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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2649028 No.2649028[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Quick rundown on the new biz_classic ARK delegate:

- magnet / biz delegate was ousted after losing or stealing an entire week's worth of earnings and we are now rank 52 on biz_classic after overtaking him and knocking him out of delegate status so he can no longer steal /biz/ users' staked ARK earnings.
- me and Uncle Chang, the technical team behind the old biz delegate, ousted him and created biz_classic.
- We're IT and cyber security professionals by trade as well as programmers.
- Chang is a well known public figure and we were both doxxed at the he will not divide us event, so you know who we are and what we look like and where we live, so you have a reason to trust us.

Payout structure:

- 100% payout for first 2 months and 100% FOREVER if you own less ARK than the average amount in our pool.
- 90% MINIMUM payout forever for everyone who joins pre-51.
- Whales (above average wallet sizes) get 80% - 99% on a sliding scale.
- Other details to follow, but 100% for first two months, 100% forever for below average wallets, and 90% grandfather rule is SET IN STONE.

What we have planned:

- Fully automated payments so we won't poo on your ARK like magnet did.
- Sliding payout schedules based on your staked amount (small bagholders get paid less often so their fees aren't eating up the profits). YOU WILL GET DAILY PAYOUTS BY DEFAULT IF YOU MEET THE 1 ARK MINIMUM. OTHERWISE YOU ACCUMULATE EARNINGS UNTIL YOU GET 1 ARK.
- Website similar to mining pools where you can see your current payment and choose your OWN payment schedule, along with other pool stats and your payout percentage/weight.


Delegate name: biz_classic

Even if you don't vote for biz_classic, be sure to unvote for biz.

>> No.2649050

Had the other discord admin post this. Just verifying this is a legit thread.

>> No.2649066
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Get in faggots

>> No.2649084

I'm here, they told me there was free beer!

>> No.2649096
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>> No.2649101
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>> No.2649167
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Come on faggots, there's 470+ of you still voting for that Magnet faggot and he has 0 chance of ever forging again.

Hurry up and switch your vote over to biz_classic so we get get forging again without some retarded scammer running the node this time!

We need just over 100k more to start forging, let's do this!

>> No.2649198

Just saw a nice bump! We're almost there!

>> No.2649210

Here is the forums post with the deets.


>> No.2649223

3.5k voter here, good luck guys.

>> No.2649240
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Here, I added a little something.

>> No.2649251
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reminder that biz_classic is the node with most profitable terms for anons, no other node can compare
there aro no faggy excuses or lotteries or hiding behind the wall of anonymity, only profit and voters' control over their preferred payout manner

anon knows it makes sense, I chose biz_classic

>> No.2649260

I have 111 Arks.
I bought them all at 22k.

I know 111 doesn't add much to the total and it sure as shit won't earn me anything but hey, what the hell.

>> No.2649263

love it

>> No.2649277

111 x math = like 1 ark a month? Every 6 weeks? Something like that.

>> No.2649318

I've just gone over the drama last night
it was entertaining to see fagnet dig himself into a hole, act like a general faggot, a petty characterlet of extremely low moral fibre

>> No.2649366

You also missed the guy trying to make a third node because he's selfish and wants to be in charge despite the fact that all he's doing is diluting the voter pool and making it more difficult for his fellow /biz/ posters to make money

>> No.2649391
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He's also a fucking jew. Pic related.

>> No.2649412

>moved out of apartment last Thursday
>living at gf's in meantime, main pc with crypto info is packed up and no where to set it up
>encrypted usb has passphrase for every wallet and exchange but ARK
>wont move into new place until Saturday


>> No.2649425
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Oh he was vivec too? Fucking lol.

>> No.2649485

~100k to go

>> No.2649496

hello, I have 531 arks
now I have 529 arks I transferred my vote over to biz_classic
you flaming fuck faggots better not disappoint me otherwise I am pulling out for good next time around. I haven't been paid yet assholes and I've stayed in biz for over a month fucking shit fucks

>> No.2649518

I believe our node shall make all others reconsider long and hard about their jewing, as will the voters themselves
I also appreciate the fact that our node is highly available and can handle failover situations

perhaps it would be useful to make a side-by-side comparison of forging nodes; I know there's a spreadsheet out there but it's too cluttered and does not show them all

>> No.2649526

I think this whole thing only started 3 weeks ago, but I'm right there with you.
It'll be fine though. Didn't you get the warm fuzzies off of hwndu? I get the same thing from biz_classic.

>> No.2649569

These 2 guys setting it up are alright, plus they're good with computers! In all seriousness, it'll be fine with them, no more drama involving a sneaky starving idiot.
HWNDU was pure kino, comfy times.

>> No.2649625

Friendly reminder:

The payout to ALL voters who get in BEFORE we hit top 51 is 90% PERMANENTLY (after two months of 100%).

So get your ass in here now because we are making it to 51 with or without you!

>> No.2649640

That was weird, I refreshed and we lost a vote but gained 3.3k ark.

