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26455691 No.26455691 [Reply] [Original]

*be me*
>talking with coworkers about buying apartments
>But with a rent of 600 euro and a price of 350k, it's not WORTH that much
>Yes but it's speculation and people like nice areas etc
>but what IF IT GOES DOWN?
>prices in all big cities usually go up + inflation and printing now
>but the rent yield is only 1.84% !!!
>that's why you speculate in the price too
>I don't know anon, seems to risky

** 10 years later in 2031 ***


Why are germans like this

>> No.26455727

<Why are europeans like this

>> No.26455771

> talking with coworkers about buying apartments
> But with a rent of 600 euro
Your a cuck, you aren't buying an apartment, you're renting one out.

>> No.26455789 [DELETED] 

"Investing is risky. What if you need the money? If it's in the bank then you can at least access it and you don't lose money"
>t.my father with 6 digit bank account

>> No.26455797

they aren't in netherlands, UK or the nordics

>> No.26455828

yes, you rent out what you bought

>> No.26455844

I don't even understand what you are trying to say here

>> No.26455904

Weil im September die Roten kommen und dir deine Wohnung wegbesteuern.

>> No.26455953

that in germany, people don't get that there is a level of speculation and hype and pscyhology in real estate. They just think yearly rent + mortgage period = apartment value and nothing else

>> No.26455978

They are right. If you rent is 600 euro a month it wouldn't make sense to purchase an apartment that is 350k. It would be better to invest in ETFs which Germany is going to destroy soon.

>> No.26455991

baerbock kanzler xd

>> No.26456066

Germans have been pacified since world war 2 any sense of adventure has been beaten out of them and their industrious nature has been hijacked for oligarchs personal gain.

>> No.26456071

> germans
> living in the hobbit shire
> never been to mordor

>> No.26456096

it's tax free to sell after 2 years living in it or 10 years renting out

it's a safe haven against inflation

it makes you be able to buy with 5-10% leverage

>> No.26456164

What's the interest rate and down payment requirement?

>> No.26456195

>that in germany, people don't get that there is a level of speculation and hype and pscyhology in real estate.

Got some news for you. It's not just Germans that are like this. You might be getting a wrong impression being on /biz/ and other international / English speaking sites. But the people you meet on places like this are not the foreign counterparts to your normie co-workers. The like-minded people you meet here, in their own societies, are as much of an outlier as you are in Germany.

>> No.26456217

Does this mean I am special?

>> No.26456268
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something like this

>> No.26456305

No it's of course not "JUST" germans who are this way, but compared to people from other countries I know like Netherlands, England or Finland they just don't get what a market it. Everything is just input value A + input value B = C

>> No.26456317

>houses in munich area are now minimum 1 million euros
>60 sqm flats are at least 500k
>rent yield is under 2%

Tell me again how it makes sense to buy massively overpriced real estate. The bubble has reached the top, yields are already super low and nobody can finance these prices

>> No.26456328

why not only lean back on aleph? literally winning against azure, aws, gcp right now

>> No.26456417

I mean if you can afford the mortgage and you think rent will increase then its a good idea. It's just a store of value like Bitcoin at that point but you can actually use it while holding it.

>> No.26456437

U are retard if you still try to run for btc for sure
If u don’t have brains to find systems u should delete your wallet and forget about crypto
I will share with you Base Protocol and you will thank me
You should get how great cascade and Rebase protocols work

>> No.26456471
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Just invest in shishabars and car sale shops. Seems to be working for the ar*bs in Germany

>> No.26456481

Those are money laundering shops anon...

>> No.26456500
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because the prices will go up faster than the interest rate because the demand is very high , and has done so for several years and people still don't "believe" it and will be left with almost worthless savings accounts waiting for the "big crash"

>> No.26456507

Not sure if that's true. Most people are risk averse. Which is the reason why they usually never make any money besides their daily wagecuck jobs. But I think it's true for most people from most countries.

And desu I am also of the opinion that investing in real estate in Germany has become less and less worth it over the past few years. Rents, despite their rise, have not been able to keep up with real estate prices. And I see that you're also speculating on RE prices appreciating, but at some point you'll have to ask yourself whether real estate prices are gonna keep rising if the return you get from renting doesn't increase at a similar rate.

There comes a point where it's just not worth it anymore. Worst case is that your RE price barely increases or even decreases. At that point, what are you gonna do? Do you really want to wait for 50 years to make your money back?
If I really want to speculate on price increases, I'll buy crypto (or stocks for the risk shy). That way I can get a much faster return on my investment with much less initial capital

>> No.26456562

>invest in shishabars and car sale shops.
money laundering

>> No.26456593

>And desu I am also of the opinion that investing in real estate in Germany has become less and less worth it over the past few years. Rents, despite their rise, have not been able to keep up with real estate prices. And I see that you're also speculating on RE prices appreciating, but at some point you'll have to ask yourself whether real estate prices are gonna keep rising if the return you get from renting doesn't increase at a similar rate.

Yeah I agree on you in this case for the last years or so, I just wanted to talk about the general mindset. If they would have seen the opportunity 10 years back working at their boomer jobs they could almost afford another apartment now and live in one in rent one out

>> No.26456684


>money laundering

True, but the margins are still pretty good. Plus, owning a shishabar will get you prime teen pussy.

