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26470063 No.26470063 [Reply] [Original]

There’s no way LINK will go much higher right? I’m confident it has peaked and other coins will now start to catch up with chainlink
Please help me cope for not buying earlier

>> No.26470100

I'm a link holder and I'm afraid to sell even part of it to invest in anything else desu.

>> No.26470114

Just fucking buy. I bought another 35 link at 23, felt dumb at the time not so much now.

>> No.26470127
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of course not. chainlink is just a meme, and it has already made plenty of people rich at just $20. it can't possibly go up much more. that would be crazy.

or can it

>> No.26470145

Just buy hex lol. Why you niggers bothering with a 25 dollar cup of coffee in 2021.

>> No.26470159

Total crypto marketcap is going up by at least 10x from here
link will be a top 5 marketcap project
it is too late to make it (this time) but you can probably buy a new car if you put in 1k now and manage to sell the top

>> No.26470173

I’m in the same dilemma. I can’t help but feel we’ve seen the LINK top and other coins are better to buy

>> No.26470200

Yes..::this shit coin is extremely over valued rn

>> No.26470213

You misspelled top 3

>> No.26470221

Still use fucking non-profitalbe mining rofl?
Join: https://twitter.com/dao_duck/status/1338181297257263112?s=20

Your Daddy is here now!

>> No.26470250

1k eoy is not a meme.

Neither is 81k in 2026. Buy whatever dips you can.

>> No.26470278

he clearly doesn't get it

>> No.26470282

Lol at newfags who cant read a fucking chart. LINK/BTC weekly candles MACD, SRSI, and Bollinger bands. Tell me what you see. LINKs rise hasnt even started yet.

>> No.26470320

I’m retarded what do these things tell you

>> No.26470323

im just a small village pajeet living in a lonely street and i can totally relate dear ngl

>> No.26470333

do you realize this is still one of the biggest underperformers of this cycle?

>> No.26470340
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>> No.26470383

>’m confident it has peaked
And what would be your track record of being right with your convictions?

Because link is going up to $70 this quarter and then triple digits this year.

>> No.26470417
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i dont know what any of these things mean but own 10k link will I make it

>> No.26470442

I would bet my house that 5 years from now it will be higher than it currently is. Same with pretty much any top 100 coin (other than XRP).
I would also bet my house that it crashes, hard, in between now and then. Like, dipping in to single digits is not unreasonable.

Within less than a year the price went from ~$1.90 to $25, based on ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. No announcements, news or partnerships, just wild, runaway speculation. That inevitably leads to collapse.

>> No.26470460


>> No.26470462

jesus i can only hope you are right.

>> No.26470486

Where the hell would all that money even come from?

>> No.26470513

im also retarded but am 100% in link since early. i just need this to work out and hope these fancy chart terms aren't memes

>> No.26470518
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ITT: Retards that don’t know LINK should be $200 USD this very moment in the #3 overall crypto spot if not for years of manipulation while market makers accumulate and come here to post “token not needed” and “10bn for a price feed” so they can laugh at you when you fomo buy their bags at $100/250/500/1000+

LINK will one day in the not too distant future no longer be considered a “cryptocurrency” and it’s marketcap will dwarf this spade combined (including Bitcoin) multiple times over and it will be essential impossible for the average person to purchase LINK utility tokens.



>> No.26470546

dca as much as you can. you know how you wish you had 100 eth or even 50 at this point if youre not well off?

well its looking like real soon people will be struggling to accumulate 50-100 LINK

>> No.26470561

>Within less than a year the price went from ~$1.90 to $25, based on ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. No announcements, news or partnerships, just wild, runaway speculation. That inevitably leads to collapse.

Seriously though, you don't think that World Economic Forum mention and fucking BSN, Korean Banks integrating price feeds etc. might just have ANYTHING to do with the price action?

>> No.26470566

Institutional buying. I don't have the image with me, but multiple people have done the math on what link would go to if we capture even a percentage of the Derivatives market.

LINK is going to be huge, man.

To be fair, more confident in 1k than 81k, but I do think both will happen. 81k probably not for a couple more years though.

>> No.26470581

literally just look at market.link and tell me if there's anything remotely as good as that in this whole papier-mache "crypto" world

>> No.26470589

how have you not seen the slide from smartcon with the dots

>> No.26470681


Token not needed.

