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26450685 No.26450685 [Reply] [Original]

I'm gonna have a sensible discussion about Rubic. If you have any disagreements explain what they are with facts. Saying it's a scam will be ignored.

Here is my take. Firstly even after the pump its dirt cheap compared to swap exchanges like Uni and 1inch. You have to look at diluted mc. Uni is 10billion!!! 1inch is 3 billion!!! Rubic is 15m. So its mc is tiny tiny tiny compared to their competition.

Here's my next point. Yes Uni and 1inch are now big vol exchanges but they are only months old. Uni really only got going last Summer with large vol from projects like Ampl and Sushi and Cronje projects. 1inch really has only got traction in the last few months really as well. My point is the market is still new and open.

Reason why I think Rubic can explode like Uni and 1inch.
>multichain so all the moves going on in polka and L2 solutions are gonna make using Rubic a no brainer. Why pay 50 bucks or more for an eth swap when you can don't for 5 cents? Literaly will explode in use.

As crypto gets more regulated making swaps anonymously is gonna be huge. Big money as well not wanting to show their moves. The pools that are coming will explode.

What I'm saying is Rubic is a bet on where the swap market is going in the next 12 months. At 15m mc fully undiluted it really could end up with a multi billion mc as real usage balloons. Why would anyone use Uni ever again if you can do it far cheaper on Rubic??? Uni also has some leakage issue supposedly.

So there is the narrative that makes this a potential 1000x which is 1.5in which would still be 1/10th of Uni marketcap.

If you think it's not gonna get used then sure it won't do well. But as a bet its upside is massive. Literaly will make millionaires out of people with a 1k bet only.

Ignore all shilling and fudding and make your bet or not. The narrative is solid. Let's see where this goes. Clearly it's not a scam and has names and faces behind it.

>> No.26450751

Thank you for this thread anon. The exchange is already working as is.
They're making announcements and have a launch upcoming.
I personally used the exchange since purchasing it, how is this a scam?

>> No.26450846

Its obviously not a scam. The shilling and fudding is putting a lot of people off making a sensible bet on honestly a great mid term opportunity. The potential is there to be a massive exchange with deep pools of liquidity. If there is one thing to bet on in defi is swaps and liquidity. Big players will run away from CEXs as soon as the pools make large swaps possible. People think Uni is big now but you still can't make massive whale buys without slippage. Binance is dead. Swaps are the future.

>> No.26450848

Exactly why I'm holding good post op

>> No.26450937

Perhaps explaining why binance is tweeting about rubic?
Rubic was my first purchase off of coinbase, I won't lie.... but I used their exchange, how would you compare it to other exchanges personally?
Do you see them lowering the gas fees?
I won't pretend to be anything more than a newfag, but I did look into rbc, the fact so many people are calling it a scam when even a short bit of work proves them wrong is honestly what sold me.

>> No.26450952

All Rubic needs to do is sort its api out so people can link to it from Coingecko and Coinmarketcap. It will explode in vol trust me..

>> No.26450980


>> No.26451010

You certainly put forth a more reasonable argument than the fudders.
I almost sold several times thru the day, but when I bought it I was thinking it would increase after the 28th. What happens now is just people who are scared.
I didnt invest what I wasnt willing to lose, and I took profit.

>> No.26451059

Rubic is the netscape of /biz/. How much do you hodl op?

>> No.26451071
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>> No.26451100
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>> No.26451169

It's speculative, the team is mediocre and the quality of their product lacks a professionalism which I worry permeates more than just cutting corners in the looks department. If you feel it's worth investing that's fine. However, I have worked for many startups as a contractor and what I see does not inspire confidence in RBC taking a comparable market share to 1inch or uni. What's the largest trade you've made on rubic? Were you not hesitant to confirm it?

>> No.26451179

All these tokens that you mentioned are pure vaporware crap that serves no real purpose, the next bear market will burn them all alive. 2018 is coming back, bitch.

>> No.26451185

I would say Uniswap is the Netscape while Rubic is Google. Uniswap is completely limited to ETH swaps. They will become obsolete as Polka and Avax etc enter the defi market.

>> No.26451189

My hands were diamond strong before this post
After reading I think my hands have actually fused to the cube
This is so fucking bullish I wish I wasn’t all in so I could buy more

>> No.26451192

What was your buy-in price anon?

>> No.26451200

there is more more to the exchange coming very shortly than just simple swaps well. you can set your own prices for brokerages and earn fees from transactions. eth or other coins used as as fees will convert to rbc and be burnt, increasing your position.

binanace has many coin holders from 2017 bull run and such that never see the altcoin boom today but are coasting along, so these people will be incredibly motivated to move those less attractive coins to eth network by the low fees of the exchange, making it finally reasonable to move them.

also the wrapped coins comig is potential for whale gains off of small discrepancies due to low fees.

anyone saying this token has no use or that the exchange is joking.

>> No.26451249
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Still waiting for all the confident spam posters to come in here and state the case of clear fraud.

>> No.26451254
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This is the guy who singlehandledy created Uniswap. Muh team is mediocre. Ideas and timing are what's important not the team. You have to judge the concept and timing and use case. They all seem like win wins to me.

