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File: 805 KB, 1011x1260, tencent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26497650 No.26497650 [Reply] [Original]

Feels good owning Tencent stock ;)

>> No.26497713

EA is literally a dying company

>> No.26497722

You shouldn't be happy about chinks taking over anon

>> No.26497790

this is why war with china will never happen, why go to war when they can just buy you out. The ironic thing seems to be a communist nation seems to be doing better at capitalism than the capitalist one.

>> No.26497831
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Huge buy signal for EPOR!

>> No.26497855

yea well the capitalist one is doing better at communism

>> No.26497967

Already own Chinese stocks through a equity fund.
Tencent is one of the biggest investments in that fund.
I was up about 47% in 2020 and I'm already up another 28% for just January so far.
It's fucking good to be invested in China.
Not as good as my cryptos, but it doesn't hurt to play both sides.

>> No.26497979

But should I care? EA is already as shitty as it gets.

>> No.26497986

Bought 100 shares on thursday. 200 eoy.

>> No.26498022

buy KWEB leaps
you literally cannot lose money on this trade

>> No.26498027

Jesus Christ man they’re gonna own the whole fucking country.

>> No.26498033

If I had more money I'd be splitting into stocks for sure. When money printer is going brr and Asia is going to take over the global economy there's no reason not to invest in both. 20k isn't enough tho.

>> No.26498037

The reason they have been doing so well is because they opened up their economy and have controlled capitalism. It isn't pure communism by any means. The whole idea is that the people are much more accepting of the government since they're economically being enriched. The government will let them have those economic freedoms, and they can buy whatever they want but they cannot criticize their government.

>> No.26498165


If it's between Muttmericans and the Chinese, I'll go with China

>> No.26498206

Muttmerican here
Just civil war us already senpai

>> No.26498242


So they’re fascist

>> No.26498246

Fat kek

>> No.26498248

Any other good chink stocks to invest in?

>> No.26498274

It's not true communist.
The CCP is playing the private sector as capitalist front end with strict laws and regulation.
It is the same corporation government scam.
What the government can't enforce, is enforced through private companies by threating them with sanctions. Post 2007 U.S. They learned from us. Only difference is U.S govn try to do as covertly as possible, CCP do it like 1984.

>> No.26498284

amma buy the top kek
drop you money and cry like a baby
I will be cleverer and hold my Base with top Cascade system protocol
market volume will rise this year so I will become rich

>> No.26498309


>> No.26498317


>> No.26498338

dubz for truth

>> No.26498351

100%, america is dead and has been and im tired of watching the govt sic blacks on white people with no recourse. Im ready for the Chinese century and my kids will be too.

>> No.26498373
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>> No.26498377

where my SPI bros at

>> No.26498403

At least there won't be trannies and faggots.

>> No.26498422

where do europeans trade stocks?

>> No.26498428
File: 114 KB, 440x359, 1610402579598.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.26498452

They don't. They rent, own nothing, and spend their lives wagecuckin it

>> No.26498466

Anybody siding with the totalitarian chinks deserves the rope. The chinks sure won't blink to put your asses in concentration camps once they take over.

>> No.26498493

Why do we have to choose any side? Every man for himself at this point.

>> No.26498590

If you value property rights and freedom of speech, then you should definitely pick a side.

>> No.26498593

Hello HK chink

>> No.26498616

If I squint hard enough they may confuse me for one of their own. I'll be fine.

>> No.26498644

You literally have twitter people in the USA who want to put country people in camps. You will be worse off than chinks by 2025.

>> No.26498684

I do value those things, but I fail to see which side is promoting that.

>> No.26498688

What's the point? you have no rights as a shareholder and they can revoke or negate your shares at any time with no consequence

>> No.26498694

Says the mutt owned by a puppet president and tech god-kings who squelch your free speech and dont want you to own anything, at all, ever.

>> No.26498702

>twitter people
>who WANT to put country people in camps

You have to be an idiot if you think that will ever happen. On the other side, the chinks already do it to their own.

>> No.26498718


>> No.26498754

ma lil tencen stocks doin sum tho

>> No.26498780

>You have to be an idiot if you think that will ever happen.
Boy are you in for a big surprise. The USA is swirling the toilet and its only been a few days lmao. Like I said, 2025 the average americans life will be worse than the average chinks. You will have no order with the 3rd world horde and your leaders wont give a shit. Compare to china who executes violent criminals en masse.
I feel bad for you desu but wish you well.

>> No.26498787

It will be Activision. They are after Blizzard. They want rhe new Disney.

>> No.26498878
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>> No.26499964

checkmate, commies kekekkek

>> No.26500081

Please let them buy EA I'm sick of this bullshit company

>> No.26500543
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>> No.26500566

And that's a good thing

>> No.26500571

no one in their right minds would choose chinks

>> No.26500589
File: 1.73 MB, 1280x6846, the mark of the educated man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Chinese have real freedom, the freedom to make a profit

>> No.26500775



>> No.26500839

more so than communism yes, but not exactly fascism

>> No.26500901

You don't have the right to choose. China is playing a very different game. US is fighting itself. Whole west seems to be doing only quarterly planning while China has plans for next 20+years.