>> No.26470707

check em

>> No.26470709

LMFAO ok fagggot I spent all summer 2018 filling LINK bags because i did get it, only to have you post mainnet top buying brainlets come here and tell me I don't get it lmfao

Gems rise to the top in bear markets, in bull markets its the shit that floats. Get that through your head. We're at the point in the cycle where you can throw a dart at anything an it'll moon. I doubt Link outperforms at this point, but people like me are already up 100x or more

>> No.26470752

not quite but i'll check anyway

>> No.26470756


I’ll count that, checked.

>> No.26470795

I don't blame em

>> No.26470805
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>based on nothing
who wants to tell him?

>> No.26470815

I used to think $1k EOY was a meme. but it's January, we are in the first selloff, and LINK is $25. Come December this year, Bizrael will have the net worth of Bezos.

>> No.26470827

Anyone else something big is brewing for Chainlink? I mean some huge fucking out of blue announcement

It has been eerily silent, yet the fact is that they have put more money on developing the company than Ethereum budget, while at the same time there has been integrations every day, at much faster rate even than Ethereum achieved back in the day

>> No.26470838


>> No.26470895

yeah, v1.0

>> No.26470936

There are people the unironically believed that link would never ever go above $2-3

>> No.26470937

Staking. I think their silence is tactical- they haven't released staking because they are doing the most anal of audits on it, and unless it's absolutely perfect, they aren't releasing it. I know what you mean though.

The team knows they have one shot to get this right, and so they will take as long as it takes. That's why Sergey dumps tokens- these security audits are expensive. If you know anything about how LINK works, you know security in everything that the token does is absolutely critical.

>> No.26471013

I’ve got about thirty but have run out of funds unless I can somehow buy with PayPal credit lol

>> No.26471030

i'm a smol bag 17 link handy, i already feel like i'm gonna delete 2 years on my mortgage thanks to this cheeky boi

>> No.26471031

Yes that was me and I regret not buying. But it won’t go much higher than 25$. This bull run has outdone bitcoin 10 times over

>> No.26471126

wish i knew how to interpret literally anything on that site

>> No.26471257

You feel like this because you still don't fully understand the project or the problem being solved.

You had 3 years to learn this, then you'd know we're at the bottom of you just put in the effort, but you didn't so you're poor.

Buy now, it hasn't even started yet

>> No.26471290

Why do people keep saying this? Is it even possible that Link tokens become irrelevant?

>> No.26471304

For your next investment Im going to have to suggest rope, friend

>> No.26471348

how would you feel if LINK hit $250? anyone have the ethereum guy pasta? talks about wanting to murder people for missing out?

>> No.26471386

LINK pumping, BTC magically decides to take another shit.....again.....for like the 20th time in history.

>> No.26471416

What are the chances of this coin even making 250$ though? It seems we already got extremely lucky with the $25 top

>> No.26471472

50%, either it happens or it doesn't

>> No.26471485

Probably the announcement that they will be the oracle provider for US & EU CBDC's and Facebook Diem. For anyone that was here 2017/2018 those connections were pretty obvious already though. I think the recent thing with the WEF only solidified the CBDC rumour.

>> No.26471580
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>> No.26471627

its up to you. if this is the top for you then sell. seems pretty retarded to me given staking is coming out this quarter. but you do you. LINK hasn't even created the decentralized data market yet.

>> No.26471629

It went from $0.20 to $25 on pure speculation by neets. Why wouldn't it possible when its actual use case would save large institutions billions in overhead costs?

>> No.26471653

based, normies come in the bull market, and they won't understand link.
Still I'm still all in, bags bought in 2017/2018, because at least when the bubble pops, I'll have my linkies and not some overvalued pajeet scam like nano and neo were in 2017.

>> No.26471780

LINK at $100 in 2022

>> No.26471783

The WEF, league of billionaires, is supporting Chainlink and you think $25 is the top?
Sell and stay the fuck away from LINK, you don't deserve to make it.

>> No.26471814
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>> No.26471957
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You cucks don't realize this is all just a bunch of noise, Janet Yellen will crush crypto with KYC requirements.

