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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26449240 No.26449240 [Reply] [Original]

1. your age
2. your money pack you've been stack until now
3. your judge to yourself if you're a winner or loser.
4. how you feel

1. 24
2. - 15000 USD (debt)
3. absolute fucking loser
4. want to tear apart myself into pieces. want to pluck my fucking eyes off.

be serious and fully honest. we are all online anonymous that is allowed to be truth.

>> No.26449300

1. 27
2. ~$120k networth
3. fucking loser
4. A bit annoyed and angry because of the Corona Scam. But I embrace the Clownworld

>> No.26449339


>> No.26449348

1. 27
2. 80.000€
3. loserest of all losers
4.fucking sad pls kill me I want a 2d gf

>> No.26449368


>> No.26449447

40k in investments
10k credit card debt
Had alot more money but nooo some fucking chink decided to eat a fuckin bat or spill some bio weapons right when I wanted to travel and completely fuck everything up and now I'm down like 30k over the past year. Fuck.

>> No.26449471

1. 31
2. 3k liquid/600k house
3. loser
4. suicidal

>> No.26449476


>> No.26449486
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1. 18
2. 1k to 10k
3. meh
4. im ok
I sold at 38k and not sure when to buy back in. It seems bearish but it did go up after scraping by 28k.

>> No.26449497

>Still poor

>> No.26449503

103k USD

>> No.26449504

1. 25

>> No.26449506

Not even born yet.
Compelling mother to post this on my behalf.
Get fucked, poorfags.
If you don't have $1T by age 2, you lose.
End of story.

>> No.26449514

4k in crypto and 600 in NZD cause I just bought a new car
Feels bad because i have no friends and no gf and will never get a decent job even tho im not a npc like most people

>> No.26449515

have become ironically a chad but behind the facade have severe bipolar disorder and suicidal thoughts in minecraft

>> No.26449520

>500k, 400 of which is mortgage
>I'm a stoic
>We must assimilate with the computers to create the ultimate race, to jump the next theoretical step, or be wiped out with history.

>> No.26449525

1. 32
2. $245K Net Worth
3. Winner
4. Loser

>> No.26449550

Also weird how majority of us are 27.

>> No.26449556

1. 34
2. 5.2M
3. Meh
4. Same

>> No.26449557

Are you me?

>> No.26449559

4.feel epic

>> No.26449574
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3.On the right track but I need to keep lifting and building real skills.
4.Good. My near, mid, and distant future look bright.

1 year ago I would have said absolute fucking loser too, literal suicidal depression on my birthday. You can turn it around faster than you think. Don't fall for the NEET dream. Get /fit/ and learn a useful skill. Not only will you feel better about yourself but the world will feel better about you too. You'll be happy, you'll be successful, you'll fit in, and you'll find love. You're gonna make it.

>> No.26449590

want to die

>> No.26449610

Don't buy back in, sell short

>> No.26449622

>even tho im not a npc like most people
That's your problem.

>> No.26449633

$1400 in crypto
$10000 in bank
Me and gf grew apart , she's now my ex and I'm living at home

>> No.26449639

>im alive
>im alive

>> No.26449643


1. 31
2. prob about 60k between all my accounts
3. winning but could be doing way better
4. motivated, getting /fit/ and accumulating link/ada/grt

>> No.26449657

Which skill did you learn anon?

>> No.26449665

1 24
2 130k
3 winner
4 feel pretty good little unmotivated with the gyms closed but just gotta keep praying and focusing on making it.

>> No.26449672

Take half of that 10k and put it in Crypto you faggot. You got nothing to lose

>> No.26449687

Any tips for people just starting to invest?

>> No.26449697

I dunno man. I ain't no npc either. Girls tell me I'm alpha. They like that I'm skinny, cause my cocks bigger. Doesn't matter that I'm balding, cause Im witty and wear a hat.

>> No.26449699

That's pretty tough when all your networth is based on your house

>> No.26449749


the poorest of us are somehow the happiest
one anon at least has an ex gf

>> No.26449799

Most NPC's I know out there have no problem getting a (decent) job and a girlfriend. It's not vice versa automatically.

