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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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26447935 No.26447935 [Reply] [Original]

You have secured your suicide stack, right /biz/??

>> No.26448059


>> No.26448085

One of those shitcoins that's in a good position to make some gains over the next month or so.

>> No.26448257

whats your predictions

>> No.26448309

how much to make it

>> No.26448336

He doesn't have any he saw it on YouTube

>> No.26448346

Buy any random DOT project and you'll get a 5-10X in Q1.

>> No.26448385

It’s UNISWAP but for Polkadot. Imagine investing in UNISWAP before ERC-20 was invented. Easily $1 EOY if it has low fees than the $50+ tx fees uniswap currently has.

>> No.26448401

I'm gonna assume that since it maintains or goes up on btc price dump days that it should atleast crack passed it ath sometime soon.
It either pumps or crabs last couple weeks with no signs of dumps.
Still a new token, in a bull market. Low market cap and steady growth. I'm expecting at least a 5x fairly soon on my initial bag.

>> No.26448452

Will it moon like rubic,where to buy and how much is it

>> No.26448648

Doesn't have the same pajeet push but thats a good thing. Might just need a few extra days to moon.. It's had a good week anyhow considering the market. And all the fud this week on btc.

>> No.26448676

Fuck Reef, there is so much better shit out there, they have rug pulled before and will do it again. Developers have very little communication too.

Fucking scam

>> No.26448696

looking at this chart.. fucking wow! this is going to moon so hard. just secured a stack

>> No.26448720

I don't think you understand that all tokens have a little drop off after initial launch.
This has bounced back from that and is growing since at a steady rate.

Fucked if I care if you buy. I'm gonna take the quick 5x + on my money and pay off a mining rig.

>> No.26448809

seems to have massive hype but little on what its going to do.

>> No.26448863

LP & Farming and Binance access marked done and in test phase

>> No.26448899

Tranny coin. but it might do alright

>> No.26448931

If it has low fees unlike uniswap retarded $50+ per trade then it’s going to explode.

>> No.26449198

Only thing giving me a red flag is the stupid low seed sale. $0.0007? Then it proceeds to jump 400% and trading at $0.02. Plus the absolute slaughter fest of it trading at 14c on binance for a short period. So many sellers eager for it jump back at least to 14c so they can get their money back.

>> No.26449344

It's got a nice graph after the initial drop which is more than most tokens can say. And did not take long to do it either.
Lots of room to make bank before .14c
I feel like I've seen some connections with chainlink also.

>> No.26449409

Yeah maybe, but it's fucking dodgy how they just say nothing now

>> No.26449468

Nobody in crypto is making daily announcements.
Anon if your guts don't feel it, best to hold off.
I skipped rubic due to that feel.

>> No.26449581 [DELETED] 

That’s actually great marketing imo

>> No.26450476

Max supply is retardedly high. It might pump but it will go down in the long run, DYOR

>> No.26450692

yeah I don't feel it, and I didn't even get burned, but I remember a lot of anons did

>> No.26450809

83k stacklet here, how much for suicide stack sir.

>> No.26450943

Newfriend here, what is a suicide stack?

>> No.26451479

Whats the difference between them and Set