"The recent guidelines proposed by the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network further sharpen the tools that cryptocurrency offers, requiring every cryptocurrency wallet to be tied to a verified identity. "

Did you really think they'd let us be free? They hate us. The next iteration of money is literally the mark of the beast and will give government total control over our lives.

>> No.26472063

FinCEN wants to impose new record-keeping requirements for transactions involving users who manage their own private keys—dubbed "unhosted wallets" by FinCEN. Under FinCEN's proposal, if a cryptocurrency exchange's customer sends more than $3,000 to an unhosted wallet, the exchange would be required to keep a record of the transaction, including the identity of the customer who initiated the payment.

These new rules didn't take effect before Trump left office, so the incoming Biden team will need to decide what to do with them. The Biden administration could sign off on the existing rules, rewrite them, or scrap them altogether. Yellen's comments on Tuesday suggest that she is unlikely to scrap the rules. If anything, the Treasury Department is likely to consider additional regulations of the blockchain economy over the next four years.

>> No.26472103

4 years of spoonfeeding and you still dont "get it"...good luck retard

>> No.26472141

The technology has potential but 85% of the tokens are held by the dev team.

>> No.26472212
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I don't think you get it actually, crypto/blockchain will be used by government but not to make you rich or freer.

>> No.26472263

World War III was always going to be Central Banks vs Bitcoin

>> No.26472317
File: 697 KB, 1079x1266, Screenshot_20210124-211131_Instagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do people still try FUD link? Its sad so you missed out on bitcoin and now on Link? Dont be a coward next time.

>> No.26472323

All the more reason to start hosting a Monero node

>> No.26472377

lol, you think it's going to be a war? the people will basically demand their own enslavement and clap about all the white boi's losing what they see as fake, unfair and illegal fortunes

.... u guys know biden won right? I mean, he is the president at least. all bets are off, expect the worst

>> No.26472506

Yeah you’re definitely right anon. There’s no way link will rise above $25. Definitely sell right now

>> No.26472534

I bought 500 more at 20 because I felt the ride coming. Could've bought 800 when I considered it at 13. I've been holding for 3 years anon. Buy the ticket, take the ride.

>> No.26472544

Think of it like this, in the early 1800s no one knew a single person millionaire would exist, in the early 1900s a billionaire was impossible, now here we are in the 2000s - your next door neighbor could be a millionaire and you wouldn’t know it, there are literally thousands of billionaires all over the planet now. We’re in the 2020s now in the midst of a (((pandemic))) and we all know about a token that monetizes data and speeds up the adoption of smart contracts. When Sergey said imagine if there was a token that incentivized the development of SSL/TLS/HTTPS, things get crazy. If you could put a market cap on the internet, you wouldn’t even be able to fathom how much a token tagged to it would cost. We’re about to witness the inception of the worlds first trillionaire sometime in the next 7-10 years, and from that we will also witness people who got lucky enough to buy early become billionaires. The 81k eoy, is not a meme. Stop trying to time the market, buy every fucking dip you can, and put your damn savings into it.

>> No.26472563

Where have you been?
It was decided a long time ago this shit is hitting $1000 at least

>> No.26472580

Thanks friend, I needed to hear this

>> No.26472585

By 30/4/21 ChainLink will be at 56$ a token.
Screencap this.

>> No.26472606
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>> No.26472645

>TA on a project less than 5 years old.
>TA in crpyto

Youre better off using astrology unironically

>> No.26472649

Checked. Good post

>> No.26472687

if you got it then you would have said top 3, tard

>> No.26472692

>Millionaires don't use astrology. Billionaires do.

>> No.26472698

Where did that 81k number come from?

>> No.26472744

KYC helps link in a massive way. If there are requirements to prove certain data that people don’t want on chain, Link oracle services will be in massive demand

>> No.26472777

kyc kills defi

>> No.26472801

high grade hopium right there. What do you mean it won't be considered a crypto anymore?

>> No.26472821

No they aren’t, if you are going to Fud you need some element of truth in your BS

>> No.26472855
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>> No.26472892

time travel

>> No.26472906
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>> No.26472947
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im going to retire soon so ill give people some advice
link is the next link. spend time reading as much as you can about the project
desu most new people here are too iq to handle the fud.
your best bet is going to twitter and following smart shills like chainlinkgod
most of you still wont get it but if you want to get rich you need _understand_ what you've bought

>> No.26472951
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>> No.26472975

>1k eoy
>81k eoy

Are these numbers even based on anything?

