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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26396457 No.26396457 [Reply] [Original]

>poor as shit
>forced to pay rent on a shithole apartment in the ass-end of the city
>unmarketable skillset
>last chance is ETH, otherwise kneepads i guess
please tell me the bullrun isn't over, i can't divine the future as well as you guys

>> No.26396500
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What does it taste like brehs?

>> No.26396501

ahhh mona please sit on my face

>> No.26396853

this is the standard q1 dump. it's a shakeout. don't worry, the bullrun is full of FUD. just ignore it

>> No.26397148

That is because you are lazy.
Not a slight on you, most people fall into that rubric.
Crypto/investing should be a hobby unless you legitimately work in that field. (you don't)
The key to wealth is making a lot of money, and the key to that is agency, the ability to leverage your skills in a free market economy.
Point is, you (and most neets on /v/) have it backwards, You make money by having a substantial amount of money and multiplying it.
Poorfolios are simply not going to make it. 10K X 10 is 100k, barely a hovel in niggertown.