>> No.26449843

>403 on track to have over 1 years wages at 30
>couple grand incredit card debt, not worried about it
>put 1500 in crypto last week, now closer to 1700
>not a winner yet but not a loser either
>doing pretty good. confident I'm gonna retire in 5-10

>> No.26449867
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I am going to smoke a big fat joint and drink 3 beers in a row now to drown my awful feelings fuck you
I hate every single one of you who has more money then me and I pitty every single one of you who has less.
please kill me what are u waiting for fuck fuck fuck i piss my pants on purpose please talk to me i am going insane

>> No.26449917

38 k
Been both winner and loser in windows of my life, right now I'm probably winning
My life is void of romance, but deep down I know I choose to live like this

>> No.26449954

Machine repair. Very novice but I started working in a production plant as an unskilled laborer and would try to help out and learn from the mechanics when things broke down and all the other line workers sat on their asses. It didn't go unnoticed. The mechanics want me on their team if upper management lets me transition. If not now then it'll probably happen in the near future. Started knowing nothing and now the maintenence manager basically is trying to give me an apprenticeship. It'll be nice to do something useful with my hands that can apply outside of my job as well.

>> No.26450047

1. 20
2. ~20k
3. winner
4. optimistic

>> No.26450066

pls just one word will help me to keep my sanity please I go out and hang out with homeless pieces of shit because they act like friends for a pack of cigs

>> No.26450125

1. 25
2. $556k
3. Not a loser just lost
4. Every year since I quit drinking and smoking I feel better not happy but peaceful just gotta get rid of my fat ass gf and move out of my blue state

>> No.26450150

>homeless pieces of shit
Try to stop thinking of other people in those terms and perhaps you'll start to think better of yourself as well.

>> No.26450185

at least I go out give them cigs and hang out with them. what are you doinbg for the homeless?

>> No.26450198

1. 27
2. 600K in crypto
3. loser
4. I didn't ask to be here

>> No.26450244
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1. 25
2. $600k all in link
3. Absolute fucking winner Chad
4. Feeling very comfy at the base of a monster bullrun

>> No.26450274

>what are you doinbg for the homeless?
Number one - not thinking of them as being 'pieces of shit'
Number two - I have invited two homeless people to live in my home in the past four years.

>> No.26450279

90k crypto (all link) 100k appartment
winner by far
extremely confident with huge prosects in the finance industry

>> No.26450280

>can live for almost free in a $600k house
You really don't know how good you have it.

>> No.26450302

>I have invited two homeless people to live in my home in the past four years.

lmao did they steal sth?

>> No.26450326

There were some rough spots, but they're both stable now and live in their own homes, have jobs, etc.

>> No.26450368

23k EUR
Hopium keeps me alive

>> No.26450404

Loser with high ambition

>> No.26450623

Like shit, often on behalf of others

>> No.26450667

Don't drown your feelings. It'll hurt, but use the pain as pressure to plan a path out of the hole you're in. If you continue to sedate yourself the misery won't end because nothing will change.

>> No.26450710

What are you gonna do about your high ambitions?
Are you giving it your all, or just slowly letting it stray away from you?

>> No.26451581

$7k leafbux
Neutral. Still in Uni, good grades but not yet a winner. Live with parents because of virus
Feel like I'm coasting through life. Would like a gf but have no idea how to get there right now

>> No.26451672


>> No.26451736

>1. your age
>2. your money pack you've been stack until now
>3. your judge to yourself if you're a winner or loser.
retarded faggot loser
>4. how you feel
hate my life, I sit inside all day, I'm a shutin
money doesn't make you happy past a low point (70k/year)

>> No.26451773

>43K (All in ETH/LINK)
>Winner in my country, Average for the rest of the world. T.eastern europe fag
>Loser, even tho my stack is decent i have lost so many opportunities because i couldn't pull the trigger and my stack should have been 3-4X it is now.

>> No.26451797

Winner winner chicken dinner

>> No.26451839

congrats happy rich anons

i hate mass reply fags but i wanted to point out the cherry picking this stooge did

>> No.26451843
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I'm better than 99% of people my age but it's not enough for me. When I become a millionaire I'd consider myself a winner, for now I'm just a player in the game.

>> No.26451854

2k link 0.12 lp
very happy

>> No.26451920

1. 24
2. Had a company in the entertainment industry until Corona shut it down. German state took all my money and I moved back to my parents. Currently delivering food like a loser to fat consumers. Hate this world so much so I decided to take all my earnings from now on and put it into crypto.
3. Had it all , lost it all. So currently a big loser
4. Since I was always in peace with myself, some part of me doesn’t really care. I still hate the world and what Corona did to me and my business partners. Still I’m pretty sure I’m gonna make it through crypto. I am at ground zero but I always loved the hustle.