>> No.26473003
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too low iq

>> No.26473033

How so? Chainlink will allow KYC verification without having to publish those actual details on chain. If KYc is required for Crypto, demand for Chainlink services is going to explode as no one wants their information published to the blockchain

>> No.26473058

Nice chart. Thanks for taking a break from the freedom fighting in Eindhoven to post

>> No.26473060
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>> No.26473198

ancient memeatics, not this common core pussy shit

>> No.26473207


>> No.26473266

but anon...those numbers dont make any sense?

>> No.26473270

HTTPS/ssl/tls changed the internet as we know it, allowing your everyday person to securely purchase/sell stuff without compromising their banking info, same thing for companies. If you could assign an mcap to the internet, it’s well over 10T. If you understand what chainlink aims to do, then it’s only reasonable to conclude that the mcap of link will dwarf that of the internet. Look at the team, look at the partners, sponsors etc. make the decision for yourself. If (mainly when) chainlink succeeds, this is the last opportunity for anyone to get filthy fucking rich before the world moves onto AI&Quantum computing.

>> No.26473329

>I'm a link holder and I'm afraid to sell even part of it to invest in anything else desu
same here

>> No.26473331

>it's mathematically impossible for link to go any higher than
>It says in the white paper it's supposed to be the same price as a cup of coffee!

>> No.26473445

settings on BBands?

>> No.26473500 [DELETED] 

sergey strongly implied that fidelity were the ones that kicked off the summer run

>> No.26473521
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how do i cope with being priced out of linkpool?

>> No.26473542

>tfw only reason you hold 4k link is because your high IQ friend convinced you to buy in at ico
I'll owe him for the rest of my life.
Should of bought more though.

>> No.26473559

>I'm a link holder and I'm afraid to sell even part of it to invest in anything else desu.
i needed 10k last week and instead of selling i just have it as collateral on aave, pretty /comfy/

>> No.26473580

either trolls or people who do not understand blockchain

>> No.26473607

I bought at 4 EUR then bought a bunch more around 11-12 EUR
it's not too late to buy in

>> No.26473639

>because at least when the bubble pops, I'll have my linkies and not some overvalued pajeet scam like nano and neo were in 2017.
yeah im not trying to baghold for 4 years again, ima sell at least half late this year when the market should peak this cycle

>> No.26473718
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81k end of year

>> No.26473862


>> No.26473952

I'm convinced, buying right now

>> No.26474003

Enjoy emptying my bins in 10 years

>> No.26474056

Nice cope. Clearly it's just $81 EOY.

>> No.26474063

thanks anon. i wonder if that guy roped

>> No.26474108
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This is going to be one of the hardest dumps on steaking and the project will basically fail because people will never use it for anything other than to PnD, which will completely fuck the tokenomics and make the whole thing useless. Sergey will realize this and just disappear along with the rest of the team. SWIFT and co will realize this, and begin to quietly remove any references they have to this embarrassing experiment which - who knows, might have succeeded if it wasn't for the retards who infest this place and run painfully obvious shill and fud campaigns. Many of you will experience the kind of hopium crash which actually kills people, and I suppose suicide is a fitting reward for some of the more smug retards who clutter up this board, but I hope it isn't all of you.

There will be no more memes, no more dreams of lambos or whatever NPC tier 'rich person's car' you've picked out in your imagination as you're left in the dirt holding a bunch of link bags. Even a fraction of the money some of you invested in link could have helped you make it during the next bull-run in a legitimate project. Imagine that. THAT is what you should be visualizing. Not your stupid fucking holiday home, not your imaginary future "faithful" gf / wife, nor an early retirement where you don't need to toil away at menial tasks for your betters from inside your 9-5 existential prison cell - you should instead be visualizing yourself scraping together what little money you have left in the wake of your devastation to try and ride something like BTC or ETH up, and your dream of MILLIONS OF DOLLARS suddenly becomes a much more realistic 10k-20k at most. I mean it's not bad - more than you intellectual runts probably deserve. You'll all see I was right. I always am.

>> No.26474189

In Sergeyland, you don’t own 10k link anon, link owns you

>> No.26474199
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Shut the fuck up, Linklet.

