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26418368 No.26418368 [Reply] [Original]

How do I do this

>> No.26418400

regular stock trading, not what these cryptoshits are doing.

>> No.26418411

gamble your life away on options based on reddit meme posts.

>> No.26418460

Yeah gamble your money into shitcoin wait for it to increase 30-40% and gtfo. Repeat

>> No.26418506

First go back to r eddit faggot

>> No.26418537

join the Big Pump Signal Group, that's how


>> No.26418599

How can you make it on stocks if you aren’t already relatively wealthy?
Serious question

>> No.26418604

Options played correctly can produce those results. You need to play options for awhile to understand what the fuck to do. You can easily lose everything in a couple days if you fuck it up.

>> No.26418668

It's literally the exact same as crypto, just find a super cheap otc and get lucky. Just like buying a ton of a super cheap shit coin. Look at bluesphere and what it did last week or the week before

>> No.26418681

Start small, the market is in a bull state currently, its pretty easy to make money right now. And if we go into a bear market play the other way and buy puts. You can make a fucking ton of money with a small start.

>> No.26418718
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Can someone tell me an European alternative to Robinhood Options trading? Robinhood seems so sleek and simple with its UI. I don't care about the 0 fees meme. Just give me some good options trading app for a european.

>> No.26418744

gme made 10x that


>> No.26418758

clf tranny is /ourguy/ retard not reddit's guy

>> No.26418916

I only understand buying and selling stocks and crypto. How do calls and puts work? I've already watched videos on it. Still don't get it really.