I hate hedonism so I don’t really feel like crying out like a kid. I’m sure better days are coming. I’m still good looking and got my gains right, it could be worse. To everyone who is depressed here: get jacked up, it will help you.

>> No.26451992

28, 250k, winner, meh

most posters in this thread are larping btw

>> No.26452032

>$20k, only ever put $6k, but im down massively thanks to that green shitcoin and im stuck bagholding
>idk if its fair to call me a winner but ive done enough “cool guy” stuff to know that none of it makes it happy. i pride myself on not having needed to wage for a while and as long as i can keep that up im happy
>just ridin the rollercoaster of life i guess

>> No.26452048

you are capable
just need action

>> No.26452054

*only ever put $6k into crypto

>> No.26452064

what should I do?

>> No.26452077
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26 000€ + 3 room flat paid off
Winner but not because of my money but for my gf, nice job and friends
Bored because of Corona and not being able to eat outside, go to movies or festivals like I used to. At least I found Hololive which been fun top watch this year

>> No.26452080

>what Corona did to me
Es war der Staat und die Maßnahmen.
Nicht dieser Witz von Virus

>> No.26452084

1. 24
2. 45k
3. Honestly, I'm poor af compared to most here, but I have a very high paying job now (>200k a year) and I'm finally taking my finances seriously. I have full confidence that I'll hit 100k by EOY at the very minimum, and $1mm in 3 years.
4. Good, have a hot black gf and I like my coworkers. Overcame a strong bout of depression recently and feeling positive about the future again. Just need to get /fit/ again desu.

>> No.26452106

Learn to speak English it's embarrassing

>> No.26452110

>be serious and fully honest. we are all online anonymous that is allowed to be truth.
anon, the fbi has every single record of every post you've created on this site.

>> No.26452129

>have a hot black gf
How do I get a hot black gf?
That's my dream

>> No.26452137

40k crypto, all in, 30k debt
Pretty assertive chill winner
Want to kill everyone else, starting will all the retards and fucking islamists

>> No.26452161

I am not a native speaker so I learnt it only from textbook. So don't throw rocks on me for not having it so smooth. And FU anon.

>> No.26452165

>win - have loving gf and can neet
>feel ok about myself. the money I racked together in the past two years is enough to live comfortably 20+ years, and I'm ok at trading.

>> No.26452197

>not a native speaker
Hello Ranjeet

>> No.26452198

Go talk to one. If your white and tall they're very receptive.

>> No.26452202

>motivated to become a winner

>> No.26452324

>1. your age
>2. your money pack you've been stack until now
7k and 3k savings
>3. your judge to yourself if you're a winner or loser.
Neither, I'm just waiting for numbers to go up
>4. how you feel

>> No.26452500

>white and tall
Nice, I actually am.
I once dated one, or rather met up with one. She was quite hot, but unironically beyond retarded. So I stopped seeing her. She was extremely cute though, but I just could not deal with that much stupidity. It was terrible

>> No.26452559


>> No.26452726

net worth 0 (about 10k in student loan debt but sitting on 10k worth of LINK)
I feel like Im in a weird place. I dropped out of college years ago and just this fall enrolled in an Associate program at the community college. I feel far behind my former peers but far ahead of most of the people I interact with now.
I feel hopeful. Even if LINK goes to shit Ill have a degree in just over a year and hopefuly be on my way to starting a job that pays enough to offset the bad feels. Best case scenario LINK moons for real and I never work again

>> No.26452783

oof, me too. only 500k tho

>> No.26452788
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1. 24
2. ~$100k networth
3. Winner?
4. I'd say I'm 2/3rds winner 1/3rd loser.
I've got a good amount of money for my age, set to be more at the end of this bubble year, set on a path to get my first real job by next year, and I'm decently attractive, but on the loser side I still have pretty fucking terrible social anxiety to the point where I will not reply to people's texts (the few that I get) for days if at all, even for basic shit, and I feel constantly left out of just having the most simple friendships I should have in my 20s because I can hardly relate to anyone.
Want to fix that this year or next with therapy.

>> No.26452807


>> No.26452937
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1. 22
2. 150kish
3. I’m a punished chad lite late bloomer working 2 jobs and making almost 90k/year (60 hour weeks)
4. Better than most, at least I have a future and a hot former class mate comm-bloc girl is texting me back. Might ask her out soon or see if she wants to run/lift together.