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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 310 KB, 1200x1200, OnionDumpling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26484092 No.26484092 [Reply] [Original]

Okay fags its time for a real talk on this onion dumpling coin. Currently a cheap buy but why the excitement? I see people are farming/staking but its not worth right now, theyre also saying its not worth HODLing, so wtf is the purpose of this shit? A lot of the threads also seem to be non organic. I think im smelling curry

>> No.26484144

Its a bunch of jeets and a few whales in some discord theyre gonna pump it to 1 cent then dump.

>> No.26484274

It started with a coordinated shilling campaign from a discord server. Then Astroturfed it here any heavily shilled it here to the newfags now newfags think they organically came across the next big thing. Some say this group is known as "satsgang" I've seen this cycle repeat itself about 30 times since I arrived here four years ago. If you get in early and the astroturfing is successful you can make good money if it's a failure you are left holding worthless bags. In the end all these projects dump. The rug on this one is near

>> No.26484324
File: 30 KB, 1024x1024, bao-banner.d9327cea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1 cent is so far away if your fud is true, its still so worth getting in. Just bought me more

>> No.26484439

isw this true? :(

>> No.26484717

No not BAO pls :((

>> No.26485005

topkek at this analysis. I hope you think this is true.
t. Bought in at 0.0008

>> No.26485176


>> No.26485195

see this is the shit im worried about. literal niggers scamming my bizbros while were trying to escape the "game" ourselves

>> No.26485398

where to buy for newfag plz

>> No.26485621

Just to buy it is a hassle. Buy it get a metmask wallet then throw it in the washing machine and it trades/washes the coin then you jump through exactly six hulahoops to get it. If anyone thinks even a semi savvy "investor" is buying this shit theyre not. Wayyyyyy too many steps. They are organizing in a discord and ripping off neets on biz for probably a few thousand each

>> No.26485691

lmao at this fud.
You should have listened!
Now you're salty.
It's going to hit 0.001 in the next day or so. Topkek at your life.

>> No.26485997
File: 86 KB, 460x432, 1610991320583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its a coin with good memes and shilled well. The Dev is ambitious. None of it will come to fruition but for the time being it is a moon shot for a lot of people. All you have to do is believe and get out when you are up. Why are you a retard? Don't stake. Just buy and sell in a week. This isnt the real world anon. Its not about quarterly earnings and sales. Its about bao. People like foods. Sushi, sashimi, kimchi, pickles, and now bao. Wake the fuck up and double your bags you absolute mong.