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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26482760 No.26482760 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.26482819
File: 103 KB, 708x469, 1604511855322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why even buy something that you cant mine ethereum with and use as a gaming machine?

>> No.26482839
File: 35 KB, 460x336, 1594466625898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>playing vidya games in 2021
lmao you will always be a poor manchild

>> No.26482873

You got a Get Out of Poverty Free card and gave it away for consumer trash LMAO

>> No.26482966
File: 55 KB, 512x349, unnamed (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We just passed $12 guys....

>> No.26483065

how high do u think we will go?

>> No.26483213

$100 EOY.

>> No.26483215

I really dont know.

>> No.26483495
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>> No.26483524


>> No.26483555
File: 21 KB, 400x400, 12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i could have bought a high end computer and VR set up right now if i just waited

>> No.26483562

Yes guys buy a coin that went 30%+ in a day and then cry about it when dumps on you.

>> No.26483570

for real, how high? bnb is not even 100

>> No.26483605

$100. Uniswap will be as important to global equities as NYSE and CME.

>> No.26483742

ooohhh, you haven't received the memo about Pangolin?

>> No.26483744

If they really deliver what they are trying to build...UNI is going to be fucking huge. But again, ask cdprojekt what they think about delivering promises.

>> No.26483913

Fuck off rakesh

>> No.26484004

Seriously, anyone could tell that the governance token for the biggest DEX out there would be valuable. I can't see why you would cash out immediately unless you were about to lose your house or something.

>> No.26484051

The call of coonsooming is too strong for some people

>> No.26484056

what are they trying to build that will be huge?

>> No.26484085

How valuable is the real question. $20, $50,$100,$500,$1000? Rien ne va plus! Place your bets!

>> No.26484118

Even if you did make it to this point you would've sold by now for you EPIC VR SETUP and would cry about being able to buy a Lambo if you just held and that will continue on until on your death bed you'll say "I could've bought the universe"

>> No.26484155
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shit you're right why am i so ulucky bros

>> No.26484172


some people lost money

>> No.26484218
File: 281 KB, 750x1334, 524A9B7A-7996-49ED-9EB7-3C276C559923.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s people dumping on unaware future bagholders for sushi before it is inevitably ruined by womxn

>> No.26484271

Also, PS5 has no exclusives and the games are overpriced as fuck.

>> No.26484273
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>> No.26484276

this anon gets it
For reference, Coinbase ipo will be 30-50 billion dollars. Uniswap is taking not only coinbase but also binance and every other exchanges lunch.
$100 UNI is not if but WHEN?

>> No.26484299

Pathetic FUD.

>> No.26484321

>Also uniswap v3 is around the corner which according to the devs "solves everything".
- front running
- Impermanent loss fix
- Optional Layer 2 which means close to 0 fee.
- Every UNI holder will earn 0.05% of the trading fees.
... if they really deliver and solve everything this will cause a massive "black hole effect" for people who want to provide liquidity. If Impermanent loss and fees are solved DEXes will die and there is 0% reason to keep your tokens on exchanges if you can get 50% APY with no risk.
tl;dr DYOR Uni v3 will be massive.

From an Anon in the other UNI thread.

>> No.26484386

Anon.. can't you see how bullish this is?

>> No.26484395

that is seriously sad to think about.

>> No.26484415

Yikes. Thanks anon I just sold everything.

>> No.26484424

this is 100% going to zero anyway

>> No.26484497

Massive cope.

>> No.26484501 [DELETED] 

Less than a thousand for sure. Prices that high are reserved for real game changers. I can't imagine an erc20 token getting that close to eth in value. I could see uni being past $100 at some point, but I don't think it would stabilize there.

>> No.26484531

wtf 0 fee? how is that possible
only reason i was able to restrain myself from cashing out is bcuz of the fees kek

>> No.26484542

UNI coin is by far the comfiest crypto to own right now look at the charts

>> No.26484589

btw is there a timeline for when v3 comes out?

>> No.26484678

Supposed to be pretty soon. Within the next few months or so

>> No.26484687

They said to expect Q1 2021.