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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 290 KB, 637x639, bangor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26457203 No.26457203 [Reply] [Original]

Might pump.

>> No.26457390
File: 5 KB, 250x184, BE1DD602-E40E-4F12-AC01-FF04708E8734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tend.

>> No.26457401

So what you're saying is quickly ape into BNT right now?

>> No.26457471
File: 54 KB, 530x393, train.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. This is financial advice.

>> No.26457509

Would you say that the most bullish sign of all is that everyone at Bancor is a joo?

>> No.26457568

Giga pump is coming when BNT rewards drop next week. Also talk of a major announcement coming.

>> No.26457670

Unironically boolish if true but most boola for me is nearly 60% of BNT supply being locked in pools and increasing need for the token to facilitate impermanent loss protection, single asset staking and crosschain to Polkadot and other chains. I anticipate BNT will explode in price in coming weeks and months.

>> No.26457698

Based and bullish. The tokenomics are solid, that's for sure. Possibly even more bullish is that BNT is rarely shilled (or fudded, for that matter) on biz.

>> No.26457710

ain't touching BNT again after I fell for their kike v2 scam last summer

>> No.26457802
File: 303 KB, 1092x1280, tiger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Besides Chainlink I'd say Bancor is the most legit project in the space. Other projects I like are SNX and AAVE but I dont hold those tokens. Just BNT and LINK. LINK will hit $1,000 before the end of the year and BNT will realistically reach $30, but I'd be happy with $20 or $25. It is massively undervalued and indeed, rarely shilled.

>> No.26457835

Shame I can't buy rn. I'm unironically a poorfag after spending everything on shitcoins. Might do a swap if it comes out to be worth it.

>> No.26457873

But anon Bancor actually delivered. They're the only AMM that has real single sided staking and impermanent loss protection and also has liquidity mining. That's why liquidity locked has increased 1,000% since the Summer. Bancor also has L2 with Arbitrum being developed and crosschain to Polkadot. DeFi is the meme right now and Bancor is the most bullish DeFi blue chip.

>> No.26457906


Also sauce on major announcement rumour?

>> No.26458032
File: 125 KB, 1062x1138, E2555968-6BC0-4466-AA87-4B397591AA35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1 sauce...

>> No.26458068
File: 59 KB, 722x585, CryptoSocietyBancorAMA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AMA from a few days ago. Get in before it's too late.

>> No.26458088
File: 143 KB, 1066x1184, 729F66E5-D6E7-47FA-B4D5-E3744C33BC9A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another sauce

>> No.26458118

too many people got burned the last time you shills emerged from your tg

>> No.26458155
File: 141 KB, 1058x1204, 964F7C78-B5E9-4431-8DEC-DFEB1212287D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and another 1

>> No.26458195

Ok the shillers explained why BNT is good. Now its your turn to explain why BNT is bad. Go.

>> No.26458332

What do u mean? BNT went from 15 cents to $2.80 in a matter of 6 months. No ones fault but your own if you didnt take profit after the token price increased 1000%. BNT literally led the defi bull run during the summer last year. then corrected. Now Bancor put out a new god tier amm model that has pumped BNT price again and increased TVL from below $20 million to over $200 million. Now massive rewards are about to drop on any liquidity provider who was smart enough to stake in Bancor's pools with basically 0 risk and 250% APYs raining down on their single sided stake. Now Arbitrum L2, Polkadot and other releases are coming. Sit it out if it makes you feel better but no need to FUD.

>> No.26458383

Do you think moon is imminent? As in, within the next week? I need more time to buy kek

>> No.26458512

Still might be some time, but bullish unlocking of BNT rewards is meant to be coming next week. So time it wisely.

>> No.26458543

As long as it waits until after Tuesday to pump then I guess I'll make it

>> No.26458645


BNT can't pump, all these good things and it just dumps everytime. Watch it happen again with liquidity minting 20¢ BNT incoming. /biz/ is moon boi central no point in shilling anything here that doesn't moon.

>> No.26458765

>more institutions thinking about yield farming
Is this why AAVE has been steadily pumping?

>> No.26458822
File: 42 KB, 420x792, bnt cant pump.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>BNT can't pump
So what's it been doing for the past 3 months then?

>> No.26458864
File: 133 KB, 1688x612, Bancor TVL ATH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is since Bancor v2.1 launched.

>> No.26458874

what unlocking? what does that mean?

>> No.26458911
File: 15 KB, 481x323, Tyler..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok but then this

>> No.26458924

Means them rewards bout to drop son. We gon get paid

>> No.26458958

i like the cut of your jib. I've got 16k bnt and 8.5k link in thier amm since it launched. Eagerly awaiting these liquidity rewards. Shit is gonna be cash.

>> No.26458966

What am i looking at brah?

>> No.26459098
File: 184 KB, 512x512, LADBNT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my jib
this is the way. im gonna restake the rewards to get more BNTs.

>> No.26459124

I've been in since day one. So definitely hoping for a payday. Thinking about swapping my 40k grt for 12k bnt.

>> No.26459164

Yeah definitely doubling down on the restaking rewards.

>> No.26459219

>my 40k grt

y tho? supply is 10 frikkin billion. definitely better in BNT especially before things get very bula with the rewards drop

>> No.26459473

i know.. but my bro reckons it's hot shit and also told me to buy bnt and link, so he knows what he's talking about. desu i don't get it either. indexing or something, yay.

>> No.26459502
File: 119 KB, 1015x1017, Nate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BNT is about to get fucking SENT. I'm restaking as soon as possible (hoping for low gwei) to compound dat sweet ass binties. Finally some sensible brr'ing that actually fuel the product itself. Looking forward to see how much liquidity this payday will bring in. MY BODY IS READY!

>> No.26459568

Yea, not knocking the utility of The Graph. It's actually got a real use case, but the token itself and the ridiculous supply size are just a big no go for me. Way comfier holding LINK and BNT in this bull run.