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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26494009 No.26494009 [Reply] [Original]

Who else made the correct choice?
Dear God almighty I'm going to be rich.
Smart treasury has finished review. Will go live Mon or Tue.
Idle is the application layer that the world will interact with, to earn yields on stablecoins with AAVE, Comp, etc.
Once funds are deposited, Idle continuously and automatically rebalances your funds among major DeFi protocols to assure you always get the best yields.
Backed by Consensys.
TVL will be gigantic. Something no eye has ever seen before.
OG holders will be earning rewards off fees from the TVL and living like kings for the rest of their lives.
And the treasury opens the doors for this. Upon launch, fees from the TVL will immediately start being used for buybacks.
And current MC is only.. 8 million or so.
Fuck me in the ass man. I'm really going to make it.
For all of you out there looking for something to buy, do not fuck this up.

>> No.26494610

priced in

>> No.26494762
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>> No.26495166

token not needed

>> No.26495580

OP, i grabbed a stack a few days ago bc the market cap chart is one giant cup and handle ready to pop. Decent ui so. I didn't see any way to stake/deposit idle. only stablecoins are in play. is the idle token just for governance? I was also unaware of the planned buybacks. Need to research moar

>> No.26495888
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im so fucking comfy idle bros

>> No.26496075
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>> No.26496155

Is 1500 enough to make it. I would have more but I didn't know if this or white would moon first so I went 5050

>> No.26496251

1500 IDLE? yea dude all i have is 500 and im still fucking comfy