>> No.26451437

Incorrect. Ideas are worthless without execution. Doesn't matter how smart you are if you're a lazy motherfucker. A team with more competence and funding will btfo these scatterbrained potheads.

>> No.26451629

Where do you buy it?

>> No.26451641

Based and rubicpilled OP. If they keep up the good work and their exchange gets more volume, I predict $20+ EOY

>> No.26451666
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The Rubic's CEO helped to bring NEO into life + helped EOS with their problems.
Their team is competent enough.

>> No.26451676

If u havent taken profits by now
Have fun getting poor

>> No.26451702

You seem so certain.
I suppose time will tell.

>> No.26451712

If u think that pump was sustainable (even if the project is legit) you must be very new fren

>> No.26451725
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Daily reminder

>> No.26451762

I don't expect a sustained 4000% pump as I am not retarded.
I do expect it to go up in price after the 28th.
I do assume this group of people you think can't deliver just recieved a boost, and I think its worth waiting to see what happens.
I think it would be retarded to pull all out.

>> No.26451906

>after 28th
Probably. It will take a few days before it's back at 1-3 cents

>> No.26451954

thank you for a post with some actual thought put into it. I think that having discourse with one another is very good. i also think that it's good to have some healthy criticism about the project.

1. right now the marketing isn't so great, but that's fine. Marketing can be improved and it seems that the rubic team is in the process of hiring more people. Currently, it feels like no one really knows about Rubic outside of 4chan or maybe some people on reddit because the marketing isn't so great. I also think that their promotional material could really benefit from someone that knows graphic design so that their brand identity feels more cohesive and "real".

2. From what i understand, rubic.exchange is trying to be a competitor to uniswap or 1inch with the benefit of having cross chain swaps and better prices? (gas prices fucking suck). I feel that the benefits of using rubic.exchange over uniswap may be rather unclear to those uninitiated. It needs to be more clear why rubic is a better exchange to use than the competitors and this means a better gui is needed.

3. the whitepaper. the whitepaper is alright, definitely not the best and imo somewhat flimsy. The roadmap is ok too.

Those were my main gripes with the project. All of those issues definitely can be resolved with time and more people on the team. I have about 235k rubic because I do have faith that this project can gain traction in the future. I mean it's practically nonexistent in terms of marketcap which means there's a ton of room for growth. Either way i'm very excited to see what's in store for rubic in the future!

pls correct if i'm wrong about anything i wanna know

>> No.26451991

that's a funny maymay

>> No.26452148

How come this thread isn't shat to pieces with people yelling about scams and pajeets?

>> No.26452266

most people that do that are just doing it to bait people into getting mad. it's funny.

>> No.26452320

>that's a funny maymay
this, but ironically

>> No.26452356
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>better gui is needed
Absolutely, but this is still an alpha build.
>unclear benefits
Everyone can understand lower fees.This above all else needs to be advertised.

>> No.26452440

This is a good thread, anon. Please make another after the 28th so we can talk about crosschain too. Good break from chaotic fud

>> No.26452449

I have been trying to post links in /RBCG/ but FUCK YOU JANNYCUNTS i swear they have a stake in this.
coinmarketcal.com/en/event/panama-bridge-mvp-beta-53875 Say goodbye to gas.

>> No.26452481

But I'm already all in on ZERO exchange running off of AVAX to beat out ETH-based AMMs like UNI, SUSHI, 1INCH. Guess I'll hedge my bet with RUBIC after the deadcat bounce.

>> No.26452712

i second this

>> No.26452729

yeah i tried to make a rubic general with links to relevant stuff but it didn't go through

>> No.26452736
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>> No.26452772

Be careful with ZERO. Their team is really eager to ban everyone who starts asking questions.

>> No.26453409

I bought LCX tokens and as the exchange went live my tokens dumped :( I'm scared the same will happen with my rubics

>> No.26453475
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I also recommend comparing the max supply of tokens of Rubic v. Uni.

>> No.26453490

>I’m idiot so everyone else is too

>> No.26453501
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>> No.26453533

Your scamcoin already dumped

I was one of the discord shills who raped all yall, lmao. I made a quick 15x off your stupidity.

Stay poor

>> No.26453542

how much are they paying you to keep fudding this

>> No.26453676
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nice larp

>> No.26453728

15x? I didn't coordinate anything and did a 55x.
You fags were so predictable.

>> No.26453740

>Your scamcoin already dumped

yea it came back from its ATH thats normal

>> No.26453798

All of your criticism applies to uniswap and not rubic. They had a fucking emoji as their logo for a year

>> No.26454166
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It's just another pajeet scammer shitcoin.


>> No.26454192

Why are the jannies doing that? I started 2 /rbcg/ today but the same thing.

>> No.26454346

If it lowers the gas fees then it is 100% worth a punt, it's so small cap and the limited supply is really attractive. Going to put on a 1k stack I think worth the bet.

>> No.26455126

Gui agree... not an issue though. Cosmetic

Marketing is a meme. Don't believe in it. I never used Uniswap cause of 'marketing' I used it cause it was useful.

Vol will come as its api is connected to sites like Coingecko so people quickly see they can buy there a certain token and as they find it cheap it will rapidly gain vol. Literaly this can explode in vol in a matter of weeks.