>> No.2649658

90% MINIMUM permanently. Those with smaller wallets will receive up to 100% PERMANENTLY if they get in before top 51 so their gains don't get eaten up by fees.

>> No.2649858

Noticed too, oh well, one step closer for us though!

>> No.2649997


>> No.2650141

100k to go

>> No.2650191

4k from #52

>> No.2650210
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>> No.2650241
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Blessed are thoust ARKers and thoust biz_classic voters.

>> No.2650324
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Look how close we are!

>> No.2650362

How do I unvote?

>> No.2650380

It's really unintuitive. You have to go to the delegate tab in your wallet, leave the box next to the delegate unchecked, then hit vote. Once you're done with that you'll need to restart your wallet so they delegate doesn't appear in your list. Then you're free to vote for anyone else.

>> No.2650388

Nevermind just voted for biz_classic

>> No.2650444

Less than 100k away now.

>> No.2650478


>> No.2650554

100k is close, but still a good bit away
how many uninformed people are still voting for shitty old delegate?

>> No.2650576

eternal hodling with biz_classic!

>> No.2650577
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We got back to rank 52. Final boss is Arknet comprised of 3 whales. Each a different color. Each a different power and weakness but we are legion. WE ARE /BIZ/

>> No.2650637

the cool thing i like about this high-voter-count delegate is we don't really have to worry as much about one fuck-big whale leaving and dropping us out of the rank (like the other delegates would)
a delegate <51 with only 3 big whales in it- it only takes the decision of one person to take you out of forging

>> No.2650679

I know right! biz_classic really is the least volatile of all the delegates which is a pretty big thing especially once the price of ARK goes up and the competition for the top 51 heats up.

>> No.2650700
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Yup this is also one of the reasons I've taken the loss of not getting forging rewards these past two weeks, once we secure our spot we'll be the most secure node in the whole network when it comes to voting weight.

>> No.2650725
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Please get to 51

>> No.2650743

Most likely its one person constantly adjusting to stay in 51st place

>> No.2650770

Correct. Our biggest "whale" has less than 40,000 ARK.

>> No.2650883

lol thats awesome

>> No.2650922

Based moonbro
It would be slightly annoying that 2 mega whales could constantly move funds into and out of their "voting wallets" to maintain the 51's spot
I dont see it now, but i imagine if ark price spikes there will be botted wallets constantly shifting funds to keep the lowest positions

>> No.2651018

We are almost making
49 | kolap | 0.64 | 809,551 | 5 |
| 50 | gr33ndrag0n | 0.63 | 804,608 | 12 |
| 51 | arknet | 0.62 | 792,683 | 3 |
| 52 | biz_classic | 0.55 | 703,506 | 298 |
| 53 | acf | 0.55 | 695,876 | 13 |
| 54 | heliohash | 0.45 | 566,322 | 60 |
get in!!!

>> No.2651060

Where do you see that list of delegates? Please share the link :) Thank you!
Voted for biz_classic with my 4k ark yesterday :)

>> No.2651086

Please remember that once we do hit our goal we need to keep up our momentum for a while. Until we're at 900k+ another delegate can easily knock us out.

>> No.2651172
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>> No.2651261

1 0 0 K

>> No.2651354

When Ark goes up to $50,000 and we're all driving lambos on the moon, the 1ish/month will be a nice sum :)

We gonna make it arkbro

>> No.2651499

bump we almost making money!

>> No.2651555


The OLD delegate turned out to be a scam... These guys are public persons though, so they will get in trouble if they fuck us over... GET IN BEFORE WE REACH SPOT 51 FOR A BETTER RETURN ON YOUR ARK!

>> No.2651734

bump for visibility

Vote for biz_classic if you are still voting for the old delegate,

Also, ark is recovering

>> No.2651749
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>> No.2651762

>they get in trouble if they fuck us over.
Realistically they would face no consequences besides missing out on future gains.

>> No.2651776

no, because we have their dox

I don't think scamming biz is worth getting swatted

>> No.2651801

alright I voted for this shit.....
better not fuck around

>> No.2651809


Lawsuit, with a lot of us vs 2 of them

>> No.2652011

What is going on? I don't understand.

>> No.2652125

unlikely to make any sense to you unless you were voting biz before all of this

>> No.2652129

The old delegate was absolutely incompetent and/or a scammer and didn't give us our weekly payout so we're switching to biz_classic.

>> No.2652148

was confirmed to be a scam when looking into it on slack, arky gives preview before execution

>> No.2652167

old delegate fucked up
and fucked us out of money
so we made a new delegate
that won't fuck us over

>> No.2652213


>> No.2652258

sorry had to pull out 4k ARK to pay for the Obelisk miner...

will try to buy back in more this week

>> No.2652288

selling at a dip
and possibly taxes
fuck bro

>> No.2652500

>He actually bought a scamasic

>> No.2652774

bump yo

>> No.2652838

9 0 K

>> No.2652874


yeah, bitched out and put the ARK back, got till end of week anyways


why is it a scam? i get the 2018 release date but Sia is one of the few own-blockchain coins that has potential imo