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26453747 No.26453747 [Reply] [Original]

Here's the redpill.
Wanna know why Rubic changed their logo from a triskelion(three-legged swastika) to a hexagon/cube?
It's because they at first wanted to get our attention. They succeeded in doing this, we were one of the first ones to buy their coin. Now, that's not a bad thing, as they're on our side in the Cosmic War. Now that we've bought up this coin (and if you haven't yet, then go buy it now), they have changed the logo. The Hexagon/Cube symbolizes the semitic lifeforce and the imprisonment of Saturn. It is the sigil of Moloch, the chief god of all semites and the imprisoner of Saturn, the chief god of all Aryans. By changing their logo, they are now trying to appeal to the elites and the and the common trader. Now you may be wondering how would this make much of a difference to the average crypto trader, it's not like they're aware of this symbol's meaning, Moloch, or The Cosmic War.
The thing is that the elites have programmed the people's subconscious into associating the sigil of Moloch (and it's derivatives, e.g. jewish hexagram) with good, and associating the swastika, the symbol of Hyperboreans, with evil.
The creators of Rubic have implanted shadow code into it that will not let the elites profit off of selling it. Whenever they'll try to sell, their Rubic will seemingly be sold normally, but they won't get any *real* Ethereum, they will instead get fake Ethereum on a shadow blockchain and they won't notice anything being off. As they keep trading they'll lose more and more money and we will be the ones getting their Rubic.
This is the coin that will, at long last, liberate us from the cult of Moloch and perhaps even get us closer to the end of the Kali Yuga...

>> No.26453774

This is what gets me interested in a coin, wasted time though because RBC is fucking gay

>> No.26453777

fuck off spammer
>reports for spamming
>adds to hidden shitpost threads