>> No.26456695

I'd rather ride the crypto wave until I am in comfortable six figure hell. Then I'll cash out in real estate

>> No.26456747

Germans are super duper risk averse. I don't know why. The only thing they can understand barely is how interest works. It's why Jews had such an easy time fucking them over I guess. The average german would rather take negative interest and lose money than put it into stocks or something.

>> No.26456779

>tax free
Phew lad, remember to pay the yearly tax on the ‘potential’ value increase though.

>> No.26456816

>I'm so much smarter than my coworkers for thinking a 0.01% roic is a good investment.
If you actually buy at those figures you are retarded. Idk what de mortgages are, but at fucking 2% you are paying 6k in fucking interest to get a 7,200 revenue before factoring in depreciation risk and management time.
You aren't buying an investment property retard. You are buying a low paying job from the bank.

>> No.26456819

that's fine, but that is not how most germans think about risk

>> No.26456850

>My uncle Hans lost everything in the 1992 crash therefore ALL stocks are bad forever

>> No.26456903

I bought an appartment for 135k which I rent ou for 1260€ per month. Yes, people tend to be to risk adverse in Europe, but you're walking into a shitty deal and rationalizing that it'll turn out to be good because of price rise. There are apartments out there which are much more profitable in terms of rental to purchase value, and thei will also see their price rise, probably more than your overvalued 350k apartment.

>> No.26456967

>what is appreciation of an asset
>what is inflation

like i said... If a 500k proprety goes up 10%, I get 10 years of interest for free

>> No.26457009

Most germans don't even buy stocks since it is 'too risky'. Keeping money in the bank is what they do. They don't even seem to understand the concept of sinking buying power. Also, buying an expensive car is super fine but buying hard assets is a nono

>> No.26457059


>> No.26457091

That's the thing I don't get. They always think about cars. They'd rather put 80k into some average Audi than put it into blue chip stocks and comfortably taking gains

>> No.26457101

Just looked at mortgage rates in hamburg. At 10:1 leverage it was like 1.3% for a ten year, and I'm assuming that's owner occupied so that's 4k minimum off the top of a (hopeful) 7200 rent. So now we have 3k. Maintenance/depreciation is probably 1k a year so now we have 2k. Assume 85% occupancy (using us figures) so you really have 1.7k before tax. Without factoring in your time and taxes your cash on cash is 5.6% which is absolute dogshit for this kind of leverage. You may as well just buy Russian and Chinese etfs that pay a dividend close to that, have growing companies, and sounder currencies.

>> No.26457108

You gotta prepare to leave this shit hole the population is insane and docile and will vote for more taxes and more immigrants who directly access the social security net. It's absouletly fucked

>> No.26457116

>The only thing they can understand barely is how interest works

Good point.
I'm admittedly late to defi, for /biz/ standards at least. But I've been getting into it and I am starting to think that if we get another flood of normies into crypto (as in 2017) defi is gonna be extremely popular. Especially cause there are a lot of platforms that offer high APY for normie standards with relatively low risk. Defi can actually skyrocket with the help of German normies too

>> No.26457143


>> No.26457157
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>> No.26457193
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I swear, being a redpilled foreigner in Germany, makes the Germans seethe so much. They don't show it directly, but they get so pissed when they see a foreigner being better off in their country than themselves. Hopeless and pathetic.
>Omg I can't wait to go to Mallorca again.
Every single time.
t. polak

>> No.26457196


It can because

* inflation
* gentrification
* change in population demographics
* harder to find a place to rent
* cheap money
* cities grow and grow
* people get more money from houses or apartments in herited and cash out and buy in another city, pushing up the prices
* international buyers selling something in London for 1M and buying in Hamburg or Munich for 750

>> No.26457234

Don't speak German but why the fuck do you think they went up in value if rents didn't rise? Because Germans are so fucking stupid they own negative yielding debt and 0 interest bank deposits. There are a million better inflation plays that can't end in personal bankruptcy.

>> No.26457265

That's why I think AAVE will take of especially if bank issued stablecoins become a thing. It's a simple enough concept to understand: You put your Euros on the platform, you get 5% interest. If banks embrace this every single german would rush into it. Banks would probably manage it for them too.

>> No.26457273

yes, im not saying there isn't any better options. I'm just saying, germans can't understand there is more to something than rent vs cost = value per year later

>> No.26457303

yes no wonder Nietzche came up with this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Master%E2%80%93slave_morality , he lived in it

>> No.26457316

if you dont like it you can go back home to your shithole country OP

>> No.26457337

Includes other Germans from the low income class too. What 100x, can't be real, that must be illegal, and taxes, WHAT NO TAX????????? Makes the CDU Boomers seeth hard. They deserve it.

>> No.26457350

germany asks for 25% of every cent i gained by investing into stocks
fuck this system

>> No.26457408

Capital gains suck but most countries have them

>> No.26457456

Besides AAVE, to me Curve and SNX have insane potential too. Tokenization of assets is the future. Who wants to go through the hassle of registering with brokers and going through all that KYC bs to then just have custodied assets on paper?
I'd much rather use a DEX and have all my stuff in a wallet. And that's besides interest in an otherwise zero interest world and staking rewards.

>> No.26457462

Thats why crypto is better. 0 tax after one year hodling.

