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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 76 KB, 369x369, avalanche1593161126011.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26409177 No.26409177 [Reply] [Original]

Dump in 40 days.
Wait and go balls deep after the dump. THIS is your chance to make it.

>> No.26409331

I think you'll be priced out like the retards who fudded the previous unlock. But do as you want..

>> No.26409344

Ok M8

>> No.26409369

Let's put it this way, at least DCA.
Do NOT go balls deep at ATH

>> No.26409519

The release schedule is widely known so it’s priced in. That’s the beauty of markets, retard.

>> No.26409688

yeah it’s really gonna dump this time when there was 0 effect on the price after the last unlock

>> No.26409749

probably best to dca in on bitcoin dumps.

>> No.26410081

You must have brain damage. It mooned recently, ico bagholders have a reason to dump now

>> No.26410184

why would they sell now when it has the potential to do another 10x by EOY?
give me your mom's address so i can rape and kill her

>> No.26410263

Because they are smart and nothing goes up forever. Get profit, buy next moonshot before it moons, repeat.

>> No.26410375

It pays out 10%’income through a staking mechanism a hamster could master.
Who the fuck is going to sell this when the tech is unironically superior to ETH and DOT combined?

>> No.26410528

Avax is stil a good contender for top 5 cryptos, and everybody know it.

>> No.26410697

500 AVAX to run a node in the future?

>> No.26411142


>> No.26411180
File: 98 KB, 991x695, 1610154267362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these boomer bitcoin stocks are killing me
should I sell all my BTC for AVAX?
t. student with small stack

>> No.26411449

what exchange do i get this from

>> No.26411497


>> No.26411536

What do I gain from running a node in contrast to staking?

>> No.26411663

You can charge a delegation fee so you get a percentage of the rewards from people that have delegated to you. It will probably go up to min 10% fee in the future.

So for example if you have 5K avax on a node, you have have upto 20k delegated to you (x4). 20k x 10% APY = 2K x 10% fee = 200 Avax, in addition to your own rewards from the 5k.

>> No.26411735

coincides with the end of the lockdown in london. cannot wait to dine on kebab again

>> No.26411750

>He thinks the lock down will be lifted

Oh goyim...

>> No.26411820

you help the decentralization of the network.
the thing is that with so many nodes you will likely not have a lot of coins delegating to you.

>> No.26411884

> not buying now
> dumping all on March 4
> buying back when ICO dump is over

>> No.26411911
File: 320 KB, 900x1200, p16i2o8ry8731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FML I only hold a single (1) avax
someone photoshop the ava logo on his shield

>> No.26411979

thanks friends
another question: any idea on taxation of nodes and staking?

>> No.26412018

>muh % staking
when the potential downside is 90+% this is not such a strong argument

>> No.26412046

what does it say

>> No.26412115
File: 162 KB, 800x1077, Turkified.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Allah is the muslim god
>Dieu Turc = The Turk
The first line is the shahadah "there's no god but allah and mohammad is his messenger"
I don't know what the last line says, cant read French.

>> No.26412254

There's no way it's going to just drop 90% dude, short of some catastrophic bug in the software.

>> No.26412346

If bitcoin does, so does AVAX. Saying that ico buyers are certainly not going to lock in HUGE profits in such a volatile market is foolish. The 10% staking rewards don't really factor into that decision. It's not avax vs other crypto for them, it's taking profits out of crypto or not.

>> No.26412451

At full supply of 620M and current price. It already is... shit is going to dump so hard in March.

>> No.26412487

Nice to see AVAX being pushed to 10B FDV, locked in my profits. No idea where this will go from now on.

>> No.26412539

>t. newfags using conjecture and speculating on things they couldn't possibly know and are unlikely to ever happen in the mind of anyone who has been involved in crypto for longer than a year.

>> No.26412784

No - the AVAX price hasn't even been correlated to BTC. We were pumping in sats whilst BTC was dumping.

The max supply is 720m, but you do realise it will take over a decade to reach that amount right?

50% of the 720 is staking rewards over a decade.

>> No.26412924

>No - the AVAX price hasn't even been correlated to BTC. We were pumping in sats whilst BTC was dumping.
Yeah I'm sure it'd do fine in a market wide crash like the one we saw last time. Fucking retard.

>> No.26413002

It dumped at 9k sats after the unlock
Now everything is pumping, even dentacoin, but wait for BTC to restart and other 2000 coins to come out and you will crash back below 10k sats
It’s overpriced as fuck and nobody is using it

>> No.26413151

>It dumped at 9k sats after the unlock
it literally didnt though?

>> No.26413218

Kek - so you aren't going to buy because you are scared BTC will crash massively and enter a bear market?

Maybe you shouldn't be in the crypto space at all then?

>> No.26413277

>It’s overpriced
Says who? Clearly the market dis-agrees with you. The tech on this is awesome and there is a reason the price is doing well.

>nobody is using it
Kek - wrong. Very wrong - you not seen all the projects lining up to use this? Pangolin launching in the next couple of weeks which will be a game changer.

>> No.26413407

Were counting down to March, when you guys get dumped on and this drops to 3$.

>> No.26413536

And you expect them to dump it all on binance EU? by then we will have binance US and coinbase listing + pangolin hype price to sell, buying now and dumping before unlock - NOT after

>> No.26413567

I wasn't even debating buying AVAX vs not doing so. Thread was about the unlocks, someone used the moronic staking profits argument. I countered with the huge unrealized profits that people are getting access to, combined with the possibility of a market wide crash making the staking argument shit because those potential profits are so small in comparison to market wide risk. AVAX may very well be a good buy right now, I'm not bearish on it overall (but I don't hold any).

>> No.26413935

I just don't see it happening. There will be a lot more hype around this in a few months, and there may be Coinbase listing as well.

The price may dip slighly, but I think the only thing that will happen is the market cap goes up. That's what happened last time.

In any case, I'm in at 5.5 USD, so if it did drop that low, I would just use it to lower my average buy in price.

>> No.26413955

Nobody will dump it tho.
>huge potential
>best layer 0 out there
>3rd breakthrough in consensus protocols
>last dump did nothing to dump the price
But you are free to fomo in at 200+ dollars

>> No.26414006

My money is where my mouth is, so is yours I suppose. Just don't get caught in the bubble and DYOR.

>> No.26414129

I am confident the price will be much higher than it is in 2 years' time from now. I'm holding for at least 2 years and staking. I've been burned too many times trying to time ebin dips so I'm just going to hold.