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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 3 KB, 300x300, rsr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26480030 No.26480030 [Reply] [Original]

why tf don't these poor countries just use USDC to avoid inflation? they could even use BTC or any other coin (but muh volatility yeh whatever).

why all the effort to make a fking stablecoin when theres already loads of shit that 3rd worlders can use already.

>> No.26480128

I'll tell you why. because USDC isnt making any effort to get their product in the hands of users in those countries (onramps, bank partnerships, etc), and Reserve is. Simple as.

>> No.26480494

Even huehue shitskins realize centralized stablecoins are trash anon, why don't you?

>> No.26480553

because even foreign smooth brains arent as dumb as you. Since you don't understand how the US weaponizes the USD, then you don't get why your question is absolutely retarded. This project is about breaking money away from governments

>> No.26480698

you are expecting them to use a usd pegged coin to avoid inflation? lmao

RSV is pegged to a basket of goods. It will go above a dollar if needed

>> No.26481223

so at what point does it no longer decide to be pinned to the dollar? isnt consistency the whole point?

>> No.26481464

Later on down the road faggot. Did you know they have a whitepaper?

>> No.26481847

go back

>> No.26482198
File: 165 KB, 321x460, EAB07B89-A495-4216-B162-D02A4E8019FE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When moon sirs? I feed my village

>> No.26482267

They have said not for a while...people in SA want the dollar now, so for time being having reserve pegged to the dollar will help attract the most users, then after more adoption they can begin to shift into other assets

>> No.26482403

True and not true.....at its core this is also a cia project to exert influence into South America. Enforced by bildeberg group and PayPal mafia = new world order /cia /globalist project

Realistically this coin is mainly an attempt for the west to influence the economy in Venzuela

>> No.26482835

Reserve is going to be decentralized and not able to be shutdown or stopped while many of those other stablecoins are centralized

>> No.26482868

Coinbase listing needs to happen NOW

>> No.26482969

Patience. Coinbase will come after mainnet

>> No.26483044

wen coinbase
wen mainnet?

>> No.26483085
File: 181 KB, 828x417, 51FB4BF2-3F33-49E4-8CFE-F7668C51B19B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mainnet better be soon. I'm not missing an entire bull season in 2021 while Nevin drags his feet.

>> No.26483351

Mainnet is this year. I'm in IT in real life but not in a crypto related area. But Beta testing is important. They need to make sure it works as intended without bugs. Imagine if Reserve just released mainnet and signed millions of people on and it just takes a shit or has some glitch that fucks people's shit up. Do you think people would trust Reserve and keep using it afterwards? Give them time to make sure the product is working perfectly. Mainnet is this year when the product is ready.

>> No.26483425

>proving my point
CIA is basically run by CFR which is filled with PayPal Mafia, Bildeberg, technocrat globalist elites... not governments

>> No.26483466
File: 81 KB, 1194x810, 324254.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would they use other cryptos when they can trust in a project that tweets shit like this all day?

>> No.26483542

You don't think it's adorable anon?

>> No.26483550

What is...inflation?

>> No.26483849

No it's cringe, I hate whoever runs their twitter. They always seem to do it when the price is crabbing too which annoys me even more lmao.