>> No.26457528

I'm betting on radix

>> No.26457534

No you don’t, Germans pay a Healey capital gain tax on real estate, so unless you sell for more than the buy price + (yearly tax)^(n years) then you have not earned anything. However, you don’t pay rent to some guy, so maybe you consider that a gain (which some countries actually tax, Denmark for instance).

>> No.26457567

I'll read more into it. I'm a fan of Nietzsche's thoughts myself.

>can't be real, that must be illegal
Funny that you say that. I've realized that Germans are irrationally scared of the law. They are scared of certain things, because they assume what you just said, while not realizing it's actually totally legal.
It's especially German low income class. Living in a rural area makes me see mostly these guys, and they waste their time and money away, living from paycheck to paycheck AND ignoring chances to break out of the loop when they have a possibility in right front of them.
I've even seen people take out loans for campervans, in the middle of lockdown...

>> No.26457630

Don't speak German but live in Germany and I fucking hate it here, can't go back to home cause I am in debt and my homeland is fucked as well. This country is depressing as fuck, absoulte shithole of a nation.

>> No.26457631

And you completely misunderstand it by applying it to the given example.

>> No.26457660

Germans are by nature docile and servile they're happy with their existence but don't strive for more because they truly belief becoming succeful and rich is only luck

>> No.26457676

It's still a good read. I think he meant Learned Helplessness instead

>> No.26457719

Why are you forcing this thread over and over again? Is this meant to rise nationalist feelings in Germany with somekind of reverse psychology? Should I be worried as an european?

>> No.26457816

True, germany is an absolute shithole if you want to make it and become rich. Germans hate tech, money, investing, stocks, and crypto. They only want to work 40 hours weeks at a car plant and earn 2.4k euro per month for 40 years until they die. They only want to work like wagies, drink and go to mallorca for vacation. The only good thing in this country is the prime german pussy..

>> No.26457888

Because people shifted from negative yield bonds to real estate. It is massive speculation happening right now

>> No.26457933

Don't forget a new BMW or Volkswagen every 3 years becaus "it's expensive if an old car breaks down"

>> No.26457941

Yes I agree. I have all three AAVE, SNX and Curve. All great projects that attract people that just want their Fiat in the DeFi world with safe returns

>> No.26457949

you need to go back

>> No.26457962

based, but my question is, how do they find out when i transfer from binance to my bank account that its from crypto gains, could be a friend that sent me BTC or someshit and i cash it out

>> No.26457964

Did you facecheck our women? They are fucking horrible. Seriously, swedistan ruined my taste...

>> No.26457976

meant this guy
go back home achmed

>> No.26457979

Don't even get any pussy cause I am one ugly looking MOFO and 5'9

>> No.26458016

I am Kumar and not Ahmed, and I am staying currently doing my Masters hopefully I find a job and stay here. Sorry Hans but I ain't leaving!

Also have a 27k euro debt

>> No.26458046

Einkommensteuererklärung (income tax report)

You want to tell them how you made the money because they will tax it and fine you if you dont.

>> No.26458079

> I fucking hate it here, can't go back to home
its very hard to start a life here when you are a foreigner.
the rural folk are fucking peculiar. its different in cities but still.
there is no such thing as going to a bar as a stranger and talk people up. fuck this shithole

>> No.26458098

yea i see
but my question still is, how do they find out its from my crypto gains and not a friend sending me crypto and i cash out

>> No.26458170

>be Kumar born on shores of river ganghes
>get tired of smelling burned corpses on the streets and eating food cooked by people who wipe their asshole with their hands
>immigrate to Germany, think it must be land of milk honey
>too stupid/lazy to learn German
>realize most local people are not too fond of leeching foreigners
>realize COL and taxes are sky high
>realize local girls want nothing to do with your brown ass
>complain 24/7 about your host country and how horrible it is
dont get me wrong Germany is a socialist hellhole run by braindead, thieving boomers. but as a foreigner you have no right to come here and complain, thats reserved for Germans. you can always go back home if you dont like it.

>> No.26458180
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STELLUNG HALTEN!!!!!!! You are not allowed to leave the Doom Machine. Do not even think about it HANS!!!!!!!!!!!
It's a mixture of natural habits and demoralization.

>> No.26458215

>Don't even get any pussy cause I am one ugly looking MOFO and 5'9

kek, I constantly see 5'5 rapefugees with cute girlfriends. You are must be extremely ugly and give off major creep vibes. Just don't be a pussy and learn how to chit chat with german chicks.

>> No.26458229

really really hard especially when you are learning German. I am alone most of the time fking no friends, absolutely hard to make any friends here. I regret coming here and now can't go back cause I am trapped

>> No.26458248

You already posted almost the exact same thread a few days ago.
I already told you then that yes, you're technically right that Germans are risk-averse to a degree of fully being cucked, but also that real estate is a fucking boomer investment at the moment.

>> No.26458294

>Ich kann Deutsch sprechen aber mein Deutsch ist nicht gut, Kraut!

Also I can complain about how bad things are here okay Hans, I am not leeching any welfare or bs, I pay my taxes and stuff so stfu Hans. Also accept the fact that people here are miserable as fuck which is why Alcohol consumption is so fking high!

>> No.26458303

>the nordics
hahah what makes you think so t. finn

>> No.26458320

>I am alone most of the time fking no friends, absolutely hard to make any friends here.

We don't associate with your kind. Even if you speak fluent german without an accent, we still won't associate with your brown ass. If you don't like it go back to your shithole.

