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26450764 No.26450764 [Reply] [Original]

>missed 10x BTC
>missed ETH
>missed LINK
>missed UNI
>missed a bunch of shitcoins that unironically mooned
>just missed GME
I have an IQ over 130 according to my school psychologist 9 years ago, but I am too high inhibition to be like you risk takers. I'm never gonna make it, am I?

>> No.26450798

its not too late you can still buy RBC

>> No.26450822

You are about to miss Fantom

>> No.26450836

>I have an IQ over 130 according to my school psychologist 9 years ago, but I am too high inhibition to be like you risk takers. I'm never gonna make it, am I?
You're actually taking risk by not entering markets like this. You should be saving an amount of money per month to invest in risky ventures.

>> No.26450868

If you are actually 130+ you need to start trusting your intuition
You're not really living if you're not

>> No.26450898

RBC as in royal bank of canda?

>> No.26450944

Any guide to buying it? I have $100 to drop that I won't miss, this might as well be where I place my first bet.

>> No.26450950

with that being said don't just yolo your life savings into shitcoin x because you like the logo, but you should probably start trusting your intuition more in general and not let doubt rule your life

>> No.26451015

As some other anon said, just start investing small amounts like $50 or $100 USD a month and just pump them into random memes, eventually you will end up in a few moon missions, tough you definitively wont become rich, maybe you will gain some experience or knowledge along the way and you'll be able to reinvest your money better

>> No.26451673

Anons who dyor about lto will make it

>> No.26451793

Just buy Hex lol

>> No.26451836

Dollar cost average into BTC and you will outperform 90% of anons here with none of the stress

>> No.26451856

Fuck uni made it? I didn't even notice? What is the next LINK im tired and upset of missing out on everything in life.

>> No.26451879

>130 IQ
>responds to rajeesh99@gurugrammediatech.xyz

>> No.26451913

Buy the safe bets with spare money and store it off the exchange. BTC, ETH, LINK. Long time lurkers know the only risk is losing your position playing the swing. I'm 79IQ and even I see the obvious pattern.

>> No.26451934


>> No.26451997

this, 135IQ here. Not a computer scientist but I read philosophy a lot and through that am able to follow the logic of a lot of these papers abstractly if not causally. My 3 good calls are ETH in 2016, LINK in 2018 and now hopefully GRT in 2020. I don't claim to understand everything, but the intuition bit is legit.

>> No.26452041

$100. I'd buy some strong weed and dumb down for a week. Can't be easy being so broke and big brained at the same time.

>> No.26452098

what do you think about LTO smartdood?

>> No.26452438


>> No.26452477

but you can still buy rubic sirs

>> No.26452524

same here OP
I actually held like 5 different moonshots but sold them all before they went on to 100x without me

>> No.26452550

I was into the Link Ico. Sold at 3x.

>> No.26452640


>> No.26452668

dumb take
link and other shitcoins are scams, gme is a speculative pump... anyone at 130+ iq would have seen the fundamental issues with these, and their intuition says "stay away"
it's in the 110iq range you can invest on intuition. at that range you're just above the average, so you can fall for the same type of shit but also realise when the crowd is in
the ONLY way to make 130+ iq work in speculative markets is actually to forget your intuition. you can't connect to normalfags, so don't even try. either invest on fundamentals, or run data-driven sentiment analysis

>> No.26452730

i was very afraid of starting too
just wire a significant but not a great amount to an exchange and buy a relatively safe pick
you will get used to the emotions

>> No.26452850

This. No emotions, the market today is pumped beyond belief. Completely overvalued.

Also BTC is not going to drop, Wall Street will pump it further. Gold is old. BTC is king.

BTC will overtake Berkshire Hathaway class A.

>> No.26453030

you need to pick one coin and hold it
imo the next 100x moon shot is lition

>> No.26453084

Uniswap. Go to the coingecko page to find the swap. Do it through metamask.

>> No.26453120

You literally think too much just pick a coin

>> No.26453129
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Anon i missed a few moon missions myself. Do not miss the next ones. We are in a bull run. There is still time get like 2 suicide stacks of each of the next moon coins.

>> No.26453164

>anyone at 130+ iq would have seen the fundamental issues with these, and their intuition says "stay away"
this desu
I always try to invest in things that make sense and are not overvalued
has not gone well for me at all

>> No.26453176

Just hold for 10 years bro Kek while some fat egotistically maniac collects all the ETH and calls you names in a one hour you tube stream. Sounds about right.

>> No.26453208

you got RBC though, r-right anon?

>> No.26453228
File: 9 KB, 259x195, 1611300332070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>missed LINK
Can always catch the late bus, anon.

>> No.26453260
File: 436 KB, 728x674, 1611407951711.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks iq matters
>he doesn't know about working memory
>he has no balls
sorry bro you're ngmi

>> No.26453265

Another paid RBC shilling thread


>> No.26453336

Maybe you should try trading when on drugs, ideally a drug which inhibits your inhibitions but doesn't lower your IQ too much. Adderal, cocaine or another stimulant perhaps.

>> No.26453415

My friend got rich of Adderal, but is now burning him out, he was having suicidal thoughts. I ironically probably saved his life being the only friend that understands why he wanted to make it. Always sharing memes and talking cryptos, that bro made it in trading.

>> No.26453689
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