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26400917 No.26400917 [Reply] [Original]

The drawings are rigged so that only glowniggers and their family members win.

>> No.26400940

>pink ID
>posting men
>not biz related
>reddit spacing


>> No.26400958

Biz has a lotto general thread with 200+ responses. This is business related.

>> No.26400984

True. Didn't J.Epstein win the lottery twice?

>> No.26401005

It’s always people with relationships to govt officials.

>> No.26401100

Who the fuck still buys lottery tickets...Are people really that dumb?

>> No.26401125

The people I work with talk about lottery everyday. I let them whilst quietly investing in crypto’s

>> No.26401128

Check out lotto general

>> No.26401188

I need my swimmers in her fallopian tubes

>> No.26401231

Why does she have a penis sticking out her back?

>> No.26401241

Most people are really retarded. I don't even like talking to the majority of people anymore. They just repeat what they see on the news and can't form an opinion without validation from an outside source. Everything is a social validation test to the average person. So, while they live out life trying to conform and be the same as every other person, at least as to how the media believes everybody should be, they also thing they are some special unique person that is in fact going to win a lottery with a 1/50000000 chance. They're fucking morons.

>> No.26401291

I hate the saying ‘got to be in it to win it’. I must hear it about 50 times a day, got any more advice how to stay sane interacting with the general population?

>> No.26401296

No you dont get it...you chance of winning the lottery are actually zero if you aren’t a glownigger. The lottery is fake. The drawings are rigged.

>> No.26401299
File: 257 KB, 620x413, 7F1548F0-95E2-4AE4-ACBA-63F15D64EED7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw crypto has given me more in three weeks than playing the lottery has in five years

>> No.26401328

>retard tax

>> No.26401352

Thats bullshit but I believe it.

>> No.26401591

1 in 50million is basically zero fren
I gave no advice in that last comment in all honesty. Sorry a bit wine drunk at the moment but I'll try to tell you what I have been trying to stay sane. I've been trying to adopt a more stoic state of mind. That it isn't worth it to worry about things out of your control. That self tranquility and worth is what really matters, not validation from other people. You are the source of your own happiness. Literally just do what you want to do and have opinions that you want to have. Who cares if somebody disagrees with your opinion? Did you know that everything is opinion. There is no evil and there is no good. I've started to read Meditations by Marcus Aurelius and that has stuck with me ever since reading it. Marcus Aurelius quotes Cynic Monimus and says "All is opinion". Nobody is wrong and nobody is necessarily right. Nothing is really absoloute besides hard science. But hard science accounts for so little in the real world and most everybody is full of shit and just saying their opinion. Just be true to your friend and come to peace with yourself. Until you can truly accept yourself, you will never be content.

>> No.26401691

*true to yourself. Fuck, I can't type right now and shouldn't be giving advice right now. Finishing up a bottle of red wine. Just do what makes you happy and ignore the opinion and views of people that don't actually matter in your life. Get some hobbies that clear your mind. I enjoy disc golf and skiing. You can do those two things all day and not think about anything except those two things. It's very refreshing to just live in the moment.

>> No.26401745

You don't need the lottery when you hold API3.

>> No.26401881

In all honesty, I think I'd be doing a lot worse mentally if 4chan didn't exist. I love that I can write whatever I want on here and not worry about some stranger coming after me in real life. I generally don't try to be an asshole but I have opinions that are not mainstream and I feel that is how a large portion of the people on this site feel. We are a bunch of social outcasts looking for a place to vent and socialize with other people that feel as though they don't have anywhere else to express themselves. If this site does get shut down over Biden's presidency, I will legitimately be upset. I'll get over it but fuck. Where are we supposed to go? There is nearly no space for free speech anymore. If you post your opinion on FB that strays off the path of the mainstream media there is a decent chance some tranny will find your work and send them screenshots and get you fired. If you post a dissenting opinion on reddit it would never get seen due to their voting system. An anonymous forum is the only true form of free speech as people are actually able to post their beliefs without fear, barring actual threats that ABC agencies would take action towards. I'm ending my rant now, it was a bit unnecessary anyways

>> No.26401922

He dumped $20,000 in and took a risk. He won the big drawing once. The other lottery was a smaller state one with better odds. When you dump that much money in, chances are better.

>> No.26402658

i'd come out of the bushes and sniff/lick that bench as soon as she got on the bus

>> No.26402713

She got dick shadow

>> No.26403287

Literally perfect. Nothing could be better on this whore.

>> No.26403447
File: 7 KB, 225x225, dmg=comfy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comfy holding DMG here, need no lottery or dick picks from your ranjesh ass

>> No.26404352

Maria Domark.

>> No.26404378


>> No.26404447

I won 14€ in the lottery yesterday, checkmate retard

>> No.26404495

4chan might get shutdown(doubt it since it seems that me like a great honeypot), but 4channel probably won't.

>> No.26404740

I was a great believer in 'hard science' until recent years. I am now drifting more towards an inate spirituality within us all. Science cannot explain consciousness, and is so heavily politicised nowadays, to boot.I honestly believe we are lied to about almost everything, and exist in a a realm not unlike The Matrix/The Truman show and ideas like that. I have cut drinking out of my life, am improving my health and fitness, and am so much more focussed than I was in the past.