>> No.26458338

honestly I love my people but they are generally so bad with finances, and it does not matter to them because government takes care if shit hits the fan and government/taxpayers pay the pensions. But most finns think that lottery is the only way to become a millionaire during a lifetime

>> No.26458366

Would love to go back but have fuking debt of 27k euro so am going back once I pay that. Have no intention of staying in this hell hole! Fk u Hans

>> No.26458389

Its also hard for germans making friends. People are much more reserved and it takes a while until they warm up. Its honestly a real grind until people consider each other as real friends, not just acquaintances.

>> No.26458413
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>buying real estate that yields 1.84
I'd rather shoot myself
There are 100 better ways to invest your money
Also yes, fuck this stupid socialist tax hell country

>> No.26458435

wut 1,5% interest on a 20 year loan with 5% downpayment? That's crazy. In finland I think we have a minimum of 15% set by the central bank

>> No.26458447

>It's why Jews had such an easy time fucking them over I guess.
Learn history, its the opposite

>> No.26458481

>Also yes, fuck this stupid socialist tax hell country
Just wait for after the election when SPD+Green rules and they invent even more shitty taxes and verbote.

>> No.26458499

The last time we got adventurous a shitload of people died tho.

>> No.26458560

Burger here. I have in laws in DE and they are always so fascinated when I talk about what I do (Finance) and explain how common investing is. Especially self-directed retirement funds like 401Ks and Roth IRAs, they are so intensely interested but seem to have no appetite for risk. They pretty much seem to all park cash and leave it at that. I don’t even bother getting into cryptos.

>> No.26458566

We don't care about your debt pajeet. Just go right now to your local polizeistelle and tell them you want to be deported. They will send your ass to the nearest airport and deport you within 72 hours. Nobody wants you here faggot. We don't associate with t*rks that have been living here in 3rd and 4th generation that speak perfect german, do you seriously think we would associate with your brown ass that can't even speak german?? Just fuck off pajeet.

>> No.26458614

>prices in all big cities usually go up + inflation and printing now
wouldn't count on that. the people who can afford that shit are dying out and the people we import to replace them are wellfare queens for live.

>> No.26458740

You are one miserable person Hans, I really love Turks here though.

>> No.26458902

I dont know how is the economy in Germany but there is 0 point to buy house/apart in France except if you buy something in a shithole with zero inhabitants.

Price are crazy, we are in a bubble and in the next years we will feel the effect of the Corona crisis. More unemployement, more debts, people wont be able to pay their loan, price will dump like in Spain after the last crisis. Obviously real estate agents will tell you everything is fine but the interest rate are already rising.

If you have money, just go all-in crypto, rent something. Sell the top of the next crypto bubble, see the real estate market crash then *maybe* you can buy house/apart. But I wouldnt invest in western Europe for the future. This place is going to be full of shitskin, boomers are going to disappear, millenials and zoomers wont make it better.

>> No.26458923

>You are one miserable person Hans, I really love Turks here though.

I don't care faggot. Just go and deport yourself already. WE DON'T LIKE AND DON'T WANT YOUR BROWN RAPEFUGEES HERE. I gladly hang out with my polish, russian, czech and kazakh friends from work and the gym. But we don't like your brown ass in this country. All you pajeets, t*rks, ar*bs, rapefguees and niggers and fuck off right back to your shitholes.

>> No.26458977

not a rapefugee Hans am here on a student visa. Sorry Hans I am not leaving

>> No.26459031

see here. hamburg apartment prices. Black is new, blue is old.

In the big cities the middle class is getting priced out of standard living space

>> No.26459042

Same in Finland, even for a Finn. I moved to Helsinki like 5 years ago and my best friends are still my childhood friends who I talk in discord with every day.

>> No.26459053

Germany has had incredibly stable housing prices for many decades - as should be the case.

Speculating on a basic need like housing should be illegal

>> No.26459088

Why do German boomers vote for that trash? Even in this tax hell country (Finland) our nationalist party is somehow leading in the polls even if they get bashed by media every day

>> No.26459090

>not a rapefugee Hans am here on a student visa

We don't care faggot. Even if you were a Doctor that earns 6 figures, you are and always will be a rapefugee for us. We see your shitskin from miles away and automatically assume you are a rapefugee and don't go near you and don't associate with you before you even open your pajeet mouth.

>> No.26459112

all europe thinks like this, nothing special for ger

>> No.26459147

Miserable Kraut

>> No.26459172

And I suppose the salaries didnt rise, right?

Yeah, this is totally fine, just buy goyim, it can only pump, it never dump. Especially with the amount of "engineers" from the third world that we import, our economy will be fine.

>> No.26459180

Boomers vote for CDU. Younger people vote for the leftis. All the german parties are trash.

>> No.26459182

Losers like you are ostracized by everyone irl thats’s why you have to come on the internet and pretend to be better than ‚normies’. Meanwhile anon and me get our dicks sucked by berlin arthoes and cute med students

>> No.26459218

Hans btw where do you live in East Germany?

>> No.26459246

while im on board with you, dont forget maintance costs, especially for houses

>> No.26459251

More for you, asshole
..or us in that case

If everyone around you is a cuck, you automatically become a chad

>> No.26459258

>350k EUR price
>600 EUR/month rent
wow must be fucking nice. a $350k home rents for like $2500/month.