>> No.26474259

It'll be a commodity or resource not just speculative asset.

>> No.26474277

wow you still try to get profit with this trash that they shill on topic
lmao don’t be an idiot so many amazing coins now
get $$ with xsn staking and thank me

>> No.26474292

you used alot of words there to say nothing

>> No.26474452

why are you still betting against it? never understood this mentality. you're literally just saying "it won't go up because i say it won't". i don't even bother posting in shitcoin threads that i think are going nowhere.

>> No.26474471

You will need the token in order to access the network fool.

>> No.26474491

>in bull markets its the shit that floats.
so what you're saying is RLC aka digital dogshit will moon?

>> No.26474523


>> No.26474668
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Time travel

>> No.26474711

because i am worried i will lose money if it has already peaked and i still buy now

>> No.26474735

>Replying to old pasta

>> No.26474759

>manage to sell the top
He would have to be the first anon to ever do this

>> No.26474815

I have 1k link and I regret everyday not getting more.
And then I see people glad to have 17 and I remember even a linket like me will still make it.

>> No.26474819

I will kill all your family and gf if you still try to tell about this fucking fake shit coin
don’t follow this idiots, use your brains
wanna see real top stat for crypto?
go for stakenet and xsn results, 46m mc

>> No.26474850
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from Bitcoin.org website domain purchase to the date in your pic

>> No.26474974

I fall for the FUD on Link so easily. It's why i've never been able to buy more than the suicide stack in 2017. I never liked the project or had faith in the team.

>> No.26475011
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>There’s no way LINK will go much higher right?
lmao you haven't seen anything yet, this was just the preliminary, link will melt faces when it goes balls deep.

>> No.26475042

haha good luck with that. Linkies are mostly shut in incels that gave up on life and got roped in this cult which promises them many riches to attract many gfs in the future once they make it but they never really make it

>> No.26475076
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When will Sergey Change the color of LINK from Blue and White to Black?

>> No.26475142

based secret agent double 07

>> No.26475286

We pumpin until September

>> No.26475673


>> No.26475821

oh ok

>> No.26476024

Very schizo my man!

>> No.26476066

10K is larp

>> No.26476128

>Are these numbers even based on anything?
yes, they're based

>> No.26476163

u fucking retards remember ethereum was 100$ and people said NO WAY IT WILL NEVER GO HIGHER


>> No.26476224


>> No.26476368

they said the same shit about bitcoin when it was in the hundreds lol

>> No.26476574

>link is eth
I'm tired of reading this. Look at the link eth chart since eth woke up in August. Eth is irreplaceable, Link is a nice addition to it, that's all

>> No.26476677

>He still doesn't understand all the things link does
I don't use that meme often, but here is needed.

>> No.26476831

Anyone else feel bad for missing linkpool? How can I cope on that

>> No.26476937

> the people
The people are irrelevant. WW3 began years ago and is fought by algos and memetics.
In fact, you're already a victim.

>> No.26477044

>implying crypto.com literal ponzi will be around in five years
It's just a slow roll bitconnect, dipshits

>> No.26477081
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even if it is at a plateau its still either BTC/ETH/LINK for hedges against fiat for none retards

>> No.26477092

>suicide is a fitting reward for some of the more smug retards who clutter up this board
>You'll all see I was right. I always am.


>experiment which - who knows, might have succeeded
> Even a fraction of the money some of you invested in link could have helped you make it during the next bull-run in a legitimate project.

I don't mind shitty fud, but internally inconsistent ramblings are a pet peeve of mine. Kys.

>> No.26477102

I want to believe...

>> No.26477146

I wouldnt buy at 25 at this point. But I bought algo so maybe buy some link

>> No.26477151

I honestly agreed with you earlier this year, but I think crypto.con might have just got their place in the market. I've seen normies using the cards now, honestly, I hate them but they've done it.

>> No.26477196
File: 10 KB, 225x225, E550D2F6-4F90-4400-9500-34ADE0B29A53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dub sevs
>golden godpay ID

>> No.26477448

Why'd you buy ALGO my good man? I ask because I have 4k and it seems to rise and fall with LINK almost exactly. Do the glowies know something I don't?