>> No.26500959

Who has taken away more of your rights your country or China?

>> No.26501006


It blows my mind how good Deus Ex is. I think I'm gonna reinstall it and play it again.

>> No.26501033
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>> No.26501087

burger dominance is over with the new commie gvmt, might as well be relegated behind europe lol

>> No.26501524
File: 266 KB, 1920x1080, p06s9hrq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. buy bug factory
2. sell patties to burgers
3. ???
4. Profit !

>> No.26501672


>> No.26501726

you're assuming you interact with burgerposters. many of us are yuropoors and have seen our countries corrupted with american money. soulless chinks are investing money too now but they're not pushing lgbtq+ or niggers on us

>> No.26501778

Biden will facilitate a total chicom takeover, this is just the beginning folks.

>> No.26501975

Kek shit gains, I'm up 600 % in the last 6 months in stocks pls and vul

>> No.26502086

Same. American messianism is over.

>> No.26502200

Trump would have blocked this.
Oh no no no no, Biden bro's!

>> No.26502284

Wouldn't the chinks own gta/Rockstar, shit

>> No.26502319

t. yuro

>> No.26502548

This is how the Chinese will spread their propaganda to young American minds.

>> No.26502596

EA is probably one of the shittest game companies, why would they buy it

>> No.26502636

>why would they buy it
Because it's only three fiddy

>> No.26502821

based and redpilled

>> No.26503557

Gotta say, If I was American I'd pretty damn ashamed of the military and anyone serving in it right now. They could have prevented this, they could have defended the nation against the obvious infiltration and subversion going on, instead they choose to sell out their entire country and it's people and have Biden installed so they can get back to shooting and bombing Ahmed the goat herder in sandland. Pretty pathetic.

>> No.26503858

you're delusional

>> No.26504052

As if EA couldn't get any shittier.

>> No.26504186

Literal banana republic talking about rights and freedom top kek, americans are a riot.

>> No.26505207
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>> No.26505289


>> No.26505343
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it appears my superiority has led to some controversy.

>> No.26505404

Tencent is 30% owned by a Dutch/South African comglomerate. Very weird constructions all around

>> No.26506014

I've seen what chinks did to Blizzard and Warcraft 3. I used to play online back in 2016 until they released a new version, downgraded the single player, completely botched up multiplayer and ruined user experience. Games and studios pandering to chinese whims inevitably end up dying.

>> No.26506868

These two became too big. Still looking for smaller ones

>> No.26507035

>After chink buyout

Honestly rockstar was already fucked the last remaining original creator sold his stocks and quit out 100%. Same with that lazlo guy.

>> No.26507108

The next game is gonna be censored as hell and generally soulless. No edge allowed in any shape or form.

>> No.26507150

China doesn't like blood

>> No.26507156

That writing is god tier for the time it was made.

>> No.26507224

thanks to the guys who posted him, I understand the warfare more now. Just wait till the racism in Usa kicks in and the Chinese will get banned pretty quick

>> No.26507235

Also instead of being a light hearted satire of current day america or a period piece, it'll probably be heavy handed in portraying america as a nasty shithole.

>> No.26507495

Unless you yourself are a chink you'll be genocided.

>> No.26507532

And nothing of value is lost. Haven't given those souless parasites a dollar in years. May they be choked by the hive like the mouse burns childhood memories or EA themselves have destroyed so many promising companies.

>> No.26507589

>late stage capitalism mixed with croneyism mixed with kleptocracy

Everyone knows china is funding and backing these ccp big tech companies who then buy foreign companies. It’s reverse colonialism a la 1500s. Suck it up, westerners. My other hope is your oligarchs (Dorsey, bezos, gates, Biden, etc and family) get live organ harvested.

>> No.26507633
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I had no idea he dropped out too.
I just hope Everywhere isn't some shitty 2nd Life thing.

>> No.26507877

I pick American blacks then. I can still relate to them on an emotional level. With ccp, I’m out in the cold. Whites are intellectual, and that’s gone. Ccp are all about relationships, but it’s mortal kombat relationships where the fittest get the relationships but that’s only because what you give to them is perceived as more. I can’t even figure it out. Ccp is worse than Indians.

>> No.26508431
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>> No.26508748

I was about to buy at open. Thanks for verifying this was a good choice

>> No.26508780

Of there will be. They want to corrupt the west, they just won't sell those kind of games in China.

>> No.26508788

video games have been garbage for 10 years, they are literally soulless corporate mass produced trash

>> No.26508791

sorry burger, I choose the chinese

>> No.26509146

Yeah all the good stuff is either indie or PS2 and older.

>> No.26509923
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It's the best of both worlds. The efficiency and well-aligned incentives of capitalism mixed with the public ownership and long-term planning of socialism. China is growing healthier and more prosperous, guided by Marxist insight into the true nature of class and imperialism, even while the United States injures itself chasing liberal delusions. Chinese hegemony is practically assured once their decades of investment in education and technology start paying off.