>> No.26459272

>destroying etfs soon

>> No.26459294

you'd likely have to provide documents from the friend who is then also liable if they start getting suspicious and asking questions. you can't fuck with germans, anon. we are the worst kind of double standard where everything is expected from you and everything will be used against you. even just complying to the rules will get you in trouble because you should be going above and beyond what they want from you.

>> No.26459314

dont be a cuck. the slavs can fuck off too.

>> No.26459348

>Losers like you are ostracized by everyone irl thats’s why you have to come on the internet and pretend to be better than ‚normies’. Meanwhile anon and me get our dicks sucked by berlin arthoes and cute med students

kek keep coping ahmed. No girl goes even near you rapefugees. Thats why you get kicked out in clubs in berlin and aren't even allowed to get in and then you whine to some buzzfeed and vice SJW tranny that works as "blogger" on twitter to write about "muh discriminating clubs". Not even your own women want your hairy rapefugee asses thats why they come to clubs and get dicked down in the toilets while you rapefugee believe that they are good "pure virgin" muslim girls kek.

>> No.26459354

because the media controls what the masses are voting for. your nationalist party polling good either means they are controlled opposition or them or your people not taken as a threat.

>> No.26459410

because germans got constanly shamed for being patriotic for the last 60 years, voting for a nationalist party is essential being a nazi as per the media, sadly the nationalist party is also unvotable as it is because the are literally retarded

>> No.26459460

he is right. being a foreigner and despising the locals but not leaving is just repulsive and non white behavior. where are you from?

>> No.26459493

Europoor here, but isn't investing in such funds kind of required in the us if you don't wanna starve to death when you can't work anymore?
In germany part of your taxes are used to pay Rente to the elders, which is a percentage of your salary when you were still working. I think there are less people interested in active investing in germany since everything is pretty much laid out for normies and they don't really have to worry.
Assuming there are enough young people to support the old folks of course.

>> No.26459535

best example is that you wont see a single german flag anywhere, and if so most people will instantly get a right wing feel, only for the soccer championship the drones show their flag becase then its ok to be german

>> No.26459539

bro I don't hate the locals, why would I? I am from Myanmar. when did I exactly say that I hate Germans? I said I hate Germany not Germans!

>> No.26459607

Wowow, my family owns mulitple apartment buildings here in germany. We even have turkish and syrians tenants. how do you feel about that?

>> No.26459672

Don't worry kike. We will seize your apartments and all your assets like we did back in the days and then send you to the ovens.

>> No.26459720

they are also less willing to invest since the german government acts far more arbitrarily. in the last two years their was a law passed stating that one can just write off 20.000 in losses when filing for tax leading to situation where one can pay more than 100 % tax on his income from investing. a different law was passed ceiling the rent landlords can ask for in Berlin. Both laws are in conflict with the constitution but nobody cares.

>> No.26459742

yeah alright, that‘s not the same thing. you are fine I guess.

>> No.26459748

Based and krautpilled.

>> No.26459750

Nice try Achim, I‘m not middle eastern but every day I see cute german girls with semitic bfs. Sounds like Ali fucked your gf and you have bad blood.

>> No.26459772

sorry franz, but my family owns 2 ariernachweise. No one is going into the oven.

>> No.26459778

In Norway you are looked on like a second-rate citizen if you don't own or don't plan to own your own apartment.

It's literally the only thing people talk about when it comes to personal finance

>> No.26459781

is that the european version of ‘made for BBC posting‘? kek

>> No.26459865

owning an apartment is borderline retarded. you are in the same house with multiple tenants so what happens if somebody just starts shitting in the floors, somebody not having any money for repairing the house. What happens if you just get some muslim clan members who decide to wreck your stuff so they can buy your apartment cheaply? Either buy a house or rent.

>> No.26459891

>Nice try Achim, I‘m not middle eastern but every day I see cute german girls with semitic bfs

thats some next level cope ahmed. I guess thats why you sandniggers aren't allowed in clubs, public swimming pools, bars, sport clubs, gyms etc, because everyone likes you right?? And women increasingly carrying pepper spray with them and switch side of roads when they see you from a mile away? No one likes you rapefugees, not even your own sandnigger women like you.

>> No.26459914

Well that is kind of true in Finland as well, but it's very retarded given that people take owning apartment so seriously but don't invest a penny.

>> No.26459935

>sorry franz, but my family owns 2 ariernachweise. No one is going into the oven.

by aiding shitskins you are worse than a jude not matter how arisch you are. you will hang like the rest of them traitors, kikes and rapefugee on the day of the rope.

>> No.26459975

>rent control
>80% taxes after everything
Absolute state of euro fascism

>> No.26459993

Get help Hans, this much hate isn't healthy I am genuinely concerned for you

>> No.26460077

Hes just a larper

>> No.26460086


keep seething Kevin

My life here is pretty uneventful, 8/10 people are friendly with me. Must be shit living in the boonies where everyone is so hateful.

>> No.26460214
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you are fucking delussional if you think im the only one that hates you rapefugees. The police hates you, the minister of interior hates you, and A LOT of people hate you. And I assure you faggot, I don't live in some kaf with 50k people. I live near the banking center in Frankfurt, which is arguably one of the most multicultural and leftist places in germany there is, and even the normiest of the normie colleagues at my bank I work at hate you rapefugees and want you gone for good.