>> No.26477574
File: 68 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-11-21-03-48-31_com.google.android.apps.translate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ooofff looks like I'm hot shit

>> No.26477636

1k eoy is FUD.
10k is LARP.
100 is Suicide Stack

>> No.26477678

How does it make you feel that I bought at ICO for $0.11 per LINK?

>> No.26477706


>> No.26477710

>Being so new
I mean I was late to the party, but man, you're just coping. Buy more.

>> No.26477759

nah, he's right.

>> No.26477775

I first got into crypto in Summer 2019, only ever bought Bitcoin but did hear a lot about this tiny altcoin called Chainlink that was about to take off. I obviously dismissed it as nonsense but within weeks it shot up from under a pound to about £3 a pop. I assumed I'd missed the boat and never bought in but it just keeps rising lol.

>> No.26477824

Sell now and miss out on the biggest bullrun ever

>> No.26477887
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Plenty of people bought early and 100 isn't even a suicide stack. It's 10k. Some of us were late, and that's tough shit. Either way no excuse not to hold anyway and keep investing in other things for bigger gains. Don't try to say 100 is a suicide stack, it isn't even close. More like you're already dead.

>> No.26477954


>> No.26478022
File: 285 KB, 2000x1225, Chainlink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should switch to ETH if you want to secure your investments.

>> No.26478080
File: 91 KB, 720x1159, stinkyfolio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1k is, and always has been, the suicide stack for Link. 10k is make it. Stop discouraging nulinkers.

>> No.26478186

Feels like a lot of other defi is bullrunnikg a lot more than link. Look at aave

>> No.26478192

Wtf is that?

>> No.26478351

shhhh just embrace it

>> No.26478374

We gunna maek it

>> No.26478419

It’s already heading back to $6

Party’s over

>> No.26478495

It's easy to larp something like this right?

>> No.26478523

Its never been reproduced yet.

>> No.26478560

we are literally in the middle of a perfectly stable channel and cunts are saying this shit is overpriced....../biz is filled with morons

>> No.26478763
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>> No.26478815
File: 245 KB, 1465x1209, 1492103871593.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah it's more likely that it was really a time traveler

>> No.26478831

Does anyone check the BAEX platform (#baex)? I found a post about this defi binary exchange, looks like it is a new gem. A lot of tools, bonus system and profit range from 180 to 220%. It will be good with the modern algorithm. As I get, they have Yahoo Finance quotes source.

What do you think about this project?

>> No.26478926

in my village if you are not having 1000 linkies you are banned from making shits on our street

>> No.26479142

>1k link will only get you a car
Lmao what? LINK will, without a doubt, hit 1k. That would be 1 million dollars anon.

>> No.26479321

Please i dont want it to. I want to buy more

>> No.26479331

As it should be sirs

>> No.26479349

Itll be a really fucking good car alright?

>> No.26479367


1k Link buys you a car now

>> No.26479491

81k is based on notional derivative value. That’s a meme.

>> No.26479660

Should have done more research. Was pretty obvious it was the most important project out there along with btc and eth

>> No.26479699

No there’s no way. Sell now

>> No.26479767

It'll buy multiple cars, anon.

>> No.26479769

If you all think this is the top then fucking sell.
I can't wait to see your pink wojaks when you're priced out

>> No.26479851


I didn't understand any of it at the time, people were talking about oracles and I was clueless, was trying to wrap my head around bitcoin at the time and work out what was what, you had people shilling uttter garbage left right and centre so as a noob it was hard to separate the wheat from the chaff

>> No.26479861

I sold the top. Feels good man.

>> No.26480020

I have 50 LINK I intend to hold. I basically put all money I can get my hands on into buying LINK. Which isn't much. But I know that someday, day might come I am proud of it

Buying 10 more next month

>> No.26480022
File: 5 KB, 256x256, 5543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sergey Nazarov comes very close to perfection. There are virtually no flaws in his facial appearance.

