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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2648211 No.2648211 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.2648214
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som1 ge me a pupper

>> No.2648239
File: 23 KB, 480x360, 56d70a4b87ffe208d91d702219944693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>negative interest

>> No.2648262

i live in sweden

>> No.2648312

The fuck is negative interest? Is it snow nigger for tax?

>> No.2648348
File: 46 KB, 800x608, 0_13b407_6e2d828b_XL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use gold and silver to hedge against inflation and buy a nice safe to hide it in

>> No.2648360

All swedes pay negative interest since 2016
Ontop of the inflation making me loose 10% of my buying power from my inflation they are now outright taking money from the inheritance to the bank


>> No.2648375

I'll just buy a house guns and ammo

Bet and crash the chinese stockmarket soon as trump put pressure on them

>> No.2648380


Gotta pay for them refugees Sven. Do your part

>> No.2648385

means instead of paying you interest the bank charges you fees to store your money
the idea is to keep people from hoarding cash and instead give all their money to refugee projects

>> No.2648386

this is ridiculous even for a socialist shithole
this is USSR tier gommunist bullshit right here

>> No.2648402

I guess they are learning the hard way that "diversity" is expensive.

>> No.2648405

So get that money out of the bank and INVEST it

>> No.2648475

Refugees arent cheap, sven!
Who will rape all your women if the refugees arent given the most luxurious accommodations!?

>> No.2648490

quick goyim, go and spend your money before it dwindles away!

>> No.2648588

Just shut up and stump up for the mudskins bro. Id say they appreciate it, but they don't, they hate you and your culture. 1488 my Nordic brother.

>> No.2648630
File: 106 KB, 420x1234, satanbyeyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we probably will, seeing satans arrival


>> No.2648632

Buy bitcoin, gold, silver and US bonds. Anything is better than just giving your money away.

>> No.2648758

What does satans arrival mean for crypto? Buy evilcoin?

>> No.2648794

gun stocks would be beter

>> No.2648816

Fuck this gay country. Any succesful swede has nothing to gain from staying in Sweden. 50% income tax and 25% sales tax to pay for thought police, gibs to muds and a shitty healthcare system that makes you wait MONTHS before you get to even see a doctor (think bread lines but with healthcare instead).

>> No.2648854

damn I knew sweden was cucked, but this is eye opening

>> No.2649378

>paying for somali rapefugees

my god man MOVE

>> No.2649403

>everyone on /pol/ says Canada is just as bad as sweden

When I learned homeschooling was illegal in Sweden I knew Canada could never be as bad as that Dystopian nightmare of a country

>> No.2649630

Wow...I suppose the plus side is you don't have Mohammed home schooling all the little achmed's teaching salafism. The swedish public schools probably take care of that though eh. Sheesh