>> No.26460235

Yeah sorry, meant Oslo. All the shit-tier people who shit on the floors are eternally priced out here, so the risk is very small. Outside Oslo I houses are the way to go.

It's the only way normies get rich. 100% increase (last 10 years in Oslo) in an apartment you bought with 15% equity means about 667% ROI (minus interest) on initial investment. I wouldn't say it's retarded.

It relies heavily on politics making buying property more profitable than actually investing in companies instead of a bubble controlled by the boomers.

>> No.26460257

Yeah you are in a way forced into it to a certain extent. But it’s not negative at all so long as the investor is somewhat educated with how to manage it. Companies like Vanguard almost couldn’t make it easier for the most oblivious person to set themselves up nicely for long term planning.

>> No.26460343

>banking center

Sure thing Dennis, idgaf what your fellow Bankkaufmann azubis at HELABA Sparkasse think. Have fun living in Butzbach or whatever

>> No.26460411

Ok you win Hans, give me one month to settle my things here will leave, I will post on /biz/ after a month the Subject of the post will be Hans

>> No.26460416

So why does the AFD never win?

>> No.26460443

its not 2031 yet tho mongrel

>> No.26460470

reddit thread

>> No.26460538

>Have fun living in Butzbach or whatever
is this supposed to be something bad? i would rather live in butzbach than some aids infested shitholes like frankfurt

>> No.26460558

>what your fellow Bankkaufmann azubis at HELABA Sparkasse

Top kek ahmed. I don't work at this shithole boomer trash-tier bank. Most of my colleagues have MBA's from St.Gallen, Maastricht and LSE and none likes you rapefugees. Especially the leftist roasties hate your hairy sandniggers midgets when you try to flirt with them at clubs and rooftops bars.

>> No.26460591

bro do you have braindamage?

>> No.26460656


Do you have a MBA from LSE anon? Doesn't seems like it though, maybe you work as an assitant for your colleagues who have MBA's from LSE

>> No.26460733

I recently moved out of my small student appartment into a nice Altbau with my aryan gf and I was looking for a new tenant. Guess who got it?
A nice girl from syria working as an architect. I did recommend her. How do you feel about that?

>> No.26460760

no but they don't treat it as an investment, it's more of the psychological comfort of owning where you live. If they cared about investing they'd not treat stocks as a scam

>> No.26460848


I‘m not following you Ronnie, just before you said those people weren‘t allowed entry to clubs and bars... something doesn‘t add up

>> No.26460873
File: 209 KB, 989x1335, 62FB569C-CBD6-4931-999D-FCA9008A0E43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw german wagecucks wake up every day early in the morning to support niggas and lazy shitskins with government bux
>mfw niggas and shitskins rape, kill and fuck your women while wagecuck is working
>mfw your cuck government can not kick them out of your country
>mfw your country will transform slowly into an absolute shit hole
>mfw you can not do anything about it
>mfw i am living a comfy life in a based country without niggas and shitskins
>mfw my 8/10 gf sucks my cock everyday

>> No.26460877

Have sex

>> No.26460894

Germany is the last country i'd rent sth out. Landlords are fucked legally beyond belief. Google "mietpreisbremse".

>> No.26460900
File: 91 KB, 1000x1031, tinfoil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Das einzig gute ist, wenn du 1 Jahr lang keinen Trade machst und z.B. schon 2018 das letzte mal LINK gekauft hast, zahlst du absolut 0% Steuern.

>> No.26461079

Just saw this. In case you're still here:
Always looking for like-minded people that don't just shill and/or fud projects for no reason: If you see this, feel free to join here: discord dot gg / tebwEwv

>> No.26461081

Hurry up. Hans-awakening happens every 50-60 years. It's nearer as you may think. If it happens, better be anywhere but not near furor germanicus.

>> No.26461466

Only immigrants vote for them...

>> No.26461531

in Portugal its 20%

>> No.26461570


>> No.26461609

People are miserable because of foreigners, this is literally the main reason, just watch how people were in the 50s they were nor miserable at all.

>> No.26461655


>> No.26461688
File: 2.54 MB, 1680x1050, 4r3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok im cool now Again

>> No.26461715

kek, after paying kikes 70 years restitutions they'll end up paying another 70 for refugees.

99% tax

>> No.26461777

All good Hans? Why you wish the worst to me btw, take it back. I am leaving in a month going back

>> No.26462076

Most people in germany live in rented properties and the people that can pay big city prices often have save relatively high paying industry jobs and i dont see those going away so fast

>> No.26462124

Lol bullshit, prices in citys exploded

>> No.26462210

Sprich für dich selbst Bernd

>> No.26462276

Ok then i wish you do fine in your life.
Its just sometimes too much whats going on in this country

>> No.26462442

This, government rente is the nr1 tool to hold normans poor in german oligarchy
You have to pay part of your wage in to pay for elders in a snowball system that will inevitably fail because of boomer generation being so much larger than zoomers

>> No.26462557

When will the nigger bubble pop though?

>> No.26462581

Ahahahahahahaha, if u don’t understand how to win with crypto volume on crypto just clear your address and fuck off from this topic

>> No.26462705
File: 203 KB, 750x1116, german.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to understand that since all the strong and usable males got eradicated in WW1 and WW2, only the untermenschen were left in germany to impregnate the women (plus some russians) to create the new germans.

