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File: 138 KB, 1905x1044, 346898345256746876079.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26460253 No.26460253[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

There's a recurring gang of organized pakistani rapists that is actively shilling a PnD scam (Rubic, RBC) on the board.

>How does a PnD works
They buy a low market cap shitcoin and hire other low level pakistani rapists, they compensate them with money or other shitcoins if they post/comment threads here.
There's a high rate of QA going on in these threads, they keep those bumped and create engagement, making (You) believe that there's actually organic interest in the shitcoin.
What the shitcoin does is completely not relevant, since they bought it low months ago and then they can pump it with low effort, because the market cap is low.
When there's enough cattle in, they give the signal in their discords, every pakistani rapist will dump the shitcoin at the same time (if he's not busy raping a defecating woman in the village).

>How do they shill
They make a ton of threads, they lurk on warosu and steal old memes, change the colors and paste the logo of the new PnD, create or steal old copypastas, that's it.
If they encounter fud they try to make it seem stupid or coordinated, the 'paid fud' meme is amazing.

Now you're fucking warned, if you buy into this scam you will lose your money.

>> No.26460299

I don't know how many times to say this, but if you take the most retarded pajeet child fudder to write a script of people orchestrating a malicious pump and dump, it would be result in that screenshot. It's a fake conversation, nobody talks like that

>> No.26460385

worthless coin and not needed whatsoever in the crypto ecosystem
>suddenly got spammed on biz at 3am on a Sunday two weeks ago
>first rug pull yesterday
>run by a known scammer who's literally done this exact same thing before
>not talked about anywhere outside of biz but you idiot pajeets think just magically can go to 100 mil or some stupid shit
Seriously you dumbshits where do you think the money is going to come from to pump this coin? It's over. Normies aren't touching this and they aren't as dumb as anyone holding this.

Must I continue?

>> No.26460425

You've obviously not done any research because your fuds are easily disproven with the slightest amount of effort.

You're clearly mad you sold early and are obsessed with RBC. Buy back in retard.

>> No.26460427

>I don't know how many times to say this, but if you take the most retarded pajeet child fudder to write a script of people orchestrating a malicious pump and dump, it would be result in that screenshot. It's a fake conversation, nobody talks like that
>the seething pajeet detector starts to flash

>> No.26460429

much needed thread

>> No.26460480

>another butthurt pajeet fighting for his PnD scam
>a literally who shitcoin popped out of nowhere
>there's already a very AFICIONADO group of people genuinely interested in this and ready to unfud the fud
Your cock is dirty of shit Ahjesh, have you raped another defecating woman today?

>> No.26460486

>replies but doesn't disprove anything
You really think everyone on this board is as dumb as you don't you. Another rug pull in approx 4 hours

>> No.26460502

No sirs rubric is not scam please do the needful and buy
my village will thankful

>> No.26460512
File: 258 KB, 1080x848, 20210124_124420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Screenshot is fake you can't capitalize text channels

>> No.26460540
File: 88 KB, 1280x1280, 1611254331517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dr; ns

>> No.26460542

thanks for debunking this shit fud once and for all

>> No.26460557

yes I can also use inspect element

>> No.26460604
File: 61 KB, 925x167, op.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26460628

Dude this shit has been disproven over and over and over.
Go look at the transactions you mouth breather. Everyone's retarded but you eh.

>> No.26460629
File: 475 KB, 599x599, rlcshills.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek, seething pajeetos trying to debunk are the prove that a shilling operation is going on.
Why should one care about fud if he made a good investment and he's sitting comfy while he waits for a 10000000x
>those attorneys for that rape trial won't pay for themselves

>> No.26460655


>> No.26460681

I think a lot of us cashed our initial investment and don't have a ton of stress in our remaining bags. Just frustrating seeing this fat dude is still hanging around posting the same old tired rebuked fuds.
I think he's mad we called out his fake watch.

>> No.26460714

Yeah, it's entertaining how they try to disprove the fud. Every other shitcoin that gets shilled has its defenders, but theyre fucking rabid when it comes to RBC. Whether it's a scam or not, it's clearly not organic.

>> No.26460715

You bet on that, it's frustrating Kashvi.
>Kashvi_Sama, typical irish name
How many shilling points for this post Kashvi?

>> No.26460720


But what if the paid isn’t a paid fud but actually fud?

>> No.26460759

Pakistani spotted lmao

>> No.26460780

Those low IQ posters can't understand that, the rabid is palpable.
Sadly they're searching for some white trash money, which IQ is probably even lower.

>> No.26460834

I don't even know what you're trying to communicate.
Take your meds schizo.

>> No.26460874

C'mon Kashvi, clean your cock before, it's unpolite to talk with people when you smell of shit.

>> No.26461063

Can please some of you pajeets explain me how to rape a defecating woman?
I mean, how do you hunt, where do you search? Do you rape them before or after they defecated?
What if she's not done and keeps defecating?
What's the role of Rubic in this process?

>> No.26461178
File: 62 KB, 976x850, my original pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait. Hold on. Are you admitting to doing this for free?

>> No.26461213


>> No.26461227

why do they have to be rapists tho?

is it part of the plan?

>> No.26461294

It's just a common practice in pakistan, if you hire a pakistani to do a job, then probably you will hire a rapist

>> No.26461306
File: 359 KB, 763x702, my second original pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26461418

Weak FUD. Everyone knows there's no rapists in Pakistan because rape only exists in western ideology.

>> No.26461459
File: 54 KB, 1504x184, Schermata 2021-01-24 alle 16.08.09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The absolute state of RBC fudders

>> No.26461500

lmaoo these low testosterone neets that live in bangladesh and india are the funniest shitskins

>> No.26461501

Of course, because in Pakistan is completely legit to rape defecating women, and the smell is good too.

>> No.26461554

hi sanjey

>> No.26461654

Imagine being so butthurt you go to all this trouble to make a fake Discord screenshot and can’t even get basic facts about how Discord works right.

One pajeet FUD picture moved the market by millions of dollars. LMFAO

>> No.26461687

Imagine being a pakistani rapist and never wash your cock because the smell makes the man.

>> No.26461911

Imagine failing for the rubic scam
oh wait.... you will never learn biz bros

>> No.26462171

>please, sirs! look at the discordings, and to be showing the wisdom of ganesha! You must to be sellings your rubic, sirs!