He has perfect maxillofacial growth which becomes evident from the zygomatic arches that project wide and are round in shape in the tipping points. The nose is perfect: straight nasal septum indicates the face hasn't grown vertically more than it should at any point in developmental time so it doesn't appear hooked, it is also devoid of any obscure malformations, crookedness or deviation

He has near perfect dentofacial growth. While he has gotten some dental aid with orthodontics (evident from the appearance of his top central and lateral incisors+canines), his bite is perfect. You can tell this by looking at his lip posture, which is affected by the position of the mandible, and anyone will agree that it looks nice and balanced. The mandible is in an ideal position which means there's no malocclusion, and malocclusions have an enormous impact on the aesthetic appearance of the face. This is rare because with modern [western] diet and the rapid increase of allergies, it is extremely hard for most males to develop a nice looking jaw (not to mention that you need the appropriate testosterone levels and genetics to develop one). Lots of males that would normally develop a jaw similar to Nazarov's don't, because of mouth breathing or improper masticatory usage (the diet is too soft). It takes a perfect growing environment on top of good genes and hormone profile to develop a balanced facial structure like Nazarov's, and that's leaving out the individual features like the eye area, which in Nazarov's case is unique in itself. Now combine all this with the fact that he is over 6'2''. A good looking face with pretty features is hard to achieve when given a tall skeletal build. Most guys that you see with really pretty or handsome faces are 5'9'' to 5'11'', i.e. average height.

>> No.26480158

I put in an order for 3k of linkies at 21.50. It's never going to trigger is it?

>> No.26480289

Imagine how hard you’ll rope if it goes to 81k and you don’t get filled.

>> No.26480350

Bull flag confirmed on LINKY. We're going higher boys

>> No.26480411
File: 131 KB, 596x1190, E0D8D4B2-BFA3-4101-867F-D20E216BF2FD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26480464

No fuck I'm not ready

>> No.26480484

I keep selling profits and then going back into link. I should just HODL and chill.

>> No.26480535

It's looking tasty on the 4 hour chart

>> No.26480623
File: 210 KB, 409x409, 1558487540685.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LINK doesnt care if crypto requires KYC

You dont understand LINK at all midwit

>> No.26480730

If the total market 10xs from here, that's roughly $10 trillion. If LINK only retains it's 1% market dominance that's a $250 LINK.

>> No.26480731

Are you expecting link to move in more or less complete detachment from the crypto market? You suggesting it wont see a drop off in price?
I am still new to the crypto space howeverI have been doing everything I can to acquire more link, even if it means investing in stuff like ETH to take a 5x and buy more.
I'd expect everything to drop off which is why I am planning to take profits periodically throughout the bull cycle so I can buy more link in the bear market.
Would you not recommend this? If so please explain why.
All I want is Link
I understand it's use

>> No.26480745

Chainlink sets the standard in educational content. CL U when?

>> No.26480773
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>> No.26481119


>> No.26481412

>This IS
Buying 100k right now

>> No.26481756

>Same with pretty much any top 100 coin (other than XRP).

>> No.26481813

And as with any world war, there'll be Jews on both sides.

>> No.26482004
File: 254 KB, 1366x713, Chainlink 81K Breakdown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26482032

Holy shit hes so cute in that gif

>> No.26482106

Fuck off fudster it's 2021 link has almost 0 speculative value since its being used by hundreds of projects to get safe data feeds RIGHT NOW

>> No.26482323
File: 1.44 MB, 449x498, 1611326772581.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao your ID has been brown in the last 4 "LINK hate" threads. Your bitter, childish, and obnoxious posting style stands out and I will point your poojeet ass out every chance I get.

Fuck off, faggot.

>> No.26482647


>> No.26482726
File: 534 KB, 867x711, linkie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.26482978


>> No.26483584

Nothing ever happens

>> No.26484079

he said put in 1k usd you retard

>> No.26484196

I know the truth about brazzilian time travel boards & can confirm 81k by December 21st, 2026

>> No.26484269

Checked, Based orthodontist.

>> No.26484416

don't care didn't read bought more LINK

>> No.26484442
File: 207 KB, 1024x1024, FECB55FF-948B-47FF-A93E-56CE8FB93B09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26484450

10k used to cost like $2000 dude. 10k is suicide. 100k makeit

>> No.26484808

You are better off investing in shit like Rubic during the bull run while these coins are all in all the highs. They will come crashing down

>> No.26485062
File: 6 KB, 231x218, 1610919836353.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol look at this fucking retard

>> No.26485105
File: 17 KB, 432x266, CPT2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shall i spend all BTC on LINK? Is it a good idea?

>> No.26485626

Don't sell your link, EVER. And you'll make it.

>t. 1K wallet

>> No.26485650

*> top 1K wallet