Thus, the majority of germans are massively cucked right from birth. A strong majority doesn't want to take any responsibility whatsoever, but the state should look out for them.

This means that the tiny rest who would still be useful humans decided to give up on trying to create something, since the socialist mommy state majority will tax it away from them sooner or later anyway.

TL;DR: Don't lose 2 world wars, it cucks your gene pool and your society for generations to come

>> No.26462772

Buying real estate on a mortgage in Germany of all places is probably fucking stupid right now. You're the idiot.
>being in debt will be used against you when the system is reset
>Germany has a history of real estate expropriation even before the globalists came
>le sustainability will deem the bottom 90% least energy efficient buildings unsustainable, forcing you to deal with crazy expenses or sell in a few years
>le sustainability will chug away at another 90% a few years after that, etc.
>property taxes are likely to rise
>demographics will probably lead to a sell-off because refugees won't buy

>> No.26463146

>hat happens if you just get some muslim clan members who decide to wreck your stuff so they can buy your apartment cheaply?
Don't rent to degenerates.

>> No.26463188

have you burgers ever driven over 200km/h or 300 on a public road? it is no wonder that nobody cares about cars when all you can do is drive 40 miles an hour.

>> No.26463258

whats that in MPH? Most likely yes most of us have. Seethe more for not being born here

>> No.26463265

you dont need to, your neighbor does

>> No.26463289

in Finland it is normally 25% but if you have collateral it can be reduced down to 15% but that is the bare minimum currently I think

>> No.26463340


>> No.26463360

>people actually believe that no one was unhappy in the 50s and the 50s has no societal ills

>> No.26463571

fren check your taxes again it is capital gains tax plus solidaritätszuschlag
which tracking tool do you use for your taxstatements?
you need to go back to whereever you came from

>> No.26463632

>Only immigrants vote for them...
Unironically this. All of the Ruskies i know vote AFD but none of the Germans because they are to cucked.

>> No.26463680

no, we don't vote them because they are too stupid

>> No.26463727

ENJOY GETTING RAPED BY THE GOVERNMENT, OP. Those refugees and their children need to be paid for by somebody ;)


>> No.26463764

just dont buy properties in berlin or ruhrgebiet there are lots of places without brownies.

>> No.26463766

nice paywall. what does the article say?

>> No.26463768

All normies are like this to some extent, regarding the buuuuttt IT MIGHT GO DOWN mantra.

Not about property though, seems to be a German thing, however I have heard Germans are very good savers overall with high rates of investment in gold. In the UK normies like houses because having house = no rent payment, that's as far as they go with it the mortgage is just a smaller rent bill to them they pay lifelong.

The real redpill is understanding number go up forever, over long enough time frame. Normies have a strong scarcity mentality with a huge helping of cynism regarding easy money often being one paycheck away nearly from destitution, their mindset doesn't allow for periods of loss during hodling.

>> No.26463883

>people not understanding the concept of "most" and "majority"

>> No.26463900

True, if you regularly visit this site and live a frugal lifestyle. You are my global network of financial autists just like me.

>> No.26463902

i dont care what it is in your retarded measurements. you fucking niggers are the reason we lost the war. you supported the communists and the jews. not everbody has forgotten that. i hope all of you die :)

>> No.26463986

It says real estate owners have always been taxed first in the past during a crisis because unlike billionaires they cannot get out of the country. unlike other assets, real estate is always registered and not quick to sell.

>> No.26464067

There has been a lot of blood, delete this thread this isn't /pol/

>> No.26464161

I came Germany solely for money since my country's currency dropped by half, as a developer. I hate here, people are unfriendly as fuck even german to german, many unnecessary rules for anything, they are really close to indians and chinese about being soulles(but still better).
Also the people's problem is ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS AND BOATLANDERS, however they are being racist against skilled immigrant workers, because they have no balls to be racist against illegals, they are too chicken for that.
I am trying to work from home permanently so I can return to my economically shithole yet better country.

>> No.26464502

>people are unfriendly as fuck even german to german
Germans are blunt and direct. Fake friendliness is seen as slimy and dubious. There is also a weak version of a keeping face system which makes many people in public behave very distant and reserved.
Guess that can be hard on people from more outgoing countries

>> No.26464730

i live in the countryside and germans here are friendly af. then again i grew up here and am german myself. if some random pajeet showed up he would stand out like a sore thumb and people might be a bit standoffish

>> No.26464792

Pajeet here, I would never go to countryside. I stick to Berlin, Hamburg, Munich and other major cities

>> No.26464833

It's worse for me actually I am turkish so even if turks are successful, germans don't like it, if turks are unseccesful germans dont like it. I wish I could ve passed amazons final test years ago to go to US.

>> No.26464871

Btw how is life here as a developer, I am hoping to be one once I am done with school. I heard there is plenty of demand is it true? Is the money good?

>> No.26464975

It’s a country of seething faggots. If you are an immigrant and don’t make they hate you and call you a lazy welfare leech. If you make it they hate you more and call you a drug dealer/criminal/or only got hired because you are a turk/immigrant.

>> No.26464981
File: 137 KB, 700x913, aff88468c73557d11e741cfa2c34ff82.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26464987

you need to go back ali

>> No.26465056

Shitskin doctor here contemplating moving to hansland
Do you have any shortage in some rural boomer areas or your heathcare is equally accessible everywhere?

