perfectly up, Redditors think about making headlines and get fucked for that, while /smg/ just makes money. Who is the retard in this situation?

>> No.26504951
File: 27 KB, 616x120, Screenshot 2021-01-25 at 11.46.13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nobody on reddit would say "fuck mods", everything is neutered and lifeless

>> No.26504978

>/smg/ just makes money

News to me

>> No.26504982
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I'm rather be poor and post here than rich and a r*dditor

>> No.26505044


>> No.26505073

What are you talking about?Most coomers in /smg/ bought GME in September and are now fucking rich. Even before that, the turbo bull market made made the meme stocks go completely nuts.