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26488400 No.26488400 [Reply] [Original]

this board is confusing as fuck with so many cryptos having their own threads. can someone just make a decent case for their favorite medium risk medium or high reward shitcoin?

i want to buy the 2015 40 cent chainlink of today and hold for a few years for a x1000% to the 2020 version of chainlink that goes to $24

whats the current shitcoin thats best poised to do this? i see convincing arguments for XRP and BAT and now people are shilling rubic but just help me avoid pajeet scams please.

what would you put 10% of your current wealth into right now for a gamble at a x1,000?

>> No.26488461

inb4 rubic

>> No.26488513

Statera. We all know it.

Infinite memes and fast becoming the most loved coin of DeFi.

>> No.26488538

>this board is confusing as fuck
Stopped reading there. I'll give you an easier choice. Either lurk more or go back

>> No.26488612
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ERSDL if you could buy link at 2 cents

>> No.26488630

I honestly think link is still the next link. GRT might have been an option if it wasn’t for the token distribution.

>> No.26488668

I’ve been here forever and this board is confusing as hell. You have to actually research projects or get dumped on.

I’ve gotten in on RSR and Statera for next to nothing. I also got in on Chainlink at 3 dollars, which I felt like a moron for buying so late. Hopefully I can make it and never return here again.

>> No.26488684
File: 426 KB, 597x581, Yoghurt accident.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What even is this? I have like 4k and I cant even remember when I bought it. Must have been an alcohol induced buy

>> No.26488694