>> No.26465059

Money is good, market prices are cheap, if you are in small city rent is cheap, everything is in order country itself is good actually. The problem is people, And true IT demand is high because they dont want to work too much or they dont want to take risks. while germans are working in government jobs for 6 hours for average salary, you will come here and work MORE than other germans in order to survive, pay half of your salary as tax so you can feed government workers, boatlanders and elders.
If I were you I would aim for canada, us or australia, better salary less racism more opportunities.

>> No.26465075

2.4k net/month is not a bet wage in Western Europe anon. Germany has good raves and techno, I give them that. I agree with you other points though.

>> No.26465109

No wonder the birthdate is collapsing in this shithole. Without Ahmed and Mohammed each having 5 kids the birth rate would be negative by now

>> No.26465150

>Stand: 23.01.2021


>> No.26465160


I feel like I've seen this post everyday for the past 2 weeks. Fuck off Kraut.

>> No.26465165

the 2.4k is pre tax though lol

>> No.26465181

the birthrate is actually highest in saxony were everyone is supposedly a nazi and there is low immigration

>> No.26465201

gerbros, can i ask for some adv here?
im 18 right now, should i do fachabi or not? or just try to get an ausbildung

>> No.26465204

I hope remote working catches on broadly so people can move out to more affordable areas and housing prices in the cities crash hard.

>> No.26465221

why are you posting this same thread again my fellow bernd? i mean it is true modern germans are the worst, most cucked government loving people out there but still whats your motive here?

>> No.26465231
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läuft doch alles gut, kann mich nicht beschweren

>> No.26465258

and it has a lot of comments

shows its a real fear and true

>> No.26465332

NRW has the highest birthdates and also the highest immigrant percentage, keep coping hans

>> No.26465379

birthrates are low because of politics and economics not because of social reasons. see >>26465181
the mentioned saxony has very long standing tradtions compared to the faggot infested cities like berlin. east germany has been gutted by lower wages and all the industry has been destroyed after the reunion so that young people had to move to bigger cities and the west to mix with the imported workforce.

>> No.26465414

Best is to study.

If you dont want/cant get ausbildung. You can get fachabi in 1 year after doing ausbildung. If you still desire.

If you are not completely braindead you should do some weiterbildung like meister/techniker/betriebswirt/etc after having job experience.

Its still worse than just studying (excluding social "science")

>> No.26465483

Lmao alles klar ossi. Check mal die Statistiken bevor du laberst.


>> No.26465485

Finland doesn't exist

>> No.26465489

>owning a shishabar will get you prime teen pussy
Please elaborate.

>> No.26465515

>I gladly hang out with my polish, russian, czech and kazakh
Based Kraut supporting Pan-slavism and the hapa ethnostate

>> No.26465586
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thanks a lot for replying fren, i was really expecting to be forgotten itt

I've been unemplyed for two years now however I'm pretty good with computers and am doing web dev as a praktikum for a buddy.
right now i'm looking to get a ausbildung in that field
I'm pretty good when it comes to picking crypto projects so i only need a tiny income to unironically make it for life, I made like 27k on 0 income and some eth from 2017
so maybe i dont need any study?
what do you guys think, am i delusional? yes ..right?

>> No.26465595

duhm? Geburtenrate =/= anzahl der geburten

>> No.26465726
File: 262 KB, 1170x1529, 1057D130-394B-4571-8271-2CE5314C091A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lern mal zu lesen du Opfer. Geh mal besser schlafen, hast bestimmt nen Termin morgen beim Jobcenter.


>> No.26465820
File: 404 KB, 2550x3300, C9934955-3F0D-4C2E-8B0F-A01472C8ABA1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Commies are not people

Do better next time!

>> No.26465911

look at birthrates preunification you fucking sandnigger.

>> No.26465930

And thats a good thing

>> No.26466016

Dann hat es sich wieder verschoben. Zwischen 2008 und 2018 hatte ostdeutschland eine höhere geburtenrate und sachsen war eimnige jahre spitzenreiter.

>> No.26466041

the japs of europe

>> No.26466057

>look at birthrates preunification

We are talking about now boomer. Also preunification kek. Cause people hat literally nothing else to do in the DDR than have children so they could get an extra ration of food and Dmark from the state.

>> No.26466226

last time I visited Germany I felt like I was in fucking neo-turkey. What the fuck happened to your country?

>> No.26466350

learn how to read then you might be able to understand the point i made above. the west imported the likes of you for cheap labour. they just forgott to you in the oven when they no longer needed you.

>> No.26466503

1% Tilgung kannst du knicken, macht keine Bank mit.
500k Objekt und nur 35k EK kannst du knicken, das sind deine Kaufnebenkosten.
Unter 1,5% auf 15 Jahre kannste knicken, der Rechner ist Randbehindert. Probieren die Daten mal bei Interhyp.

>> No.26466504
File: 368 KB, 1017x876, foreigners per 100 people.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The floodgates are open

>> No.26466525

You have to learn how to read ossi. Your kind are a literal drain to the entire German economy, in fact you are such a drain to entire Germany that a Soli tax had to be implemented because you run your Bundesländer so incompetently to the ground and you STILL keep leeching off the rest of Germany. Not even fucking hipsters from Berlin that live in fucking containers want to move to your shitholes.

>> No.26466675

Based. Die Linke will tax the shit out of real estate in germany